FL: City of Boca Raton Opts-Out of Seven50 Regional Plan!
“This isn’t ‘falling like dominoes’ . . . it is becoming a tidal wave,” notes an email from the American Coalition 4 Property Rights.
AC4PR is having a tough time keeping up with the local jurisdictions fleeing the Seven50 regional plan. Last night, February 11, 2014, the City Council of Boca Raton in Palm Beach County voted 5 to 0 to withdraw from the Seven50 Plan.
Language in Boca Raton’s Resolution No. 21-2014 passed last night:
“The [final Seven50 Prosperity] Plan is extremely abstract in it’s application in the City and it’s application to the City is unclear, and whereas the City can terminate the agreement and continue to cooperate with the partnership and its planning efforts, and whereas in the future when the partnership’s report is more fully formulated the City can reexamine the relationship with the partnership.”
“Be it resolved by the City of Boca Raton, due to the abstract nature of the planning report issued by the partnership among other things, the City’s membership in the partnership is hereby terminated and the City Manager is hereby directed to notify the Executive Director of the partnership of such termination.”
“Kudos go out to Rosetta Bailey of Boca Raton, who has pretty much singlehandedly spearheaded the effort to encourage the City to withdraw from the Seven50 regional plan,” states AC4PR.
Rosetta elevated the issue to the City Council by speaking in multiple Public Comment segments at recent Council meetings. Thanks also go to others who have attended and spoken to the Council supporting withdrawal from Seven50. The fact that numerous other county and municipal jurisdictions have been fleeing the Seven50 Plan may perhaps have also been an influence on Boca Raton officials.
AC4PR notes, “This goes down as another sweet win, following closely on the heels of the City of Stuart in Martin County and the Town of Orchid in Indian River County.”
You may view the video here, of the Boca Raton City Council’s discussion and vote on February 12, 2014.
AC4PR states, “Our job to eradicate Seven50 is not done. But each additional local jurisdiction withdrawing, makes our remaining work easier. With your help – attending and (if you so choose) speaking up at local jurisdiction meetings – we can and will win this fight. Enjoy this win. You all deserve to revel in these successes.”
EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of the old City Hall of Boca Raton, FL. It is provided courtesy of Ebyabe.