Tag Archive for: infiltration

VIDEO: Flu d’ etat Infiltration Not Invasion

Making Sense of the Madness” a daily live alternative news broadcast, in conjunction with contributing investigative journalists, publishes weekly Special Reports. This week’s report was submitted by Alexandra Bruce. Her website is Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Alexandra Vruceis the founder and publisher the popular alternative news website Forbidden Knowledge TV (“FKTV”) which began in October 2010 with zero start-up funds. The site’s following grew rapidly and strictly by word-of-mouth, receiving an average of over 1,200,000 monthly page views and Google AdSense revenues of between $10,000 and $15,000 per month.

Late in 2015, FKTV’s AdSense earnings dropped 90% without warning or recourse, in a trend that began to affect an increasing number of websites and YouTube channels that were anti-Hillary and supportive of Donald Trump. This trend has escalated into recurring periods of mass de-platforming of figures in the alternative media, most notably, of Alex Jones.

It has since become apparent that this corporate censorship stems from 4-year plan put forth by David Brock in his memo, “Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action,” to attack Trump supporters using Media Matters, American Bridge, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), and Shareblue. The mainstream media and Big Tech companies have all fallen into lock-step with this plan.

Alexandra has a unique perspective on this creeping Fascism we’re seeing in America today, after attending High School in Brazil during the final days of the CIA-installed military dictatorship there. She had been a lifelong Democrat before her business was crushed by corporate censorship guided by a regressive Left whose militancy knows no bounds.

Alexandra graduated from Brown University with a BA in Semiotics and she worked in independent films and TV for three decades. She was a prolific Director of music videos during the “Golden Age of Hip Hop,” after having been one of the three original founders of MTV’s highest-rated show at the time, ‘Yo! MTV Raps.’ She is also the author of six non-fiction books. The title of this weeks Special Report is, “Infiltration not Invasion”. Below is the script of the reports narration.

Flu d’ etat Infiltration not Invasion

After weeks and weeks of so-called “George Floyd protests” across the country, with America’s largest corporations donating billions of dollars to Black Lives Matter, an organization which has done almost nothing for the Black community in the seven years since its founding, it’s become evident that the allegation of “Systemic Racism” is being used as a cover for a Socialist insurrection that is backed by the most powerful entities in the world.

The UN and its agencies, including the World Health Organization, Big Tech, major corporations, NGOs, academe, teachers’ unions, Hollywood, the Mainstream Media, the DNC, BLM and Antifa are all united in their express mission to end the Constitutional Republic of the United States; to “transform” it and to fold it into a One World Big Pharma Technocracy. This was crystallized in a speech made by Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar on July 7th, in which she said, “We cannot stop at criminal justice system [reform], we must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.” Omar has previously called to eliminate the Department of Homeland Security and to replace the US Government’s border control apparatus with a United Nations-run system. Where did Omar get this idea? We’ll find out…

We’re learning that the reason the George Floyd riots have been so persistent and destructive over the past couple of months is because dozens of District Attorneys, prosecutors, judges, mayors, governors and lawmakers are complicit in these terror acts. They’re not just ordering police to stand-down during mass-looting and arson attacks, they’re calling for their police departments to be dismantled, while they release thousands of criminals to commit more crimes. What other explanation is there for local governments calling to dismantle the criminal justice system during a time of unprecedented domestic unrest than that these politicians are actively working to collapse the very structure they were elected to defend?

George Soros spent millions over the past few years, placing his assets across the country to do his bidding, like Kim Foxx, the Illinois State District Attorney in Cook County who shot to fame when she dropped 16 felony charges against Jussie Smollett. Foxx is now calling for prosecutors to drop felony charges against BLM protestors. In St. Louis, Soros-backed prosecutor, Kim Gardner charged a couple with felonies for the legal act of defending their home by displaying their registered guns to hundreds of protestors who broke down the gates to their home and threatened them on their lawn. Besides Soros, there are many UN-backed initiatives that seek to dismantle the US legal system. One of these is known as the Strong Cities Network, launched in 2015 by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch, during an address to the United Nations General Assembly.

The Strong Cities Network – or the SCN – is a program that hands over control of local law enforcement to a London-based think-tank called the Institute for Strategic Dialogue. The ISD is focused on abolishing the 2nd Amendment and local police departments. A quick search of the ISD’s website reveals a Board of Trustees comprised of a Who’s Who of top-tier Globalist, one-world government, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group power brokers. The Strong Cities Network is a move toward international integration of global law-enforcement agencies. This is antithetical to locally controlled police, that are a part of, and accountable to the communities they serve. It also violates the Constitution. Forty-six US cities, including New York, Los Angeles, San Diego and Louisville have already signed onto the SCN, which allocates US Taxpayer money to pay the UN to install Human Rights police review boards, because according to the UN, America is a “racist society” in need of intervention. And who will be managing these Human Rights police review boards? Lifelong Communist, former President of Chile and Hillary Clinton BFF, Michelle Bachelet, who is now the UN’s High Commissioner of Human Rights.

What is Michelle Bachelet’s agenda? To get rid of the police unions. Who agrees with her? Congress. House Bill 7120: the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020 passed in Congress on June 25th and it is making its way to a Senate vote. House Bill 7120 gives the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet the power to dismiss police as soon as a complaint is filed, without an investigation and to fine the alleged wrongdoers. These fines are then awarded to the State – not to the people who were allegedly injured. This is a tried-and-true plan that NATO has used, in conjunction with the CIA for a takeover, city-by-city of all of a country’s police departments. It’s a tactic that was outlined in a book by Doug Valentine called ‘The Phoenix Program’.

What is proposed in House Bill 7120 has previously been done by UN Peacekeepers in Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Yemen and Haiti. How could this happen in America? If House Bill 7120, which has already passed in Congress, passes the Senate and if former V.P. Joe Biden is elected President. Biden will sign it. If President Donald J. Trump will no longer be there to veto it. Alexandra Bruce • Alexandra.bruce18@gmail.com

©John Michael Chambers. All rights reserved.

Infiltration and Subversion – Communist-Inspired Insurrection!

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within…” – Cicero

The BBC radio news informed us that a recently released report states that successive governments failed to deal with Russia’s long term infiltration of all areas of Britain’s’ society. Object? To destroy democracy. Sound familiar? I’ve warned you about that for the last thirty-five years. Yes, this chaos we witness in all corners of our society has been primarily caused by the failure of our FBI and Intel. Though Communist China is our immediate military foe in the 21st century, the Marxist, Socialist/Communist ideology spread by Russia in the 20th century laid the blueprint for the chaos, killing, and cultural changes. The infiltration and indoctrination was ignored by the FBI. Both agencies also did nothing to stop the Dems Party’s ideological transformation to Socialist Party and its long-term collaboration with Russia…

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a key policy speech on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in which he said “the free world must triumph over this new tyranny.” Everything in the speech absolutely correct, but the last two words in the mentioned quotation. It is not a “new tyranny,” but the well-known tyranny of Socialist/Communist ideology implemented in the USSR and aggressively spread across the globe in the 20th century. The annexation of Hong Kong by China in the 21st century is a carbon copy of the Soviet occupation of the Eastern Europe in the 20th century. The Soviet Bloc occupied Eastern Europe and established the Warsaw Military Pact. Expansionist and aggressive Communist regimes in Asia followed the Soviet order and the bloody Vietnam War began, involving Kampuchea, Laos and others…

Infiltration: The Features of Socialism on American Soil

History is the Mother of all Sciences and Knowledge of the past will open your eyes to the future. I’ve been writing and warning you about Soviet Socialism, describing the Concentration camps and the menace of the Gulag in Russia. China has established a system quadruple the size of the Gulag and those Concentration camps—an unavoidable indication of China’s Socialist/Communist regime in 2020. The spying and theft of secrets and intellectual property is the lifeblood of the criminal regime. You can see another feature of the ideology: the spread of violence on our streets in New York, California, Oregon, Minnesota, Washington D.C. and others. “We are at war, an ongoing asymmetrical war with many different fronts, using a variety of tools, devices, methods, and tricks unknown before. Seemingly unrelated events, in fact, are inextricably connected—all geopolitical events coordinated and directed from the Kremlin.” Read here my column Revelation, April 26, 2018.

It is not a spontaneous movement: the crusade was designed and calculated by Marxist, Socialist/Communist Charlatans in 20th century Russia, where Soviet Socialism was born, practiced, and spread throughout the globe including China. Though the USSR’s Socialist economy is dead, it collapsed in 1991, nothing substantially has changed in Russia and instead of failed Socialism it is now Crony capitalism. Yet, Russia still is being run by Putin’s KGB using the old and fraudulent terminology of Socialism. If you do not know Soviet Socialism, you can’t see its infection around you. I have lived through such a regime a half of my life. I see all the familiar features of the Socialist regime in America today. Judge for yourself…

For the most visual example of the Socialist/Communist infiltration and violence I present – the clans of Antifa, BLM, and the Squad—a militant face of the protest, promoted by the Dems. They are openly calling for the destruction of our political and economic systems—their goal is changing America, they want Communism. They are the armed forces of a so-called Democrat Party and America’s Socialist mafia, creating the chaos, killings, and vandalizing our history: the Squad in the Congress is agitating for the same destruction of the political system, designed and left to us by our Founding Fathers. Please, read Black Lives Matter” and the Camouflage for American Marxism, by Gary Gindler, the FrontPage Magazine, 7, 22, 2020.

At every level of government in the Dems’ states, they are stripping away freedoms and rights from the people. COVID-19 was not a surprise for them, it had brought what the Democrats needed—OPPORTUNITY – power to cement their control over the people as they forced them into a lockdown that has now been months long. It wasn’t an instantaneous transformation of the Dems Party to a Socialist Party, it took decades of Socialist infiltration and spying. A major role in that was played by Bill Clinton and his mafia. When I saw the name Strobe Talbot President of Brooking Institution, my antenna went up I knew that the Russian connection is there, and the famous Trump/Dossier could’ve been concocted under prestigious name of the Institution.

Subversion – Socialist Media-Mob

Commenting on the highly publicized resignation of New York Times editor Bari Weiss, evangelist Franklin Graham is warning Americans not to let the far left sway this year’s election. Her resignation letter, Graham wrote Thursday on Facebook, “confirms what many people already have known – the New York Times is biased to the left, socialist, radical agenda of the Democratic Party.” Franklin Graham warns Americans not to let socialists sway election, By WND Staff Published July 16, 2020. ‘Media powers are putting forth every effort to spin the story.’

I agree with every word written above, and in my writings I was warning you to learn the enemy, because Socialism/Communism is our mortal enemy with one agenda—destruction of American capitalism and implementation of Socialism. I was stunned reading Weiss’ description about publishing in the New York Times, it was a carbon copy of the Soviet newspapers business’ in Pravda. The only difference was the name of the beneficiary party. I lived under one-party system of Communist Party in Russia, writing today in America Weiss was mentioning ‘progressive causes’ of the Democrat Party. She wrote:

“It was very difficult to get anything published that did not ‘explicitly promote progressive causes’ and if something was published, it could happen only ‘after every line is carefully massaged, negotiated and caveated.” She just described the operation within the media in the government of the one-party system, like it was in Soviet Russia.

Conservative writer Andrew Sullivan announces resignation from New York magazine July 15, 2020. Sullivan subsequently expressed support for Weiss on Twitter. “The mob bullied and harassed a young woman for thoughtcrimes,” he wrote. “And her editors stood by and watched. I’d say Bari’s future is a lot more promising than the NYT’s.” He is absolutely right, considering NYT’s systemic anti-Trump publications confirm the ideological Marxist, Socialist/Communist brainwashing of America’s media …

Guard your Freedom: The Enemies Within

At the same time Queen-of-Lies Nancy Pelosi called our law enforcement agents—“Nazis.”  What a shameful statement! Her words forces me to remind you the main Stalin’s postulate of the 20th century: “Never admit crime committed, instead accuse the opposition in that exact crime.”  As a matter of fact, the ideology of Socialism/Communism is based on lies and deceit, treachery and fraud, intimidation and disinformation. Knowing the Russian methods, agenda, and a proclivity to mold Socialist style charlatan-leaders around the world to engineer the cadres of a fifth column, I was stunned when seeing them on America’s soil. Pelosi’s behavior calling China-Covid-19, the “Trump-virus” has stunned me again, driving my memory to the past. It was a Red Flag.

Do you remember the Christmas Season on 2019? The Christmas Season is a wonderful time in America—with charming music, people are happily busy with preparations for Christmas. I have always enjoyed those several weeks in America: they were time of celebration, delight, pleasure, and happiness. The Christmas Season in 2019 was the opposite of that—Nancy Pelosi brought Impeachment against President Trump to Christmas 2019. It was an awkward and very unusual Christmas time in America. Moreover, she was in a hurry doing that, in real hurry as if she was afraid to be late to something extremely important. The inquiry was so flimsy that even Stenny Hoyer, the Democrat House Majority Leader, cautioned against the impeachment. In December 2019 nobody knew what was coming and why Pelosi was in such urgency. Do you have an idea why Pelosi was in such a hurry?

I believe that the puzzle can be solved if you are familiar with the global network of Socialism, its methods, and general agenda, which is the destruction of capitalism. The Dems’ anti-Trump war had several phases and steps. It started with Obama’s weaponized Intel and FBI to go after the president. Both had known that there was no Trump/Russia collusion, so they invented it, to cover-up the real Dems’ collusion with Russia—a treasonous one. Then the farce of Mueller Investigation, the Christmas Season Impeachment, and so on. Though all that ended in fiasco, the subsequent coronavirus changed the predicament by freezing and crippling people’s lives in our country.

I presented at the beginning of this column the Global Network of Socialism for a reason, its methods, and dirty tricks so you could grasp the monumental implication and significance of the events going on before your eyes. In my opinion Nancy Pelosi was in a hurry to Impeach Trump because she knew that Covid-19 way on its way to America from its home in China. She and America’s Socialist mafia were ready to use it as the next step of the anti-Trump war. Look at Dems officials – they are intentionally caving to the mob. Marxist, Socialist, Charlatans are devouring Democrat-led cities. The events in the Blue states indicate a long-term preparation with the calculation of unified actions against Trump and America’s interests. In fact, the Democrats are engaged in a counter-revolutionary putsch against the American Constitutional Republic and against you!

My fellow Americans!

Before your eyes, it is an ideological confrontation waged by global Socialist forces against American Capitalism, Western civilization, and your way of life. That Socialist-aggressive force will fight until a total destruction of our country. The Republican Party is the only political force pursuing American interests and defending a political system designed by our Founding Fathers. In this warfare, there is no choice for us-“we the people” and Republican Party, but to win this war…

To be continued www.simonapipko1.com and on www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/


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