Tag Archive for: Islam. shariah law

Why the U.S. Ignores Islam’s Threat & What to do about Iran?

Why the U.S. Ignores Islam’s Threat

Forget the left; they are already in cahoots with the Islamists, and they will assuredly be among the very first victims of Islam as soon as it assumes power. They both share an ideological milieu with an authoritarian mindset. Islam, with the help of the leftist media and the Democrat Party, has been using the US Constitution against the American people to advance their Islamic agenda.

The left has put America in a very precarious position by allying with America’s enemy. We are in a state of subversion, and most of us don’t even dare to name the enemy, which is Islam. It is no surprise. The so-called Democrat Party always allies itself with America’s hardcore enemies. It could be radical Muslims, illegal aliens, terrorists of all stripes, etc. For as long as they hate America, the Democrats consider them friends.

Many Americans are confused as to why Democrats back Islamic ideology, honor their holidays and customs, and promote them as “the religion of peace,” knowing full well that Islam is not a religion of peace. The answer is quite simple: The Democrat Party will do anything to stay in power. They stand with anyone who dislikes America and the Republican Party.

For those who wish to serve this great nation and hope to keep it on its course toward its glorious destiny, the left recoils. An unholy coalition has been placed by homicidal liberals with Islamists who wish to destroy our existing order of freedom and liberty.

When Democrats and their newfound allies don’t like what they hear, they resort to ridicule, accusations, and name-calling. In fact, they call everyone their favorite word, “racist” or Islamophobes. The Republican Party is not far behind on this issue. No one, not a single elected official in the US Congress, has dared to raise the Islam issue and speak about this extremely important topic that is eating America alive.

So far, nothing has phased our representatives to get serious about Islamic issues and their agenda.

Not even the 9/11 attacks, when a group of Muslims killed nearly 3,000 people, made them think twice about stopping Islam’s ideology. Not an Islamic extremist massacring forty-nine people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, not San Bernardino, CA, where 14 people were killed, not Major Nadal Hassan, a Muslim psychiatrist who gunned down thirteen unarmed soldiers and injured 30 others while yelling Allah-o-Akbar at Ft. Hood, TX. Not Muslim snipers killing three men and two women in separate attacks over 15 hours in Montgomery County, MD. Not even Islamic terrorists detonated a massive truck bomb under the World Trade Center, killing six people and injuring over 1,000 trying to collapse the towers in New York City, and six people died. Not when ten members of a local mosque phoned in a false alarm and then ambushed the responding officers, killing one, in New York City. Not when a Pakistani with Mujahedeen ties gunned down two CIA agents outside of their headquarters, killing them in Langley, VA. Not when a ‘devout Muslim’ staged a suicide attack on a recruiting center at a strip mall and a Naval Center, which left five dead, in Chattanooga, TN, had any effect on US officials. The list goes on, but you get the point.

What can these elected officials do? The least they can do is pass laws that protect American citizens. It’s that easy. They can ban Sharia law in all 50 states, but they won’t. As you can see, these are not isolated issues. As a representative republic, it is incumbent upon these officials to make sure their fellow citizens are safe. But, these officials are also victims of another form of ideology: political correctness. The executive and legislative branches must sit down together and find a solution to this crisis; otherwise, future generations will find themselves in a political and religious war that they have never seen.

In Islamdom, they can dish out insults to non-Muslims and arrest Christians, Bahia’s, or the Jews just for praying. They can confiscate their Holy books and toss them in the trash. They call Jews pigs and monkeys and spit on anyone who isn’t Muslim. But they go into frenzies of self-righteous outrage at the slightest criticism of their barbaric and highly dangerous beliefs.

They never need to challenge the existing political order in our country but can achieve all their goals without bothering or violating the Constitution of the U.S. because the Constitution guarantees complete government non-interference toward religions. Finally, and the most important element perhaps, is the extreme coziness and appeasement of U.S. officials towards Islam and Muslims, which will recklessly and unknowingly drag the entire country and her citizens into an everlasting Islamic inferno, an inferno like the Islamic Republic in occupied Iran and other Islamic terrorist countries.

Even if most Muslims seek to adopt an American lifestyle, a great many Muslims are dead-set on using violence to make America conform to their barbaric way of life. Islam is a cancer. Cancer cells are always few at the beginning, and if left unchecked, they keep multiplying, eventually devouring the non-cancerous organism.

What to do about Iran?

The most promising solution is in the free world’s united support of the Iranian opposition groups to the rule of the Mullahs.

There is no shortage of proposals regarding what to do about the present Iran conundrum. Some proposals are authored by experts such as Henry Kissinger, while others are put forward by a variety of lesser luminaries.

I am one of the lesser luminaries. I have been observing and worrying about my country of birth, Iran, ever since a gang of murderous Mullahs and their functionaries assumed power. To my infinite regret and the regret of millions of Iranians, the situation in Iran under the fascist rule of Mullahs is rapidly deteriorating in every respect.

The Iranians, historically among the most civilized and tolerant of mankind, are now viewed as the base recruits of a primitive seventh-century barbaric campaign of Islamofascism. Iran, under the stranglehold and machinations of the Mullahs, has been transformed, in less than four decades, to the lead perpetrator of all that is abhorrent to humanity.

The “Iran Problem” is now a world problem. The question is, what should we do about Iran?

Pivotal to the success of any solution is first the realization that Islam is a religion of death and misery. A few facts are presented below to support this assertion.

  • The Quran itself repeatedly glorifies death, killing, and dying for Islam. It promises the faithful infinite rewards for his Jihad in Allah’s paradise.
  • Nearly all Islamic holy days, particularly those of the Shiite sect, are observances and re-enactments associated with death.
  • The Palestinian territory is festooned with huge portraits of the “martyrs,” the suicide bombers that the rest of the world calls them for what they are.
  • Streets, parks, and all manners of public places in the Islamic Republic are named after “martyrs” of various sorts.
  • Sheikh Hasan Nasrullah, the leader of Hezbollah in Lebanon and the pawn of Iran’s Mullahs, assured the world of Hezbollah’s victory over Israel by proudly announcing: “We will prevail because the Israelis want to live, and we relish death.

The litany of Islamic death-based beliefs and actions is long indeed. It is, therefore, understandable that Iran’s Mullahs are obsessed agents of death. Islam, the Mullahs’ and their fanatic followers’ system of belief, denigrates life and glorifies death. To these people, death is not death. It is martyrdom, a sure passage to the unimaginably magnificent eternal paradise promised in the Quran.

Under the rule of these adherents of death, everything in Iran is deteriorating and dying. Despite huge oil revenues, the per capita income of the Iranians is now about one-third of what it was before the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Every form of misery has also skyrocketed. Drug addiction, prostitution, and suicide have gone through the roof. The young and the educated continue deserting Iran and family, fleeing to the four corners of the earth in search of a decent life.

To make matters worse, the agents of death, the Mullahs, divert the sorely needed funds at home to sponsor and support adventurous Islamic trouble-making abroad. They supply weapons, provide funds, and train any and all takers who share their wanton campaign of terrorism anywhere in the world.

Dissatisfaction with the rule of the Mullahs is widespread. Students, traditionally the vanguard of political and social reform in Iran, continue their valiant struggle in the face of torture, imprisonment, and death. Labor unions, although tightly controlled, are in a constant state of rebellion against the inhumane treatment by the state. Ethnic and religious minorities suffering under ruthless Islamic injustice and Pogrom-like measures are ripe for mass eruption.

The lifeblood of Iran’s economy is oil and natural gas. The criminal neglect and squandering of these vital and irreplaceable resources hold a future of even more severe hardship for the Iranian people. Impartial expert studies show that Iran’s oil production, at the present rate of exploitation and absence of maintenance, will decline by nearly ten percent per year and will hit zero by 2024.

Corruption and mismanagement, combined with the huge allocation of resources to acquire nuclear weapons, are bound to burden the country’s badly ailing economy and will likely bury the Mullahs in the rubbles of their own making and grant them their death wish. Regrettably, these purveyors of death aim to hurt and kill many innocent people along the way to their inevitable looming graves.

Over the years, much of the world has been preoccupied with its own problems and showed little concern for the plight of the Iranian people until the Mullahs installed a firebrand Islamist, Ahmadinejad, as the President of the country. This man, called by many Iranians “The Monkey,” is was alarming the world by being in control of the Islamofascist train and throttling it full speed ahead for a cataclysmic collision. Former IRI President Ahmadinejad and the current mass murderer, Raisi and their gang are loading their guns and doing all they can to obtain the bomb to bring about the biggest and most dreadful death that would usher in the “Mahdi,” their savior-ruler of the world.

What can the world do is a huge question. Some advocate military solutions of various types, ranging from surgical bombings of Iran’s nuclear facilities to military occupation of its oil-producing regions along the Persian Gulf to a full occupation of the country. Each and every one of these trigger-happy solutions is doomed to failure since they will play directly into the hands of the Mullahs. Any military action against Iran will encounter Iranians’ fierce sense of national pride that would rally the people to support the regime. Military actions would compound the problem by creating a greater worldwide Islamic solidarity against the perceived “Crusaders-Zionists” conspiracy.

Some see the solution in negotiation with the Mullahs. These people are either naïve or dishonest. Mullahs’ negotiation is Islamic to the core. They take all, and you give all since you, according to the Islamic fiat, are not entitled to anything. One can see how Muslims negotiate even among themselves in places like Iraq, the Palestinian territory, Pakistan, and every other Islamic land.

The most promising solution is in the free world’s united support of the Iranian opposition groups to the rule of the Mullahs. The Iranian people themselves are fully capable and are determined to remove the cancer of Islamism from their country. The United States, Israel, and other democracies have a huge stake in the success of the Iranian people to rid themselves of Islamic tyranny.

As I have briefly outlined above, the Mullahs are highly vulnerable. A comprehensive political, moral, and economic measure by the United States and others offers the best chance of ending Mullah’s reign of terror and diffusing the existential threat they pose to the world. The Bible says, “From those who are much given, much is demanded.” Perhaps it is for this reason that the people of the United States of America are again called upon to make huge sacrifices to defeat another tyranny. It is important that this great nation stays the course and enlists its power in support of freedom-loving Iranians to topple the ruling Islamofascists who are bent on wreaking death and destruction in the world.

It is also important to keep in mind Albert Einstein’s warning, “The world is a dangerous place not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”

When it comes to doing something prudent, it is good to follow the advice of the ancient Persians: “The lion of the meadow of Mazandaran can be captured by no other than a Mazadarani warrior.” The best match for the ruthless Mullahs and their hired Islamic stormtroopers are the Iranian warriors themselves. The people of Iran themselves are the best solution for the present Iranian conundrum. The valiant Iranians need a bit of help. And the last thing they need is appeasing negotiators to give the Mullahs a new lease on life, an invasion by the Marines, or a shower of bombs from the sky.

©2024. . All rights reserved.

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The Death of America?

In more than twelve years of writing a weekly essay on some of the most critical problems of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, I’ve never been short of subject matter and I’ve never been at a loss for words… until now.  For more than two months I have tried to find a way to address the question of what must be done to prosecute the war on radical Islam, while being fully aware that a committed communist, who may also be a “closet” Muslim jihadist, serves as commander in chief of U.S. military forces.  Although I have never hesitated to go “out on a limb” to propose solutions that others may see as radical or “outside the box,” I have attempted to stay as close as possible to what I hope others would judge to be at least within the realm of possibility.

Having said that, and being aware that essentially everyone else in the western world remains wedded to the notion that the long term future of western civilization depends on our ability to find a way to peacefully coexist with Islamists… both radicals and moderates… I find myself of a different opinion.  In order to be persuaded otherwise, I would have to see conclusive proof that somewhere… at some time in history… Muslims have set aside their goal of total world dominion in the interest of harmony and peaceful coexistence with non-Muslims.  That proof simply does not exist.  Instead, the so-called “moderate” Muslims appear to be nothing but a silent cheering section for radical jihadists.

Reading the history of Islam, it is tempting to believe that, for periods of years since the death of Mohammed in 632 A.D., Muslims throughout the world had finally decided to live as civilized human beings when, in fact, they were merely resting, re-arming, and preparing for the next major assault on Christianity, Judaism, and the rest of western culture.

According to an April 13, 2015, report by the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), during calendar year 2011, for the third year in a row, Sunni Muslims accounted for the greatest number of terrorist attacks and fatalities.  Of the more than 5,700 terror incidents during that year, some 56 percent were committed by Sunnis.  As such, they were responsible for 12,533 fatalities, or 70 percent of all terrorist fatalities.

The report tells us that, while Sunni Muslims were responsible for 70 percent of the terrorist fatalities, worldwide, another 24 percent of the fatalities were attributable to Shiites.  Taken together, the two largest Muslim sects were responsible for 94 percent of all terror fatalities during calendar year 2011.  Since 2011, with ISIS making a major contribution, the number of fatalities attributable to Muslim terrorism, worldwide, has grown to nearly 100 percent of the total terror-related deaths.

According to the NCTC report, a total of 9,707 terror attacks occurred worldwide during calendar year 2013, resulting in more than 17,800 deaths and more than 32,500 injuries.  In addition, more than 2,990 individuals were kidnapped or taken hostage.  The identities of the responsible terror groups were reported in only 3,100 (32 percent) of the 9,707 attacks recorded in 2013.  However, of the 17,800 fatalities attributable to those 3,100 terror attacks, 5,655 were attributable to only three of the more than 50 known terror organizations: the Taliban, ISIS, and Boko Haram.

And while we in the United States appear to be frozen in fear of radical Islam, afraid to do what is necessary to protect ourselves, there are positive signs in other parts of the world. For example, according to an April 17, 2015 article by Y.K. Cherson in The Counter Jihad Report, Japan is “practically closed” to Muslims.

A leader of the Japanese Muslim community, Nur Ad-Din Mori, was asked what percentage of Japan’s total population are Muslims.  He estimated the number to be one out of a hundred thousand.  With a total population of 130 million people, the Muslim population of Japan would be about 1,300.  Nevertheless, those Muslims who obtained immigration permits and have lived in the country for many years have little expectation of ever becoming Japanese citizens.

Clearly, the Japanese make things very difficult for Muslims.  As impediments to the spread if Islam, Japan officially forbids proselytizing people to adopt Islam as their religion, and anyone who is found actively encouraging conversion to Islam faces deportation and possibly jail time.  Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Muslims, it does not allow Muslims to take up permanent residence, Japanese universities do not teach Arabic or other Islamic languages, and it is not permitted to import a Quran published in Arabic.  There is no Sharia law in Japan and even today, in the age of technology, visas are not granted to Muslim doctors, engineers, or managers sent by foreign corporations.  Most Japanese companies have policies stating that job applications prepared by Muslim applicants will not be considered. .

In China, Muslim prayers are banned in government buildings and schools in Xinjiang Province (Western China) and, in some regions of the country, burqas and long beards are banned and Muslim bars and restaurants are required to sell alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, both of which are banned in Islam.

In England, the parliament has passed legislation which allows the government to strip terror suspects of their citizenship… even if it renders them stateless.  Britain has been one of the few Western countries that can revoke citizenship and its associated rights from dual citizens, even those who are native-born, if they are suspected or convicted of acts of terrorism or disloyalty.

In Germany, 78 attacks targeting mosques have been carried out between 2012 and 2014.  During calendar year 2015, alone, there were 81 violent attacks on mosques.

Since New Year’s Eve, when nearly 1,000 Muslim immigrants engaged in the mass rape and sexual assaults of German women and girls in the square near the Cologne Cathedral, it appears that Germans are finally beginning to awaken to the dangers posed by unrestricted Muslim immigration.  In the early days of January, crowds of outraged Germans rioted in the streets in major cities across the country, attacking Muslim immigrants and ransacking and burning Muslim-owned businesses.
In Norway, more than 2,000 Muslims have been deported in a major crime-fighting program.  Since those individuals left the country, crime has fallen by 72%.  Prison officials are reporting that nearly half of their jail cells are now vacant and courtrooms are nearly empty.  The Pakistani imam of a Norwegian mosque, where a pig’s head was delivered to his front door, was injured in an axe attack in June.

In Poland, an anti-immigrant group has published its manifesto, saying,

“In Poland, there will be NO sharia law.  NO head-banging or shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ in the streets.  NO insulting our religion and our culture.  NO burning cars like in France.  NO burning down police stations.  NO imposing your ways on us.  NO calling us the sons of apes and pigs.  If you do, we will be the ones waging jihad…on YOU!  Remember that, in your lands, you can do what you want, but not in Poland.”

In Cuba, a delegation sent by the Muslim World League (MWL) requested permission to build a mosque in Havana.  They were sent home empty-handed.  The Castro government responded by saying, “This is impossible because, once the Cuban government agrees to the setting up of an Islamic organization, it has also to agree to the setting up of similar organizations by other religious denominations, such as the Christians, whose Catholic denomination make up 90 percent of the population.  We are not religious-minded because we are socialists and do not allow any religious societies in our midst.”

The March 2015 edition of The Atlantic Magazine describes ISIS in very stark terms, saying, “Our ignorance of the Islamic State is in some ways understandable: It is a hermit kingdom; few have gone there and returned.  (ISIS leader Abu Bakr) al-Baghdadi has spoken on camera only once.  But his address and the Islamic State’s countless other propaganda videos and encyclicals are online, and the caliphate’s supporters have toiled mightily to make their project knowable.  We can gather that their state rejects peace as a matter of principle; that it hungers for genocide; that its religious views make it constitutionally incapable of certain types of change, even if that change might ensure its survival; and that it considers itself a harbinger of… and headline player in… the imminent end of the world.”

That is how radical Islamists see the future.  Unfortunately, a great many American politicians and opinion leaders have convinced themselves that Muslims and Hispanics come to America with the same hopes and aspirations.  They refuse to acknowledge that most Hispanics come to America to improve their lives, while far too many Muslims come to America to deprive us of ours.

If we fail to convince our political leaders that Islam is incompatible with our culture and our constitutional principles and cannot be tolerated, and if we fail to insulate our advanced civilization from the brutal seventh century incivility of modern day Islam, then we can have little hope for our long term future; the end of America is at hand.  Our fate is sealed.