Civil War: America’s Enemies Hiding in Plain Sight
Russian born American writer and novelist Ayn Rand wrote, “The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other – until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.”
Janie Johnson posted the above photo of Black Lives Matter (BLM) protestors on her Twitter page. Janie wrote, “On [the] bottom of the signs is the inscription: To see who printed them, go to:”
The organization that printed these BLM posters is the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (RCP-USA). The stated strategic approach of the RCP-USA is to:
“Fight the Power, and Transform the People, for Revolution…to take up a revolutionary viewpoint and revolutionary values and morals as they join with others to resist this system’s crimes and build up the basis for the ultimate all-out revolutionary struggle to sweep this system away and bring in a whole new way of organizing society, a whole new way of being…to become emancipators of humanity.” [Emphasis RCP-USA]
The RCP-USA signs brought to mind several banners carried by BLM protestors in Ferguson, Missouri.
Robert Spencer in his November 2014 column Islamic supremacist groups connect their jihad to Ferguson riots wrote:
In the photo above (thanks to Kay), Leftist demonstrators relate the strife in Ferguson to the “Palestinian” jihad. And Pamela Geller has a great deal of information on how Islamic jihadists and supremacists, including the Hamas-linked terror organization CAIR, have tried to co-opt the Ferguson riots as part of their own jihad. Most noteworthy is the active presence in Ferguson of “Palestinian” jihad activist Bassem Masri.
The connection between Ferguson and “Palestine” (and the global jihad in general) is clear: both the Islamic supremacists and the Ferguson rioters think that the American system is corrupt and must be brought down.

Islamic State banner carried by Black Lives Matter protestors in Ferguson, Missouri. Photo: CNN
In a November 2014 column Ferguson: The beginning of an American Intifada I wrote:
This spiral of death and destruction scenario is used across the globe to incite riots, mayhem and violence. It is used to recruit those with real or perceived grievances against those in authority. It is being used by the Islamic State to recruit in Ferguson, Missouri.
Ferguson is the beginning of the American intifada in the black community. This same strategy is being used by terrorist organizations like HAMAS, Hezbollah, Boko Haram and al Qaeda. Grab the headlines and make your point via political violence. The problem is the narrative is routinely false, even based upon lies, but by the time the facts are presented it is too late. The damage has already been done.
Lessons learned from Ferguson:
- Appeasement of the protesters leads to more violence.
- Coalitions of outside organizations including radical homosexual, Muslim and minority groups makes for a deadly mix.
- The targets are the law and law enforcement. The demand is for two legal systems, one for minorities and one for whites.
- The creation of no-go zones where police and firefighters cannot or will not go due to the threat of violence.
- The manipulation of the media in the name of “equality” and “social justice” to create a scenario where a radical agenda may be furthered that denies both.
- The use of violence even when blacks, like President Obama, call upon their fellow blacks to be non-violent.
- The creation of a atmosphere where law enforcement officers will hesitate to enforce the law or ignore the law in order not to become a target.
- Lawlessness with an anarchist’s political objective – to destroy the status quo.
A race war is upon America because some minorities want it more than they want to be Americans.
I fear that these groups will once again come together in Cleveland to disrupt the Republican National Convention and Donald Trump’s nomination. This Red/Green/Rainbow alliance has already showed itself at Trump rallies. The Red/Green/Rainbow alliance is emboldened and becoming more violent.
These protestors want to bring a civil war to America in order to fundamentally transform the country.
America is a land of laws and requires order. Protest if one wishes but to become violent demands police action and people, organizations and institutions to be held accountable.
We shall see what happens in Cleveland. Stay tuned.
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