Tag Archive for: Islamophobia

Tlaib and her allies enraged over ‘racist and Islamophobic’ cartoon showing her with exploded pager

This is how charges of “racism” and “Islamophobia” are weaponized against those who oppose jihad mass murder and Sharia oppression of women. There is nothing “racist” or “Islamophobic” about this cartoon. It doesn’t mention Tlaib’s race or her religion. It merely makes fun of her for her unapologetic and open support of the jihad against Israel, which allies her with jihad terror groups including Hizballah. For Tlaib and others like her, however, charging “racism” and “Islamophobia” is the all-purpose response to any criticism, no matter how mild.

“Rashida Tlaib condemns racist and Islamophobic cartoon depicting her with exploding pager,” Express Tribune, September 21, 2024:

US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has condemned a political cartoon published by the National Review that portrays her with an exploding pager, calling it racist and Islamophobic.

The cartoon, created by Henry Payne, references recent explosions in Lebanon where pagers used by Hezbollah members reportedly detonated, resulting in numerous deaths and injuries.

Israel has been accused of being responsible for the explosions, though it has not officially claimed responsibility.

Tlaib, the only Palestinian American in Congress and a fierce critic of Israel’s military actions, said the cartoon would incite further hate and violence against Arab and Muslim communities.

“Our community is already in so much pain,” Tlaib wrote on social media, adding that such depictions normalize racism and put lives at risk.

The cartoon showed a woman labeled as “Rep. Tlaib” sitting next to a pager that explodes while she comments, “ODD. MY PAGER JUST EXPLODED.”

Payne’s title for the cartoon, “Tlaib Pager Hamas,” sparked outrage online, with many social media users condemning it as offensive. Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud called the cartoon “disgusting” and criticized the normalization of anti-Arab bigotry….



A most ungodly church

Another Day, Another Defeat For Hezbollah

Israel Accused of the Crime of Defending Itself

Biden-Harris Campaign Did Not Inform FBI of Iranian Hackers Offering Stolen Trump Info

Israel Destroyed an Underground Precision-Missile Factory in Syria

‘That Is Not The Same God’: Personal Trainer Who Stopped Muslim Terrorist

Minneapolis: First Somali Refugee to Run Public Housing Admits to Stealing Millions

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Shameful Silencing of Foes of Jihad Violence and Sharia Oppression of Women

Brendan O’Neill is right: “The intention is as clear as it is repellent: to send the message that it isn’t Islamism that’s the problem – it’s ‘Islamophobia.’” But this endeavor has been going on far longer than the brouhaha over Lee Anderson.

It goes back to incidents such as the British government’s persecution of Tommy Robinson and the banning of foreign foes of jihad violence and Sharia oppression from entering the country.

Many, if not most, of the “respectable” critics of “radical Islam” had little or nothing to say about those incidents, and now they, and Britain at large, are reaping the rewards of their cowardice and pusillanimity.

The shameful silencing of radical Islam’s critics

by Brendan O’Neill, Spiked, February 25, 2024:

What Tory MP Lee Anderson said this week was dumb. But what the cultural elites are doing on the back of Anderson’s comments is outright sinister.

They are using his outburst about ‘the Islamists’ having ‘control’ over London mayor Sadiq Khan to distract attention from the very real threat Islamists pose in 21st-century Britain. They are holding him up as oafish proof that the ‘real threat’ is the ‘far right’ and ‘Islamophobes’ – gruff gammon like him – not those mystical ‘Islamists’ people keep banging on about. They are exploiting the Anderson scandal to achieve something they’ve wanted to achieve since the 7 October pogrom and the orgy of bigotry it licensed in Britain and other Western nations – that is, shift the public’s attention away from Islamism and back to ‘Islamophobia’. It is one of the most cynical political manoeuvres of modern times….

And yet, for all their daftness, the reaction to Anderson’s comments has felt wildly overblown. Not to mention transparently self-serving. Political influencers have not contented themselves with criticising him, or branding him a raging Islamophobe, if that’s what they want to do. No, they’ve made him into the archetype of ‘Islamophobic Britain’. They’ve crowned him King Gammon, who merely gives voice to a phobic derangement that is all-pervasive. The irony is too much – they damn the conspiracist mindset that sees Islamists as the puppeteers of public life while promoting their own unhinged theory that actually it’s Islamophobes who haunt every corridor of power.

Khan says Anderson’s blather is symptomatic of a ‘massive increase in Islamophobia’. The Scottish first minister, Humza Yousaf, says Anderson’s comments are proof of ‘how acceptable and pervasive Islamophobia has become in our society’. We now know that ‘Islamophobia is rampant in the Tories’, says the Guardian’s Owen Jones.

This giddy extrapolation from one loudmouth’s musings on a TV show to the end of tarring the entire nation as ‘Islamophobic’ is not only cynical – it’s ominous. The intention is as clear as it is repellent: to send the message that it isn’t Islamism that’s the problem – it’s ‘Islamophobia’. Worse, Anderson-bashers are implying, if not outright stating, that critics of Islamism pose a larger threat to the nation than Islamism itself. Especially its right-wing critics, those ‘far right’ goons like Anderson and Braverman, as they crazily view those outspoken Tories. We are witnessing nothing less than a top-down cultural assault on truth – the truth here being that radical Islam is indeed a major threat to life, limb and democracy….

Continue reading.



Greece: Muslim migrant stabs Greek woman on central Athens street

California: ‘Disgruntled’ Muslim patient shoots and kills Orthodox Jewish dentist

William Dalrymple Is Out Far and In Deep

Hamas on October 7th: The Teachings of Islam on Display (Part 1)

Media Blackout: 67+ ‘Prominent’ Muslims in Minnesota Arrested in Biggest U.S. Pandemic-Era Fraud Scheme

Hamas Staged a Food Aid Riot to Blame Israel and Retain Control Over Aid

New Zealand designates Hamas a terror group and imposes sanctions on ‘extremist Israeli settlers’

Hamas’ Claim That IDF Killed 100 Civilians In Attack On Aid Trucks Doesn’t Hold Up to Scrutiny

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hamas-linked CAIR Files Suit to Discontinue Terrorism Watchlist

Because there is no more terrorism, rightRight?

Could it be that the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) wants to hamstring the little effort that remains to stop jihad terrorists in the U.S.? Oh, surely not!

Civil Rights Group Files Suit to Discontinue Terrorism Watchlist Created After 9/11

by Megan Gates, ASIS International, September 22, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

A civil rights group sued U.S. federal government officials this week, alleging a terrorist watchlist is used for “harassment and humiliation” and should be discontinued.

The Michigan Chapter of the Council on American Islamic Rights (CAIR), a grassroots civil rights and advocacy organization, announced the filing of the lawsuit on behalf of 12 plaintiffs against 29 U.S. federal government representatives on Monday, including the U.S. attorney general, FBI director, and the U.S. Secret Service director. Dearborn, Michigan, has the largest Muslim population per capita of any city in the United States.

“In Michigan and across the nation, American Muslims targeted by the federal government’s unconstitutional, discriminatory watchlist and [sic] standing up and demanding justice from the government for 20 years of unjust targeting,” said CAIR-Michigan Executive Director Dawud Walid in a statement. “The time has come for the Biden administration to end the use of the watchlist.”

The lawsuit alleges that the defendants violated Fifth Amendment due process, equal protection under the law, and self-incrimination protections by placing plaintiffs and other individuals on the Terrorist Screening Dataset (TSDS), as well as the No Fly List and Selectee List, without any meaningful process. The suit also charges that the defendants have violated the Fourth Amendment by subjecting watch listed individuals to unreasonable searches and seizures when they cross the border to enter the United States.

In addition, the watchlist program is a violation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act by “substantially” burdening individuals’ practice of Islam by “repeated and intrusive government inquiry” into their beliefs, religious communities, and religious practices, according to the lawsuit.

The plaintiffs are seeking injunctions that require the U.S. federal government to remedy constitutional and statutory violations by providing individuals on the TSDS and its subsets with a legal mechanism that gives them notice of why they are on the list, as well as a meaningful opportunity to contest their inclusion.

Additionally, the plaintiffs are requesting they be removed from the TSDS and other watchlists that inhibit their travel or ability to access government benefits, that their records of TSDS inclusion be permanently expunged, that the watchlist system be reformed to eliminate any discriminatory focus on Muslim identity or religious practice, and other relief, including a trial by jury and monetary damages.

“Watchlist placement extrajudicially sentences innocent Americans to permanent second-class citizenship,” said CAIR in a statement. “CAIR’s lawsuit reveals for the first time that, even on the rare occasion that the government removes an individual from the watchlist, an individual’s past watchlist will continue to haunt them. Federal agencies retain records of past watchlist status and use them to deny formerly listed individuals access to government buildings, security clearances, federal employment, and other licenses and government benefits.”…

Read more.



INVASION BY DESIGN: Biden’s Customs and Border Protection Cuts Barbwire Barrier Keeping Out the Hordes of Illegals.

China brokered Saudi-Iran rapprochement is leading more countries to engage with Iran

Pakistan’s prime minister: ‘We are waiting all Hindus to be persuaded to the enlighten truth of Islam’

Menendez, facing bribery charges involving halal company, got $2 million in public cash for Ground Zero Mosque imam

Pakistan: Police briefly detain and torture Christian human rights activists

At UN, Pakistan’s prime minister claims that ‘Islamophobia’ is ‘latent threat that undermines millennia of progress’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden regime hosts Muslim leaders linked to Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood at White House to discuss ‘Islamophobia’

Note first that all the participants shared the same point of view. No one who would tell the truth about “Islamophobia,” that it’s a propaganda term designed to intimidate people into thinking it’s wrong to oppose jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women, was even anywhere close to being invited.

Note also that the Biden regime doesn’t hesitate to associate with representatives of groups with demonstrable links to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Robert McCaw of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was there. CAIR officials have refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements about how Islamic law should be imposed in the U.S. (Ahmad denies this, but the original reporter stands by her story.) CAIR chapters frequently distribute pamphlets telling Muslims not to cooperate with law enforcement. CAIR has opposed virtually every anti-terror measure that has been proposed or implemented and has been declared a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates. A CAIR operative has called for the overthrow of the U.S. government.

Mohamed Magid was there. According to Focus On Western Islamism, “Magid’s previous organization, ISNA, was designated by the Justice Department as an unindicted co-conspirator in the terrorism-financing trial of the Holy Land Foundation in 2007. The Justice Department also listed ISNA as an ‘entity’ of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. In 2009, a federal judge upheld the designation because of ‘ample’ evidence linking ISNA to the Hamas-financing network. Magid fanned the flames during the Holy Land investigation by stating that elements of the U.S. government were acting with ‘intent on dismantling Muslim organizations and bringing them down.’ Magid spoke at a fundraiser for the rabidly anti-American imam Jabil Abdullah Al-Amin (previously known as H. Rap Brown), who was convicted of murdering a police officer in 2008. Al-Amin is the spiritual leader of a violent extremist group called Ummah that, according to the FBI, is a ‘nationwide radical fundamentalist Sunni group’ whose ‘primary mission is to establish a separate, sovereign Islamic state within the borders of the United States, governed by Shariah law.’ Magid… [played a] role in hindering discussion of the Islamist political motives of jihadist terrorism while serving on the Obama Administration’s working group dedicated to Countering Violent Extremism program said Kyle Shideler, director of the Center for Security Policy. Under pressure from Magid and others, this group ‘totally erased any discussion of the Islamist political motives of jihadist terrorism,’ he said.”

Salam al-Marayati was there. Again according to Focus On Western Islamism, “in 1999 he called Hezbollah attacks as ‘legitimate resistance.’ Marayati suggested that Israel perpetrated 9/11 to distract attention away from its actions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. His involvement with MPAC is remarkable because the organization was founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood and has a history of concerning rhetoric. For example, the organization has claimed that the War on Terror was actually a ‘war on Islam’ perpetuated by a conspiracy of anti-Muslim ‘special interest groups’ working with U.S. government officials to promote ‘Islamophobic’ policies in the aftermath of 9/11. In 2010, a MPAC policy paper argued that the Muslim Brotherhood’s ‘peaceful activism’ is an asset to the U.S.’s efforts to fight Al-Qaeda.”

Dalia Mogahed was there. According to the Global Influence Operations Report, she is “the Director of Research at the US Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, a group whose Board of Advisors and staff includes prominent figures in the US Muslim Brotherhood.”

Muslim Brotherhood organizations in the United States are dedicated, according to a captured internal document, to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house.” And even its miserable White House.

“Readout of White House Listening Session on Islamophobia,” WhiteHouse.gov, May 3, 2023:

Yesterday, Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff, White House Domestic Policy Advisor Ambassador Susan Rice, Deputy Homeland Security Advisor Joshua Geltzer, U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom Rashad Hussain, and Office of Public Engagement Director Stephen Benjamin hosted a listening session with Muslim community leaders to discuss efforts to counter Islamophobia, which is hate, discrimination, or bias directed at people who are or are perceived to be Muslim. During the convening, Muslim leaders outlined the challenges facing their communities and shared recommendations for confronting Islamophobia and all forms of hate and bigotry.

Biden-Haris [sic] administration officials conveyed their gratitude to the participants for their leadership and underscored the President’s commitment to countering Islamophobia. The listening session followed President Biden’s White House Reception to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, and is a part of the ongoing efforts of the President’s interagency task force to counter antisemitism, Islamophobia, and related forms of bias and discrimination within the United States.

Participants included:

  • Imam Mohamed Magid, Executive Imam, All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS)
  • Dalia Mogahed, Director of Research, Institute for Social Policy & Understanding
  • Suzanne Barakat, Board Chair, Our Three Winners
  • Rais Bhuiyan, Founder and President, World Without Hate
  • Arsalan Suleman, President and Co-Founder, America Indivisible
  • Robert McCaw, Government Affairs Director, Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)
  • Farhan Latif, President, El-Hibri Foundation
  • Catherine Orsborn, Director of Program Operations, El-Hibri Foundation
  • Wa’el Alzayat, CEO, Emgage
  • Iman Awad, Deputy Director, Emgage
  • Maha Elgenaidi, Founder and Executive Director, Islamic Networks Group
  • Rahmah Abdulaleem, Executive Director, Karamah
  • Omar Farah, Executive Director, Muslim Advocates
  • Salam Al-Marayati, President, Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
  • Faiyaz Hussain, Senior Advisor for Strategy, Policy, and Programs, Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
  • Rahat Husain, President, Shia Muslim Foundation


RELATED VIDEO: Robert Spencer on The Critical Qur’an


Afghanistan: Taliban shot female police officer nine times, stabbed her ten times, gouged out her eyes

For Muslim Migrants In France, Crime Pays

Denmark: Muslim migrant to be deported for 12 years after stabbing man several times in the neck

Foreign Policy Analysts: Sanction ‘Apartheid’ Israel to Force a ‘One-State Solution’

Georgetown, the oldest Catholic university in the U.S., opens a large mosque on campus

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

In Eid message, Biden boasts of ‘inter-agency task force with senior government officials to tackle Islamophobia’

This will mean more crackdowns on the freedom of speech. This is because the term “Islamophobia” is an illegitimate conflation of two distinct phenomena: vigilante attacks against innocent Muslims, which are never justified, and honest analysis of the motivating ideology of jihad terror, which is always necessary. The objective of this conflation is to silence that analysis by falsely claiming that it leads to or causes those attacks.

Biden pledges to fight Islamophobia in Eid message

by Anwar Iqbal, Dawn, April 22, 2023:

WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden assured Muslims in his Eid message on Friday that his administration was committed to addressing Islamophobia as an ideology of hate.

“As we celebrate our blessings this Eid, let us also recommit ourselves to the timeless work of building peace and standing up for the rights and dignity of all people,” he said in a message released by the White House.

“My administration is also committed to addressing all forms of hate, including Islamophobia. This is why I established an inter-agency task force with senior government officials to tackle this and related challenges and encourage every American to build a more inclusive nation,” he added.

This year, the United Nations observed the first International Day to Combat Islamophobia on March 15. Since Pakistan had initiated the proposal, it was invited to chair the first observation at UN headquarters in New York.

March 15 was chosen as it is the anniversary of the 2019 Christchurch mosque shootings, in which 51 people were killed.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, however, focused on remembering those who were away from their homes on Eid due to violence and persecution. “As we celebrate, let us not forget those who are unable to do so in the safety and comfort of their homes due to conflict, violence, persecution, or humanitarian crises,” he said in his Eid message.

He assured those separated from their loved ones on Eid that the United States would continue to work to reunite broken families. “The United States remains unwavering in its commitment to promoting peace, justice, and religious freedom for all. We wish you a blessed and joyful Eidul Fitr. Eid Mubarak,” he said.

President Biden said he was “moved by the generosity” shown during Ramazan and Eid when Muslims provide food and give charity to those in need. “We are proud to celebrate Eidul Fitr at the White House again this year to honour inspiring Muslim Americans who are making contributions across our country,” the US president said…



Burkina Faso: Muslims murder 40 people, including six soldiers

Swedish telecom giant provided high-tech equipment to al-Qaeda in exchange for protection

UK: Muslim stabs wife to death after she refused to let him take another spouse

Northern Virginia: Muslim pleads guilty to 2009 terror charge, will serve no prison time

India: Security forces suspect Pakistani jihadis responsible for murder of five soldiers in Jammu and Kashmir

UK: Far-Left Guardian Features Pro-Jihad, Antisemitic ‘Journalist’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The New House Homeland Security Committee Chair Already Has the Left Enraged

Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.) has been tapped as the new chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security, and even though the new Congress has barely gotten started, he already has the censorious Left up in arms. Newsweek reported last Monday that Trump nominated Green to be Secretary of the Army, but “he ended up withdrawing his nomination from consideration for the role in 2017 after coming under fire for past comments about members of the LGBTQ community, particularly transgender people.” It seems that Green said: “If you poll the psychiatrists, they’re going to tell you transgender is a disease.” Horror of horrors! Everyone can see that men who think they’re women and vice versa are as sane and well-adjusted as the day is long. And now it has come to light that Green has violated Leftist pieties in another way as well: he has a history of making “anti-Muslim comments.”

The HuffPo sounded the alarm on this Thursday, doing its level best to portray Green as a racist, redneck yahoo. HuffPo claimed that Green, whom it identified as “a physician, Iraq War veteran and former GOP state senator,” that is, just the sort of person Leftists abhor, once said “that Iraqis smelled like ‘curry mixed with sweat.’” Sabina Mohyuddin of the American Muslim Advisory Council fumed: “If you hold stereotypes about communities, how can you effectively move on issues that are really nuanced and require a greater understanding of the issues?”

However, Rachel Del Guidice, Green’s communications director, shot back that “some media outlets cut and spliced” what Green said, and added: “Rep. Green has not, and will not ever, force his religion on anyone. He believes that every American has a right to defend their country. Having served three tours of duty overseas during the War on Terror, Rep. Green acted as a steadfast protector of everyone in this nation. Vilifying people of faith because they don’t agree with progressive policies is against America’s founding principles — the very principles he fought to protect.”

The HuffPo, however, wasn’t done. It claimed also that Green “once said he didn’t want students in Tennessee to learn about Islam.” This came up at a Tea Party meeting in 2016, “when an audience member read a passage from a textbook that correctly stated that Muslims believe in all the prophets in the Old and New Testament,” and Green replied, “When you start teaching the pillars of Islam … we will not tolerate that in this state.” According to the HuffPo, Green went on to say that “if students did have to learn about Islam…they should only learn ‘the history of the Ottoman Empire’ and ‘the assault of Islam out into the Levant and North Africa and into Constantinople.’”

You see? He’s ignorant as well as racist! And so Sumayyah Waheed of Muslim Advocates, which the HuffPo says is a “national civil rights group based in Washington, D.C.,” declared: “Rep. Green’s well-documented history of hate speech against Muslims, LGBTQ people, and immigrants made him unfit to be Secretary of the Army, and that history makes him unfit to chair the House Homeland Security Committee. As chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, Mark Green is a threat to Muslims ― especially to those that live at the intersections of the communities he has gleefully attacked for political gain.”

But the HuffPo, true to form, doesn’t bother to tell you that what Green was actually talking about was his opposition to Islamic proselytizing and indoctrination in public schools, which has been abundantly documented. Green was pushing back against the whitewashed version of Islam that is taught in all too many public school textbooks around the country, but of course the HuffPo doesn’t give you even a hint that there was ever a controversy over the way Islam was taught in public school textbooks.

The only thing that could legitimately be seen as offensive is his alleged statement that Iraqis smelled like “curry mixed with sweat,” although to jump from there to the claim that he is a “threat to Muslims” is beyond ridiculous. It’s certainly impolite, at the very least, to say it, but I’m sure Americans smell like all sorts of strange things to non-Americans, too, and HuffPo is making a big deal out of a pungent quip in order to try to defame and destroy Green.

This is, of course, how the “Islamophobia” industry always operates: quotes without context given the worse possible spin, no explanation or rebuttal allowed, and demonstrably true statements presented as not only false, but offensive. These gutter tactics have worked wonderfully well for the Left in the past, but people are beginning to wake up. Green may not lose his chairmanship over these remarks; if he doesn’t, that may be an indication that the new House leadership really does have some spine.

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This column originally appeared in PJ Media.



Sen. J.D. Vance, Rep. Andy Biggs Press DHS Sec. Mayorkas Over Mass Parole For Illegal Migrants

At Davos, GOP Rep. Maria Salazar Urges ‘Dignity’ For ’13, 15 Million’ Illegal Immigrants In The US

Lefty Rag Says ‘Islamophobia’ Is Worse Than Ever, So Why Is It So Hard to Find Any?

Far-Left Congresswoman Wants Presidential Pardon for Afghan Who Snuck Across Border Into U.S.

France: ‘A minority of the population is destroying our nation and behaving like savages’

UN calls on Islamic Republic of Pakistan to halt forced conversions, forced marriages and child marriages

France: Knife-wielding Muslim screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ assaults several people, cops trying to determine motive

Pennsylvania: Islamic State jihadi who was serving life sentence for murder disappears from prison

Hamas-linked CAIR contradicts its own Minnesota director on prof showing picture of Muhammad

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Taxpayer-funded Middle East Studies Centers at U.S. Universities Promote Anti-U.S. Propaganda and ‘Islamophobia’ Myths

It’s good to see the National Association of Scholars acknowledging this and documenting it in detail. Jihad Watch has been warning about and documenting it for years, and as a result has been one of the targets of the scurrilous pro-jihad, pro-Sharia propaganda mills that operate out of these compromised universities today. A whole generation has now been propagandized with the “Islamophobia” myth and much more.

U.S. gives $2.9m to Universities that promote anti-West ideologies

Open The Books, November 14, 2022:

While there are more than 50 Middle East Studies Centers at American universities, training students in the culture and languages of the region, 11 are designated National Resource Centers, which provides federal funds.

According to a new report by the National Association of Scholars, the 11 centers each get $260,000 in Title VI funding through the Department of Education to the tune of $2.9 million a year.

They are at Columbia University, George Washington University, Georgetown University, Indiana University, New York University, University of Arizona, UCLA, University of Chicago, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, UNC/Duke University partnership.

The report, Hijacked: The Capture of America’s Middle East Studies Centers, says the centers have veered far afield their purpose, now pushing overtly anti-West ideologies focusing on social issues such as Islamophobia and immigration at the university level, and even push critical race theory to K–12 educators….

Yale University courses are frequently rife with progressive dogmas, including requiring students to read such as, “Islam Today: Jihad and Fundamentalism,” which attempts to reframe the most dangerous aspects of Islam as a “reactive force to Western colonialism,” according to the report.

“By only presenting students with books that advance a pro-immigration agenda, educators sidestep meaningful debate on the issue and bias students toward their own progressive views,” Arnold wrote in the report. “The bias of these centers has been documented for years. It’s time for taxpayers to be taken off the hook for these activist centers.”…



Afghanistan: Supreme leader orders full implementation of Sharia, including public executions, stonings, amputations

Austria: Muslim migrant forces his wife to wear hijab, stabs her 11 times, says ‘I just wanted to scare her’

Australia: Teen converts to Islam, plots jihad massacre at home, opts instead to blow himself up in Iraq

Italy: Muslim arrested for torture and abuse of two people, including a teenager, who refused to fight for ISIS

Morocco: Muslims chase and brutally beat LGBT person

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Iran: ‘Standing up for freedom should never be labelled as Islamophobia’

Imagine anyone even thinking this. This is proof of the fact that “Islamophobia” charges are wielded as a weapon to silence criticism of anything Islamic or related to Islam.



Iran: Mother of girl killed in protests says her injuries don’t match regime’s claims of how she died

Khamenei: ‘These recent riots are not something spontaneous and coming from within’

Oil Workers In Iran Now Threaten to ‘Destroy What We Built’

Iran: Police use ambulances to escape outraged protesters, ‘this is not protest, it’s a revolution’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Survey Says Muslims More Islamophobic Than Americans

“Islamophobia has declined among other groups but has increased among Muslims.”

“We find that over time, Islamophobia has declined among other groups but has increased among Muslims,” the latest scaremongering report on Islamophobia warns.

The claim comes from Dalia Mogahed, a former Obama adviser and Islamist ally, at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding. Like its Islamist allies, the ISPU’s reports exist to clamor that Islamophobia is an overriding threat from bigoted Americans still upset over 9/11.

But the latest report has to admit that there’s hardly any imaginary ‘Islamophobia’ to be found.

Except among Muslims.

Alongside all the good news that 6 out of 10 Muslims support Biden, critical race theory and gun control, there was some unhappy news for ISPU to reveal. The report’s “Islamophobia index” asked questions such as are Muslims especially violent and do they hate America?

Americans only scored 25 out of 100 on the Islamophobia Index. Muslims however scored 26.

Religion News Service article headlined the story, “US Muslims have negative stereotypes about themselves.”

This puts Muslims far ahead of Jews (17) and Protestants (23) in the Great Islamophobia Race.

Do Jews and Protestants know Islam better than Muslims do? Mogahed is reduced to arguing that Bob Cohen and Dave Andrews are more credible than Mohammed Al-Masri.

24% of Muslims believe that Muslims are more prone to violence. 35% of Arab Muslims believe that to be true. 19% of Muslims say that “most Muslims living in the US are hostile to the US.” Among Muslim men that number rises to 23% and among Arab Muslims to 31%.

Only 5% of Americans, 5% of Jews, 6% of Catholics and 7% of evangelicals believe Muslims are less civilized than others. 19% of Muslims however say that it’s true. 11% of Muslims strongly believe that it’s true. 23% of Muslim men agree that Muslims are less civilized. 29% of young Muslims believe it, and 34% of Arab Muslims think that Muslims are less civilized.

Islamic activists have spent two decades falsely accusing Americans of Islamophobia for being concerned about Islamic violence.

What does it mean that more Muslims believe that Muslims are violent than Americans do?

ISPU’s survey blames what it calls Muslim Islamophobia on Americans. But that doesn’t explain why a third of Arab Muslims believe something that only one in twenty Americans believes.

In 2018, the ISPU survey found that 18% of Muslims believe that Muslims are “more prone to violence”. Since then the number of Jews who agree that Muslims are more prone to violence fell from 15% to 9% and the number of Catholics who think so declined from 12% to 8%.

This drop was likely driven by the shortage of recent successful Islamic attacks in America.

But the number of Muslims who believe that Muslims are more prone to violence shot up from 18% to 24%. Why would Muslims become more likely to think that they’re violent even as Americans come to believe the opposite? Americans are paying attention to the national news, while Muslim immigrants are more likely to be tracking the news in their own home countries.

While Islamists are prone to blaming everything on America, this has nothing to do with us. Islamic violence in America and other western nations is a spillover from the Muslim world.

Muslims know it even if Americans willfully deny it.

Last month, Salman Rushdie, born into a Kashmiri Muslim family, was brutally stabbed by a Shiite Lebanese Muslim over a novel from the 80s mildly tweaking Islam. Rushdie was the most famous of the many Muslim immigrants who left Islam behind only to live in fear.

Bosch Fawstin, a regular artist and writer at Front Page Magazine, made the journey from being raised as a Muslim to becoming the first target of ISIS in America when its terrorists attacked the Mohammed cartoon contest in Garland, TX.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the  ex-Muslim dissident who had to flee the Netherlands for America, responded to Rushdie’s stabbing by writing, “When Iran’s Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa calling for the death of ‘The Satanic Verses’ author, I thought he was standing up for Islam — and for me. So, a group of us did the best we could: We scribbled the book’s title on a piece of cardboard and burned that. If Rushdie had been murdered then, I would have been happy.”

Many Muslims living in America have come out of bloody war zones like Syria, Iraq and Yemen marked by brutal internecine Muslim violence. They might have very good reasons for recognizing the innate connection of Islam to violence because they actually lived through it.

They’re just not allowed to talk about it.

‘Islamophobia’ was a term coined by Islamists to silence experts on Islamic terrorism. But it did not take long for them to casually deploy the term against Muslims willing to condemn terrorism.

Their idiotic lies were quickly picked up by leftist allies who proceeded to libel Zuhdi Jasser as an “Islamophobe”. The Southern Poverty Law Center was forced to pay out millions in a settlement to Maajid Nawaz after listing him as one of its “anti-Muslim extremists.”

Now the Islamists have convincingly demonstrated that Muslims are the real “Islamophobes”.

If recognizing that Islamic terrorism is a problem makes you an Islamophobe then according to the Islamists a third of Arab Muslims and a quarter of Muslim men are Islamophobes.

When Muslims are more likely to be “Islamophobes” than Americans, that exposes the big lie of the label. What does it even mean that Muslims are afraid of other Muslims? Are they all bigots?

Stuck with her own statistics, Dalia Mogahed borrows from intersectionality to emphasize that, what she calls, “white Muslims”, are much more likely to admit the reality of Islamic violence. Generally Arab Muslims are the ones who identify as white. They also come from the epicenters of Islamic violence. Mogahed, who is Egyptian, doesn’t bother trying to explain what it is that would make Egyptians, Syrians, Iraqis or Jordanians more ‘Islamophobic’ than Indonesians.

And if the descendants of Mohammed are more likely to be Islamophobic than converts and the African and Asian peoples their ancestors conquered, what does that say about Islam?

By the end Mogahed is reduced to arguing that Muslims suffer from “internalized Islamophobia” after September 11 because 27% of Muslims, as opposed to only 11% of Muslim converts (even if they’re white), believe that members of their ideology are more prone to violence. That’s an argument that a white female convert like G. Willow Wilson has a more credible take on Islam than actual Muslims who were born into the religion and lived as a part of the culture.

The invention of Islamophobia was a means of shutting down important conversations about Islamic violence. But the violence is very real, even if we are currently experiencing less of it.

Over the last decade, Islamists successfully weaponized false claims of ‘Islamophobia’ to suppress most research and reporting on Islamic terrorism. Law enforcement and intelligence training was shut down. Experts were deplatformed and marginalized. Having run out of counter jihadists to persecute, Islamists are busy accusing Muslims of Islamophobia.

The underlying pattern is the same one driving Muslim violence across the Middle East. When the infidels have been purged or subjugated, the Jihad turns on itself. Sunnis battle Shiites. Salafis fight it out for the claim to absolute power. Terrorist groups splinter. Islam was born out of violence, derives its moral authority from violence and cannot exist in the absence of violence, physical or ideological, against an ‘other’ as its most fundamental form of self-definition.

Politicians initially attributed the mysterious killings of Muslim men in Albuquerque to ‘Islamophobia’. But then the real killer, an Afghan Muslim, was caught. The perpetrator of the worst ‘Islamophobic’ killings in America had been a Sunni Muslim targeting Shiite Muslims.

Muslims know a whole lot more than Americans about the violence inherent in Islam. They might have more to say about it if the Islamists weren’t calling them Islamophobes.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


Biden Allowed in Afghan ‘Refugee’ Freed by Taliban

Hamas-linked CAIR’s Jaylani Hussein and Minneapolis’ KMSP

Burkina Faso: Muslims murder at least 35 people in roadside bomb jihad attack

Germany: Afghan Muslim migrant brothers cut sister’s throat, kill her for not accepting their moral standards

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

An Afghan Muslim Refugee Carried Out America’s Worst Islamophobic Killings

Leftists import bigoted killers and blame “Islamophobia.”

Diversity is our strength so it couldn’t have been too shocking that an Afghan Muslim refugee was responsible for America’s single worst Islamophobic killing spree. Much as another Afghan, Omar Mateen, brutally carried out the single largest massacre of gay people in America.

Americans are generally fairly tolerant so liberals decided to import bigoted immigrant killers.

When the migrant surge began, politicians and the media assured us that Afghans would make profound contributions to America. They have already set two particularly ugly national records.

And that was bound to happen.

Long after the last American soldier had left Afghanistan, the fighting between Sunnis and Shiites continues in the terrorist state with ISIS-K carrying out bombing attacks on Shiite mosques.. The massive influx of Afghan refugees to America has brought the bloody ethnic, tribal and religious clashes from that failed state to America.

Including the true and undiluted Islamophobia that only Sunnis and Shiites are truly capable of.

“I am angered and saddened by the horrific killings of four Muslim men in Albuquerque,” Joe Biden had tweeted. “While we await a full investigation, my prayers are with the victims’ families, and my administration stands strongly with the Muslim community. These hateful attacks have no place in America.”

“The targeted killings of Muslim residents of Albuquerque is deeply angering and wholly intolerable,” Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham tweeted. “We will continue to do everything we can to support to the Muslim community of Albuquerque and greater New Mexico during this difficult time. You are New Mexicans, you are welcomed here, and we stand with you.”

CAIR offered a $10,000 reward for the perpetrator of the “hateful shooting spree” and demanded that Biden make it his responsibility to “protect Albuquerque Muslims from further harm”. But when the perpetrator turned out to be a fellow Sunni Muslim, CAIR is no longer describing his actions as “hateful”, but “deranged”. Soon he’ll be dismissed as mentally ill.

The media was even less circumspect, interviewing local Islamists who claimed that they feared American intolerance and the media warned that “another Islamophobic attack could happen”.

The killing of four Muslim men from “South Asia”, the last of them outside a Lutheran Family Services refugee services office, was indeed Islamophobic in the most traditional way.

The alleged perpetrator, Muhammad Syed, a Sunni Muslim refugee from Afghanistan, was reportedly angry at his daughter’s marriage to a Shiite Muslim.

And took it out on some local Shiite Muslims in Albuquerque which is now the new Afghanistan.

Since the withdrawal, four Afghan refugees have been accused of sexual assault, two involving children and two involving adult women. Some 324 Afghans with terror ties have popped up on watchlists. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg that we actually know about.

In the 6 years since he arrived in America, Syed had racked up quite a record.

In 2017, the Afghan Muslim refugee, along with his wife and son, had been accused of assaulting his daughter’s boyfriend. That was in 2017. Next year, Syed was accused of grabbing his wife by the hair and throwing her out of the car. Then he allegedly attacked her at a Human Services office and pulled out “a large chunk of hair” from her scalp.

That same year, his son called the police claiming that Syed had been beating his mother, while he and his sister tried to hold him back. The beating left the younger Syed covered in blood.

By 2020, Syed was allegedly busted for refusing to comply with police orders after running a red light. Police reports indicate that four years after coming to America, Syed still only spoke “pashto” except for apparently the term “mother______r”.

Syed may not have enriched our culture, but we had clearly enriched his.

“I am deeply disturbed by the killings of four Muslim men in Albuquerque. As law enforcement continues to investigate these heinous attacks, we remain clear that we stand with the Muslim community in New Mexico and around our country. Hate has no place in America,” Kamala Harris had tweeted.

Hate has a huge place here and Kamala and her boss have made plenty of room for it.

Syed’s killing spree wasn’t domestic terrorism as we understand it. The Afghan Muslim refugee, who told police that he had fought in his country’s special forces, was settling communal grudges and disputes the same way that his countrymen usually do.

Men beating wives and family members isn’t unusual in Afghanistan. Neither is responding to a daughter’s rebellious relationship with murder. The case is only notable because it’s in America.

And because top elected officials, including Biden and Kamala, are in denial about it.

Democrats frequently remind us that other Muslims are the leading targets of Muslim terrorism. That’s true insofar as Islam has a rich 1,360 year history of fatally settling theological differences. The world’s greatest ‘Islamophobes’ are Muslims who have been killing each other and members of variant sects because, beginning with Mohammed, for most of their history the inherent violence of Islam leaves few other options for resolving religious differences except “submission”. Cultural differences end with slavery, forced marriage, repression and genocide.

In the decades since the Islamic terrorist attacks of September 11, Biden, Kamala, local officials in New Mexico and most of the country’s political elites and cultural establishment have learned to respond to Islamic violence with cries of Islamophobia. But what happens when Islamic violence is no longer being directed at Americans, but at other Muslims?

Americans are some of the least hateful people in America. Polls and surveys show that we are less racist, more tolerant of religious differences, and more willing to share spaces with people who are different than they are than most of the rest of the world.

And, it ought to go without saying, Afghanistan.

Taking in massive numbers of Afghan Muslim refugees has had the opposite effect. Multiple Afghan refugees have already been caught up in ordinary domestic physical and sexual offenses. And that’s just the recent arrivals, not longtimers like Syed in New Mexico.

The mass migration of Afghans to America means that we now have to police cultural, gender, and religious disputes in a population that could not, even with our extended help over the course of two decades, settle those differences in their own country. Now we have been cursed with the even more hopeless task of trying to settle Afghan differences in America.

The Albuquerque killings, like the assaults on military bases housing refugees, and the sexual assaults off those bases, is a warning of the scale and hopelessness of the task before us.

From Omar Mateen, the perpetrator of the second deadliest mass shooting in America at the Pulse nightclub, to Muhammad Syed, Afghan immigration means violence, terror and death for everyone as the norms of a deeply broken culture pop up in cities like Albuquerque.

Syed, who violently clashed with his family members and had repeated run-ins with the law until his violent impulses allegedly turned lethal, is not an outlier, he is the face of the future.

Our future.

What happened in Albuquerque is just what happens when Afghanistan comes to America.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


France: Knife-wielding Muslim screams at other Muslims: ‘You are bad Muslims. I will cut you all up!’

UK: Afghan Muslim migrants reject homes in Scotland and Wales, ‘it’s cold and they don’t speak English’

Son of Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader: ‘My father died as a martyr, we are behind him on his path’

Canada: More antisemitism from another government-funded Muslim ‘anti-racism’ representative

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hamas-linked CAIR enraged after San Jose city council rejects mayor’s Qatar trip over Sharia misogyny

Hamas-linked CAIR is demanding that the San Jose City Council now submit to its “education” about Islam, which would be on the order of “Don’t believe your lying eyes, believe our smooth deceptions.” They’re enraged here again that people they thought were reliably Leftist — city council members in a far-Left city in a far-Left state — would be so “Islamophobic” as to notice Sharia misogyny. The Leftist-Islamic alliance is once again showing signs of strain.

The ferociously antisemitic Billoo has called upon Muslims to oppose “even the polite Zionist.”

CAIR-SFBA Says Islamophobia from San Jose City Council Members ‘Unacceptable,’ Calls for Meeting to Offer Education on Islam

by Ismail Allison, Hamas-linked CAIR, June 10, 2022:

(SANTA CLARA, CA, 6/10/2022) – The San Francisco Bay Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SFBA) today condemned Islamophobic rhetoric by San Jose City Council members related to Mayor Sam Liccardo’s planned trip to Qatar. CAIR-SFBA also called for a meeting with City Council members to offer education on Islam.

Mayor Liccardo’s plans to travel to the Qatari capital of Doha were rejected by the City Council through a 8-3 vote over alleged human rights concerns. The mayor was reportedly invited by authorities in Doha to attend Qatar Foundation’s Environment and Energy Research Institute from 11-13 June to learn about the institute’s water conservation efforts.

Some council members reportedly cited Islam’s legal code, the shariah, in their arguments against the mayor’s trip. One council member reportedly said she would be scared to go to Qatar as a woman. The mayor reportedly said there were elements of Islamic law in Qatar’s legal system indicating the state is unjust.

The city council has previously approved visits to Israel as well as Saudi Arabia, despite human rights allegations from numerous organizations.

In a statement, CAIR-SFBA Executive Director Zahra Billoo said:

“The Islamophobic rhetoric employed by San Jose officials is completely unacceptable. The arguments used against the Mayor’s trip to Qatar contain some of the oldest anti-Muslim tropes in the book, and the fact that the city council claimed to be concerned over human rights abuses while approving visits to serial human rights abusers Israel and Saudi Arabia is deeply hypocritical. 

“We call on city council members and Mayor Liccardo to meet with representatives of our organization and the Muslim community for dialogue and education on Islam and to correct some of the misunderstandings apparent from this incident.”



Biden’s handlers to open ‘Palestinian’ consulate in Jerusalem, undermining recognition of city as Israel’s capital

Pakistan: High Court upholds death sentence of Christian brothers accused of ‘blasphemy’

‘Palestinian’ Islamic scholar says Muslims must ‘declare jihad’ against Hindus and ‘eradicate’ them

Oman: Two activists jailed for ‘blasphemy’ over ‘trumped-up charges’

Indonesia: Muslim legislator enraged over ‘insulting’ non-halal cuisine, demands restaurant be closed

Black South Africans Denounce UN Report On Israel and the Palestinians

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Husband Accuses Iranian Dissident of Islamophobia

Rep. Ilhan Omar keeps throwing a nonstop pity party for herself as the bigot who constantly claims to be the victim.

Omar is actually powerful and privileged and has risen to a position of power in the country she makes no secret of hating.

Meanwhile, Masih Alinejad is an actual dissident. Alinejad lives in exile and has been a courageous activist against the Islamist regime, encouraging protests, boycotts, and celebrating women who refuse to bow to mandatory hijabs. Her family members have been arrested and Iran’s regime plotted to kidnap her.

And here’s Rep. Omar’s (current) husband accusing her of Islamophobia for an op-ed warning that Omar’s Islamophobia bill “might be creating precedents that could undermine our freedom to speak out.”

“So this lady doesn’t want to combat Islamophobia because she doesn’t like Muslims. Understood!” Tim Mynett, the political consultant currently playing the role of Omar’s husband, tweeted.

As Hillel Neuer of UN Watch pointed out, “Ilhan Omar’s husband just accused journalist Masih Alinejad of not liking Muslims—even though she was born a Muslim in Iran, and in the editorial (which he seems not to have read) mentions her hijab-wearing mother among “many relatives who are pious Muslims I love and respect.”

But the one thing that Omar and her gang know how to do is falsely accuse people of Islamophobia. This entire exchange proves Alienjad’s point.

Omar and her ilk can’t be trusted not to use false accusations of Islamophobia to silence critics and just anyone who disagrees.



DC imam: Texas synagogue hostage crisis was ‘arranged by the Zionists’ to give Muslims ‘a bad name’

Three American Iran Nuke Deal negotiators quit talks over weak stance of Biden administration

RELATED VIDEO: Robert Spencer on OAN on the Fallout from Afghanistan

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Kansas City: Firearms store won’t let Muslima use gun range with hijab, Hamas-linked CAIR sues

The involvement of Hamas-linked CAIR makes this suspicious on its face, as does the fact that the woman was told she could not use the range unless she removed her hijab not because of “Islamophobia,” but because of a headgear rule that is enforced for everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim. This is a highly dubious lawsuit, but despite their lack of substance, such suits are often successful — and lucrative for CAIR’s lawyers and their clients — if they come up before a judge who is susceptible to their rhetoric of hatred, discrimination and “racism.”

Lawsuit: Missouri shooting range made Muslim woman remove hijab

Associated Press, December 29, 2021:

A firearms store and gun range in suburban Kansas City refused to let a Muslim woman use the range unless she removed her hijab, a Muslim civil rights organization alleged in a federal lawsuit.

In a lawsuit filed Tuesday, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the law firm of Baldwin & Vernon in Independence alleges that the gun range at Frontier Justice in Lee’s Summit enforces its dress code in a discriminatory way that disproportionately affects Muslim women….

Rania Barakat and her husband went to Frontier Justice on Jan. 1 to shoot at the gun range. According to the lawsuit, Barakat was told she would not be allowed to use the range unless she removed her hijab, a religious head covering typically worn by Muslim women.

The gun range requires shooters to remove all head coverings except baseball caps facing forward. A store manager explained that shrapnel could cause the hijab and skin to burn….

The lawsuit contends that it is Frontier Justice’s policy to turn away Muslims wearing hijabs, citing several social media posts from other Muslims about being refused use of the shooting range. It also claims that Instagram posts from Frontier Justice show customers wearing baseball caps turned backward, and hats and scarves.

“It is completely unacceptable for a business establishment to deny service to customers based on their religious beliefs — and that is exactly what Frontier Justice has done,” Moussa Elbayoumy, chairman of the board of CAIR-Kansas, said in a statement. “The claim that a hijab somehow presents a safety issue is merely a bad excuse in an attempt to justify a pattern of discriminatory treatment of Muslim women.”

CAIR had asked the U.S. Department of Justice in July to investigate civil rights practices at Frontier Justice.

At the time, Bren Brown, Frontier Justice’s president, said Barakat was not discriminated against and was asked to follow a dress code that is applied to all patrons equally, The Kansas City Star reported.

The lawsuit asks the federal court to find that Frontier Justice’s policies regarding the wearing of hijabs violates the 1964 Civil Rights Act and prohibit the gun range and its employees from acting in ways that discriminate against anyone based on their religion.


Iran: Grand Ayatollah says Qur’an is ‘healing for all pains of humans and can solve all problems’

Iran news agency claims Egypt is writing ‘modern interpretation’ of Qur’an, moving to replace Arab-Islamic identity

Afghanistan: Taliban orders mannequins beheaded after head of Virtue and Vice ministry rules they are ‘idols’

Spain: Muslim migrant posts jihad messages online, calls for murder of blasphemers

Uganda: Man converts to Christianity, Muslims meet in mosque, then break into his home with machetes and stones

Uganda: Muslim woman converts to Christianity, her husband beats her with a stick

Nigeria: Muslims murder two Christians driving home after an evening of Christmas caroling

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Yet Another Hijab Hate Crime Hoax, This Time in Maryland

My latest in PJ Media:

As every good Leftist knows and very much wants you to admit, America is a racist, hate-filled country in which people of color, Muslims, and other victim classes are routinely subjected to discrimination, harassment, and even violence. The only problem with our culture of “systemic racism,” which Critical Race Theory advocates claim to be working hard to transform for the good, is that it’s not even close to being backed up by reality. Again and again, the hate crimes that are invoked as evidence of the “white supremacist” violence that the government and media tell us so much about turn out to be fake. Just before Christmas, yet another hate crime was unmasked as a hoax; the Critical Race Theory crowd would be embarrassed by all this fakery, if they were capable of embarrassment.

This latest hoax started on Nov. 16 on The Commons at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), where, according to UMBC Police Chief Paul Dillon, “a student reported to a Commons staff member that an unknown male attempted to remove her hijab. UMBC Police are investigating, and the Division of Student Affairs is reaching out to students most directly impacted as well as shared governance leaders in our community.”

Dillon asked the UMBC community to come forward if they had any information about this crime, and reminded the racist, redneck yahoos roaming around Baltimore that “UMBC students, faculty, staff members or visitors who choose to violate relevant policies and laws are solely responsible for their actions.” This apparently needed to be said in order to try to quell any riots that might break out over the “hate crime.” Dillon assured UMBC that justice would be done, regardless of the perception of “systemic racism” that had been reinforced by the hate crime itself: “University authorities will make every effort to sanction individuals who violate those policies and laws.”

The intrepid guardian of justice also felt it necessary to make sure everyone understood that UMBC was against hate crimes: “Such incidents are inconsistent with UMBC values, including our community’s respect for diversity and inclusion.” In fact, UMBC was institutionally against such crimes: “Students in need of support can contact i3b – Initiatives for Identity, Inclusion & Belonging.” This campus office, also located in The Commons, declares proudly that “UMBC is one of the most diverse campuses in the nation, and we value the richness that such diversity brings to campus life. The Initiatives for Identity, Inclusion & Belonging creates opportunities for students to build their awareness and knowledge of diverse people, cultures, and belief systems. Through facilitated discussions, informal gatherings, educational engagements, presentations, and campus-wide events, individual students, student organizations, and classes learn the skills to create inclusive, just and mutually respectful communities at UMBC and beyond.”

There is more. Read the rest here.

RELATED VIDEO: This Week in Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer


The Sutliffian Report: Why do Muslimas make FAKE claims of Islamophobia about their Hijabs?

UK soap opera features ‘far-right extremists’ plotting to blow up a mosque

UK: Jewish National Fund chief denounced as ‘Islamophobic’ for noting Islamic antisemitism

US State Department says it’s ‘prepared’ to lift Iran sanctions that are ‘inconsistent’ with nuke deal

UN demands that Poland allow unimpeded access to Muslim migrants trying to break through border

Israel: Al-Aqsa guard assaults Israeli policeman for saying ‘good morning’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Ilhan Omar Bill to Require State Department to Monitor ‘Islamophobia’ Moves Forward

A spurious concept designed to inhibit criticism of jihad terror could soon be funded by your tax dollars. My latest in FrontPage:

Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) and Jan Schakowsky (D-Lightfootland) have determined to take action against “Islamophobia,” and their initiative is gaining traction. The House Foreign Affairs Committee on Friday approved their bill calling for a State Department “Islamophobia monitor,” and now it will go to the full House for further consideration. The idea that Pelosi’s House would reject such a bill is virtually inconceivable.

This all started back in October, when Omar and Schakowsky introduced the Combating International Islamophobia Act, which would, according to a press release posted on Omar’s website, “require the State Department to create a Special Envoy for monitoring and combating Islamophobia, and include state-sponsored Islamophobic violence and impunity in the Department’s annual human rights reports.”

This would supposedly “help policymakers better understand the interconnected, global problem of anti-Muslim bigotry. It will also establish a comprehensive strategy for establishing U.S. leadership in combatting Islamophobia worldwide.”

The press release said nothing whatsoever about combating jihad terror or about how suspicion of Islam may be created by the all too common spectacle of Muslims committing acts of violence while screaming “Allahu Akbar” and justifying their actions by reference to Islamic texts.

Omar and Schakowsky claimed that “this year, the United States has seen over 500 documented complaints of anti-Muslim hate and bias.” Their link went to another press release, this one from the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), claiming that these documented complaints include “hate crimes, harassment, school bullying, discrimination, hate speech, and anti-mosque incidents.”

“Hate speech”: this means that trivial incidents in which someone who is rude to a Muslim gets counted in as a hate crime, inflating the numbers of those crimes and contributing to the false impression that Muslims are victims of widespread discrimination and harassment in America today. With that low a bar, it’s no surprise that the press release at Omar’s site goes on to note that “in March, the United Nations Human Rights Council cited discrimination and hatred towards Muslims has risen to ‘epidemic proportions.”

Omar claimed that “we are seeing a rise in Islamophobia in nearly every corner of the globe. In my home state of Minnesota, vandals spray-painted hate messages and a Nazi swastika on and near the Moorhead Fargo Islamic Center. These types of incidents are all too common for Muslims in the United States and beyond. As part of our commitment to international religious freedom and human rights, we must recognize Islamophobia and do all we can to eradicate it. That’s why I’m proud to partner with Rep. Jan Schakowsky to create a special envoy to put an end to this bigotry.”

Really, that Nazi swastika business is terrible. But let’s try to keep some perspective, shall we? Muslims in Nigeria are subjecting Christians to murderous jihad attacks on a near-daily basis. Muslims in Pakistan persecute Christians and other religious minorities by means of that country’s draconian blasphemy laws, which have seen lives destroyed on rumors and false charges. Compared to that, some spray-painted graffiti just isn’t that big a deal, although certainly the louts who did it should be caught and prosecuted.

Omar doesn’t say anything about Muslims being beaten or murdered, or even denied jobs and preferment, in the United States, because such incidents are vanishingly rare; to establish her victimhood bona fides she has to fall back on graffiti.

Nonetheless, Schakowsky chimes in with a claim that is part accurate and part Leftist victimhood fantasy:

“For over a decade we have seen increasing incidents of violent Islamophobia both in the U.S. and worldwide — from the genocide of the Rohingya in Burma, and Uyghurs in China, to the attacks on Muslim refugees in Canada and New Zealand. It is past time for the U.S. to establish a comprehensive plan for combating this hatred worldwide. I am proud to join my friend and colleague, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, in introducing the Combating International Islamophobia Act. This critical legislation will create a Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Islamophobia to ensure the U.S. dedicates the resources necessary to safeguard human rights and religious and cultural freedom around the world.”

All right. But will this Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Islamophobia note the large number of faked anti-Muslim hate crimes? Will this Envoy make a clear distinction between the two quite different ways the propaganda neologism “Islamophobia” is used? The term “Islamophobia” is an illegitimate conflation of two distinct phenomena: crimes against innocent Muslims, which are never justified, and honest analysis of the motivating ideology of jihad terror, which is always necessary.

Islamic advocacy groups and their leftist allies have been insisting for years that such analysis, too, constituted “Islamophobia.” Omar and Schakowsky speak of Islamophobic violence, but if this Special Envoy is created, he or she will without any doubt crack down on any honest discussion of how Islamic jihadis use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and oppression, because for years such discussion has been labeled “Islamophobia” along with real acts of anti-Muslim bigotry.

The Special Envoy would just be another agent in the Left’s escalating war against freedom of speech, silencing opposition to jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women, and thereby enabling unarguably sinister forces. Don’t tell me you’re surprised.


ADL Head Slams Muslim Group CAIR for Its Antisemitism

Good News! Illegal Migrants Are Allowed to Fly Without ID

Pakistan: Christian cleric condemns blasphemy lynching, ‘No religion of the world teaches such kind of killing’

Pakistan: Punjab Chief Minister says Islam is a religion of peace, no room for evils such as terrorism

European Union moves to clamp down on ‘hate speech’

Israel: Muslim teenage girl stabs her Jewish neighbor in the back

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.