VIDEO: James Comey likens Trump to al-Qaeda, says he has ‘radicalized’ terrorists through ‘lies’
This is a very dangerous game Comey is playing, all the while posing as the one who is defending us from terrorist violence.
Trump never called for violent attacks against anyone, much less for storming the Capitol. Al-Qaeda, by contrast, has called for violent attacks innumerable times. To equate the two and say that they both “radicalize terrorists” is to claim to be able to discern the intent and/or effects of Trump’s words and claim that they were intended to incite violence and were successful in doing so despite the fact that he never called for or approved of any violence.
If Comey and his comrades are successful, and the House already advanced this notion by impeaching Trump for a second time, they will have created a precedent. The precedent will be that it doesn’t matter so much what exactly you say, but what the authorities think it means, or thinks its effects will be. Authoritarians can use this arrogated power of discernment to shut down anyone they don’t like. That’s where we’re headed, and Comey is doing his best to make sure we get there.
James @Comey on last week’s siege on Capitol Hill: “They are people bent on coercing a civilian government, attacking our democracy because of their warped view of reality, and the reason their view is warped… is because of the president’s lies.”
— The View (@TheView) January 15, 2021
“James Comey Says Trump’s Lies Created Terrorists: ‘This Is How Al-Qaida Radicalized’ (Video),” by
Former FBI director James Comey paid a visit to “The View” on Friday during which he explained his belief that President Trump’s “constant torrent of lies” has radicalized his supporters to the point of becoming domestic terrorists — and he compared Trump’s methods to those of al-Qaida.
“They are terrorists. They are people bent on coercing a civilian government — attacking our democracy — because of their warped view of reality,” Comey, who was fired by Trump in 2017, said of the Capitol rioters on “The View.”…
“This is how al-Qaida radicalized: a constant, constant torrent of lies at vulnerable people,” he said. “Well, we have millions of vulnerable people in this country who’ve consumed these lies, and some portion of them have been radicalized to the point where they believe they’re on the side of the angels and have to engage in violence directed against us. So it’s a serious threat, it’s a terrorist threat, and Donald Trump and his enablers — we want to make sure we keep the receipts, ’cause a lot of people are going to deny they had any connection to it come a few months from now — but that group of people has radicalized a group of terrorists.”
The domestic terrorist attack at Trump’s inauguration, 4 years ago today
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) January 20, 2021
Dem leaders have decided that 74 million Trump voters didn’t simply back the wrong guy or have the wrong opinions. No. The threat they pose is graver and more dangerous than that. These 74 million Trump voters are in fact terrorists.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) January 20, 2021
RELATED VIDEO: The beginning of the end of the American experiment has begun.
Former NYPD Commissioner: ‘Citizens of the US’ Now Biggest Terror Threat
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.