Tag Archive for: Jihad Watch

The Woke Bell Tolls for Ernest Hemingway

Readers have now been warned. Anyone in our enlightened age who is crazy and daring enough to read Ernest Hemingway, an author who is not a person of color, not trans, and not a victim of white patriarchal oppression, will now be waved off by Hemingway’s own publisher. New editions of the work of the man who was once considered one of America’s greatest writers, before such things came to be measured solely by the author’s race, gender, and political proclivities, contain a “trigger warning” alerting fragile wokesters to the fact that if they are actually so foolish as to read the book, they will encounter thoughts that today’s elites have most decidedly not approved.

The UK’s Telegraph revealed Saturday that Penguin Random House, which publishes Hemingway’s novels and stories, has slapped them with “a trigger warning” due to “concerns about his ‘language’ and ‘attitudes.’” Hapless new Hemingway readers are also “alerted to the novelist’s ‘cultural representations.’”

I can imagine what Ernest Hemingway himself would say to all this, but I wouldn’t be able to publish it. The arrogant, self-infatuated, blinkered, miseducated woke dopes at Penguin Random House don’t seem to understand that the whole idea of reading Hemingway, or any other great writer, is to encounter “language,” “attitudes” and “cultural representations” that are not one’s own, and are not the same as the language, attitudes, and cultural representations of contemporary culture.

Back in those dark days before schools turned to teaching the really important stuff, like whether you’re of the opposite sex and how evil you are if you’re white, children were taught that there was a pantheon of great writers throughout history, starting with Homer and going through Dante, Shakespeare, Milton, the Romantic poets, and the like. Hemingway was often included as one of the few Americans on the list. Someone who picked up Shakespeare or Milton was not expecting them to sound like or reflect the attitudes of Ibram X. Kendi and Dr. Fauci; readers were instead expecting to be carried to a very different world that would help them see their own with new eyes.

All that is gone now. The problem with Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, and the rest is that they would all today be considered members of the worst group of people on the planet, white males. As we live in what used to be known as Western civilization, this is not all that surprising. It is also not in the least surprising that this pantheon has now been swept away and replaced with writers whose sole claim to relevance is not their insight, wisdom, or the power of their words, but their race and their gender. Hemingway was another white male, and so his star has dimmed from the days when he was considered one of the greats, and now he has been hedged around even more to keep him from leading anyone into wrongthink.

Penguin Random House added a disclaimer to its new edition of Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises. It “states that publishers decided not to censor the book” — hey, thanks! The note on The Sun Also Rises warns readers that this book could be dangerous to your health as a dutiful woke NPC and might actually lead you to have a thought of your own, one that the guardians of acceptable opinion might find double-plus ungood: “This book was published in 1926 and reflects the attitudes of its time.” Yeah, that’s the idea – in part.

The Penguin Random House wokesters also added a please-don’t-hurt-us insistence that they weren’t the ones thinking forbidden thoughts: “The publisher’s decision to present it as it was originally published is not intended as an endorsement of cultural representations or language contained herein.” Whew! Bullet dodged!

The Telegraph adds that “Hemingway’s collection of short stories, Men Without Women, now carries an almost identical warning, differing only by alerting would-be readers to the fact that the book was originally published in 1927.” We can at least be relieved that the whole thing wasn’t wokeified into Men Who Are Women.

Hemingway biographer Richard Bradford remarked acidly: “The publisher’s comments would be hilarious, were they not also alarming.” He added that the warnings “would be understandable had they brought out a new translation of Mein Kampf. They seem to imply that, because it’s a literary classic, they’re willing to take a deep breath and warn readers with delicate sensibilities that something in it might unsettle them.” Yet he warns that if you examine “any novel or poem written at any time, and search for a passage that could create unease for persons who are obsessed with themselves…you’ll find one.”

Indeed. And the woke censors will. The object of the game is to put a fence around any thoughts and ideas that aren’t approved by the elites. The next step will be to ban Hemingway and others altogether. Keep your old books. The time will come when you’ll need to hide them.


RELATED ARTICLE: And Then There Were None: Woke Censors Come for Mystery Writer Agatha Christie

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

University of Arizona: Muslim killed prof he thought was Jewish, antisemitic aspects of killing were downplayed

In this article about how the antisemitic aspects of the killing were denied or downplayed, the far-Left Forward doesn’t dare consider the question of what made Murad Dervish so violently antisemitic. That kind of investigation might end up being “Islamophobic.” Can’t have that.

Did everyone miss an antisemitic campus murder?

by Arno Rosenfeld, Forward, February 15, 2023:

Here are some facts. On Yom Kippur, a former University of Arizona graduate student named Murad Dervish stormed into the earth sciences building on campus. Dervish believed Thomas Meixner, the hydrology department head, was leading a Jewish conspiracy against him. “Kikes should not be allowed to exist anywhere, ever,” Dervish had previously told one faculty member. Dervish allegedly shot and killed Meixner. It was the only such murder in 2022, a year full of antisemitism. It escaped widespread attention until after Thanksgiving.

But there are other facts, too. Meixner wasn’t Jewish. Dervish’s original grievance was over a bad grade. The 46-year-old had a long history of violence, including against his parents, and scared some faculty to the point they had avoided campus. His antisemitism didn’t become public until weeks after the murder, when it was revealed alongside a tirade against Asians. And the national spotlight that Jewish groups eventually shined on the Tucson school? Some local Jews say it made things worse.

Many outside the region came to see the murder of Meixner, a beloved teacher and father of four, as a blatant act of antisemitism. It landed on the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s list of worst antisemitic incidents of the year, and was widely covered by Jewish media in the United States and Israel. It required — and received — a Jewish response. Yet many Jews on campus saw something more layered and grew frustrated when outsiders began to publicize the case without acknowledging its complexity.

Abigail Simon, a Jewish engineering student, noted that the story went national at a time when Jews are increasingly nervous about antisemitism on campus, and surmised that they might draw conclusions about fresh incidents without much thought.

“I hate to make it seem like people were jumping on a bandwagon,” Simon said. “But I think it was just another drop in the bucket that, ‘Oh, there was a murder on campus,’ and, ‘Oh, the shooter was antisemitic.’”

Though Dervish’s antisemitism, and the location of the shooting, across the street from Hillel, prompted a rapid and thorough response from Tuscon’s Jewish community, their efforts drew little attention as the news of the murder spread. Local Jews also understood that the part of the tragedy that most upset faculty and students was that Meixner and others had repeatedly warned school officials that Dervish posed a threat and they had failed to act. Focusing on antisemitism, some feared, might overstate the role it played in Meixner’s death, and present Jews as more endangered than they actually were.

Outside Jewish groups that tried to draw attention to the case countered that there was nothing subtle about Dervish’s bigotry — no matter what role other factors played in his violence — and point out that antisemitism can operate in strange ways: Its victims often aren’t Jewish.

A grand jury indicted Dervish on seven charges, including first-degree murder, in October. Dervish has pleaded not guilty and his trial is scheduled for September. Judge Howard Fell declined his attorney’s request to ban media from the courtroom.

“Justice grows the best in the full light of day,” Fell said.

A murder, and a revelation
When the shooting first took place, Simon and other students gathered at the campus Hillel for High Holiday programming only knew that something very bad had happened. The scream of police sirens had interrupted a text study. And, a different student recalled, what seemed like the entire campus police department came to a screeching halt outside the academic building across the street.

It turned out that the police had responded too late, allowing Dervish to escape. Hillel went into lockdown. Simon remembered feeling grateful that Hillel had hired armed security guards for the High Holidays. Everyone gathered in the lounge. “We were all sitting in this one room trying to act like things were normal, but obviously nothing was,” said Jordyn Morris, another student present that day.

Dervish was arrested several hours later on a highway outside of Tucson with knives, machetes, guns and extra ammunition. Another bombshell would come two weeks later, when a local newspaper columnist published an interview with Eyad Atallah, a lecturer in the hydrology department, who — the headline said — “prepared to be shot on campus and barely avoided it.”

Tim Steller, the Arizona Daily Star columnist, revealed that Atallah and other faculty members had been hounded for months by Dervish, who was convinced that a bad grade he received was the result of a Jewish conspiracy against him.

“As Arabs we’re supposed to stick together and I trusted you, and instead you’re a filthy kike lover,” Dervish had texted Atallah last winter.

It wasn’t the point of his article, but based on those messages, Steller was the first to suggest that Meixner’s murder was driven by bigotry against Jews. “Although Meixner was Catholic, his killing could be considered an antisemitic attack,” Steller wrote on Oct. 22.

The column emphasized that university officials were aware of the threats. They had expelled Dervish and banned him from campus, but he kept returning with impunity. And nobody thought to tell Jewish leaders on campus, or in Tucson, that a man who had menaced faculty — to the point several had started working from home out of fear — was blaming his problems on Jews.

After the column was published, Jessica McCormick, director of the campus Hillel, emailed Robert Robbins, the university president. Why, McCormick asked, had the administration failed to notify Hillel of Dervish’s antisemitic comments? Why hadn’t law enforcement protected the Hillel building while Dervish was on the loose? Why hadn’t any school officials reached out after the shooting?…

Dervish had been a volatile presence on campus since he enrolled at the school in the fall of 2021. He screamed obscenities at a professor in the middle of class, and after he lost his graduate assistant teaching job as a result, he sent threats that terrified hydrology faculty so much that they moved classes to Zoom. Expelled and banned from campus last February, he kept coming back, and accosted a professor at a nearby CVS. Dervish threatened an employee at the dean’s office: “I don’t think you have any clue who you are dealing with but you are about to find out and I really don’t think you’re going to like it,” he wrote. Meanwhile, he was sexually harassing a female undergraduate student — the same thing he was accused of in San Diego — contacting her more than 30 times….



Texas: Muslima who stabbed man in revenge for killing of Soleimani is on house arrest, but left to make music videos

Sweden: ‘Militant Islamist’ arrested for five rapes, three of which were committed at care home

New York: Muslim kidnaps daughter, takes her to Yemen, ‘You are in the Middle East, women like you are killed’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved,

After Biden Sent $1,000,000,000 to PLO, Israeli Deaths Rose 900%

It cost $10,000 to kill a 6-year-old boy and the terrorists have the money. 

When Secretary of State Blinken met with PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas, he boasted of the over billion dollars in aid that the Biden administration had programmed for the terrorist territories.

That aid has come with a very heavy price.

In Feb 2019, President Trump’s total cutoff of aid became official. That year, 10 Israelis or people in Israeli controlled areas were killed in stabbings, shootings, rocket and other attacks, down from 12 the previous year, and 15 in 2017, and 16 in 2016.

In 2020, however, only three Israelis were killed.

These numbers reflected the diminished capacity of the Islamic terrorists. The reduction in numbers was not due to the pandemic. 2020 still saw attacks, including firebombings, rocket launches and stabbings, but the success and lethality rates for these attacks were lower.

The numbers turned around dramatically once again in 2021.

In April 2021, the Biden administration restored aid to the PLO. Terror incidents, reflecting attack attempts, shot up sharply from 91 in February and 89 in March to 130 in April.

By May, major fighting resumed with 13 Israelis, including two children, killed.

By the time the year was over, 17 people in Israeli areas had been killed. The over 400% increase in deaths was only the beginning. In 2022, 31 Israelis or people in Israeli areas were killed, up from only 3 in 2020, for a massive 900% increase in casualties since the restoration of foreign aid to the terrorists. This was the worst death toll since 2015 under Obama.

But in January and the first half of February of 2023, 10 Israelis have already been killed, including a 6-year-old boy and an 8-year-old boy.

Three times as many have been killed in a month and a half of 2023 as in all of 2020. That’s a 233% increase over 2020 in just a fraction of a year, but it’s also a marked month-to-month escalation from 2022 which featured no attacks at all in January or February. More people have already been killed by terrorists in 2023 than through most of March in 2022.

What a difference a billion dollars makes.

While the media has tried to portray the terrorism as “lone wolf” attacks, they’re crowdsourced violence of the kind that Al Qaeda and ISIS helped innovate. But the PLO’s version is unique through its ‘Pay-to-Slay’ program which rewards terrorists, regardless of their formal affiliation, including ISIS and Hamas members, with salaries and payments for their families.

Terrorists are paid based on the length of their prison sentence. That means successful killers can earn $2,000 to $3,000 a month in a part of the world where the average salary is around $700 a month. It’s five times more profitable to be a terrorist than a teacher.

The Palestinian Authority calls for the murder of Jews, praises it and then rewards it.

Muhammad Al-Lahham of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, which runs the political movement behind the terrorists of the Palestinian Authority, was caught on video praising the “patriotic conscience” of a terrorist who had killed a rabbi taking his 2-year-old son for a walk in 2022.

The Trump administration cut off aid to the PLO’s Palestinian Authority and Congress passed the Taylor Force Act banning funds from going to finance Pay-to-Slay.

Throughout all this, PLO leadership have been consistent in refusing to stop financing terrorism.

“We will neither reduce nor prevent [payment] of allowances to the families of martyrs, prisoners and released prisoners, as some seek, and if we had only a single penny left, we would pay it to families of the martyrs and prisoners,” Abbas had bragged. By “martyrs”, he meant those Islamic terrorists who were killed while carrying out terrorist attacks.

Despite this, the Biden administration had restored aid and rebuilt diplomatic relations. Biden and Blinken have met with Abbas. And while they have attacked Israel over everything from letting Jews pray on the Temple Mount (due to Jewish prayers offending Muslim sensibilities) to democratic judicial reform that will limit the unilateral authority of pro-terrorist judges, Biden and Blinken have had nothing to say to the terrorists about the program funding the murder of Jews.

America First Legal, under Stephen Miller, filed suit against the Biden administration on behalf of the parents of Taylor Force: a non-Jewish Afghanistan war vet murdered in Jerusalem.

“The Biden Administration is well aware that the PA pays Palestinian terrorists to injure or kill innocent Americans and Israelis in Israel. Yet, in blatant violation of  the Taylor Force Act, a federal law that prohibits the government from sending American taxpayer dollars to the PA until it stops supporting terrorism, President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken have resumed payments to the PA after the Trump Administration had stopped these payments in compliance with the Taylor Force Act,” America First Legal declared..

“The Taylor Force Act, named after our son, was passed by Congress and signed by President Trump to stop this Pay to Slay. Yet the Biden Administration has resumed payments to the PA notwithstanding its Pay to Slay program,” Stuart Force, Taylor’s father, said.

The Biden administration’s decision to fund the Palestinian Authority has consequences beyond Israel. Islamic terrorism is a global threat and has been a reliable killer of Americans abroad.

“Robbi and I call upon President Biden to stop sending fungible taxpayer dollars to the PA that will end up funding terrorism,” Stuart Force appealed.

And the latest wave of violence shows just how ‘fungible’ that money is.

The massive uptick in successful terrorist attacks is not a coincidence. The numbers become more significant when we distinguish between so-called “lone wolf” attacks which are most directly impacted by ‘Pay-to-Slay’ and rocket attacks by other terrorist groups. 14 people were killed in direct terrorist attacks in 2018. That number dropped to 5 in 2019, the year Trump cut off aid to the PLO. By 2020, it fell to 3, in 2021, the year Biden restored aid, it rose to 4 and then shot up to 32 in 2022 reflecting the ‘slow burn’ effect of fungible aid money being taken away and then restored within a government bureaucracy even if it’s run by and for terrorists.

As the Biden administration continues pumping money into the terrorist entities occupying parts of Israel, the violence is drastically increasing. 2023 is already on track to top 2022 which had the worst numbers since 2015. The level of Islamic terrorism is returning to that of the Obama administration and that means that we can expect an even higher death toll in Israel.

The billion dollars in aid is a factor, but an even bigger factor is that the Biden administration, like its Democrat predecessor, has made no secret of its support for the Palestinian Authority. And the Biden administration has gone even further with its diplomatic support for the PLO regime and its pressure on Israel. The latest murders are the work of a terrorist group that knows that Washington D.C. has its back and will intervene to protect it from Israel.

The Biden administration’s decision to appoint Hady Amr, an open supporter of Islamic terrorism and opponent of the Jewish State, as its key liaison to the PLO, who was inspired by the intifada, has consequences, and dead bodies in Jerusalem are among the most obvious ones.

Islamic terrorism runs on money and foreign support. The Biden administration has provided both. The Palestinian Authority spends hundreds of millions of dollars a year on Pay-to-Slay.

The pipeline of terror may end with a 6-year-old boy lying dead on a Jerusalem street but it begins with cash coming out of Washington D.C. The attacks of September 11 cost Al Qaeda about half a million dollars. The cost to the PLO of killing that little boy, his brother and a newly married man going to spend the Sabbath with his wife’s family probably comes out to about $30,000 a year. Or $10,000 per dead Jewish person. That’s a fraction of the millions of dollars in foreign aid which could be used to finance hundreds and thousands of more murders of Jews.

$10,000 to kill a six-year-old boy, another $10,000 to kill his 8-year-old brother. Thanks to the financiers of murdering Jews in the Biden administration, the terrorists have the cash.

And we’re the ones providing it.



Bigoted Biden Regime Calls Jewish prayer at Judaism’s Holiest Site in Jerusalem ‘Unacceptable’

Biden’s handlers side with jihadis against Hindus in Bangladesh

‘Why Would You Want Some Lady’s Dirty Clothes?’: Biden’s ‘Non-Binary’ Ex-Nuclear Waste Chief’s Rough Day in Court

Sweden: Two Muslim migrants accused of keeping three high school girls as sex slaves

Germany: Muslim migrant stabs his girlfriend and her son, screams ‘I’ll cut off your head’

Antifa Shares a Fundraising Platform With the DNC

How the New York Times and Washington Post Covered the Latest Palestinian Car-Ramming

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Iranian Caught at Southern Border Smuggled in Car Trunk Highlights Border’s Jihad Terror Threat

He wasn’t on the terror watch list, but why was he trying to sneak into the U.S. at all?

Iranian smuggled in car trunk shows security threat from our open border

by Todd Bensman, New York Post, February 2, 2023:

Good news: The Iranian caught in the trunk of a smuggler’s car illegally crossing the southern border last week wasn’t on the FBI’s terrorism watch list, as was previously reported.

Except … even if he wasn’t on the list, how is this not a terrifying sign of the national security threat we face?

The car-trunk Iranian highlights that intercontinental human smuggling networks do indeed bring people from the most adversarial nations in the world, as detailed in my recent book “America’s Covert Border War, the Untold Story of the Nation’s Battle to Prevent Jihadist Infiltration.”

Try as American law enforcement stationed abroad might to disrupt them, these smuggling organizations very much still can and do mainline strangers into Texas from countries where Islamic terrorist groups operate — along with those from nations like Russia, Syria and China.

Last fiscal year, the Border Patrol apprehended 98 immigrants who were on the FBI’s terrorism watch list — an all-time record — and 38 more have been caught in just October, November and December, according to US Customs and Border Protection’s public statistics website.

The probabilities are sky-high that some watch-listed immigrants were among the estimated 300,000 who evaded the Border Patrol in just the past four months — and the 1 million who did so last year.

The danger is real, particularly since Iran’s rulers publicly vow revenge for the killing of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force Gen. Qasem Soleimani. Recent reporting had Iran plotting to assassinate the US ambassador to South Africa in retaliation for the Soleimani killing.

The US security enterprise takes this threat seriously. In late 2020, the Americans were behind the September 2020 bust in Brazil of Reza Sahami, a dual citizen of Canada and Iran who was caught guiding a group of seven Iranian nationals in the city of Assis Brasil on the border of Peru. All seven Iranians possessed fraudulent or altered passports from Israel, Denmark and Canada. The Sahami organization flew Iranians into Canada on fake passports but also had some smuggled over the southern border.

“Sahami has been smuggling criminals across international borders for over 10 years,” said ICE Attaché for Brazil and Bolivia Robert Fuentes in the scarcely reported 2020 ICE press statement.

But even before the Soleimani retaliation threat, American homeland security and intelligence agencies rightly worried that Iran would easily send its spies over the border — or spies of its terrorist offspring, Hezbollah….



Iran-Based Lebanese Nuclear Physicist Dr. Hadi Issa Daloul: Any Country That Supports Israel Will Be Targeted; Any Person Who Aids The Zionists Is Himself A Zionist

UN Official Blasts Israel for Letting Jews Carry Guns

Russia: Head of Islamic publishing house found guilty of sending $483,000 to people linked to Islamic State (ISIS)

Pakistan’s spy service made hand grenades available to Islamic jihadis in India

‘Revolution of tanks’? Having lost in Israel, globalists face a dangerous precedent

UK: Muslim rapes underage girl, forces her to write letter asking cops to drop the case

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Ohio: Muslim migrant tries to join the Islamic State, says he wants to help with ‘projects’ inside U.S.

Even though the Islamic State several years ago lost most of its territory in Iraq and Syria, and with it the appearance of enjoying the favor of Allah upon its claim to be the caliphate, that claim still has a potent appeal for jihad groups worldwide, as well as for many individual Muslims. In Sunni Islamic law, only the caliph is authorized to declare offensive jihad; in the absence of a caliph, jihad can only be defensive (although that can be and has been interpreted elastically enough to include 9/11). In my book The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS, I detail how the great Islamic caliphates of the past — the Umayyads, Abbasids, Ottomans, and others — pursued jihad relentlessly against Infidel states. Jihadis still think about those glory days, and want to relive them.

Where did Naser Almadaoji learn his understanding of Islam? Are authorities investigating the local mosque? Or would that be “Islamophobic,” and they’re content to wave away the question by trotting out the moldy oldie that he was “radicalized on the Internet”?

Ohio man gets 10 years in prison for trying to join ISIS

by Simon Druker, UPI, February 1, 2023 (thanks to Henry):

Feb. 1 (UPI) — A federal judge on Wednesday sentenced a man in Ohio to a 10-year prison sentence for attempting to join the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq.

Naser Almadaoji also will be subject to 15 years of supervised release following the prison sentence, the Justice Department confirmed in a statement.

The 23-year-old is an Iraqi-born U.S. citizen and in 2021 pleaded guilty to attempting to provide material support to foreign terrorist organizations….

He later admitted to investigators that he planned to smuggle himself into Afghanistan and join the Islamic State to receive military training, including how to make a car bomb, kidnap priority targets and break into homes. He would then return to the United States with the ultimate goal of starting an armed conflict between the federal government and anti-government militias.

Earlier in 2018, Almadaoji traveled to Jordan and Egypt in an attempt to join an Islamic State affiliate in the Sinai Peninsula. He was not successful and returned to the United States.

Almadaoji later told a man he believed to be an ISIS member that he was interested in assisting with “projects” in the United States…

Read more.



New York City woman financed jihad groups in Syria, gave them US Army munitions handbook

ew York Times paints glowing picture of Leftist lawyers who firebombed NYPD cruiser

Germany: Muslim migrant rapes woman, tells her ‘We’re f***ing now, or I’ll slit your throat’

Chechnya’s Kadyrov: Those who burn Qur’an ‘are real terrorists from whom a healthy society needs to be freed’

NYC: Muslim cleric urged Muslims to ‘cut the throats’ of non-Muslims, recruited for the Islamic State (ISIS)

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: United Nations Personnel Pose in Front of Taliban Flag

What has been very obvious over the past few years (and going back even before that) is that international diplomacy with the Taliban is a game of bad cop/good cop in which the Taliban are the bad cops and the diplomats are the good cops. And we’re the suckers being played by the Taliban and their political allies.

Sometimes the mask drops. Like when Biden stole money from the families of 9/11 victims to send to the Taliban.

Or when officials from a UN delegation there to lobby the Taliban to be nicer to women posed in front of the Taliban flag.

The United Nations issued an apology after some of its officials were seen posing in front of the Taliban flag in Afghanistan.

The world body called it a “significant lapse in judgment”. A group of UN personnel were in Kabul to address the ban on women aid workers in the country.

The UN revealed on Friday that Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed made a rare visit to the southern part of the nation and expressed concerns to Taliban officials in Kandahar over violations of women’s rights

Mohammed then gave an interview to the Taliban’s pals at Al Jazeera claiming that progress was being made. She told other media outlets that the Taliban had “progressive” voices.

“I think there are many voices we heard, which are progressive in the way that we would like to go,” Mohammed told BBC. “But there are others that really are not.”

“I think the pressure we put in, the support we give to those that are thinking more progressively, is a good thing,” she said. “This visit, I think, gives them more voice and pressure to help the argument internally.”

This is the same scam they pulled with Iran, with the PLO, and with every Islamic terror group around. And, for that matter with the Communists and Nazis. Back in the 30s, Hitler was presented as a “moderate” Nazi. And, once again, people are falling for the lies because no one is talking about what’s going on. And those who are talking about it, are not being heard.

The media is mostly not talking about this. And when they are, it’s in the form of the agonized spin of this CBS News headline. “Top U.N. women’s visit to pressure Afghanistan’s Taliban on rights marred by security team’s poorly planned photo op.”

Poorly planned indeed. What’s the best way to plan a photo op with a Jihadist group?

When someone tells you who they are, believe them. The UN has spent a long time telling us exactly what it is, maybe it’s time we listened.



United Nations Alliance of Civilizations condemns Qur’an burning in Sweden

Germany: Muslim migrant screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ who stabbed two ‘wanted to kill German men’

Turkey: Thousands of Muslims protest Qur’an burning in Sweden, screaming ‘Europe’s fear is Muhammad’s army’

Crisis in the Caucasus: Two Facts You Aren’t Being Told

In Jordan, Colossal Mismanagement of a Planned New City

Canada: Judge orders government to repatriate four Islamic State jihadis held in Syrian camps

EDITOR NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Video from Iran: Protesters shout, ‘No to Islam, no to the Qur’an. My life is only for Iran!’

After forty years of Islam and the Qur’an, this is what the people of Iran are saying.



Austria: Gunshots and screams of ‘Allahu akbar’ mark New Year’s Eve in Vienna

Canada: Muslim cleric says non-Muslims are enemies of Allah

Nigeria: Muslim cleric says all-Muslim ticket ‘is about supremacy of Islam. A Muslim is better than an infidel.’

Ohio TV stations feature Hamas-linked CAIR crowing about new law giving students days off for religious holidays

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Muslim Who Stabbed Cops in Times Square Wanted to Target ‘a Uniformed Officer’ He Considered An ‘Enemy of the State’

Which state? The New York Post, as hopeless as the rest of the establishment media, shows no curiosity about this question. But clearly Trevor Bickford, after he converted to Islam, was no stalwart American patriot. He wanted to target a uniformed officer as an enemy of the Islamic state.

Machete attack suspect Trevor Bickford targeted NYPD as ‘enemy of the state:’ sources

by Joe Marino, Larry Celona and Jorge Fitz-Gibbon, New York Post, January 1, 2023:

The 19-year-old alleged Islamic radical suspected in the New Year’s Eve machete attack on NYPD cops had specifically sought to target “a uniformed officer” or someone armed because he believed them to be an “enemy of the state,” sources told The Post on Sunday.

Trevor Bickford, of Wells, Maine, allegedly went to Midtown on Saturday night to assault police officers or “someone with a gun,” the sources said he told the feds after his arrest.

The suspect allegedly said he’d hatched the plot as recently as Friday, according to sources.

Bickford “found religion” after his father’s overdose death in 2018 and became radicalized as recently as a month ago, according to sources.

He was already on an FBI terrorism watchlist after his mother and aunt tipped off the agency about his allegedly extremist views, the sources said.

The attacker was a “lone wolf” who did not appear to be affiliated with any particular Islamic extremist group, but noted the investigation is still active and ongoing with cops combing through his cellphone and computer, the sources said.

He apparently had planned to travel to Afghanistan to join Islamic militants, according to sources — but instead traveled to New York alone, arriving on Dec. 29, and was staying at the Bowery Mission….

Read more.



Report: Muslim Convert Who Tried to Behead NYPD With Machete Was on FBI’s Islamic Extremism Watchlist

Muslim who stabbed two cops in Times Square wrote to family: ‘Please repent to Allah and accept Islam’

Muslim who stabbed two cops in Times Square was honor student and athlete — then he converted to Islam

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

NYC: Muslim Who Stabbed Two Cops in Times Square Was On The FBI’s Watchlist

Clearly the feds weren’t watching Bickford closely. They were too busy trying to find “white supremacists.”

REVEALED: Times Square ‘jihadi’, 19, was on an FBI ‘watchlist’ after being radicalized and vowing to fight in Afghanistan before stabbing rookie NYPD cop in the head on New Year’s Eve: ‘Terrorist’s’ brother is in US Army

by Andrea Cavallier, DailyMail.com, January 1, 2023:

The alleged Islamic extremist who stabbed a rookie NYPD cop in the head with a machete in Times Square on New Year’s Eve has been pictured.

Trevor Bickford, 19, from Wells, Maine, is seen in unsuspecting photographs shared by his mother on Facebook from his birthday in the summer.

She refers to him as an ‘old soul’ and repeatedly tells him how much she loves him after he left their home for Seattle in September.

Her social media also reveals her other son Devin is in the US Army, with him pictured alongside the suspected jihadist in one shot.

It comes after Bickford allegedly slashed two officers with a machete on 8th Avenue near Times Square around 10pm last night.

Another officer shot him in the shoulder and he was rushed to Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan, along with the two cops. They are all expected to survive.

There appears to be no criminal record for Bickford, police sources said. But they say the FBI in Boston do have an open case on him. He is on a ‘guardian list’ because of his radicalization. The New York Post reports that Bickford apparently made statements to his aunt about a desire to go fight in Afghanistan, and she notified the authorities.

The attack happened just outside of the high-security zone where thousands of revelers were screened for weapons as they prepared to ring in 2023.

Both officers were slashed in their heads, including the rookie cop who suffered a skull fracture along with an 8-year veteran who had a head laceration….



New York City: Muslim attacks NYPD cops with machete near Times Square

NYC: Times Square jihad stabber may have posted jihad propaganda online, cops search for motive

France: Grand Mosque of Paris files criminal complaint against writer for ‘Islamophobia’

France: Two people, including a Muslim migrant, arrested for attempting massacre at Paris train station

Muslims and Blacks Commit 81% of the Attacks on Jews in NYC

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Rep. Ilhan Omar Accused of Being Qatari Asset

They groomed her and arranged the foundation, the grounds, for her to get into politics way before she even showed interest.

It’s an interesting claim.

Qatar is the key backer of the Muslim Brotherhood now, not to mention allegedly tied in with every Islamist terror group from Al Qaeda to the Taliban. There’s little doubt that Rep. Ilhan Omar is an enemy of the United States. However, it’s best to be wary of foreign intel that seems to tell you exactly what you want to hear. The Saudis are fighting Qatar and while they correctly identify Qatar’s role in Jihad, their own hands weren’t all that clean.

So take allegations like these with a grain of salt.

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota-5th) was recruited by a foreign government, received funding from a foreign government, and passed sensitive information through intermediaries to Iran, a Florida court has been told, as The Jerusalem Post confirmed.

The claims came during testimony by Kuwati-born Canadian businessman Alan Bender, who was giving evidence in the trial of Sheikh Khalid bin Hamad al-Thani. The Qatari emir’s brother stands accused of ordering his American bodyguard to murder two people, and of holding an American citizen hostage. His deposition, obtained by Al Arabiya English, was authenticated by the attorney for the plaintiffs, according to the publication.

Speaking from Toronto by video link, Bender told the Florida District Court that he met with Qatar’s Secretary to the Emir for Security Affairs Mohammad bin Ahmed bin Abdullah al-Masnad and two other senior Qatari officials.

According to his sworn deposition, the three officials told him: “If it wasn’t for our cash, Ilhan Omar would be just another black Somali refugee in America collecting welfare and serving tables on weekends.”

Bender testified that the officials asked him to recruit American politicians and journalists as Qatari assets, and that when he objected, was told that several prominent figures were already on the payroll. Omar was described as the “jewel in the crown,” he said.

Qatar “recruited Ilhan Omar from even way before she thought about becoming a government official… They groomed her and arranged the foundation, the grounds, for her to get into politics way before she even showed interest. They convinced her,” he added.

Frankly, Qatar has much better jewels in its crown than a mere congresswoman.

Biden just elevated a Brookings Doha veteran to the closest thing to an ambassador to the “Palestinians”. Qatar asset Jamal Khashoggi became a martyr courtesy of the Washington Post. There are Senate members on both sides of the aisle who spew Qatari propaganda. And there’s been hardly a word of criticism of the Jihadist state from prominent figures in either party with the exception of Senator Ted Cruz or anyone in the media.

I recently ran a story about a much more credible account of how Qatar had spied on Rep. Diaz-Balart and it got almost no play.

Suggesting that Omar is Qatar’s crown jewel in D.C. is like claiming that Manhattan’s crown jewel is a Burger King.

That doesn’t mean that Qatar isn’t recruiting Americans and didn’t groom Omar. Certainly she’s tied in with some of their backed groups. I’m just saying it’s vastly underselling what Qatar has done.



Iran: Khamenei’s niece slams ‘child-killing regime’ of the Islamic Republic

Taliban spokesman says UN criticism of its Sharia punishments is ‘insult to Islam’

A Nest of Ninnies: UK Office of Budget Responsibility Declares More Migrants Help Spur Economic Growth

India: Muslim murders his daughter, with help from his son, over her relationship with a Hindu man

Belgium: Moroccan Muslim migrants screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ riot after Morocco beats Belgium in World Cup

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Afghanistan: Taliban flogs people in soccer stadium for ‘adultery, robbery and gay sex’

Sharia, we are constantly told in the West, is completely benign and compatible with Western secular values. Who has Sharia wrong? Non-Muslim Western secular analysts? Or the Taliban?

More on this story.

The Taliban Is Flogging People In Football Stadiums For ‘Adultery and Gay Sex

by Mohammed Rasool, Vice, November 24, 2022 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

The Taliban has brought back public floggings for what the group says are “moral crimes,” with people lashed in football stadiums after being convicted by the judges of the Islamist group.

A group of 14 people, including three women, were lashed in a football stadium in front of a crowd on Wednesday in the eastern Logar province. A Taliban official told the BBC that they were being punished for sins “including adultery, robbery, and gay sex.”

The group’s “Supreme Court” confirmed the conviction of “14 people, including three women, who were lashed, and attended by scholars, authorities, and people” in a statement on Twitter.

It’s believed to be the second round of lashings this month, after reports that 19 people were flogged in a similar way in the northern Takhar province.

The wave of public punishments comes a week after the Taliban announced that it will be “implementing Sharia Law” in full force across the country. Scenes such as the flogging resemble the group’s previous stint in power in the late 90s, which featured public executions, stoning, and other forms of corporal punishments….

The Islamist group’s version of the justice system is a mixed bag of Islamic laws and the centuries-old arbitration customs of Afghanistan. To justify banning girls from attending high school, the Islamists cited “cultural” values, as it disagrees with many Islamic scholars’ take on the issue….



Nigeria: Muslims raid community, murder two people, ‘People are moving out of the community as a result of fear’

India: Muslim rapes Hindu girl at gunpoint while his sisters record the act, blackmails her to convert to Islam

Islamic Republic of Pakistan: 200 Christians left homeless after authorities bulldoze their homes without warning

London’s Sadiq Khan: ‘We desperately need new regulation of social media and online speech’

Palestinian Authority urges youth to seek ‘martyrdom-death,’ which it presents as a ‘wedding of martyrs’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Iran: Panicking regime officials seek UK passports as families flee on flights from Tehran

The brave dissidents of Iran are reminding the world how much a government needs the support of its people, even under a fascist regime. It’s beginning to look increasingly hopeful for the protestors as panic spreads among members of the Iranian regime, many of whom are now seeking British passports as their families flee on flights from Tehran. They’re also seeking Swiss and Canadian passports.

Under no circumstances should any of these countries be facilitating or harboring these jihad terrorists and their families. A member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) also reported that “there are ‘a lot’ of servicemen either deserting the regime or actively helping protesters.” He also encouraged the protestors in a declaration that now is the “’best time’ to challenge Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s regime.” This IRGC member may be right. The alternative, should the regime end up winning this round, could be catastrophic, as the regime will become even harsher.

Panicking Iranian regime ‘seeking UK passports’ for families as officials flee Tehran

by Richard Ashmore, Express, October 31, 2022:

Iranian officials are seeking “British passports” for their families as they charter “five flights a day” fleeing the pariah state, Express.co.uk has been told. Traditionally 40 days is a mourning milestone in Iranian culture and scores of civilians massed in cities across Iran on Wednesday. The Iranian regime has in the past brutally put down any dissent but the latest ongoing unrest has shown no sign of abating. Express.co.uk has learned sections of the main airport in Tehran have been taken over by regime forces as a fast-track area for their own family and friends to escape the country.

Speaking to Express.co.uk an Iranian source – who cannot be named for security reasons – said things at the airport were moving fast.

He said: “It started around two weeks ago. The regime changed all security detail at the airport.

“They were moving civilians (friends and family) from the back entrance of the airport directly to the aeroplanes for international flights, at least five flights a day.

“They would move the regular staff away whenever this was happening and also confiscate their phones. They also replaced the regular staff who are handling the commercially important people (VIP) section of the airport with their own staff.

“It is hard to verify because they are taking away people’s phones, but based on what I have seen before it wouldn’t be completely crazy if the regime was doing this.

“They will be looking for Canadian, Swiss and UK passports.”…

Read more.



Iran: Islamic Republic security forces beat teen girl to death for tearing Khomeini’s photo

Islamic Republic of Iran: ‘Simply being a Christian is enough to get you arrested’

BIDEN CATASTROPHE: US, Saudi Arabia on High Alert Over Intel of Impending Iranian Attack: Report

Former ICE director says Afghan criminals will be released onto U.S. streets

Ilhan Omar’s Very Foreign Policy

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Islamic Republic of Iran: Security forces target girls school, fire tear gas as girls clash with staff

Forces of the Islamic regime in Iran have been raiding schools and targeting schoolgirls with increasing frequency; this is is causing even more public fury than there already was. One girl was recently beaten to death by security forces in her classroom for refusing to sing a “pro-regime song.” In mid-October, it emerged that 23 children were murdered by the regime.

Iranian security forces fire teargas as girls clash with staff at Tehran school

Guardian, October 24, 2022:

Iranian security forces fired teargas outside a girls’ school in Tehran when clashes broke out after staff attempted to inspect students’ mobile phones amid ongoing anti-government protests.

Iran’s Ministry of Education said several students were treated by emergency services for a drop in blood pressure, but denied that security forces had entered the school.

But videos circulating on social media showed heavily armed security forces outside the school. One clip showed them on motorbikes and firing at least one teargas canister. The authenticity of the footage could not be independently verified.

Unrest ignited by the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian woman who was detained by the Islamic Republic’s morality police for “improper attire” and died in police custody, has swept Iran for five weeks. Rights groups say nearly 250 people have been killed in the crackdown.

Women and girls have played a prominent part in the protests, removing and burning veils. The deaths of several teenage girls reportedly killed during protests have fuelled more anger.

Demonstrations continued on Monday, with a rally at a university in the western city of Hamedan, and students shouting down a government spokesperson who visited a Tehran university, according to students’ and rights groups…..



NYC Issues ‘Halal Guide’ Featuring Terror Mosques

ran: Islamic State claims responsibility for jihad massacre at Shi’ite mosque, at least 15 dead

Greece: Muslim migrant rapes 11-year-old girl, deputy mayor says ‘we cannot psychoanalyze every refugee’

UK: Tough on migration Suella Braverman reinstated as Home Secretary amid opposition calls for inquiry

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s handlers claim Iranian soldiers are on the ground in Ukraine aiding the Russians

Biden’s handlers cannot necessarily be believed, but as there has been close cooperation between Russia and Iran for years, there is nothing inherently implausible about this. If it is true, there must be some quid pro quo, with Russia in some way aiding the Islamic Republic in putting down the freedom uprising inside Iran.

Iranian soldiers on ground in Ukraine aiding Russians, White House confirms

by Michael Starr, Jerusalem Post, October 20, 2022:

Iranian military personnel are on the ground in occupied Ukrainian territories providing aid to the Russian military in their ongoing invasion, the White House confirmed on Thursday night.

“We can confirm that Russian military personnel based in Crimea have been piloting Iranian UAVs and using them to conduct kinetic strikes across Ukraine in strikes against Kyiv, and in recent days we assess that Iranian personnel — Iranian military personnel — were on the ground in Crimea and assisted Russia in these operations,” said US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price….

“In spite of all this we’ve seen Russia and Iran continue to lie…continue to claim that they are not providing this material,” said Price on Thursday night.

The denials continued last weekend when Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian told his Portuguese counterpart that Iran did not sell drones or any weapons to either party to the conflict.

“We believe that arming either side will prolong the war, and we do not think that war is the right way,” Abdullahian said according to Maariv.

Price said that “indisputable proof” had emerged of Irain’s [sic] involvement in the Russia-Ukraine War and had been presented to the  UN Security Council on Wednesday.

Images of Iranian-Russian drones have emerged in recent days on social and mainstream media platforms. CNN was shown a largely intact reconnaissance drone by the Ukrainian military, which claimed that there had been efforts to cover up its Iranian origin….



Kansas City: Muslim who worked for Defense Department lied about his contacts with ISIS

Despite uprising in Iran and Iranian drones in Ukraine, Biden’s handlers still want nuke deal

US law ‘waived’ to allow in ‘alien engaged in terror activity’ from the Palestinian Liberation Organization

Turkey’s Erdogan agrees to Putin plan to become Russian gas hub for EU

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Iran: ‘Standing up for freedom should never be labelled as Islamophobia’

Imagine anyone even thinking this. This is proof of the fact that “Islamophobia” charges are wielded as a weapon to silence criticism of anything Islamic or related to Islam.



Iran: Mother of girl killed in protests says her injuries don’t match regime’s claims of how she died

Khamenei: ‘These recent riots are not something spontaneous and coming from within’

Oil Workers In Iran Now Threaten to ‘Destroy What We Built’

Iran: Police use ambulances to escape outraged protesters, ‘this is not protest, it’s a revolution’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.