Tag Archive for: John Morgan

John Morgan — Wrong on Marijuana, Wrong on Charlie Crist: Can FL Dems trust his judgement?

As Florida Republicans bask in the sunshine of victory on November 5th there is one man who is not very happy. His name is John Morgan of the Orlando based firm of Morgan & Morgan. Morgan may be in hiding trying to avoid Florida’s Democrats. Why? Because Morgan sold the Florida Democratic party on putting marijuana and Charlie Crist on the November 4th ballot.

Ana Cruz, former executive director of the Florida Democratic Party, said, “I wish that it didn’t take medical marijuana on the ballot to motivate our young voters. But listen, we’ll take it any way we can get it.” Cruz didn’t get it.

Ben Pollara, a Democratic fundraiser and campaign manager for the United for Care group, stated, “We want to be able to have our stereotypical, lazy pothead voters to be able to vote from their couch.” Ben, it appears the lazy potheads stayed home to smoke a joint or two or three.

Hopes were high, no pun intended, that legalizing marijuana in Florida under Amendment 2 would bring out the millennials. It was Morgan’s long time ally and employee Charlie Crist who had the overwhelming support of the trial lawyers, of which Morgan is one. Both marijuana and Crist when down in smoke.

Can the Florida Democratic Party trust the judgement of John Morgan?

As Florida Democrats are licking their wounds, it is perhaps time for them to rethink the political savvy of John Morgan.

Morgan sold Florida Democrats on Amendment 2. Shame on him. Morgan sold Florida Democrats on Charlie Crist, shame on them.

RELATED VIDEO: John Morgan’s profanity laced interview about the defeat of Amendment 2. His diatribe is filled with hate for law enforcement, those who do not think like him and the older voters of Florida.

Exposed: Do you know the real John B. Morgan, Charlie Crist’s alter ego?

morgan and obama

John Morgan with Barack Obama.

Many people do not know the real John B. Morgan, head of Morgan & Morgan legal firm in Orlando, FL. John B. Morgan is Charlie Crist’s boss and the power behind the Crist campaign. Charlie runs the Tampa office of Morgan & Morgan.

John Morgan and Charlie Crist are inextricably linked. Morgan supported Crist when he was a Republican governor, when he ran for the U.S. Senate as an Independent and now that he is running for governor as a Democrat.

So let’s take a quick look at the real John Morgan, the man behind the Florida marijuana legalization Amendment 2.


Charlie Crist and John Morgan of Morgan & Morgan.

John Morgan – DUI and Police Battery:

In 1997, Morgan Was Arrested For Battery On A Police Officer. “Until his arrest last week in Casselberry for battery on a police officer, 1997 had been a very good year for Orlando attorney John B. Morgan.” (Lawrence Budd, “Attorney’s Arrest Has Batter Included,” Orlando Weekly, 12/18/97)

  • Morgan Was Pulled Over And Cited For A DUI. “But at about 3 a.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 10, Morgan and his red Cadillac were pulled over on S.R. 436 after pulling out of a Denny’s parking lot. Police say he swerved across lanes without signaling and stopped abruptly in the intersection with S.R. 17/92, after having traveled five feet past the white line marking a safe-stopping location. After the light changed, Morgan drove on, nearly clipping the curb, before using all three lanes to negotiate a curve, according to reports by Casselberry police. He was pulled over at Brewer Street and, after reportedly failing field sobriety tests, cited for driving under the influence.” (Lawrence Budd, “Attorney’s Arrest Has Batter Included,” Orlando Weekly, 12/18/97)
  • During The Arrest, Morgan Became “Enraged,” Hitting And Headbutting The Officer And Calling The Officer A “Fat Fucker” And “Baldy.” “But, according to the arresting officer, Morgan became enraged upon arriving at the Seminole County Jail, called the officer a “fat fucker” and “baldy,” twice headbutted him, and hit him in the face with his left hand.” (Lawrence Budd, “Attorney’s Arrest Has Batter Included,”Orlando Weekly, 12/18/97)
  • Morgan Was Charged With DUI, Failure To Provide Insurance, Two Other Traffic Violations, And Battery On A Police Officer. “So, in addition to charges of DUI, failure to provide insurance and two other minor traffic offenses, Morgan was charged with battery on a police officer, a third-degree felony calling for up to five years in prison.” (Lawrence Budd, “Attorney’s Arrest Has Batter Included,” Orlando Weekly, 12/18/97)
  • Morgan Pled Guilty To Drunken-Driving, Receiving A Year Probation, $500 Fine, And Having His License Suspended For Six Months, And Prosecutors Dropped The Battery Charge. “John Morgan, a personal injury attorney, has agreed to a plea deal in his drunken-driving case. Attorneys said Wednesday that Morgan would be sentenced to a year’s probation, fined $500 and give up his drivers license for six months. In return, prosecutors reduced the charge from a felony to misdemeanor and dropped a battery charge.” (“Lawyer Morgan Agrees To Plea Deal In DUI Case,” Orlando Sentinel, 1/29/98)

This Was Not Morgan’s First DUI Charge, Which Came In September 1993, When Morgan Pled Guilty To A Reduced Charge. “Then on Sept. 10, 1993, Morgan accepted a plea bargain reducing his charge to reckless driving. He paid a f $500 fine and agreed to serve 100 hours of community service or pay another $1,000. Perhaps more importantly, Morgan that time had escaped the public embarrassment of being convicted of DUI.” (Lawrence Budd, “Attorney’s Arrest Has Batter Included,” Orlando Weekly, 12/18/97)

  • In 1993, Morgan’s Attorney Filed 10 Motions And Attempted To Argue Alcohol Had Nothing To Do With The Two Car Accident, After Morgan Registered A 0.134 On A Breathalyzer. “In 1993, Hyman filed more than 10 motions contesting Morgan’s arrest for DUI after a minor two-car accident in Altamonte Springs. Morgan said he was ‘distracted by his car phone,’ according to the report. But after failing field tests, he registered 0.134 on the Breathalyzer.” (Lawrence Budd, “Attorney’s Arrest Has Batter Included,” Orlando Weekly, 12/18/97)

John Morgan mug shot. For a larger view click on the image.

Related Links:

John Morgan’s Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
The Morgans Host President Obama
John Morgan Mug Shot
Florida Democrat Candidate Raising Money from Trashy Talk Show Host, Cop Beater and Extreme Liberals