Tag Archive for: Karen Vaughn

VIDEO: We Expose the real Khizr Khan as Trump meets with 6 Gold Star Families

We interviewed Dr. Andy Bostom who details the shariah-compliant views of Democratic National Convention speaker, Gold Star Father, Khizr Khan. At the same time Donald Trump met with six Gold Star families in Jacksonville, Florida on Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016 (see the Military Times story below).

, from the Military Times reports:

… Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump met Wednesday with the families of troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan to hear their concerns about the campaign and broader national security issues.

The private conference, which attendees said lasted about 30 minutes before a rally in Florida, included top Trump defense adviser retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and was organized by Karen Vaughn, the mother of a fallen Navy SEAL and a featured speaker at last month’s Republican convention. Ten parents, siblings and spouses of fallen service members were included.

“It was really a chance to tell our stories, but also talk about problems with the rules of engagem ent [for troops in war zones] and the failed policies of the current administration,” Vaughn said. “I walked out feeling like I understood where his heart is, regardless of the comments that he made that may seem insensitive to some.”

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Vaughn said she and other families in the Florida meeting sympathize with Khan, but also feel the ensuing media coverage has overshadowed more important issues for their community.

She accused those supporting Trump’s rival, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, of exaggerating those comments in an effort to cover her own national security shortfalls. Vaughn also lamented what she see as insensitivity toward the families of several Americans killed in the 2012 terrorist attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya. Clinton was secretary of State at that time, and she has come under intense scrutiny for what her critics say was gross miscalculation and inaction as the attack occurred.

Read more.

It appears that not all Gold Star families are interested in scoring political points. Rather they are interested in insuring no other Blue Star families become Gold Star families.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Khan story reminds me of the food stamp fraud stories that so intrigued me

America’s Defend Freedom Tour Coming to Tampa July 31

Concerned Veterans for America’s Defend Freedom Tour is coming to TPepin’s Hospitality Centre in Tampa on Friday, July 31st, from 6:009:00 p.m.

CVA will rally support for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care reform—among other pressing issues affecting veterans, members of the military, and their families—at this event.

It’s been a little over a year since news broke that Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals across the country put veterans on secret waiting lists to give the appearance of access to timely medical care. While VA administrators pocketed bonuses for fudging the numbers, veterans faced excessive wait times and in some cases even died while waiting for an appointment. However, the issues with the VA do not end there.


U.S. veterans face radically different waits for benefits depending on where they live. An interactive map created by The Center for Investigative Reporting has tracked that phenomenon for the last three years. Credit: Shane Shifflet for Reveal.

To view the interactive map click here.

A little over a month ago, The James A. Haley VA Medical Center in Tampa was pointed out as having a major pest control problem. An infestation of rats, rodents, roaches, and feces were found in their facilities. Employees knew about the infestation problem, which included kitchen and food service areas. Shockingly, the Infection Prevention Coordinator was more concerned with ending up on the news for these problems than risking patient safety.

“It is shocking and quite frankly it is disgusting that we are allowing VA hospitals to remain open while rats, rodents, and cockroaches infest their facilities,” said CVA Military Advisor and Navy SEAL Veteran Jason Redman.  “These men and women fought for our great country and risked their lives time and time again only to come home to second class treatment.  Fundamental changes and reforms need to happen at VA hospitals across the nation, but they need to start right here in Tampa.”

Through the Defend Freedom Tour, CVA is bringing together veterans, military families, and patriotic Americans to preserve the freedom and prosperity that we and our families so proudly fought and sacrificed to defend.

Event Information

Admission to the Tampa Defend Freedom Tour is FREE and includes a complimentary barbecue dinner.

This event features an amazing lineup of inspirational speakers: Gold Star Mother Karen Vaughn; decorated Army Ranger and New York Times best-selling author Sean Parnell; Green Beret and Stability Institute Founder Scott Mann; and Navy SEAL and author Lieutenant Jason RedmanMadison Rising, the nation’s most patriotic rock band, and Ayla Brown, country music performer, will perform live.

Register on Eventbrite. For more information, go to www.DefendFreedomTour.com.

RELATED ARTICLE: VA struggling with promise to end long benefits waits this year