Tag Archive for: Kerry

Kerry briefs Senators: U.S. will take more Muslim Syrian refugees in 2016

Secretary of State John Kerry is probably getting a tongue-lashing at this very moment from refugee resettlement contractors who want the President to raise the ante and permit 200,000 refugees to be admitted to the U.S.

The norm from the Obama Administration in recent years has been 70,000 (from all countries) which is already way above a sustainable economic level considering the large numbers of refugees already on welfare.

McCain and dead baby

This is deplorable! Didn’t McCain do some fact checking before he went to the Senate floor with this shameful propaganda. That poor baby is dead because his father wanted free teeth in Europe! It has nothing to do with U.S. immigration policy.

Kerry told Senators today that they are looking to boost that number by only 5,000 to accommodate a Syrian refugee stream.  That is a tiny number when you consider that the Lutherans, the Catholics and the Evangelicals, who are paid to resettle refugees, have been asking for 65,000-100,000 this week.

It occurs to me that if the contractors want to bring in the mostly Muslim Syrians maybe it is time to cut back on the Somali and Iraqi Muslim refugees, groups which are now both way over 100,000 in number in the US (not including the children they have produced here).  

From the Associate Press:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States is prepared to increase the number of refugees it resettles by at least 5,000 next year as European countries struggle to accommodate tens of thousands of refugees from the Middle East and Africa.

Two officials and a congressional aide said that Secretary of State John Kerry told members of Congress in a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill Wednesday that the United States will boost its worldwide quota for resettling refugees from 70,000 to 75,000 next year, a number that could increase further. A fraction of those would be from Syria.

Kerry said after the meeting that the United States would increase the number of refugees it is willing to take in but did not give a specific number.

Hillary wants a UN pow-wow to guilt-trip western countries (surely she isn’t going to embarrass the Saudis, the Chinese or the Russians).

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, Kerry’s predecessor, called for an “emergency global gathering” at the United Nations General Assembly meeting later this month, where countries could pledge aid money and to accept some of the migrants.

Of the three largest ethnic groups being resettled right now, the Burmese are mostly Christians, but some 10,000 or so Burmese Muslims came in in the last ten years; the majority of the Iraqis are Muslims and virtually all of the Somalis are.  The Somali refugees have been coming for 30 years, or nearly so, so maybe it’s time to cut them off.

The top three groups of people resettled by the U.S. are Burmese, Iraqis and Somalis. Beyond Syrians, the administration wants to increase the number of Africans coming to the United States next year, according to a senior U.S. official involved in the process.

The article implies that we were to blame for Vietnam and for Iraq—you know we broke it so they are ours.  However, Syria is not our problem and most Americans know that.

Many Americans will feel differently about taking large numbers of Syrians displaced by a war that the United States has tried hard to avoid.

And, look at this, even Obama’s people are worried about security:

In addition, U.S. intelligence officials say they are concerned that the flow of migrants into Europe has been infiltrated by Islamic State group extremists who are bent on carrying out terror attacks.

“Exactly what’s their background?” Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Wednesday during an industry conference. “We don’t obviously put it past the likes of ISIL to infiltrate operatives among these refugees.”

More here….

Remember folks!  The stars are aligning for Obama to choose an extremely large number of refugees for FY2016.  His determination letter is due in Congress this month, Europe is being overrun (Obama won’t like Merkel getting all the love), the contractors are ginning-up their lobbying forces demanding more paying clients (refugees), 14 Senators of the Democrat’s Jihad Caucus are yammering for more voters AND the Pope is coming to town!  Obama will want to give him a little ‘gift.’

I’ll eat my hat if something really big doesn’t happen this month.


Why Does The State Department Fund An Anti-Israel Organization With Communist Leadership?

Gov. Walker: We don’t need more Syrian refugees, we need to deal with ISIS

Rubio warns Bad Nuke Deal With Iran ‘Almost Guarantees War,’ by Ken McIntyre

The Senate must review whatever deal the Obama administration strikes with Iran to delay its gaining a nuclear weapon, Sen. Marco Rubio said this morning, arguing that “a bad deal almost guarantees war.”

The Florida Republican said Israel won’t accept an agreement that doesn’t recognize its right to exist, and shouldn’t have to, provoking applause.

“The argument the White House uses [to garner Democrats’ support] is that if you are not in favor of this agreement, you are in favor of war,” Rubio said. “I would argue a bad deal almost guarantees war because Israel is not going to abide by any deal that they believe puts … their existence in danger.”

Rubio, who announced April 13 that he is running for president, said other Middle East nations including Saudi Arabia will want their own nuclear weapon if they see Iran’s getting one as only a matter of time.

He also said the final deal “has to mirror the fact sheet” the administration put out when a framework was struck with the Iranians. It is “incredibly worrisome,” he said, that the White House rejects that idea.

Read more.

Israel Will Attack Iran Soon

Iran Nuke  SitesThe Israelis will destroy several Iranian nuclear facilities and my educated guess is that they will do so before the end of this year.

Israel has no margin of error when it comes to nuclear reactors in nations that threaten its existence. While President Obama does everything in his power to enable Iran to create its own nuclear weapons, it is a good idea to recall that in June 1981 the Israelis destroyed a reactor in Iraq. It was the first air strike against such a facility. In September 2007, the Israelis destroyed a Syrian reactor. There was no reprisal in either case.

From Wednesday, April 22 to Friday April 24 the Israelis struck Hizbollah and Syrian military targets in the Walamoun Mountains on the Syrian-Lebanese border. The calculations were that the location, a site for long-range missiles, would be safer from the Israelis. They were wrong.

In September 2014, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly warning “don’t be fooled by Iran’s manipulative charm offensive. It’s designed for one purpose and for one purpose only. To lift the sanctions and remove the obstacles to Iran’s path to the bomb.”

“Once Iran produces atomic bombs, all the charm and all the smiles will suddenly disappear. They’ll just vanish. It’s then that the ayatollahs will show their true face and unleash their aggressive fanaticism on the entire world.” He offered a comparable message to a joint meeting of Congress in March of this year.

Is anyone listening? Not President Obama. On April 25, writing in The Wall Street Journal, Mortimer Zuckerman, the chairman and editor in chief of the U.S. News and World Report, said “President Obama has been chasing a rainbow in his negotiations with Iran. He has forsaken decades of pledges to the civilized world from presidents of both parties. He has misled the American people in repeatedly affirming that the U.S. would never allow revolutionary Iran to acquire nuclear weapons.”

It’s bad enough when you can’t trust your nation’s enemies, but when you cannot trust your own President you have a very big problem because Iran is not just a threat to America and Israel, but to the entire world.

Obama’s anti-Semitism is obvious to anyone paying the least attention. He particularly loathes Israel. In early April the White House let its unhappiness be known that Netanyahu had, in its words, failed to tone down “hostile and aggressive language” of the Passover religious service. What were those words? “Next year in Jerusalem.”

This is an ancient Jewish prayer that sustained generations of Jews over the course of two millennia, expressing their hope to return to their homeland. To the White House, however, it was “affront to the Palestinians, not to mention a slap in the face to President Obama himself who has worked tirelessly for peace despite Israeli intransigence.” The Jews returned to Israel, declared its independence in 1948, and have had the support of every President since…until Obama.

The Israelis know this. Since their independence the Israelis have fought seven recognized wars, two Palestinian intifadas, and a series of armed conflicts in the broader Arab-Israeli conflict. Most recently they put down Hamas in the Gaza once again for its repeated rocketing.

Despite or because of this, the Israelis have sought to demonstrate good will toward their Arab neighbors. There is an untold story of the December 2014 meeting of six Gulf Cooperation Council rulers in the Qatari capital of Doha to discuss steps to respond to challenges that include Iranian aggression and clamping down on the Muslim Brotherhood.

Sources close to event report that Netanyahu has achieved close coordination with the most important Arab leaders that include Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Other members of the Council include Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates.

The Israelis have no choice, nor do I anticipate that Iran will do much, if anything, to respond in the wake of the ashes of those facilities. No other nation will come to their aid.

© Alan Caruba, 2015

Iran’s Cheating Heart

Country and Western Icon, Hank Williams wrote a ballad back in the 1950’s, “Your  Cheatin’ Heart”.  Perhaps there is a new version in the international arena, “Iran’s Cheating Heart”.  Iran’s track record of evading inspections by the IAEA under prior Additional Protocols has been, shall we say, less than fulsome. Add to that the Islamic Regime’s non compliance with requests by the IAEA for information on so-called previous military developments (PMD). Especially the barring of inspections at the military explosives test site of Parchin, where there appears to have been concealment  of  tests of nuclear triggers. We raise this because President Obama in his announcement of  the framework for a final agreement to be negotiated by June 30th had talked about “robust intrusive inspections.”  Moreover, he said, “ If Iran cheats, the world will know about it”. Further,  Secretary Kerry when asked during an NPR interview on April 8th about Iran’s PMD said that would be part of the negotiations.

Yesterday, Ayatollah Khamenei in his first public statement on the P5+1 Political Framework  stirred up a hornet’s nest of  controversy about major differences between the State Department Fact Sheet and Iran’s “understanding”.  Khamenei  said that all sanctions would be lifted  immediately upon signing of a definitive agreement, adding that PMD was off the table.  The Wall Street Journal  (WSJ) in its report on these latest disagreements over the political framework announced April 2nd drew attention to what Khamenei said:

It must absolutely not be allowed for them to infiltrate into the country’s defense and security domain under the pretext of inspections. Military officials must not allow strangers into this private domain under the pretext of supervision and inspection, or stop the defensive development of the country.

The WSJ noted this myopic comment of the eponymous senior administration  official:

We see the Iranians working to build support for the deal back home, which is a positive signal of their intent to complete the final agreement.

The Wall Street Journal cited  the usually clear-eyed Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL), chief Congressional critic of the P5+1 framework, saying:

As each new day reveals a new disagreement, it’s increasingly clear that Iran, in fact, failed to reach agreement with the United States and its partners on a political framework.

michael-makovsky-Michael Makovsky, executive director of the Jewish Institute  for National  Security Affairs  (JINSA) in  the current  edition of The Weekly Standard dissected the reality of those ‘robust intrusive inspections’ under Additional Protocols between Iran and  the IAEA in an article, “Iran’s Cheating: Can’t Trust, Can’t Verify”. First off, Makovsky notes there is “no Additional  Protocol”:

There is a model Additional Protocol that the IAEA uses as a basis for negotiating a specific agreement with each individual country tailored to its situation. Indeed, this provision opens the door to yet another round of haggling with Iran, making it impossible to know what exact measures Iran will end up being bound by.

But we do know, and this is the second concern, that no Additional Protocol contains the sort of “anytime, anywhere” inspections that UNSCOM provided for and that experts agree is necessary to police Iran’s program. What an Additional Protocol would likely contain, according to the framework agreement, is an expansion of the number of facilities subject to inspections—to include Iran’s uranium mines and centrifuge factories—and stricter requirements for advance notice of any nuclear facilities Iran plans to construct.

On why  the Military test site at Parchin is important:

If Iran decides to sprint for a nuke, however, it won’t do so in a uranium mine; it will do it at one of its enrichment plants, most likely a clandestine plant, potentially hidden on a military base. It is precisely such sites that the IAEA has been trying, unsuccessfully, to get access to for years. Of particular concern has been the Parchin military complex, where the IAEA suspects Iran tested high-explosives for a nuclear weapon. Yet inspectors have never been allowed to set foot on the site, watching instead as satellite imagery showed Iran demolishing the suspected site and paving it over to conceal any evidence of its cheating.

Then there is  Iran’s track record on ‘implementing “ Additional Protocols:

Third, there is the ambiguity of the term “implement.” Iran has previously “implemented” an Additional Protocol. In 2003, about the same time it was cheating on its agreement with the Europeans, Iranian leaders signed an Additional Protocol with the IAEA. Indeed, for the next two years they actually observed it. But in early 2006, Iran announced that it would no longer abide by the Additional Protocol and curtailed inspectors’ access. They could well try to pull the same stunt again. And according to a “fact sheet” released by the Iranian foreign ministry, Iran believes it has only committed “to implement the Additional Protocol on a voluntary and temporary basis for the sake of transparency and confidence building.”

Not only our intelligence but even Israel’s is deficient when it comes to  detecting Iran’s  covert  nuclear program:

U.S. intelligence services have a dismal track record of detecting clandestine nuclear efforts and predicting breakout—in North Korea, Pakistan, and India, for example. Israeli security officials have admitted in private that they too have significant gaps in their knowledge about Iran’s facilities. This is not an indictment of American or Israeli intelligence capabilities; it is simply very challenging to detect covert nuclear activities. Permitting Iran to keep its vast nuclear infrastructure largely intact, as the JCPOA does, only compounds the challenges the United States and the world will have in detecting Iranian cheating.

If Iran has been engaged in cooperative nuclear weapons development with North Korea, as we have written, that compounds the difficulty of detecting covert sites for storage of fissile material and research on nuclear warheads for those  ICBMs it is developing.

Makovsky concludes:

An intrusive inspections and verification regime is the sine qua non of any arms agreement, especially with a congenital cheater like the Islamic Republic of Iran. Unfortunately, the JCPOA fails on this crucial issue, by not demanding complete information about the extent of Iran’s past nuclear weapons research and eschewing “anytime, anywhere” inspections of all facilities. In other words, it is currently worth no more than the paper it might have been written on.

There’s an old Southern phrase in the U.S. that appears apt in the current controversy over what was intended in the P5+1 Political Framework  for a nuclear agreement  with Iran:  “this dog won’t hunt”.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review. The featured image is courtesy of Breitbart.

Secular Signs of Spiritual Significance — What Could They Mean?

Recent events like solar and lunar eclipses and the nuclear talks with Iran have biblical significance. What do they signify, or  do they have any relevance for us?

Einstein said, “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”

Two weeks ago, we saw a “rare” solar eclipse falling on the spring equinox accompanied by a supermoon when the moon was as close as possible to the earth. Saturday night we may see a “blood moon” due to a full lunar eclipse.

So what do such signs mean?

A library would likely have the information and here’s where the Spanish language can help us. The word for library in Spanish is biblioteca—Bible tech! That’s right. The Bible has answers, but sometimes we have to be like a librarian to find them. And the more we use the library, the easier it gets as we become familiar with card catalogues or computer searches.

We can do the same with the Bible. Any word or phrase we want to find in the Bible can be found with the use of an online concordance. For example, if we type “sun, moon” into a concordance search, it gives 35 results. Because I’m familiar with this “library,” I find Joel 2:31 helpful:

“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.” The concordance also shows the Hebrew words and what they mean. For example, the word “before” comes from paniym, meaning face or “ in the face of”–impending!

But what does the “day of the Lord” mean? Many people think it means the day Christ comes again, but using the online concordance, we find the phrase 23 times and again Joel has five references to it—more than any other book. Here’s an example:

“The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark…the day of the LORD is great” Joel 2:10,11. The chapter has many other “events,” but not the “2nd coming.” Nevertheless, serious events may be impending.

This week we saw more coincidences. When the U.S., UK, China, France, Germany and Russia have been concerned for 12 years and been negotiating with Iran for 18 months re a nuclear program that came to a head this week, maybe it’s just a coincidence, but what does our library—Bible tech suggest?

“The day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night, For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes” 1Thessalonians 5:2,3. If we are honest, we would have to characterize those talks as “Peace and safety.” This could heighten our expectations for serious events. We might not know exactly, but maybe this is the reason for the blood moon.

As Israel put blood on their doorpost and prayed that God would pass over them in judgment, we can believe God is putting blood on the moon–Who else could arrange that phenomena we are seeing?

Why not ask God to pass over us in any judgments that come. It’s not just Jewish. Christ did the same, asking his followers to “watch and pray.” Wouldn’t that be a more Christian way to celebrate this time than looking for Easter eggs?

We won’t likely hear any voices or see any visions, but people who ask God for things testify that while they don’t always get what they want, they are convinced that He’s there and sometimes they are later glad they didn’t get what [or who] they wanted!

That could also be God’s way of remaining anonymous, and for us, it’s an opportunity to build character based on choices to include or exclude Him—He leaves the choice to us. After all, if He stood over us with a big stick, forcing us to do it His way, we would have no freedom—but He didn’t wanted robots, so He the freedom of choice that He gave us.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘PERSECUTED FOR HIS NAME’: The Pope Recites Emotional Prayer For The Slain Students in Kenya

EDITORS NOTE: Dr. Richard Ruhling is a physician whose greatest interest in retirement is non-denominational Bible prophecy and he offers more information here and his ebook, Apocalypse 2015, at http://TheBridegroomComes.com.

Obama “blowing up our alliances to secure a deal that paves Iran’s way to a bomb”

Why is Obama so avid to have this deal that he will make disastrous concessions to the Iranians and throw U.S. allies under the bus to get it? Does he really, really want Iran to have nuclear weapons? Is this really all about enabling Iran to destroy Israel?

“Obama Admin Threatens U.S. Allies for Disagreeing with Iran Nuke Deal,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, March 27, 2015:

LAUSANNE, Switzerland—Efforts by the Obama administration to stem criticism of its diplomacy with Iran have included threats to nations involved in the talks, including U.S. allies, according to Western sources familiar with White House efforts to quell fears it will permit Iran to retain aspects of its nuclear weapons program.

A series of conversations between top American and French officials, including between President Obama and French President Francois Hollande, have seen Americans engage in behavior described as bullying by sources who spoke to theWashington Free Beacon.

The disagreement over France’s cautious position in regard to Iran threatens to erode U.S. relations with Paris, sources said.

Tension between Washington and Paris comes amid frustration by other U.S. allies, such as Saudi Arabia and Israel. The White House responded to this criticism by engaging in public campaigns analysts worry will endanger American interests.

Western policy analysts who spoke to the Free Beacon, including some with close ties to the French political establishment, were dismayed over what they saw as the White House’s willingness to sacrifice its relationship with Paris as talks with Iran reach their final stages.

A recent phone call between Obama and Hollande was reported as tense as the leaders disagreed over the White House’s accommodation of Iranian red lines.

Amid these tensions, U.S. Ambassador to France Jane Hartley met with her French counterpart, Gerard Araud, Monday to discuss a range of issues.

Benjamin Haddad, who has advised senior French political figures on foreign policy issues, said leaders in Paris have not been shy about highlighting disagreements they have with the White House.

“Fance [sic], like other European countries, has negotiated for more than 10 years and endured most of the sanctions’ burden,” said Haddad, a research fellow at the Hudson Institute.

“The French want a deal, but they see no rush and repeat that Iranians need a deal more than we do, and that we shouldn’t fix artificial deadlines that put more pressure on us than Iran.”

One source in Europe close to the ongoing diplomacy said the United States has begun to adopt a “harsh” stance toward its allies in Paris.

“There have been very harsh expressions of displeasure by the Americans toward French officials for raising substantive concerns about key elements of what the White House and State Department negotiators are willing to concede to Iran,” said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “That is because the clarifications expose just how weak the Americans’ deal is shaping up to be.”

“The meeting between the French ambassador in Washington and the president’s envoy to Paris—not a diplomat but a big fundraiser for his campaigns—comes amid these very harsh words that were spoken privately about the ambassador’s recent comments on the seeming American desperation for a deal, and the tough words that President Obama had for President Hollande in their phone call.”

Strategic differences remain between the United States and its allies over how a final deal should look, the source said. The French remain opposed to a recent range of concessions made by the Obama administration.

“We may agree that denying Iran a nuclear weapon ability is the goal, but apparently the view of what one can leave Iran and assure that is very different,” the source said.

“Clearly these are the differences that must be discussed. I don’t see France suddenly deciding that America is right and French objections to weakness are wrong, nor that silence is preferable to transparency.”

Haddad said the French are hesitant to rush into an agreement.

“The French want a robust deal with clear guarantees on issues like [research and development] and inspections to ensure that Iranians won’t be able to reduce breakout time during the duration of the agreement (also an issue of discussion), or just after thanks to research conducted during the period,” he said. “That is also why they disagreed on lifting sanctions.”

He also said the French “don’t trust Iran and believe an ambiguous deal would lead to regional proliferation.”

Another Western source familiar with the talks said the White House is sacrificing longstanding alliances to cement a contentious deal with Iran before Obama’s term in office ends.

“The President could be hammering out the best deal in the history of diplomacy, and it still wouldn’t be worth sacrificing our alliances with France, Israel, and Saudi Arabia—key partners in Europe, the eastern Mediterranean, and the Gulf,” the source said. “But he’s blowing up our alliances to secure a deal that paves Iran’s way to a bomb.”…


Obama’s hypocritical attack on Netanyahu

Middle East Quarterly: Robert Spencer reviews Kecia Ali’s “The Lives of Muhammad”

Obama’s revenge: US declassifies report on Israel’s nuclear program

OBAMA: Je ne suis pas Charlie!

dnOBAMA: Je ne suis pas Charlie…means, OBAMA: I am NOT Charlie!

Though he claims to be a “Christian” is President Obama really a Muslim? This question has been asked a zillion times and still people are confused about his true beliefs. On today’s show we raise the question once again this time in light of the President’s very bizarre behavior related to the Muslim attacks in France.

Whereas the whole world, including many Muslim leaders are calling these Muslim attacks, President Obama still refuses to attribute any Islamic behavior to the jihadi’s who gave allegiance to Al Qaeda and the Islamic State and claimed to kill in the name of Islam! Moreover, on Sunday, during a historic rally in Paris of world solidarity against Muslim jihad attacks, with over 40 world leaders arm-in-arm, President Obama did not send a representative and did not himself attend.

The logical conclusion to this avoidance of participation against Islamic jihad speaks volumes…as you will see in this episode of Enemies of the State.

Florida Solar Power: Free electricity? Not so much!

We  have all heard the line “if it sounds too good to be true…” Well solar power is one of those ideas that is too good to be true. Another favorite if it sounds too good to be true are the often repeated statements of President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry claiming renewable energy will lower our electric bills and create millions of jobs that can’t be sent overseas.

For an example of “too good to be true” close to home in the sunshine state, consider Hillsborough County, where the courthouse in 2010 was outfitted with rooftop solar panels, designed to produce 40% of the facility’s electricity, save $60,000 annually in electricity costs, and pay for themselves. The initial cost was $1.2 million, so by saving $60,000 per year, they would pay for themselves in 20 years – a nice, round number. Oh, and by the way, they were going to produce jobs. As part of the Obama Stimulus.

You believe this, right? Sounds good, right?

Well, not exactly. According to the WFTS News article “Solar Panels on Tampa Courthouse Fail to Meet Promises“, the panels are reducing electricity need by 15 – 18%, a savings of less than $2000 per month. At that rate, it will take 45 years for the panels to pay for their cost – if they last that long. As far as I know, there is no hard data yet on solar cell lifetime duration. Estimates range between 15 and 20 years. Solar panels deteriorate over their lifetime, so the $2000/month savings will be going down.

The cruelest blow in all this? Jobs: 12 of them, for four months.

Who brought this too good to be true miracle to pass? Well, you remember who brought us the Obama Stimulus Bill, as well as ObamaCare, the Democratic Party, which controlled Congress and the White House in 2010. They thought it was wonderful:

It is so wonderful to see the Recovery Act at work in our community, creating jobs and saving money” said U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Tampa).

This is a nice initiative that will allow the county to put a little money back into the pockets of taxpayers at a time that they need it most, and to create jobs,” said Castor.

These, by the way, were advanced solar cells, touted as being able to produce electricity even by moonlight. If this pie-in-the-sky Obama engineering doesn’t work in Florida, it bodes ill for other, more Northerly locations.

Obama came to Denver to sign the Stimulus Bill, at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science – which, like Hillsborough County Courthouse, was fitted with solar cells. Denver’s system (200 kilowatts, DC) cost $720,000, and was estimated to cover 1 to 2 % of DMNS use. The chief technology officer, Dave Noel, tried to sell the idea to the board, but admitted, without the Stimulus incentive, 110 years would be required to amortize the cost. Colorado is a pretty sunny state, with over 300 sunny days per year, but it also gets a little cold and Winter days are short. DMNS has an online graph of their solar power generation; over the last 74 months, they’ve generated 16,448 kWh per month. At $0.10/kWh, that’s worth $1645/month. Compared to the initial cost of $720,000, we’re paying off the investment over a period of only 37 years. Less than 110 years, but still twice the expected life of the solar cells.

This defiance of science, engineering and good sense has been going on all over the world, furthered by faddish green enthusiasts. Thankfully, it’s htting the wall of reality. Germany is retreating, both in the face of economic reality and their dependence on Russian natural gas. Germany has 28 electrical generating plants under construction, powered by….coal. In some cases, it’s lignite (brown) coal, the most CO2-intensive variety.

Reality means nothing to the Obama administration, however. Monday’s Wall Street Journal carries an article on the Obama plan to help Africa, specifically Kenya….wait, is this ironic? Doesn’t Obama have some connection with Kenya? The article, headlined “Kenyan Wind Project Reveals Challenges to Obama Aid Plans” reveals that Kenyan farmers are reluctant to give up their land and homes for a wind farm. Perhaps they’ve heard that no electricity flows when the wind doesn’t blow – as the Germans have learned, the hard way.

al gore statement on icecapsLaugh of the Week:

The EPA was in Denver last week, taking comments from citizens on the new regulations to diminish CO2 emissions from coal and save us all from asthma, heart attacks, and other health hazards. Apparently, Al Gore has a fleet of ice cream trucks that he sends to occasions like this to hand out free ice cream to people suffering from the heat – omnipresent because of global warming. Hey, who doesn’t like ice cream, even from The Goreacle, on a hot Summer day?

The temperature in Denver was 58F, in a steady (cold) rain. Even free ice cream wasn’t a big hit. The Gore Effect strikes again. God really does have a sense of humor.

The 2% Solution: How Homosexuals are Fundamentally Transforming America

Of the total U.S. population only 1.6% identify themselves as homosexual or lesbian according to the National Health Interview Survey, the U.S. government’s premier tool for annually assessing Americans’ health and behaviors. The study found that 0.7 percent of Americans consider themselves bisexual.

So, how are homosexuals fundamentally transforming America? They are “sloseting” the 98.4% who are straight. They also have helpers in very high places.

The Urban Dictionary defines sloset as “an exceedingly lost and/or stupified person. Also; a person lost in a closet, a state of utter lostness.” It was not enough for homosexuals to come out of the closet, homosexuals had to put those who are straight into a closet of utter lostness. Homosexuals are creating an ever growing number of “slosets.” If you speak out against homosexuality you are labeled, denigrated and in some cases fired from your job.

I call this the 2% solution: Keep attacking those who are revolted by homosexual behavior, thereby creating more stupified straights.

AFP reports:

HIV infections are rising among gay men in many parts of the world, the World Health Organization warned Friday, urging all men who have sex with men to take antiretroviral drugs to prevent infection.”

“We are seeing exploding epidemics,” warned Gottfried Hirnschall, who heads WHO’s HIV department.

Infection rates are rising again among men who have sex with men — the group at the epicentre of AIDS pandemic when it first emerged 33 years ago, he told reporters in Geneva.

While images of skeletal men dying of AIDS in the 1980s pushed the world to act, a younger generation that has grown up among new treatments that make it possible to live with HIV are less focused on the disease, he suggested.

Today, this group is 19 times more likely than the general population to be infected by HIV, Hirnschall said.

This is not a prophylactic problem. This HIV pandemic is a sexual behavior problem. The WHO has the wrong focus. The issue is not to provide antiretroviral drugs so that homosexuals can continue their deadly sexual behaviors. It is critical to change their behavior, by doing so you reduce the health threat globally.

Every society has a responsibility to stop homosexuality, it will help those who exhibit this bad behavior and those who homosexuals may come in contact with, particularly young boys. Homosexuals are a danger to themselves and those they have sex with, male and female alike. In Florida 70% of know HIV/AIDS cases are due to males having sex with males (MSM). The question is how many women have been infected by bisexual men?

Homosexuals have friends in very high places. The top three are: President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Democrat candidate of president) and current Secretary of State John Kerry. Each is in his or her own way are promoting homosexual and lesbian friendly policies. Homosexuality has become not only a national domestic social policy, it is the major thrust of U.S. foreign policy.

According to the Gay & Lesbian Victory Institute, “To date, the Obama-Biden Administration has appointed more than 250 openly LGBT professionals to full-time and advisory positions in the executive branch; more than all known LGBT appointments of other presidential administrations combined.”

President Obama in a speech at the June 17th, 2014 Democrat National Committee LGBT gala noted, “Maybe no single issue divided our country more than same-sex marriage.  In fact, the Republican Party built their entire strategy for 2004 around this issue.  You remember?  They calculated that if they put constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage on state ballots, they’d turn out more voters, they’d win.  And they, frankly, were right.  People flocked to the polls.  Those amendments were on the ballots in 11 states.  They passed in every single one.”

Now we have activist judges overturning the will of the people in those states, which via constitutional amendments, have defined marriage as between one man and one woman,  the most recent in Florida.

There is push back against the “slosetification” of America and the world. Take Singapore for example. The Associated Press reports, “A children’s book inspired by a real-life story of two male penguins raising a baby chick in New York’s zoo has been deemed inappropriate by state-run Singapore libraries, and the conservative city-state’s information minister said he supports the decision to destroy all copies alongside two other titles. The National Library Board, which runs 26 public libraries in Singapore, pulled from the shelves and said it would “pulp” the copies of three titles, citing complaints their content goes against Singapore’s family values.”

The three books are “And Tango Makes Three,” about a male-male penguin couple in the Central Park Zoo; “The White Swan Express: A Story About Adoption,” which involves a lesbian couple; and “Who’s In My Family: All About Our Families.” Parents are speaking out against these books being used in public schools across America.

It is important for homosexuals and lesbian to slosetfy our children. Homosexuals love little boys, it is called pederasty. All pederasts are homosexuals.

Have you been slosetfied? If so, then you need to come out of the closet and work against the less than 2% who are forcing their behavior upon you and your children.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of The Washington Post.


Obama to Sign Order Barring Federal Discrimination against Gays (order contains no religious exemption)
NJ [homosexual] teacher faces prison for sex talk with students – New York News
Health survey gives government its first large-scale data on gay, bisexual population – The Washington Post
WHO warns HIV ‘exploding’ among gay men, urges preventive drugs
Singapore backs call to destroy gay-themed books – Yahoo News
‘Gay’ Agenda? What ‘Gay’ Agenda?
Teacher and pair of transvestites break into home, bludgeon owner – EAGnews.org
Nobody is ‘Born that Way,’ Gay Historians Say

Obama Trades All Remaining Gitmo Detainees for Magic Beans

On the heels of his widely-praised exchange of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for five captured Taliban commanders, which Democratic strategists are comparing to trading General George Patton for five taxi drivers, President Obama went them one better and swapped all remaining Guantanamo detainees for a bag of magic beans.

In announcing the trade, Secretary of State John Kerry stated, “President Obama has unloaded hundreds of unskilled laborers and taxi drivers whom we already have enough of, and transported them from Gitmo to Afghanistan where they will be more likely to find jobs that fit their training and aspirations, like driving a cab, or follow their dream of being an artist or a poet.”

“The magic beans he obtained from the Taliban in the trade will grow into large beanstalks which will pierce the cloud cover of Republican obstructionism surrounding the planet, and help alleviate climate change. It’s a win-win,” Kerry said.

“This is a big effing deal,” said Vice President Joe Biden praising the trade. “For years the enemy has claimed our foreign policy was based on magical thinking. This swap is proof that we are guided by practicality and realism,” Biden said, adding in passing that “someone’s been eating [his] porridge.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid also made a supportive statement, noting that the giant beanstalks will help reduce the deficit: “We can send people to climb up the beanstalks and steal gold from the giant Koch Brothers, who have hidden it in a castle in the clouds so they wouldn’t have to pay taxes on it. Fee, fi, fo, fum,” stated Reid.

State Department’s Senior Twitterer, Jen Psaki, preempted any hostile criticism by Tweeting that the idea of growing large beanstalks around the White House has nothing to do with making it difficult to see what’s going on inside, nor is it an attempt to distract attention from alleged “scandals,” such as, the VA and Benghazi. “If anything, President Obama does not give himself enough credit for all his accomplishments in the last five years. He doesn’t need magic plants to hide his successes from the public,” Psaki Tweeted.

UN Ambassador Susan Rice led the Administration’s effort to sell the transaction to TV viewers, telling a Sunday cooking show that “magic beans can be served with honor and distinction, especially with a main dish of fowl, such as crow.”

In a rare public statement, Mullah Omar, leader of the Taliban Taxi Drivers’ Union, called the swap a “victory” for President Obama in his fight against climate change. “Allah willing, we will continue to aid Obama’s jihad against non-believers in global warming.”

“Since he’s clean out of detainees, maybe Obama can trade more of our magic beans for something else he doesn’t need, like spent plutonium, for example. Our mountain caves make excellent toxic waste repositories. Call me if you want to trade, Barack,” stated Omar, holding his thumb and index finger out in the traditional “phone call” hand gesture.