Colorado: Douglas County GOP Removes Delegate who Voted for Donald Trump
It has come to my attention that the Douglas County GOP removed Mr. Larry Wayne Lindsey as a delegate from the Colorado GOP delegate list because he voted for Mr. Trump.
Mr. Lindsey has been a GOP delegate in Douglas County for 15 years and a life long member of the Republican Party and now you allegedly censor and denied him access to the delegate vote and also replaced him because of his vote for Trump.
Remarks of Colorado Trump delegate Lindsey who was removed and replaced:
Now I am not sure what kind of Soviet style Marxist agenda you are running in Douglas County Colorado but I would say by the time my column is posted I will send a link to it to the in box of tens of thousands people across America.
You also posted the below tweet on Twitter after the final vote:
I used to work for FOX News Radio as a political commentator and I am going to give you the opportunity to tell us why a 15-year GOP delegate was removed from his position, in effect nullifying his vote for Mr. Trump because of his political beliefs.
He tells us that he was replaced by someone that will vote YOUR way.

The author with Sean Hannity.
Now Colorado is divided into 64 counties. It appears Mr. Trump won 37 of these counties (57.8%) and Mr. Cruz won 24 counties (42.2%) . Yet Trump only got 6 delegate votes and Cruz 33.
I excluded Kasich as his support was negligible. Very interesting.
Do you have a problem with math in the Colorado GOP or are you guys running a Ponzi scheme like Hillary Clinton? Just asking not accusing.
Perhaps you are using Jeb Bush Common Core math to add up the delegates. Maybe its called voter fraud? Who knows?
But now I will send a link to this article to Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and a few other folks and perhaps you would like to discuss it with me.
I am now headed out to eat breakfast with Mr. Gary O’Neil a world famous veteran and retired Army Ranger and Mr. Ricki DiSantis a former CEO on Wall Street and a World Trade Center Survivor from 9/11. I will bring this up with them.
Perhaps the Sheriff in Douglas County should take a look into this so I am copying him plus the three Republican members of the FEC in Washington, D.C.
I am copying this to:
Wendy Mannita Holmes , Director of Pubic Affairs Douglas County Colorado
Douglas County Sheriff
Douglas County County Commissioners
Chief Political Advisor to Donald Trump
Bill O’Reilly
Sean Hannity
Brigitte Gabrielle
Governor Rick Scott
Federal Elections Committee Washington, D.C.
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