Tag Archive for: MAGA


Strong evidence exists to claim our educational systems has failed; not in the process of failing but failed. Couple this apparent fact with a breakdown in large numbers of families no longer requiring children to learn to be critical thinkers, problem solvers and maturing into responsible individuals preparing to assume positions in society to help protect and maintain the gifts given to us by our founders, as well as celebrate the uniqueness which is America compared to the rest of the world.

Ponder for a moment…if America is so racist, bigoted, closed-minded and cynical about anything new why are so many people wanting to come into this country? If MAGA is such an arrogant and destructive force what should be said about our founders and the colonists who spoke and acted like present-day MAGA supporters? But to even discuss such a concept much less endorse something so “radical” as MAGA requires A BRAIN. Yes…individual thinking is actively and aggressively discouraged, mocked and replaced with “group thought.”

The public education system no longer requires teachers helping students to become thinkers, to become analytical and problem solvers. To accomplish such requires A BRAIN and they seem to be in short supply; unless you know where to go and get one. I am humbled to present below the link by which you may go and get yourself A BRAIN if you are in such need. But then again that decision requires some thought in itself. Wow…the complexity of it all!

Anyway…for those reading who have a moment of clarity to see they really need A BRAIN, watch the below video and view the commercial. You will be glad you did, and you can thank me later.

For those reading who have A BRAIN, please help your friends and acquaintances who do not have A BRAIN.


©2024. Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Please visit Lyle’s Arizona Today Substack.

Trump’s newly minted apprentice, JD Vance

With his rough Appalachian upbringing, service in the Marine Corps, Yale Law School education, and success as an author and venture capitalist, one could hardly imagine a more colourful VP pick than JD Vance.

No doubt Vance’s zero-to-hero backstory had special weight for a showman and entrepreneur like Donald Trump, who knows a compelling story when he sees one.

In the media scramble to understand and frame this junior Ohio senator, speculations abound — and more than a few reactionary outlets have already satirised themselves in the process.

The vice-presidential path that Vance will carve is one that only time can tell, should the GOP be so fortunate. But from what we already know about him, here are three of my predictions on what Vance could bring to a second Trump presidency.

Vance, the decoder of Trumpism

Much is being made of JD Vance’s 180-degree about-face on Donald Trump.

The list of words Vance historically used to describe the 45th president is quite something to behold: “reprehensible”, “moral disaster”, “a total fraud”, “unfit for our nation’s highest office”.

While critics have used this as proof of instability on Vance’s part, they fail to see what he might represent to America’s undecided voter. Maybe it’s OK to change your mind about Trump. Maybe there’s room after all for never-Trumpers in a Trump-entrenched GOP.

Indeed, it is something of an irony that liberals despise Vance today for the same reason many of them loved him when he released Hillbilly Elegy: Vance has the ability to decode and interpret Trumpism to America’s coastal elite.

As Vance himself mused in a New York Times interview last month, liberal Americans drawn to the bestselling book were “genuinely trying to understand something about a part of the country they didn’t understand”.

Yes, unlike them, Vance finally overcame his repugnance for “the stylistic element of Trump” in favour of what the boisterous billionaire had to offer “on foreign policy, on trade, on immigration.”

While vowing at the RNC never to forget his Rustbelt roots, Vance’s life trajectory ultimately positioned him in elite company and made him highly conversant with elite sensibilities.

Some have lamented that as a VP pick, Vance secures no new voting block. I beg to differ. As a decoder of Trumpism to America’s highly educated, Vance may yet win many hearts and minds to the cause.

Vance, the heir apparent of Trumpism

Donald Trump is almost an octogenarian. If he wins back the White House, he has just four years to solidify his political legacy.

But Trumpism (which might best be described as a populist and bombastic twist on Paleo-conservatism or Buchananism) will likely outlive Trump by many decades. And Vance will more than likely be the vessel.

As JD Vance mentor Rod Dreher remarked last week in The European Conservative, the VP pick’s reception speech “sealed the realignment of American politics”. He expounded:

Given his brilliant choice of Vance, Trump has not only chosen the most articulate and credible possible advocate of his sensibilities, but laid the groundwork for the permanent restructuring not only of American conservatism, but of America itself. Because Trump chose J.D. Vance, Trumpism will long outlast its founder. Trump resisted the pleas of media mogul Rupert Murdoch to choose someone tamer and more controllable as his running mate, and in so doing, passed the torch to a fighting tribune of the new MAGA generation.

Like it or loathe it, to understand the heartbeat of that generation, you’ll do no better than to watch this segment of Vance’s speech:

Vance, a righteous restraint on Trumpism

In 2020 JD Vance gave a fascinating account of his conversion to Catholicism at The Lamp.

There, he weaves together sentimental stories of his Mamaw’s (grandmother’s) “deep, but completely de-institutionalized, faith”, quotes from antiquity and modern philosophers, an exposé of his fling with atheism, and an account of why Catholicism possesses such practical and social appeal for him.

Not your typical Trumpism, in other words.

Vance may be animated by the same national populist concerns as Donald Trump, but what drives him is quantitatively different.

I’ll leave it to others to articulate or defend Trump’s own internal motivators. For Vance, however, faith appears to be front and centre. He writes:

I slowly began to see Catholicism as the closest expression of [Mamaw’s] kind of Christianity: obsessed with virtue, but cognizant of the fact that virtue is formed in the context of a broader community; sympathetic with the meek and poor of the world without treating them primarily as victims; protective of children and families and with the things necessary to ensure they thrive. And above all: a faith centered around a Christ who demands perfection of us even as He loves unconditionally and forgives easily.

“I try to keep a little humility about how little I know, and how inadequate a Christian I really am,” he also writes.

You won’t hear this from Trump. And it is for the same reason that you will hear a lot less loose-lipped rhetoric from Vance. His Christianity is more than cultural. It even appears to have civilised him.

And wouldn’t that be a welcome restraint on Trumpism?

Is JD Vance a breath of fresh air for the GOP or stale, recycled gusts of Trumpian rhetoric?


Kurt Mahlburg is a husband, father, freelance writer, and a familiar Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He is the Senior Editor at Australia’s largest Christian news site, The Daily Declaration, and a Contributing Editor at Mercator. His writings can also be found at Intellectual Takeout, The American Spectator and the Spectator Australia. He has authored or co-authored five books, including his breakout title Cross and Culture: Can Jesus Save the West?

EDITORS NOTE: This Mercator column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH: President Trump Holds a Maga Rally in Philadelphia

Philadelphia’s minority communities have been ravaged by high crime, poverty, and urban decay. As such, President Trump believes that he can lower President Biden’s margins in Philadelphia, by engaging Philly’s minority communities. Thereby vastly improving President Trump’s chances of winning the state of Pennsylvania.

The Democrats seem to be very nervous.


By RSBN, June 21st, 2024

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks at a Rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, June 22, 2024, at 7:00 PM ET. Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 12:00 p.m. ET.

Stay in the loop with the latest coverage from Right Side Broadcasting Network! Head to rsbnetwork.com/newsletter and download our new mobile app to get breaking news updates for Trump rallies and more.

LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Keynotes the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s “Road to Majority” – 6/22/24 [President Trump’s remarks begin at the 2 hour and 20 minute mark]



Missouri Attorney General Suing New York Over ‘Unconstitutional Lawfare’ Against Trump: ‘Time to Restore the Rule of Law’

BOMBSHELL Undercover Footage: Biden’s State Department Official Admits ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is Biden Policy — Deliberately Bringing In Criminals

Biden’s DOJ Charges Hero Surgeon After He Blew the Whistle On Child Mutilation Surgeries


Jack Cashill: ASHLI: The Untold Story of the Women of January 6

Poll: Black voters want Trump

EDITOR NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

President Donald J. Trump’s verdict ‘Marks the fundamental transformation of America into a ‘totalitarian state’!

“The real verdict will be November 5th by the people. The whole country is being rigged right now. This is being done by the Biden Administration in order to hurt or wound a political opponent. We’ll fight to the end and we’ll win…this is long from over.” — President Donald J. Trump, New York City, May 30, 2024.

“Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.” ― Thomas Jefferson

In a “totalitarian state” the public trial of a political offender, e.g. J6 patriots, Jews, Christians, pro-life women and Donald J. Trump, is conducted chiefly for “propagandistic purposes”, as to “suppress further dissent against the government by making an example of the accused.”

On May 30th, 2024 America has been fundamentally transformed into a “totalitarian state.”

As we woke up on May 31st as one of our readers put it in an email, “Hang onto your socks, this could get ugly.

Watch this video of a Rasmussen survey where more than 40% of U.S. voters believe second Civil War is ‘likely’:

Ulysses S. Grant  wrote, “Whatever may have been my political opinions before, I have but one sentiment now: that is, we have a government, and laws, and a flag, and they must all be sustained. There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots. And I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter.”

President Donald J. Trump is now the official leader of the “Patriot Party”.

His show trial is proof of that. The traitors fear him and America’s patriots. Patriots who stand by our faith, our families and cherish and hold dear our God given freedoms of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

As our Declaration of Independence states:

“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

It is now time for every American citizen to dissolve their political bands and “assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them…”

We ask our fellow patriots to stand strong in these darkest of times in the history of these United States of America. There is a bright and shining light at the end of this morass that we the people now find ourselves in.

Truth and justice will prevail!

Time to cast off the bonds of tyranny

As Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and opressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.

We the people have the power to save ourselves. Not to do so condemns our children and grandchildren to lives of slavery under a brutal and tyrannical government.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio wrote on X, “The verdict in New York is a complete travesty that makes a mockery of our system of justice. A political show trial conducted by an openly pro-Biden judge whose daughter makes money off the case, a jury from the most liberal county in America, absurd and ridiculous charges and outrageous jury instructions that guaranteed guilty verdicts Biden and the Trump deranged left will stop at nothing to remain in power.”

As our Founding Fathers wrote, “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

It is now time to throw off this current government and provide a new class of Patriot Guards for the future security of our nation.

It is time for all patriots to fly our American flag upside down, as has U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Anthony Alito Jr. as a sign of distress.

According to Middle Tennessee State University’s Free Speech Center, “Flags are important symbols and can evoke strong emotions depending on the context.  Flying a U.S. flag upside down as a form of protest has existed for at least 50 years…Especially in times of war, it was important to be able to distinguish friend from foe, which could be either a foreign nation or a pirate ship.  Nick Garren has argued that the practice of flying a flag upside down was used by ships that were in distress, and only much later became a symbol of political protest.

We are now in a “Second Civil War.” It is now a war between patriots and traitors.

On July 26th, 2021 we wrote in an article titled “Is America Headed Toward a Second Civil War?” we concluded,

It is only a matter of time before there is a second Civil War.

This new civil war will be between patriots and tyrants.

The goal of the tyrants is to destroy America and with it western civilization. The goal of patriots is to protect and defend our Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

The methodology of the tyrant is to rewrite history, e.g. Critical Race Theory, and literally tear down Civil War memorials to keep the young from understanding American history, especially the Civil War that reunited the Republic and freed the slaves.

The more government tries to take control the more the people will push back against it.

Violence may be necessary to restore our freedoms. As Thomas Jefferson wrote: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Time will tell if it becomes a shooting war. We hope that it doesn’t. However, if Biden continues down the path he and his handlers are on, nothing can stop him short of a revolution.

Are you a patriot or a tyrant? Choose wisely.

Sadly, our great and glorious nation is now officially in a Second Civil War.

Show your protestation by flying your American flag upside down!

©2024. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

The last verse of the Battle Hymn of the Republic by Julia Ward Howe and William Steffe is:

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the seaWith a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and meAs He died to make men holy, let us die to make men freeWhile God is marching on

Please listen to The Battle Hymn of the Republic:


Trump Campaign Rakes In $34 Million After Guilty Verdict

Wife of Justice Alito called upside-down flag ‘signal of distress’

Jury in leftist NYC trial says Trump guilty on all 34 counts!

‘Rigged, Disgraceful Trial’: Trump Responds To Conviction, Promises ‘Real Verdict’ In November

Trump And Biden Tied In State GOP Candidate Hasn’t Won In Decades: POLL

Biden Campaign Has Three Lines Of Attack. They’re All Doomed To Fail

POST ON X: Joe Biden says it’s “reckless” and “dangerous” to suggest that the conviction of Trump was “rigged.”

Trump Camp Surpasses Biden In Fundraising For First Time

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign passed President Joe Biden’s campaign in monthly fundraising for the first time in April, according to Reuters.

Trump, alongside the Republican National Committee (RNC), which his camp has partnered with, raised $76 million in the month of April, Reuters reported Tuesday. Biden and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) raised about $25 million less than their competitors, bringing in $51 million in April.

In March, the Biden campaign and the DNC brought in $90 million, while Trump and the RNC brought in $65.6 million. The former president’s team had $93.1 million cash on hand while Biden’s team had $192 million.

Trump has continued to dominate multiple polls demonstrating a hypothetical matchup between him and Biden. The former president is leading a recent New York Times/Siena College survey that shows Trump ahead of Biden across Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by as much as 13 points.

Though other polls have continued to show Trump ahead, the president is reportedly refusing to accept their results. Both publicly and privately, Biden is denying the polls showing him behind, people familiar with the matter told Axios.

“While the press doesn’t write about it, the momentum is clearly in our favor, with the polls moving towards us and away from Trump,” the president told donors during a California campaign event in May.

Biden focuses on a few polls that show him leading the former president. Among those is an April 2024 PBS/Marist survey that shows Biden three points ahead of Trump.

“We run strongest among likely voters in the polling data,” Biden told donors at another May program. “And while the national polls basically have us (among) registered voters up by four, (among) likely voters we’re up by more.”



White House correspondent. Follow Reagan on Twitter.


Trump’s Most Iconic Campaign Tool Is Nowhere To Be Seen As He Languishes In NY Courtroom

Trump Motions To Dismiss Classified Docs Case Based On ‘Unconstitutional’ Mar-A-Lago Raid, ‘Prosecutorial Misconduct’

‘We Don’t Want Trump’: Immigrants Rush To Cross Border Before US Election

Ex-Trump Aide Accuses Wall Street Elites Of Working Behind The Scenes To Sabotage MAGA Agenda

Bill Maher Tells Joy Behar She Is Losing Credibility By Self-Censoring Criticisms Of Biden


Bill Maher on Biden’s Pandering, Woke Progressives Supporting Terrorists, and Value of Disagreement

ENOUGH: Will Biden’s Policies Drive Jewish Americans Towards Trump?

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Aaron Dimick Diversity cheerleader to challenge Congressman ‘MAGA’ Matt Gaetz in the August primary election

The Republican In Name Only (RINO) worms living underground to avoid the light still think they can pop up every now and then to try and disrupt the balance of nature.

Worms like Republican in Name Only (RINO) Kevin McCarthy the fired do nothing former Speaker of the House. His head has appeared in District 1 Florida via his hand picked primary challenger to congressman Matt Gaetz.

Comrade McCarthy has now recruited his pal Aaron Dimmock a liberal left wing Republican In Name Only (RINO) Diversity cheerleader to challenge Congressman “MAGA” Matt Gaetz in the August primary election.

Aaron Dimmock was a Naval P3 pilot who found safety and comfort in surveillance aircraft vice the challenge of being a MAGA supporting Naval Top Gun fighter pilot.

Top Gun pilots return to home base on Aircraft Carriers deployed in rough seas not to safe and secure fixed airfields. Dimick apparently failed to qualify for Top Gun or chickened out. Just my opinion from my experience in officer programs recruiting.

In my 20 year military career in the United States Navy my three years providing military combat support to P3 pilots in Sicily Italy was my worst nightmare.

One P3 pilot got an airman pregnant which I had to deal with as a Senior Chief and instead of combat readiness their main concern was ensuring their assigned aircraft needed extra maintenance on airfields like in Rota Spain within close proximity to cheap beer.

Of course aircraft parts were always needed for the planes and three days was usually the minimum turn around time to get the missing widgets. Enough time to party on full per diem.

The mindset of the Top Gun pilot compared to the P3 pilot is night and day. Much like comparing conservative republicans to socialist democrats. Not all but most P3 pilots.

Top Gun pilots maintained conservative discipline and had Ronald Reagan photos hanging in their lockers while the P3 pilots I knew were the closet democrats that loved Clinton. Just my opinion from my up close and personal perspective.

Aaron Dimick is no different and he clearly identifies himself as a liberal with his close association and political connections with RINO loser Kevin McCarthy.

I have no doubt I crossed paths with Dimick while I was stationed at Naval Air Station Sicily, Italy. Perhaps during one of my night operations as the Command Duty Officer (CDO) in Sicily I made sure he and or his colleagues were given wake up calls like his momma used to do.

This primary challenger to Matt Gaetz is nothing more than a Kevin McCarthy blow up plastic artificial intelligence artifact a woke BLM supporting DEI instructor.

So now he’s running against the indestructible Matt Gaetz (R-FL) a phenomenal leader in the Republican Party here in district 1. My back yard.

McCarthy needs to spend his time more wisely vice setting up woke liberals like Aaron Dimick for failure in this part of Florida.

This is MAGA Matt Gaetz country and woke liberals like Dimick are doomed for failure.

©2024. Geoff Ross. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Democrats Losing Ground Among Minority Voters as Hispanic and Latino Support for Trump Rises


From Buying Bibles to Using MAGA: How the U.S. Government is Monitoring Ordinary Transactions

Where does it end, America?

The Treasury Department, under the likely direction of the Biden administration, has been surveilling Americans based on their personal transactions—transactions as innocent as purchasing a Bible.

Picture this: you walk into a bookstore, you buy a Bible, and suddenly, you’re on a government watch list.

Sound unbelievable?

Not according to the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. This isn’t fiction — it’s the unnerving reality of today’s America.

Under the pretext of sniffing out ‘extremism’ following the tumultuous events of January 6, major financial institutions, at the behest of the FBI and the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FinCEN, have been combing through ordinary Americans’ financial records.

These institutions aren’t just any banks. We’re talking about heavy hitters like Bank of America, Chase, and Wells Fargo, among others.

And what were they looking for?

Signs of ‘extremism’ that are so broad and undefined that even buying a Bible could raise red flags. This is not just an overreach; it’s a grave assault on our fundamental rights and a clear violation of the 1974 Privacy Act.

The Privacy Act was passed into law to safeguard citizens from being targeted by federal agencies simply for exercising their Constitutional rights, such as—you guessed it—purchasing a Bible.

The Act specifically limits federal agencies from collecting information about how individuals exercise their First Amendment rights, such as religious practices, unless such collection is explicitly authorized by law or is necessary for a law enforcement activity.

Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, leading the charge in Congress, is uncovering how these institutions, in collaboration with federal agencies, cast a net so broad that it ensnares everyday activities under the guise of potential ‘suspicious’ behavior.

This isn’t about catching criminals but monitoring the American populace. It’s about creating profiles based not on evidence of criminal activity but rather on political and religious affiliations.

“If you’ve got the wrong political beliefs,” Jordan said, “well you’re potentially a domestic violent extremist.”

Imagine financial spies, without a warrant, peering into your personal bank transactions, looking for keywords like ‘MAGA’ or ‘Trump,’ or tracking purchases from places like Cabela’s or Dick’s Sporting Goods.

It’s a matter of monitoring your personal beliefs and activities, not just your finances.

According to Jordan, the federal government has established ‘profiles’ on American citizens, storing them in a ‘secret portal’ accessible to numerous companies to assess the extent of customers’ extremism.

During a March 6 hearing, the Ohio Republican highlighted that this confidential database, shared between more than 650 companies and federal officials, contains sensitive information on U.S. citizens.

Again, this is a flagrant violation of the 1974 Privacy Act that prohibits the federal government from sharing a citizen’s personal information to third parties.

The question now looms large: How deep does this surveillance go? And what does it mean for our privacy, freedom of expression, and the very fabric of our democracy?

The implications are chilling. We need to demand answers and accountability. The sanctity of our personal freedoms depends on it.

©2024. Martin Mawyer. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Did the Biden Regime Green-Light Arrest Warrants for Israeli Leaders, Including Netanyahu?

Trump Reveals Endorsement In Senate Race To Replace Mitt Romney

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday endorsed Riverton Mayor Trent Staggs for the Republican nomination to replace outgoing Sen. Mitt Romney

Romney announced in September that he is not seeking reelection in 2024 after roughly five years in office. Trump threw his “complete and total” support behind Staggs on Saturday over the mayor’s top Republican political opponent in the election, Utah Rep. John Curtis.

“Trent Staggs is 100% MAGA, and is running to fill The Mitt Romney, a Total Loser, Seat as the next Senator from the Great State of Utah!” Trump said in a post on Truth Social on Saturday. “A Highly Successful Entrepreneur, who has served brilliantly as Mayor of Riverton for the past six years, Trent knows how to Create Jobs, Stop Inflation, Grow the Economy, and Secure the Border.

“As your next Senator, Trent will help us Unleash American Energy, Support our Military/Vets, and Protect our always under siege Second Amendment,” Trump said. “Trent Staggs has my Complete and Total Endorsement – He will be a GREAT Senator, and never let you down!”

Unlike Curtis, Staggs has endorsed Trump publicly for the 2024 presidential race, calling him the “one candidate” who can amend the “crippling” domestic and international policies of President Joe Biden. Staggs also boasts support not only from Trump but also from high-profile Republicans including former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz and dozens of other current and former elected officials.

Staggs previously told the Daily Caller News Foundation that he seeks to address issues affecting the American homeland — such as the southern border crisis — before venturing to solve international problems, such as funding Ukraine in its war against Russia.

“I think it’s time we prioritize our own border over Ukraine’s,” Staggs previously told the DCNF. “At $34 trillion in debt, we cannot continue being the world’s piggy bank.”

Though current polling is scarce, Curtis was leading Staggs 27% to 5% in a poll conducted by Noble Predictive Insights from April 8 to 16. Other Republican candidates running to replace Romney’s seat include Brent Hatch at 11%, Brad Wilson at 10% and Jason Walton at 2%, with roughly 40% “unsure.”

Trump has had a historically troubled relationship with Romney, as the Utah senator voted to impeach the former president in 2021. Trump celebrated when Romney announced he would not be seeking reelection in 2024.

The Utah GOP convention is set to take place on Saturday, as delegates will gather to determine which candidate — possibly Curtis or Staggs — they want on the primary ballot in June.





Republicans Vying To Replace GOP Sen. Mitt Romney Reveal Position On Foreign Aid Package Ahead Of Key Vote

WaPo Runs 5,000 Word Profile Of Man Imprisoned For Threatening Marjorie Taylor Greene

‘I’d Even Take Biden Over Junior’: Donald Trump Exchanges Broadsides With RFK Jr.

UN Taps China, Which Commits Crimes Against Humanity, For New Group Protecting ‘Human Rights’ In Mining

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

Nikki Haley Takes One State, But Trump Romps In The Rest As Super Tuesday Results Roll In

Former President Donald Trump racked up wins across the country after voters took to the polls in more than a dozen Super Tuesday states with hundreds of delegates up for grabs.

While former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley pulled out a narrow upset victory in the Vermont primary, Trump won VirginiaNorth CarolinaTennesseeOklahomaMaineAlabamaMassachusettsTexasArkansasColorado, Minnesota and California, The Associated Press projected. Republican contests in Alaska and Utah had not yet been called as of 1 a.m. EST.

“They call it Super Tuesday for a reason. This is a big one,” Trump said in a speech following his victories. “And they tell me — the pundits and otherwise — that there’s never been one like this, there’s never been anything so conclusive. This was an amazing, an amazing night, an amazing day. It’s been an incredible period of time and our country’s history. It’s been sad in so many ways, but I think it’s going to be inspiring because we’re going to do something that, frankly, nobody’s been able to do for a long time.”

Trump’s Super Tuesday victories carried him within striking distance of locking up the Republican nomination, and lessened Haley’s already long odds to overcome the former president.

President Joe Biden also secured wins in the Democratic contests for VirginiaVermontIowaNorth CarolinaTennesseeOklahomaMassachusettsMaineArkansasAlabamaTexasColoradoMinnesotaUtah and California according to the AP. He was defeated in American Samoa by little-known candidate Jason Palmer.

Trump also racked up several wins in the days ahead of Super Tuesday, including the North Dakota caucus, the Michigan primary, the Michigan caucus, the Idaho caucus and the Missouri caucus. The former president has also won the South Carolina primary, the Nevada caucus, the U.S. Virgin Islands caucus, the New Hampshire primary and the Iowa caucus.

Haley lost to the “None of These Candidates” option in the Nevada primary, which did not count for delegates. The former ambassador notched her first win in the Washington, D.C., primary on Sunday.

Georgia, Hawaii, Mississippi and Washington will hold their respective nominating contests on March 12. Several other states follow on March 19, including Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Kansas and Ohio.

Trump’s campaign previously estimated in a memo that the former president would have enough delegates by March 12 at the earliest and March 19 at the latest to surpass the Republican National Committee’s 1,215 threshold.





Trump Wins North Dakota Caucuses

Trump Sweeps Super Tuesday


Rep. Scott Perry on Biden Border Crisis and Gov’t Overreach

Rashida Tlaib Votes Against Banning Hamas Terrorists From USA


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

President Donald J. Trump Wins New Hampshire. The Only Person to Win a Historic 3rd Time!

Wait, here’s the real headline – 70% of Nikki Haley voters in New Hampshire were not registered Republicans.

Trump Cruises To Victory Against Nikki Haley In New Hampshire

By: Mary Lou Masters, Daily Caller, January 23, 2024:

CONCORD, New Hampshire — Former President Donald Trump won the first-in-the-nation primary Tuesday evening, defeating former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley by roughly nine points, according to The Associated Press.

Trump received 54.1% support from New Hampshire voters compared to Haley’s 45% at the time of writing, the AP projected. The former president has now won the first two nominating contests of the 2024 season, as he secured 51% of the vote in the Iowa caucus just last week.

President Joe Biden, who did not appear on the ballot due to the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC’s) new calendar, won the New Hampshire Democratic primary as a write-in candidate, according to the AP. Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips followed at 20.4% ahead of self-help author Marianne Williamson at 4.6%.

None of the Democrats will receive delegates from New Hampshire, as the state decided to keep its first-in-the-nation status.

Keep reading.


RELATED VIDEO: Trump Speaks to Supporters After Winning New Hampshire Primary: ‘What a Great Victory’


Massive support for Trump in Colorado has Democrats terrified

Trump Cruises To Victory Against Nikki Haley In New Hampshire

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Arizona Republican Party Chair Jeff DeWit Caught on Secret Recording Trying to Bribe Kari Lake Not to Run for the Senate.

EXCLUSIVE: Fani Willis Hired Firm To Monitor Her Media ‘Coverage Value’ Just Days Before Announcing Trump Probe

Appeals Court Denies Trump’s Request To Rehear Gag Order Appeal In 2020 Election Case


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Campaign Reveals Plans For 2023

Former President Donald Trump’s team announced their plans for 2023, laying out their “overwhelming” campaign strategy for the next presidential election.

The campaign is rolling out “top-level teams in early voting states” and expanding its “massive data operation” to “wage an overwhelming campaign that’s never been seen before,” the former president’s spokesperson, Steven Cheung, told the Daily Caller.

Trump officially announced his 2024 bid Nov. 15 at Mar-a-Lago. Since his announcement, Trump has attended events with the Republican Jewish Coalition, America First Policy Institute, Log Cabin Republicans and the 14th Annual President’s Conference of Torah Umesorah.

He also attended galas with American Freedom Tour and Helping a Hero, participated in the Georgia runoff tele-rally, conducted numerous interviews and video appearances, and met with members of Congress, Cheung said.

Trump has released videos on freedom of speech, the Omnibus and the Jan. 6 Committee’s final report, promising in his first video that he would ban the federal government from censoring the “lawful speech of American citizens” in one of his first acts.

“There will be more policy related events and President Trump will continue to lead on key issues like [he] has done on free speech and the border crisis in the past few weeks. Additionally, more print, on-camera, and radio interviews with the press have been scheduled so President Trump can lay out his vision for the campaign and highlight Joe Biden’s disastrous policies that have made America less safe and less prosperous,” Cheung said.

Some polls indicate that Trump’s 2024 support has wavered with Republicans, especially after the results of the midterm elections. Some former officials from the Trump administration, like former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former Vice President Mike Pence, seem to have expressed some degree of doubt over the president and his effect on the party.

“I think we’ll have better choices … than my old running mate,” said Pence. “I think America longs to go back to the policies that were working for the American people, but I think it’s time for new leadership in this country that will bring us together around our highest ideals.”

Trump’s 2024 plans were hardly mentioned on stage at Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest, the largest multi-day conservative conference. Speakers like Fox News host Tucker Carlson and Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley refused to say if they would endorse Trump in a matchup against Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Some speakers told the Caller offstage that they would be endorsing Trump over a possible challenge from DeSantis.

“Donald Trump is the guy. He’s the guy. He’s the leader of the clubhouse. Ron DeSantis is great — great governor, my governor — but right now, there’s one person running. It’s Donald Trump. That’s it,” Republican Florida Rep. Byron Donalds said.

“Ron will be president one day. He’s a great guy, a great leader, but in this moment, President Trump has a unique ability to marshal the populist energy that can break through the corrupt establishment,” Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said.

Trump also holds endorsements from Republicans, Cheung said, including Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville, New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, Texas Rep. Troy Nehls, Illinois Rep. Mary Miller, Ohio Rep. Mike Carey, Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson, Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins, Alabama Rep. Barry Moore, Texas Rep.-elect Wesley Hunt, Ohio Rep.-elect Max Miller, Arizona Rep.-elect Eli Crane, Alabama Rep.-elect Dale Strong, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, Kari Lake and the New York Young Republicans Club.



White House correspondent.



EXCLUSIVE: Trump To Attend RJC And AFPI Events After Campaign Announcement

TPUSA Line-Up Largely Evades 2024 Nominee Discussion

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Announces 2024 Presidential Run

Former President Donald Trump officially launched his 2024 presidential campaign at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday, making a run for the White House for the third consecutive time.

Trump announced his run after highlighting what he did in his first term, as well as inflation, the open border and record-breaking gas prices under the Biden administration.

“I am officially running for president of the United States, and we are going to make our country great again,” Trump said.

“Our country needs a truly great leader, and we need a truly great leader now. We need a leader that wrote ‘The Art of the Deal.’ We need a leader that can bring back our jobs, can bring back our manufacturing, can bring back our military, take care of our Vets. Our Vets have been abandoned!” Trump said, after noting that “America’s comeback starts right now.”

He officially filed his candidacy with the Federal Election Commission as a Republican for 2024.

Trump had teased the announcement the day before the midterms by saying he had a “very big announcement” set for Nov. 15, and had repeatedly hinted that he would run in 2024. Reports had ramped up about Trump’s impending announcement before the midterms, with sources suspecting that he would officially declare his campaign during his rally for Ohio’s J.D. Vance. Axios reported that the former president’s inner circle had marked Nov. 14 as the official launch date.

If he wins in 2024, Trump would be the first U.S. president since Grover Cleveland to win another four-year term after losing re-election.

After Republicans did not secure a red wave in the midterms, Republicans splintered on whether Trump should announce his candidacy while the results are still being tabulated.

“Every ounce of Republican energy, every last ounce needs to go into that Georgia race because it could potentially be what makes or breaks the Senate,” former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said.

Some, including Republican Rep. Byron Donalds, have questioned whether Trump represents the future of the Republican Party, given that several of his handpicked candidates underperformed in the midterm elections.

Other Republicans, including Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, New York Rep. Elise Stefanik and Vance, have argued that Trump needs to be back in the White House to complete what he started in his firm term.

The former president has also launched verbal attacks on other potential Republican presidential candidates by taking credit for their electoral victories, calling Ron DeSantis an “average” governor and saying Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s name “sounds Chinese.” The outward criticism of DeSantis comes after the governor secured a major victory in Florida, defeating his opponent by nearly 20%.

Several polls show that a majority of voters prefer DeSantis over Trump, with the Florida governor leading Trump by 3% in a YouGov poll conducted after the midterms.

Trump’s announcement marks the first major presidential candidate to officially declare their bid for the 2024 election. President Joe Biden has insisted throughout his presidency that he intends to run for another term, but hedged his statement on Nov. 9, saying that it’s “ultimately a family decision.” 

Former Vice President Mike Pence has also said he’s potentially eyeing a 2024 presidential bid, telling ABC on Monday that he’s giving it a “prayerful consideration.”



White House correspondent.


RELATED ARTICLE: ‘We’re Going To Have Discussions About It’ 2024 Run, Biden Says While Addressing Midterm Results

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Declares War on Those Who Want to Make America Great Again

Killing the republic in the name of saving “our democracy.”

It was the worst Nuremberg Rally ever. Old Joe Biden has taken the old adage, variously attributed to Lenin, Goebbels, Saul Alinsky, or other enemies of freedom, to heart: “Accuse your enemy of what you’re guilty of doing.” In a dark, threatening speech Thursday night, he declared that “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” For the first time in American history, a president has declared that his primary political opposition is outside the bounds of acceptable political discourse. To drive his messaging home, Biden delivered his divisive and un-American speech in front of an ominous black and red backdrop, with two Marines standing behind him. The message couldn’t be clearer: the Left is intent on criminalizing opposition to its policies. Dissent from Old Joe’s agenda, and you could end up with the thought police breaking down your door at 4AM.

“As I stand here tonight,” Biden in front of his ersatz Nazi background, “equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.” That’s right. Equality and democracy are under assault. And Biden proceeded to assault them. He said he intended to “speak as plainly as I can to the nation about the threats we face,” but he wasn’t referring to China, or Russia, or North Korea, or the Islamic State and al-Qaeda, and certainly not to the woke America-haters who infest our public schools, colleges, and universities. No, Old Joe’s big threat to the nation is Americans who dare to vote against him and reject his policies. The man has come closer to calling for war upon American citizens than any president since Jefferson Davis.

“Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal,” Biden complained. “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” He immediately drew a distinction between them and the good Republicans: “Now, I want to be very clear — very clear up front: Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans.  Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology. I know because I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans. But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.”

Get the picture? The Republicans who play ball with the globalist, socialist Democrats and allow them to implement their agenda with just a few quibbles here and there, Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney and Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski and Adam Kinzinger and all the rest, they’re the good Republicans. A good Republican is one who acts and speaks and votes just like a Democrat, but who has an “R” behind his name. A bad Republican is one who offers an actual alternative to the America-Last, bug-eating, open borders, Third World socialism that Joe and his henchmen are forcing upon us.

After making this frankly authoritarian statement, the corrupt, senescent liar in the White House had the unspeakable audacity to add: “But I’m an American President — not the President of red America or blue America, but of all America.”

No, that’s exactly what he isn’t, not any longer if he ever was. He effectively resigned from that position on Thursday night. He is not the president of Americans who want to see a strong, independent, self-sufficient America and a president who puts America and its citizens first. He is at war with those Americans, and God knows what is coming next.

“MAGA Republicans have made their choice,” Biden declared. “They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.” This is the “accuse your enemy of what you’re doing” strategy to a T. He went on to claim that the MAGA Republicans refuse to accept the results of free elections (not a word, of course, about the increasing evidence not only of election fraud but of FBI interference in the 2020 election), and, with more of his trademark breathtaking dishonesty and audacity, proclaimed that political violence was unacceptable under any circumstances. Not a word about Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and all the others cheering on the Left’s political violence in the summer of 2020. This wasn’t really about democracy and the rule of law at all. It was about criminalizing the legitimate political opposition, something that no president has ever dared to do.

The destroyer of the republic delivered this disgraceful speech on September 1, 2022, the 83rd anniversary of the Nazi German invasion of Poland. As Biden’s handlers are witless miseducated Leftists, they likely didn’t know the historical resonance of this date, but it was a fitting choice, for fascism is once again on the rise, as it was in the darkest days of the 1930s. Biden’s speech embodied it.



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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Reid Guest: MAGA Means Going Back to ‘Days When You Could Lynch or Murder Black Folks’

Thursday on MSNBC’s propaganda outlet The ReidOut, guest legal analyst Brittany Packnett Cunningham told racist host Joy Reid that the slogan Make America Great Again, associated with former President Trump and his supporters, reflects a desire to return to “days when you could lynch or murder black folks.”

Discussing a proposed Missouri self-defense law, demagogue Reid claimed that “Mark McCloskey, who is running for the open Missouri Senate seat, praised the bill. Because it means that he essentially, and his wife, could have been in their slippers and shoot every single Black Lives Matter person that walked by, legally, and they would not even be detained.”

What an utterly absurd lie. No one in conservative media would ever get away with making such an outrageously stupid claim, but no one in the mainstream (i.e. leftist) media will even bat an eye over it.

Packnett Cunningham replied, “This was, of course, the couple that was made famous by stepping outside of their restricted Covenant mansion in St. Louis, Glocks in tow, pulling their guns out on unarmed black protestors. But of course, to people like the McCloskeys, black skin is weapon enough, and this is precisely the problem. This is exactly what this bill is designed to do. It is to legitimize seeing blackness as a weapon in and of itself and then justify our murders.”

The McCloskeys did not display their weapons because of racism, but because their neighborhood was being threatened by rioters and looters. Moreover, the proposed Missouri self-defense law has nothing to do with race. It would apply to every legal citizen, blacks included — and blacks statistically benefit more from self-defense laws and 2nd Amendment rights than whites do.

She added, “So when folks talk about making America great again, that’s the kind of Missouri grand ol’ tradition that they want to return to. They want to return to days when you could lynch or murder black folks, and there would be absolutely no retribution for it. That’s not hyperbole. I’m telling you as a black Missourian, and as a protestor, that is reality.”

That’s not hyperbole? Of course it is. It’s beyond hyperbole. It’s a hate-mongering lie that bears no relation whatsoever to reality. But that’s how MSNBC and Joy Reid roll.

Joy Reid

20 Known Connections

Reid Says That “Selfish” White Christian Conservatives Believe That America Was “Built for Them”

During the January 3, 2022 airing of her MSNBC program The ReidOut, Reid said:

“They’re white so-called Christian conservatives who feel like this country was built by them for them, and so everyone but them needs to suck it up and let them have their way or else. Their party, the Republicans, have gone from pretending to be the party of personal responsibility to unmasking themselves as the party of selfish people that cannot play well with others. And they even have their own cable networks plus something called GETTR [a social media platform and microblogging site founded in July 2021 by former Donald Trump aide Jason Miller], which kind of sounds like porn. Moving on. So the special citizen says, ‘I don’t want to wear a mask [against coronavirus], and if you try to attack me, I’ll attack the low-waged clerks at the store or at the Burger King. I don’t want to get the [COVID-19] vaccine either. If people get sick from me, oh well, not my problem. Joe Rogan said it’s fine. My kids aren’t going to mask up to protect those other kids. F those other kids, their parents are probably commies anyway.’ Which usually means people who want rights for other people and who give a damn what happens to them. So this midterm election year, we’re going to find out which brand of citizenship is stronger, and the answer will tell us whether our democracy is strong enough to survive.”

To learn more about Joy Reid, click here.


EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: It’s No Longer Just Left vs. Right

My father always liked to tell me: “Politics, a truly filthy business. But my, is it interesting.”

And he was right.

For those of us who live and work in the “swamp,” we get daily reminders of that reality. It’s easy to fall into a belief that politics is just a cycle.

For four or eight years, one side is in ascendance. One side influences the course of the nation and American lives, and then it’s the other side’s turn.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? Learn more now >>

Not anymore.

To understand how things have changed, you need to understand what real life and death issues beneath the surface of American life compelled many Americans, for the first time since the Revolutionary War, to check the box in 2016 for someone who had nothing to do with Washington, D.C., or our political class.

The choice seemed unusual at the time—instead of a governor, general, senator, or congressman, a construction magnate with 14 seasons of a reality TV show behind him somehow had garnered 304 votes in the Electoral College, not to mention almost 63 million votes, in his first run for the White House.

But why?

To answer that, you need to read the autobiography of a man whose experience is crucial to understanding why voters felt compelled to make that kind of choice.

That man is J.D. Vance and the book is “Hillbilly Elegy.”

I don’t read biographies, auto- or otherwise, as I just don’t have the patience. But thanks to the recommendation of someone in the White House, I made an exception and read Vance’s story over one Thanksgiving weekend and it changed everything.

Why? Because Vance’s book fully explained the life and death issues that made such a choice even possible.

Ostensibly, the work was about Vance’s growing up in Ohio, a member of a working-class family from the Appalachian region of Kentucky in an environment of dashed dreams, drug abuse, and broken human beings.

For the full story, read Vance’s book. The deeper conclusion is that America became a land of opportunity and the world’s sole superpower because a promise was made and kept between its citizens and the political class. That promise was based upon a common belief: America is the freest and greatest nation on God’s Earth.

Both groups—citizens and the political class—believed in our being the “great experiment in democracy.” That if you worked hard, you would prosper. That you would be represented by a political class that would protect that prosperity and keep your family safe.

But then the compact was broken. Year after year, those who had built America were systematically betrayed. Jobs disappeared. Factories closed.

Our enemies and competitors—namely China—were given favorable deals. Drugs like fentanyl were “imported,” ravaging our communities. In exchange, more and more of the “elite” in Washington subscribed to an inexorable “managed decline” for America.

We have been able to surmount some of these issues in the time since then with a roaring economy until COVID-19 hit, jobs returning to America, and foreign policy successes such as smashing the ISIS caliphate.

But our political clashes now go much deeper and are more existential. They are rooted in issues that those who occupy the commanding heights of our media and our traditional political class have no interest in addressing.

These issues strike deeply at our social compact—the shared commitment to Anglo-American values, norms, customs, and traditions, available to Americans of any background—that give us common ground and make a modicum of a free, orderly, decent, and healthy political order even possible.

These same panjandrums of our media and political class, and the street thugs they have enabled, the rabble-rousers performing this dangerous political street theater in tearing down our statues and history, no longer are practicing politics as usual. They have been captured by the radicalism that has been bubbling under the surface of left-wing politics for decades.

That is how a rising generation of Americans subscribes to the most extreme policies, including:

  • Amnesty and citizenship for 11 million illegal aliens.
  • An aggressively unconstitutional and anti-Second Amendment confiscatory gun platform.
  • Open borders.
  • Nationalization of medicine and abolition of private health insurance.
  • Destruction not only of statues, but America’s history, customs, norms, and tradition.
  • Sanctioned harassment of fellow citizens until they publicly manifest agreement.
  • Erasure of America’s history as a force for good in the world, replacing it with a civics education mired in the 1619 Project narrative of America as founded on slavery.
  • Defunding our police or doing away with the idea of law enforcement altogether.

These policies will lead to anarchy and further loss of liberty in the freest country the world has ever seen.

We should keep this in mind if America is to remain America.


Sebastian Gorka, Ph.D., is former deputy assistant for strategy to President Trump, host of the nationally syndicated “America First,” and senior fellow for strategic affairs with Liberty University’s Falkirk Center. His latest book is “The War for America’s Soul.” Twitter: .

RELATED VIDEO: Trump: ‘Press Is Fueling the Riots More Than Biden’ — Joe ‘Doesn’t Know He’s Alive’ [Watch]


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A Note for our Readers:

Democratic Socialists say, “America should be more like socialist countries such as Sweden and Denmark.” And millions of young people believe them…

For years, “Democratic Socialists” have been growing a crop of followers that include students and young professionals. America’s future will be in their hands.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? One of their most effective arguments is that “democratic socialism” is working in Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway. They claim these countries are “proof” that socialism will work for America. But they’re wrong. And it’s easy to explain why.

Our friends at The Heritage Foundation just published a new guide that provides three irrefutable facts that debunks these myths. For a limited time, they’re offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free.

Get your free copy of “Why Democratic Socialists Can’t Legitimately Claim Sweden and Denmark as Success Stories” today and equip yourself with the facts you need to debunk these myths once and for all.


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