Tag Archive for: Mahvash Sabet Shahriari

Islamic Republic of Iran: Prison guards break kneecaps of 70-year-old woman who participated in protests

Iran’s Islamic regime has only one tool, the tool that the Qur’an gives it: terror.

“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60)

Iranian guards ‘break kneecaps of pensioner, 70, during interrogation in hellhole jail after she was jailed for anti-governmental protests

by Christian Oliver, Daily Mail, April 11, 2023:

A 70-year-old grandmother has reportedly had her kneecaps broken by Iranian prison officials in Tehran’s notorious Evin jail.

Human rights campaigner Mahvash Sabet Shahriari was said to have been under interrogation by officials when she was inflicted with the barbaric punishment.

She had been serving a 10-year prison sentence in Evin jail for participating in anti-government protests.

The news of the attack emerged from independent Iranian media which said the activist’s knees had been broken by an interrogator during questioning.

Evin jail has a brutal reputation for its inhumane living conditions and merciless treatment of its detainees, with prisoners frequently subject to beatings and torture.

Mahvash Sabet Shahriari was said to have been under interrogation by officials when she was inflicted with the barbaric punishment.

Frud Sabet, son of Shahriari, said he was yet to hear of his mother’s condition since her initial trial.

He told RFERL Radio Farda: ‘The family is very worried about her health. We don’t know where she is, and we don’t know if she’s alive.’

Shahriari, a poet, was seized last summer as part of the Iranian regime’s repression of the Baha’i community that saw several community leaders detained.

The Bahaʼi faith is a religion that counts up to eight million members in the world….

Read more.



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