VIDEO: Florida Democrat Wasserman-Schultz defends Muslim raping mannequin – Bill Clinton responds
The below video shows a Muslim man sexually assaulting a mannequin (hat tip to for this breaking news story).
Local sources report the sexual assault occurred after the Muslim rapist couldn’t find a suitable non-Muslim woman to rape.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, FL District 23
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, U.S. Representative for Florida’s 23rd congressional district and the Chair of the Democratic National Committee, defended the assault. Wasserman-Schultz said:
It is better to submit and take it like a mannequin, than to resist!
All women can learn a lesson from this mannequin. She was passive throughout the assault and survived the attack without incident.
We will be introducing legislation that will disarm women so that they do not shoot inadvertently a Muslim trying to rape them. With many Syrian Muslims migrants registering as Democrats, every refugee vote will count in November.
The bill will be called the Muslim Mannequin and Fire Arms Protection Act of 2016 HB 69.
According to the Council of American Islamic Relations, “His libido just got the better of him. It is un-Islamic to rape a mannequin. However, it is permitted, under Muslim laws, to rape a Christian or Jew or other non-Muslim. We understand that the mannequin in question was made by Christians. We have asked our Islamic scholars to study this new form of sexual jihad. We will issue further guidance to the American Muslim ummah (community) next week.”
Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin based Mondo Mannequins President Bob Rosean in a press release noted:
We are concerned that Muslims are sexually attacking mannequins. We have partnered with the Feminist Majority Foundation to allow those Muslim men thinking of raping a mannequin, who wish to seek help for their sexual addiction, to call a new hotline 1-800-MANIRAPE.
This hotline will have Arabic speakers for those who recently arrived in the United States under President Obama’s Syrian refugee initiative.
We are considering a new line of female mannequins that have fully function sexual organs. We see this incident as a emerging new market in America and Europe. We are looking at a series of mannequins that appear to be under the age of 9-years old. We plan on calling this line “Aisha”, in honor of the underage wife of Mohammed.
We can help reduce rapes of real women by providing mannequins that function as well as or better than real Christians and provide jobs at the same time.
All of our mannequins are proudly made in America.
The Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF), which was founded in 1987, notes, “This is new and uncharted territory for our organization. We will do what we can to protect mannequins in Wisconsin and beyond from such assaults.”
Bill Clinton, while in Iowa campaigning for Hillary, stated:
I am sure Hillary will institute a national program for the protection of Muslims who wish to rape mannequins. We cannot allow Islamophobes, such as Donald Trump, to make an issue of this video and call for the banning of Muslims coming to America, the land of milk, honey and mannequins.
I have on occasion been attracted to mannequins. I understand my Muslim brothers pain, especially in their loins. It is something that must be addressed by our government sooner rather than later.
Hillary understands the plight of Muslims who can’t seem to find enough women to rape. She has first hand knowledge of men who can’t get enough. Who better to address this issue than a President Clinton, I mean Hillary of course?
The Gay Pride, LGBT community and Human Rights Campaign issued a joint statement:
We believe that Muslims who are attracted by the same sex should have gay mannequins to abuse. It is sexist to deny those Muslims who are questioning their sexuality to not have a choice in which mannequins to assault.
We ask that the producers of mannequins consider a gay line for the sexually diverse. We would suggest calling this line “Q”, for obvious reasons.
The Donald Trump campaign issued the following short statement, “You have got to be kidding me? Muslims raping mannequins? Is this the new M&Ms?”
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EDITORS NOTE: This political satire appeared in Playboy and the Islamic State Inspire magazines.