Tag Archive for: Marxists

Montessori and Drag Queen Story Hour

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

For readers who may be under the impression that private schools are exempt from the humanitarian hoax of whole child education and its sociopolitical intent, I have included an informative article written by retired Montessori educator Charlotte Cushman, published online in American Thinker[i]and on her website, Authentic Montessori Education,[ii] on January 21, 2023.

Charlotte Cushman taught the Montessori Method for over 40 years, and co-owned and operated two Montessori schools. She is appalled by today’s woke (Marxist) trend in Montessori, and advocates a return to authentic Montessori and its founder’s principles:

Not in the service of any political or social creed should the teacher work, but in the service of the complete human being, able to exercise in freedom, a self-disciplined will and judgement, unperverted by prejudice and undistorted by fear. —Maria Montessori

The Real Purpose of Drag Queen Story Hour

By Charlotte Cushman

Those who have voiced concerns about the dangers that drag events, such as Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH), pose for children (namely, sexualization and grooming) have been told that those concerns are baseless, that the events are harmless, that it is all just entertainment and fun, and that attending drag events is a way to understand the gay culture.

On January 25, 2021 an academic paper entitled “Drag pedagogy: the playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood” was published online in Curriculum Inquiry, an educational journal. The paper, recently called out by James Lindsay here and here and also by Christopher F. Rufo here, was written by Harper Keenen and Lil Miss Hot Mess (a founder of DQSH), who describe themselves as “a genderqueer drag performer/scholar and a trans scholar.” (p. 443)

Right off the bat, the abstract tells us the purpose of DQSH:

Ultimately, the authors propose that “drag pedagogy” provides a performative approach to queer pedagogy that is not simply about LGBT lives, but living queerly. (p. 440)

Then the authors state,

Through this programme, drag artists…[are] positioning queer and trans cultural forms as valuable components of early childhood education. We are guided by the following question: what might Drag Queen Story Hour offer educators as a way of bringing queer ways of knowing and being into the education of young children?

The purpose of DQSH is not entertainment, nor to understand gay culture. The purpose is to turn children “queer” through an educational process.

What is queer, you might ask? Queer in this context comes from Queer Theory, the idea that asserts that sexual norms are oppressive, that actually anything normal is a problem. Ronald Pisaturo, author of Masculine Power, Feminine Beauty, a book that condemns the LGBT movement, defines a queer as “an activist dedicated to overthrowing capitalism, the system alleged to enforce oppressive sexual norms such as masculinity, femininity, and heterosexuality.”

Turning children into Marxist activists is the goal. Because capitalism has not produced a populace motivated to revolt, Herbert Marcuse, the father of the New Left, advocated creating discontented groups, one of which is sexual “queers.” This goal is supported by LGBT ideology. Pisaturo explains (p. 113) that, according to LGBT theory,

Infants are “polymorphously perverse,” to use Freud’s term. That is, an infant will be sexually excited by anyone and anything anywhere. Freud considered this infantile state an early stage of development. Marcuse and many LGBT activists, in contrast, consider this state the ideal end state for adults. According to Marcuse, people leave this ideal state only because they become repressed, limiting the kinds of sexual responses available to them. The repressed energy of such people becomes channeled into economic production…. That is, productive work is the repressed alternative to blissful, indiscriminate sex. Capitalism, of course the system of greatest economic production, is hence also the system of greatest sexual repression.

Therefore, capitalism must be destroyed.

The “Drag Pedagogy” paper tells us,

It may be that DQSH is “family friendly,” in the sense that it is accessible and inviting to families with children, but it is less a sanitizing force than it is a preparatory introduction to alternate modes of kinship. Here, DQSH is “family friendly” in the sense of “family” as an old-school queer code to identify and connect with other queers on the street. (p. 455)

Pisaturo explains, “The phrase ‘preparatory introduction to alternate modes of kinship’ means sexual and Marxist grooming. The authors want to eradicate the traditional family by grooming children to join the ‘family’ of queers.”

In her 1984 essay, “Thinking Sex,” leading queer theorist Gayle Rubin blamed capitalism for suppressing sexual deviancies and defended child pornography, pedophilia, promiscuity, sadomasochism, and other sexual perversions. One can see these perverse elements when the drag queen struts around like a slut, grooming children by exposing them to explicit sexual acts and/or private body parts. And when the queen invites the child to participate, that is sexual assault of a minor.

Attempting to turn children into queers is bad enough, but there are other alarming elements to DQSH. Drag queens teach the children that reality is fluid:

Drag similarly breaks boundaries between reality and fantasy in allowing performers to take on new identities and social relationships in material form, just by playing the part. (p. 449)

At many DQSH events, children ask genuine questions like “are you a boy or a girl?” … In many cases, drag queens may not respond with answers, but with questions meant to complicate perceptions of gender and society: “Why does it matter if I’m a boy or a girl?” (p. 452)

That response reveals an astonishing ignorance about child development. The answer matters a great deal to the child who is just beginning to learn about reality and form concepts. The first judgment anyone perceives about another person is whether the person is a girl or a boy. Man or woman? To destroy that demarcation and bring in the arbitrary to a child, that a man can be a woman, is to undermine the important, fundamental concept of reality, that reality is stable and cannot be wished away. Serious cognitive damage is done by blurring the child’s grasp of reality. For the child, an unstable reality confuses him, frightens him, and sabotages his ability to navigate the world.

Children are also taught to be defiant—not for a valid reason, but for the sake of defiance:

While drag has some conventions, it ultimately has no rules—its defining quality is often to break as many rules as possible! (p. 448)

An implicit objective of DQSH is acknowledged:

There is a premium on standing out, on artfully desecrating the sacred. (p. 451)

They do not want to broaden or enrich the sacred (sexuality) through some kind of deeper understanding. They want to desecrate, to vandalize, to destroy.

And this is disturbing:

She is less interested in focus, discipline, achievement, or objectives than playful self-expression. Her pedagogy is rooted in pleasure and creativity borne, in part, from letting go of control. (p. 451)

The authors are not teaching children how to use their minds. Instead, they are teaching children to be abnormal, to be queer, to be pawns in the movement to tear down the normal.

Do people really think it is harmless to bring children to see sexuality portrayed not as a sacred expression of love for one special individual, but as frivolous “desecrating” for the benefit of any and all strangers? To see sexuality divorced from thought and romance? To see sexuality portrayed as ugly caricature? To see sexuality, which is intensely personal, selective, and meaningful, made voyeuristic, indiscriminate, and meaningless?

The young child learns from observation; he learns from absorbing his environment. Everything that he sees and experiences makes an impression upon his mind before he has the ability to evaluate it. The “desecrating” of sexuality will make a child’s mind abnormal regarding sex and all cognition, and that is exactly the goal of the drag queens. The concerns about DQSH aren’t baseless, and DQSH isn’t harmless. It is precisely child abuse.

If the purpose of DQSH is to turn children “queer” through an educational process, the next questions to ask are: What is the social purpose of turning children queer and destroying their innocence? Why would governments participate in this process of destruction?

The catastrophic psychological damage done to children by destroying childhood innocence is a political goal, and normalizing sexual perversion exploits the perversion for political gain. Woke “culture warriors” are validating their own sexual perversions, and the enemies of freedom are using them as useful idiots to help collapse society from within.

Canadian cultural anthropologist Geoffrey Clarfield offers an interesting perspective on the impact of self-interest in changing social norms. His fascinating article “Nurture not Nature,”[iii] published June 19, 2023, in the National Association of Scholars publication Minding the Campus, presents a compelling argument that the findings of early American cultural anthropologists were self-serving. The article is subtitled “Wokeism and the Anthropological Origins of Gender Bending.”

American cultural anthropology has a lot to answer for.

Its icons—people like Franz Boas, Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, and Edward Sapir—were the indispensable precursors of the woke ideology now so deeply entrenched in our schools and universities, courts, politics, and business.

This is not to say that cultural anthropology is the sole source of wokeism, but that its contribution was seminal. Its mid-twentieth-century practitioners took what began as a simple field method, cultural relativism, and by insensible degrees transformed it into a philosophical movement. What started out as the common-sense proposition that you could only understand a culture from the inside was soon transformed into the rather different notion that every culture was just as good as every other culture, and that there was no ground on which to prefer one over the other….

But what if these early practitioners of cultural anthropology, driven by a desire to “normalize” their own behavior at home, committed the cardinal scientific sin of reading into cultures what they needed to find there, rather than describing those cultures as they found them? If so, subsequent anthropological investigations of those same cultures would not reproduce the pioneers’ original findings, and cultural anthropology’s contribution to the intellectual foundations of wokeism would be revealed as a sham and a travesty. This article presents the prosecution’s case against cultural anthropology’s American founders….

Mead and her colleagues succeeded in challenging the darker side of Western civilization (eugenics), but they threw out the baby with the bathwater. Alongside cultural anthropologists, radical feminists, Marxists, and haters of the West have given us a generation of Tenured Radicals, mostly baby boomers, who have indoctrinated Generation Z. They have created a generation that now sees Western civilization as the problem, not the solution, to the question of how one should live life….

When the president of the United States [Joe Biden] endorses the transhumanist agenda and encourages children to change their sex surgically without their parents’ permission, one may start to long for the good ol’ days of patriarchy. Margaret Mead and her followers clearly have won the culture war.

Early American cultural anthropology’s great legacy is the widespread adoption of the idea that nurture trumps nature. According to most of today’s mainstream cultural anthropologists, the very concept of an objective nature outside humanity’s control is just a propaganda tool of a power structure imposed by morally corrupt oppressors. If you publicly oppose that worldview, expect to be persecuted and prosecuted.

Geoffrey Clarfield’s article exposes the very personal underbelly of today’s woke ideology and its academic origins in the homosexuality of the American cultural anthropology icons whose self-serving findings provided its foundation. The real purpose of Drag Queen Story Hour is societal destruction––to build back better.

©2024. Linda Goudsmit. All right

Please visit Linda’s Pundicity page: goudsmit.pundicity.com  and here website: lindagoudsmit.com

[i] American Thinkerhttps://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/01/the_real_purpose_of_drag_queen_story_hour.html

[ii] Authentic Montessori Educationhttps://www.authenticmontessorieducation.com/

[iii] Nurture not Naturehttps://www.mindingthecampus.org/2023/06/19/nurture-not-nature/

Marxists Are Killing Each Other to Control America’s Cocaine Market

The deadliest Marxist guerrilla force is fighting the biggest socialist regime.

“Socialism, this is the path to save the planet, I don’t have the least doubt. Capitalism is the road to hell,” Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez told the 2009 Copenhagen climate conference.

Rhetoric like that won the socialist dictator the admiration of socialists from Barack Obama to Noam Chomsky. But the dirty little secret of the socialist revolution in Venezuela was that it was a front for a massive drug smuggling operation. Chavez and his successor, Nicolas Maduro, gutted Venezuela’s rich oil resources and turned the country into a socialist drug cartel.

“Venezuela and its revolution will endure under the proven leadership of vice president Maduro,” Sean Penn promised. The population has fled or is starving, but the revolution endures.

In 2020, Maduro and top officials of his regime were indicted in the United States as leaders of the Cartel de los Soles for conspiring with FARC to smuggle tons of cocaine to the United States. Venezuela’s biggest asset was its border with Colombia. Cuba, which had backed FARC and other narcoterrorists in Colombia, scored a big win with the socialist takeover in Venezuela.

FARC, a Marxist-Leninist narcoterrorist group, coordinated with Venezuela’s government to smuggle drugs to Cuba and from there to the United States. Every day planes take off from Venezuela delivering hundreds of tons of Colombian cocaine each year meant for America.

Hugo Chavez once claimed that capitalism destroyed Mars. There’s no word on that, but his brand of socialism certainly destroyed Venezuela taking it from prosperity to starvation.

And it’s destroying the rest of the region.

Marxists smuggling cocaine aren’t exactly showcasing an ideal alternative socialist economic system to free enterprise. The Colombian-Venezuelan drug route is being threatened, not by Colombia which was pressured by Obama into giving in to FARC, but by two groups of Marxist-Leninist coke fiends who are fighting it out over the drug trade like filthy capitalists.

The National Liberation Army (ELN), a Marxist-Leninist terror group set up by the Cubans, has been fighting a FARC splinter group known as the 10th Front or the Eastern Bloc. Both leftist terror groups are Marxist-Leninist in orientation, although ELN has a lot more liberation theology in the mix, and both make their money from drugs and the occasional kidnapping.

ELN and the 10th Front aren’t fighting over ideological differences, but over drugs and money.

A fawning article in Jacobin magazine describes ELN as a “group of students” who were “inspired by the Cuban Revolution, Che Guevara, and Liberation Theology”. The four page article never mentions cocaine even though that’s what ELN actually does. Last year, Colombia seized $300 million in cocaine from the Marxist-Leninist narcoterrorist organization.

Che would be proud.

After FARC’s implosion as a viable force, Venezuela’s government formed a drug smuggling alliance with ELN. That drew it into a conflict with the 10th Front which is now conducting a guerrilla war against Venezuela. After a long alliance, FARC and Venezuela are fighting each other with the most fearsome Marxist guerrilla force in the region fighting the leading Socialist regime. The same forces that had terrorized Colombia for so long have turned on each other.

Venezuelan soldiers are dying in border clashes, and invading Colombia to terrorize local villagers in the hopes of shutting down the ELN’s Marxist drug rivals. They’re getting blown up, ambushed, and shot up when they’re not being hit with human rights violations complaints.

It’s socialism at its finest.

The 10th Front is allied with Brazil’s Red Command which was born as a prison pact between Communists and criminals under the slogan, “Peace, Justice and Freedom”. Red Command is involved in Brazil’s drug trafficking at every level from slum dealing to club parties for the children of the elite. The Red Command helps the 10th Front remain in the field even though Cuba is on the side of Venezuela and the ELN narcoterrorists that it had originally set up.

Neither side is even bothering to pretend that this is about any kind of ideological differences.

What’s at stake here is a simple matter of market economics. Americans spend about $25 billion on coke every year. Moving drugs through Central America to the Caribbean provides a piece of not only the American, but the European cocaine market. The rival Marxist drug smugglers are competing to be the exclusive suppliers of Colombian cocaine to that huge market.

Think of it as the cola wars, but with actual cocaine. The glorious Marxist revolution is down to two groups of Marxist-Leninists killing each other to make a killing on cocaine in California.

It’s like Coke vs. Pepsi if both companies were run by Marxist druglord terrorists.

When Obama pushed Colombia to cut a peace deal with FARC and then cut off the flow of Cuban refugees, he also helped restart the flow of cocaine to America from Cuba. The subsequent collapse of Venezuela’s economy and its oil industry has left it few options. Smuggling cocaine takes a lot less skill than refining crude or running a country. And Venezuela’s military makes it the best armed drug cartel in the hemisphere, if not the planet.

Which other drug cartel in the region has its own attack helicopters to deploy in the field?

But Venezuelan soldiers are paid with food and worthless scrip. FARC and ELN recruits are often local peasants who are kidnapped and drafted into the fight. The real money goes to the elites on both sides of a drug war that is now a cocaine civil war between narcosocialists.

Karl Marx claimed that capitalism was destined to destroy itself. Instead, Marxist regimes and movements hold the world record for self-destruction. South of the border the Marxists who once won the hearts of the American Left have become drug dealers shooting it out in the jungle over who gets a cut of the cocaine that ends up in the noses of their Yankee comrades.

Marx had metaphorically called religion the opiate of the masses. Marxism has become the actual cocaine of the masses. Just ask the Marxist-Leninists kidnapping, torturing and killing each other to socialize the cocaine market.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

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Fred Lucas, award-winning journalist and veteran White House correspondent.

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Dr. Gerard Lameiro is an author, philosopher, economist, and engineer.

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Dr. Rich Swier publisher of “drrichswier.com report”.

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©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.


The Vortex — Directly Over the Target — Bombs away!


Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

The old expression “the enemy only fires back when you are directly over the target” would mean that the Marxists in the Church — especially in the hierarchy — are getting bombed right now. These crooks have decided to give fake-Catholic Biden a pass on his evil and the wickedness of the entire Democratic establishment, and the real Catholics are ticked off and letting them know.

In truth, there’s no doubt some of the bishops are actually scared — terrified — of ticking off the Harris-Biden ticket, and yes, we all know: That is the actual order of the ticket. Even Biden says it. And so did Harris. The bishops are scared because the ground is shifting considerably as Catholics begin to wake up. Within the ranks of bishops, the word is going out that the rebellion against their tyranny must be put down.

This explains the massing of forces of Marxist Catholics to throw down for Biden. The so-called Catholics for Biden initiative is a rogues’ gallery of phony Catholics like Carolyn Woo. Woo used to head up the leftist-posing-as-Catholic “Catholic Relief Services” (CRS).

We caught up with her a few years ago after she gave a brainwashing session at an Ohio parish, duping ignorant laity. For some reason, she didn’t want to answer our questions, and her handlers tried (unsuccessfully) to sneak her out a side door.

CRS, a favorite of the U.S. hierarchy, takes gobs of your tax dollars and spends them on projects around the world, partnering with abortion providers and contraceptive providers in Third World countries, pretending it’s all about poverty.

Well, it sort of is. Their philosophy is to eliminate poverty by eliminating the poor. So it really is altogether fitting that such a woman would sit on the board of Catholics for Biden. But she’s just one of many in the Marxist Catholic establishment throwing their weight around, lying about Biden being acceptable to Catholics. He’s not.

A couple evenings ago, Newark cardinal Joesph Tobin came out swinging for Biden. And just a recap as some of His Eminence’s highlights, he got caught tweeting out the now famous, “Nighty nite baby. I love you” tweet to his general account by accident, later claiming it referred to his sister.

Remember, Tobin owes his appointment to Newark to homosexual molester Theodore McCarrick, as testified to by Abp. Viganò. And then there was the revolting case of a known gay Italian model who was living in his residence — paid for by collection-plate money — who bolted back to Italy as soon as Church Militant and others exposed it.

When questioned about why he was living with Cdl. Tobin, the official response was he was a foreign student studying English at Seton Hall. When questioned about why he couldn’t live with the thousands of other students on campus, no response.

This man came out with his thinly veiled support for Biden — another supporter of sodomy-as-marriage — on a Zoom conference hosted by Boston College. Birds of a feather really do flock together, don’t they?

Trump really is remarkable. In less than four years, he has managed to get every one of these snakes to slither out from under their rocks and completely reveal themselves. It’s very important to know who the enemy is. Thank you, Mr. President.

The forming of all these phony Catholic groups, the actions of Marxist bishops trying to suppress good priests — all of this is attributable directly to Trump. Although mischaracterized, even the student paper at homosexuality loving Jesuit Fordham University in New York admits this in a recent op-ed entitled, “Trump Creates a Schism in the Catholic Church.”

That’s a real knee-slapper. Trump did not create the schism in the Church (which is very real) any more than Church Militant caused the division in the Church that bishops love to accuse us of. Both Trump and Church Militant have only brought to light the existing formerly-in-the-shadows reality. Good working with you, Mr. President. Thanks for the help. Let us know if we can help you.

Still, the media cannot keep their paws out of this story. A headline from just the day before last from a Minnesota outlet reads, “Two Renegade Priests: One Calls COVID Sham, One Says Dems Face Hell.” Notice how they can’t resist labeling them “renegade” for calling out the truth?

Imagine how life would be under that Harris-Biden administration for actual Catholics. We were all sitting around talking here in the studios a short while ago, and I was saying, “I’ve been doing this kind of work all my life, and I have never seen this level of engagement by the Catholic apostate, heretic, Marxist, dissident crowd.”

They are losing control of the narrative. And what’s more, they know it. However, their narrative has always been built on lies. And truth — that pesky little thing — it always finds a way of coming out. And, moreover, once it gets out, look out. It changes everything.

The Tobins, Martins and Woos of the world, along with all their other evil allies, have brought about the almost-complete destruction of the Church through a series of lies and lies built on lies. And now, truth is coming out, and they have become desperate. And it is looking more and more like the truth is busting out everywhere and being reflected all over the political world.

Trump rallies are, once again, the hottest ticket in town with thousands showing up. The Marxist media continues to lie, almost to the point of hysterical. In a Twitter side-by-side posting, you see on the right a picture from Latino voters at a Trump event. The other side shows that CBS grabbed the picture and captioned it as Biden appealing to Latino voters while campaigning in Florida.

The actual picture — before CBS cropped it — showed loads of Trump people in the crowd. Who knew so many MAGA people showed up at Biden rallies? If it weren’t so evil, you’d be rolling in the aisles. But when evil is pushing back this hard — and the Marxists in the Church are linked arm in arm with them — you just know that you are right over the target.

A month ago, the Marxist polls were showing a virtual blowout for Harris-Biden. Then, right after the conventions, their lies had to start being rolled back because Judgment Day, Nov. 3, will expose all. So after being told for months that Biden was going to crush Trump — after racism, COVID, injustice, climate, impeachment, economy, you name it — all of a sudden, the Marxist media had to start saying the polls were tightening (especially in battleground states).

Amazing how Trump came storming back out of nowhere to draw to a tie all over the map. That, of course, is if he really was ever that far behind. And then came the bombshell (and what has created ulcers at Marxist headquarters at the Democratic People’s Party).

A new poll came out from the outfit that has proved the most reliable (and the one that really can’t be ignored), Rasmussen. For the first time ever, Trump pulled into the lead over Biden after trailing Biden by five two weeks earlier.

Yes, this is a gigantic clash of the ages. Every last weapon is being pulled out by both sides, but the biggest weapon, truth, is only held by one side.

You just have to pick it up and actually use it.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

When Democrats Say ‘the People,’ They Mean ‘the Government’

In his inaugural address, Donald Trump announced that,

“today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another — but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the American People. For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished — but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered — but the jobs left, and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country…. That all changes — starting right here, and right now, because this moment is your moment: it belongs to you.”

These were stirring words, but they were the sort of thing presidents have said for ages. Back in his first inaugural address in 1913, Woodrow Wilson decried the fact that “the great Government we loved has too often been made use of for private and selfish purposes, and those who used it had forgotten the people.” In his first inaugural address in 1953, Dwight D. Eisenhower asserted that “we, the people, elect leaders not to rule but to serve.” And in his January 1996 state of the union address, Bill Clinton declared: “We know big government does not have all the answers. We know there’s not a program for every problem. We have worked to give the American people a smaller, less bureaucratic government in Washington. And we have to give the American people one that lives within its means. The era of big government is over… Our goal must be to enable all our people to make the most of their own lives — with stronger families, more educational opportunity, economic security, safer streets, a cleaner environment in a safer world.”

However, as Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster explains, Trump’s declaration that he was transferring power back to the people actually heralded a move away from big government, not toward it. Trump’s words didn’t herald a push to expand government power under the guise of working for the people. On the contrary, he was determined to expand the freedom Americans enjoyed and roll back government power. A new era had begun in American politics: for the first time in over a century, the rule of “the people” did not mean the rule of the government.

This equation has been taken for granted since the election of 1896, when a key issue was currency. The Republican platform committed the party to the gold standard, which prevented the production of so much currency as to lead to inflation. A minority of Republicans and a significant majority of Democrats, however, supported the free coinage of silver, which would lead to inflation and thereby make it easier for farmers to pay off their debts. That rapidly rising prices were rendering the life savings of Americans essentially worthless did not trouble the silver advocates, who cloaked their case for what was essentially the government’s assumption of the debts of private citizens in the language of support for the plight of the common man. Forgotten in all the controversy was that when the government does something, it is the taxpayers who pay for it.

President Grover Cleveland supported the gold standard, but toward the end of his second term, he was deeply unpopular, and the silver forces among the Democrats were restive. At the Democratic National Convention, a handsome and vigorous thirty-six-year-old congressman from Nebraska named William Jennings Bryan electrified the delegates with a speech in favor of the free coinage of silver that is one of the most celebrated pieces of oratory in American history. “You come to us,” Bryan declared, “and tell us that the great cities are in favor of the gold standard; we reply that the great cities rest upon our broad and fertile prairies. Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic; but destroy our farms and the grass will grow in the streets of every city in the country.”

Rating America’s Presidents explains that Bryan sounded notes of class warfare that would become ever more common in American politics: “We do not come as aggressors. Our war is not a war of conquest; we are fighting in the defense of our homes, our families, and posterity. We have petitioned, and our petitions have been scorned; we have entreated, and our entreaties have been disregarded; we have begged, and they have mocked when our calamity came. We beg no longer; we entreat no more; we petition no more. We defy them!” In conclusion, he thundered: “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”

In a frenzy of enthusiasm over this populist appeal, the Democrats nominated Bryan for president. This marked a sea change for the Democratic Party, as the party that had always favored a limited central government now began to advocate for a massive increase of federal control over the economy, under the cloak of a concern for the common man.

Bryan lost, and lost two more times, but his ideas took hold. By the time of the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the Democratic Party, and a significant and growing portion of the American public, took it for granted that taking an industry or sector of the economy out of private hands and placing it under government control was tantamount to giving it to “the people.” It is such a compelling sleight of hand that Communist regimes also used it for decades.

But then came Trump, who actually meant “the people” when he said “the people.” And that’s one principal reason why the statists who hitherto championed themselves as guardians of the interests of “the people” hate him with such incandescent intensity.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Communist Led War on America’s Police

It is apparent, even to the most naïve or gullible, that there is a war against our police officers. This is nothing new; it’s been going on for many years. However, what we are now witnessing is the Marxist war against American society by first destroying those who protect us. This has been a Communist objective for over a hundred years.

In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels outlined their overall strategy. First of all, they stated that what they wanted was to win the battle for democracy. Second, they wanted a social revolution.  But what they don’t tell you is that a democracy is mob rule, a representative republic is based on the “rule of law” the latter of which Marxists want destroyed.  Link

Democracy v. Republic

They knew that with a democracy the masses could be manipulated in such a way as to incrementally destroy the republic and thus the law which results in the end of liberty for the individual thereby having a disastrous effect on society as a whole. Also, they wanted a social revolution, since the communist revolution could fail without first destroying the social fabric of the country.  We are watching the social fabric being destroyed.

They want to destroy the various aspects of society that hold a civilization together; BLM has openly stated their desire to destroy the nuclear family, church, business, local government.  The very history of the community had to be eliminated to make room for the new society, the new reality, run by communists like Black Lives Matter and Antifa.  The three lesbian founders of Black Lives Matter have stated they are trained Marxists.  And they were trained by Bill Ayers and his Weather Underground.  Antifa was founded in 1932 in Nazi Germany, they were against fascism because they loved communism.

Equality for All Americans

Black lives do matter, just as all American lives matter.  Total equality for black Americans reached a crescendo in the 1960s by Americans who fought for freedom for all.  In the 50s, when Governor Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to surround Central High School to keep the nine black students from entering the schoolPresident Eisenhower ordered the 101st Airborne Division into Little Rock to ensure the safety of the “Little Rock Nine” and that the rulings of the Supreme Court were upheld.

Education was integrated that very day and America stood proud.  But behind some of the civil rights movements were those who promoted violence, and it hurt America’s cause of freedom for all.

Civil Rights

The so-called “Civil Rights” struggle which was allegedly spearheaded by Martin Luther King with a program of non-violence.  But violence followed the preacher.  Chicago’s Mayor John Daley would not allow the violence into his city.  He knew that communists followed Dr. King.

According to John McManus, former Public Relations Director and later President, and now President Emeritus of the John Birch Society, stated,

When rioting, burning, looting, and anarchy engulfed numerous American cities, Robert Welch, Founder and President of the Society, began urging that more attention be given to exposing the so-called “civil rights” struggle. He praised the effective educational campaigns that had already been undertaken by member-created Truth About Civil Turmoil (TACT) committees and he urged starting more of them. Those who participated weren’t asked to join the Society; they were enlisted to help spread sound information that dealt with this single problem. TACT committees sprang up in numerous locales and so did TRAIN (To Restore American Independence Now) and (Support Your Local Police) SYLP committees – all using the guidelines supplied by headquarters.

Continuing on from the report of McManus, in the History of the John Birch Society – recounted by someone who was there,

As a part of the campaign to spread truth about civil turmoil, the Society reprinted two small booklets openly published by Communists. These were the 1928 “American Negro Problems” written by Hungarian Communist Joseph Pogany using the alias John Pepper, and the 1935 “Negros in a Soviet America” authored by American Communists James W. Ford and James S. Allen. These small publications called for two revolutions – one aimed at establishing Communist control over the nation’s southeastern states (creating a Soviet Negro Republic) and the other aiming for Communist control of the entire nation (establishing a Soviet United States).  The Ford and Allen booklet spelled out the twin goals: “The revolution for land and freedom in the South and the proletarian revolution in the country as a whole will develop hand in hand.”

After Society members distributed these two very revealing publications, Welch produced his own analysis of the Communist designs in a booklet entitled “Two Revolutions at Once.” In it he targeted Martin Luther King as a favorite of the Communists who trained and financed him, and who looked to him to lead the campaign to implement their plans.

Then and now, political leaders and the mass media consistently portrayed King as a champion of non-violence and an apostle of peace. But in a widely distributed article first appearing in the October 1965 issue of American Opinion, JBS writer Alan Stang corrected these and several other notions about King. Regarding the oft-stated claim that King and his cohorts relied on non-violence, Stang presented the King strategy as it had been spelled out by King himself in the April 3, 1965 issue of Saturday Review. The “non-violent” Martin Luther King freely admitted that his strategy relied on creating violence and that it couldn’t succeed unless some was created. As recounted in Saturday Review, the four-step King program called for:

  1. Nonviolent demonstrators go into the streets to exercise their constitutional rights.
  2. Racists resist by unleashing violence against them.
  3. Americans of conscience in the name of decency demand federal intervention and legislation.
  4. The administration, under mass pressure, initiates immediate measures of  intervention and remedial legislation.

By reading Alan Stang’s Uncelebrate King, part one, one can be brought to a complete understanding of how the King strategy played out, as well as the fact that when the non-violent demonstrators violated the law, such as spitting on the police, or throwing bottles or bricks at them, the photographers were inactive but when the police responded, as they should, then the cameras became active to show the racists resisting. (Bold type mine)

These are examples of what would be reported throughout the fake news. Following is an excerpt from Stang’s article, “Uncelebrate King, part one:”

Drue Lackey was Montgomery, Alabama’s Chief of police…he stated that when the Selma march reached Montgomery, that so-called “non-violet demonstrators” tried to provoke his policemen to react by throwing “non-violent bottles and bricks, and bedecking them with gobs of spit, while other “non-violent” demonstrators waited nearby to take pictures.

Here is Chief Lackey’s rendition, in part, of the event: “Those four days on the road had turned into a habitual sex orgy by the time they reached the capitol, King was always seen on TV marching in the front row among clean, well-disciplined performers. It was all a sham. He stayed partying separately most of those days, and would only arrive in a chauffeured limousine for appointed press deadlines, leaving immediately after.

Most of the others put off at least until nightfall, what they had come for, as this mob had been bused in from across the country and around the world.  They were unemployed blacks, white students, party activists of both races, all on promises of free food, booze and all the sex they wanted.  We witnessed them sleeping on the ground all together, and a lot of sexual activity went on throughout the night, with frequently changed partners. This is what the federal government sponsored; a bunch of Communists and moral degenerates.”

The Communist Conspiracy Exposed

Over and over, Robert Welch repeated the slogan he had created: “Fully expose the civil rights fraud and you will break the back of the Communist’s Conspiracy.”

In response to the revolutionary activity, Welch marshaled his forces made up of the members of the John Birch Society along with many who were not members. Across the nation, members responded with distribution of literature, parade floats, letter writing, speaker events and more. In communities throughout the nation, but especially in Southeastern states, members succeeded in hiring halls, gathering audiences, and hosting such knowledgeable experts as black ex-communists Leonard Patterson and Lola Belle Holmes, former FBI undercover operatives Julia Brown and Gerald Kirk, widely respected journalist George Schuyler, Rev. Freeman Yearling, Charles Smith, and others – all Black Americans who were totally convinced of the need to expose the Communist threat posing as a crusade for “civil rights”.

Early in 1966, the Society released its 75-minute film “Anarchy USA” to aid member efforts in combating civil rights agitation; it was the work of Society official G. Edward Griffin. The film presented the Communist strategy given in film clips featuring their own destructive strategy. It then presented Julia Brown recounting her experiences in the Communist Party and her first-hand testimony about being instructed to follow King and implement his strategy.

Experiences recounted by Leonard Patterson during the film were somewhat different from those of Mrs. Brown, but he concluded as she had about the fundamental goal of the Communists. In part, he stated:

When I was a young man only 23 years old, I joined the Communist Party. I knew (Communist Party Leader) Gus Hall and other top-ranking American Communists very well because I trained with them (during the 1930s) at the Lenin University in Moscow. I broke away from the party when it became clear to me what the Communists were really up to was to use the Negro people in this country as cannon-fodder in a violent and bloody revolution aimed at the establishment  of an American Soviet dictatorship….I’m not speaking of things I read about! These are things I personally participated in.

In the late sixties, my wife and I attended an event in Alexandria, Louisiana in which Leonard Patterson, speaking of his involvement in activities in the Communists war against the police, referred to an event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in which, according to him, they killed one of their own members to make it appear that it was the police who were guilty.

The impact of the film, “Anarchy USA” along with all the “ Support Your Local Police Committees” and with all the concerted action by the many Black Americans as well as that of the John Birch Society in exposing the Communist civil rights agenda for a war on the local police, drove the campaign underground.

But the war on the police was not yet dead; it had only been forced into a smoldering dormancy biding its time to once again renew its attack on our local police. This time it’s not only a war on our police but also a war on American Society and the law. Reportedly, some authorities in control of the law have actually caved to the invaders. In the military that would be called treason and that’s what it is.

Today we can see that very fraud in Black Lives Matter whose three female founders were tutored and indoctrinated by the Weatherman Underground and have professed that they are trained Marxists.  We are being invaded and the perpetrators are being protected by the very politicians in charge of the cities. May God reward them according to their service – the only way they will receive justice will be by God.


What we are currently witnessing is not only the acquiescing with the Communist agenda, but the deceit of many of our elected officials. J. Edward Hoover referred to them in “Masters Of Deceit” as Sleepers in the Communist ranks who pose as Conservatives or Anti-Communists, but are actually those who are only waiting for the time or times when they can use their influence to either advance the Communist agenda, or to prevent action that would be detrimental to it. We have many of this kind throughout local, state and federal government, and in the total society.

If we continue to let our officials go along with the dialectical program of the opposition – accepting one compromise after another, we are going to see our local law enforcement taken over by the federal government and consequently very shortly after by the United Nations. This will result in law enforcement that will protect the U.N. from any pro-American action which will develop to restore our independence.

According to what the UN has planned for us we most likely won’t have the liberty of working against it.

So, as a starter, we need to get as many Support Your Local Police Committees set up across the nation as possible and also as quickly as possible. Get a few people together and if you don’t know how to proceed with starting a program for supporting your local police – get in-touch with the John Birch Society or contact the New American Magazine.

These are the first things we need for people to do; then follow up by learning as much about this issue as you can, but above all – get involved.

©J.W. Bryan. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘I’m Ready To Put These Police In The F**king Grave’: DC Protester Calls For More Violence


The Troubling Goals of the Black Lives Matter Movement

Politicians and various social justice groups have long used labels that have nothing to do with the real intent of legislation, or an organization, to dupe the public. But, to paraphrase Shakespeare, a rose by any other name is still a rose.

Numerous “civil rights” bills have been passed by Congress over the years that have nothing to do with civil rights, but how many members are brave enough to point that out and vote against them?

Which brings me to the Black Lives Matter movement. How many mainstream reporters have bothered to delve into the background and founding principles of the rapidly spreading organization to which even white CEOs are contributing gobs of money in what appears to be an attempt to protect themselves and their businesses from any potential charge of racism?

The Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, which self-describes as “an ecumenical, nonprofit research organization that promotes the benefits of free enterprise to religious communities, business people, students and educators,” has exposed the ideology of Black Lives Matter.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? Learn more now >>

According to Acton, the founding principles of BLM include a guaranteed minimum income for all black people, free health care, free schooling, free food, free real estate, gender reassignment surgery, and free abortion (already disproportionately high among African American women, “27.1 per 1,000 women compared with 10 per 1,000 for white women,” but apparently unborn black lives don’t matter to BLM).

Washington, D.C.’s local BLM chapter has even called for “no new jails” (which would likely guarantee an increase in crime, much of it perpetrated in black communities—see the District’s crime stats, see Chicago, see Los Angeles). BLM also demands reparations and wants to create a “global liberation movement” that will “overturn U.S. imperialism [and] capitalism.”

According to The New York Post, “Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are ‘trained Marxists.’”

Breitbart News, a conservative syndicated news website, reported that “Cullors, 36, was the protege of Eric Mann, former agitator of the Weather Underground domestic terror organization, and spent years absorbing the Marxist-Leninist ideology that shaped her worldview.”

Driving through what appeared to be a mostly white neighborhood in Washington, D.C., last weekend I was surprised, though I probably shouldn’t have been, to see quite a few “Black Lives Matter” signs on front lawns and on cars. A few friends have posted the BLM sign on their social media pages. I wonder if any of these people know the background and goals of the movement, or the radical ideology behind it.

There are a growing number, especially among the young, who have been “educated” in our once-great universities by some professors who support the BLM movement and promote similar or identical ideologies.

Part of what they are taught is that America began as a white, slave-owning patriarchy and that slaves actually built America. They quickly absorb this, then come home to tell their parents they are part of the problem.

This is a major reason school choice is important if the nation is to be preserved. It should also be obvious that parents must be more selective in where they allow—and in many cases pay for—their children to attend colleges and universities and choose one where their values are strengthened and the nation not undermined.

Black lives matter because like all lives, everyone is endowed with unalienable rights. But the BLM movement might be more harmful than helpful to African Americans.

BLM’s foundational principles and goals seem closer to those of China and the former Soviet Union. If more people understood that, they might wake up and realize that the United States, as Ronald Reagan used to say, is only one generation from losing it all.



Cal Thomas is a syndicated columnist, author, broadcaster, and speaker with access to world leaders, U.S. presidents, celebrities, educators, and countless other notables. He has authored several books, including his latest, “America’s Expiration Date: The Fall of Empires and Superpowers and the Future of the United States.” Readers can email him at tcaeditors@tribpub.com. Twitter: .


Black Lives Matter Founder: DNC Platform Must Call for Defunding Police, Abolishing ICE – American Renaissance

How Police Unions Protect Bad Cops


A Note for our Readers:

Democratic Socialists say, “America should be more like socialist countries such as Sweden and Denmark.” And millions of young people believe them…

For years, “Democratic Socialists” have been growing a crop of followers that include students and young professionals. America’s future will be in their hands.

How are socialists deluding a whole generation? One of their most effective arguments is that “democratic socialism” is working in Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway. They claim these countries are “proof” that socialism will work for America. But they’re wrong. And it’s easy to explain why.

Our friends at The Heritage Foundation just published a new guide that provides three irrefutable facts that debunks these myths. For a limited time, they’re offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free.

Get your free copy of “Why Democratic Socialists Can’t Legitimately Claim Sweden and Denmark as Success Stories” today and equip yourself with the facts you need to debunk these myths once and for all.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Hit or Myth? Dems Call Riots Fake News

You have to give the Democrats credit. They’ve found a way to justify their silence on the riots: refusing to admit they exist! Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) tried that when he ran into a citizen who asked him if he disavowed the Antifa violence in Portland. “That’s a myth,” he insisted, “being spread only in Washington, D.C.” Well, if it’s a myth, Oregon residents will tell you, it’s a pretty convincing one.

To the hundreds of police and federal officers taking cover from mortars, fireworks, and hammers, the idea that Portland’s mayhem belongs in a league with Sasquatch is more than a little deranged. Videos of protestors burning streets, hauling down fences, and lobbing Molotov cocktails at buildings are a lot of things, but faked is not one of them. “Sir,” Austen Fletcher pressed, wondering if he’d heard the congressman right, “There’s videos everywhere online,” Mr. Fletcher continued. “There’s fires and riots, they’re throwing fireworks at federal officers. DHS is there. Look online. It gets crazy, Mr. Nadler.”

Nadler, whose staff is desperately nudging him to the car at that point, is nonplussed. And why not? This is a man who stood on the House floor and called Antifa — a group so dangerous that President Trump declared them a terrorist organization — “imaginary.” Good luck persuading the people of Portland, who’ve woken up to the sounds of sirens and destruction every night for 60 days. It’s not only real, reporters say, it’s a war zone. “I interviewed a veteran,” the Daily Caller’s Jorge Ventura explained on “Washington Watch,” “who told me it actually reminds him of his time in Iraq. That’s how bad [it’s gotten] here.” But to hear it’s a myth? “It was shocking,” Jorge said. “I mean, an Antifa member actually stabbed a black Trump supporter on Friday night.”

“Democrats can’t seem to make up their minds,” Kaylee McGhee writes. “First they deny that protests in Portland and Seattle are violent, [then they] claim that President Trump and the GOP are propagating this ‘myth’ to win over voters… Now, after hours of video evidence and multiple insider reports, Democrats are finally admitting that the riots on the West Coast are indeed riots, but with one caveat: Trump is to blame.”

Jorge, like other conservative journalists, have gone to Portland to see for themselves what’s happening. And to a person they’ll tell you: the things they’ve seen are a whole lot worse than the media’s admitting. “I’ve been covering protests all across the country, and I’ve never seen anything like we’re seeing here in downtown Portland. These groups are very well organized. They have medic teams. They actually have their own kitchen called Riot Ribs across the park that feeds these protesters and actually supplies them with shields and eyewear and other things they need to be out here. It’s just, I’ve never seen anything like it.”

The cache of weapons alone is astounding. “We’re talking about mortars, fireworks, hammers, all types of things that we’ve actually never seen on the ground.” He talked about federal officers injured and hospitalized in the blasts. Other police officers, he explains, who were possibly blinded for life because of the high-powered lasers thugs are training on their eyes. “We saw some power tools being used on the high fences… guarding the federal courthouse… I’ve just never seen the organization level that we’re seeing here in Portland.”

So who, exactly, is fueling the effort? Antifa, Jorge said. No doubt in his mind. They’re “taking in money and donations online.” And that, to a large extent, is what’s supplying these mobs. “One thing that we’ve been noticing here [is] that numbers of people have been driving up to the parks with all types of things. We’ve been seeing gas masks delivered here, eyewear, bats, shields, you name it… [and] a lot of these folks here are not from Portland.” Some are driving in from Seattle, and others are “bigger members of the Antifa group, bringing in these types of weapons into the riots.”

And to the extent that the media is covering the story, they’re only telling one side of it. “I call it a media war,” Jorge explains. If the local journalists or national press uploads videos or pictures to social media, they edit it so that all people see is the police response — not the violence that led up to it. “The New York Times just put out a piece basically putting the blame on Trump and the federal administration. But what we’ve been seeing here on the ground is that’s just really not the case.”

If it’s a myth Democrats are looking for, start there. Because this president isn’t starting the fires. He’s only trying to contain them.

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Infiltration Not Invasion All Assets Deployed

We have entered the phase in this war where all assets are now being deployed (against us). This has been an infiltration not invasion. Q-Post 4612 July 22, 2020 states that many thousands of MSDNC (MSNBC), direct attacks have failed to control and sway opinion and prevent growth and free thought. When direct attacks fail, i.e. censorship being deployed as aggressive method to slow and limit growth. So what’s next? More acts of violence. The controlled information dissemination system that is designed to control you is now threatened. If you posed no threat to their control, (information dominance), they would not continue to expend ammunition. They simply would not care. We are in an information and intelligence warfare. Infiltration not invasion. This is not a civil war.

Infiltration Not Invasion All Assets Deployed

With the infiltration that has taken place certainly through Clinton, Bush and Obama, we must know that all assets are now being deployed. With less than four months to go until the landslide re-election of President Donald Trump, and the escalation of the declassification of intel on multiple fronts, the stakes are quite high. This one is for all the marbles. It’s either us or them.

All Assets deployed? U.N., ANTIFA, BLM. Corporate, Hollywood, Political, Geopolitical, media, Democrats, RINO’S on so on. China-China-China! The Lincoln Project (already backfiring and boomeranging like most everything else).

Well we see the million man civilian army (ANTIFA, BLM others) that Obama pledged way back when on his campaign trail for President deployed on the streets of America today.  We see the last desperate attempts of the unleashed Covid-19 Plandemic wreaking havoc and attempting to keep the country shutdown and the people controlled frozen by fear. Refuse to be fearful. We see censorship run amok.

On July 17, 2020, Retired Major Jeffrey Prather on my daily live news broadcast told us to watch for cyber attacks and blackouts of sorts on the horizon. Then in Q Post 4587 dated July 17th, Q tells us the Covid-19 narrative ends the day after the election and to expect cyber attacks and attempts on November 4th stating that C19 narrative kill date: Election Day +1. Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4.


Things will intensify and become increasingly more dangerous on multiple fronts. I mean multiple, as all assets are being deployed. This will get uglier. This is occurring because we are now directly over the target. Flynn case. Roger Stone’s commutation. FISA findings. Senate Judiciary Hearings. Epstein intel and so much more.

Truth be told, while making defensive moves, know this, we are on the offense. The Deep State and the rest are in full scale panic mode. This is war and while in the thick of the battle, it’s hard to see, perhaps hard for you to grasp. But know this. We are winning. Watch what happens between August and November 3rd. Just you watch. Meanwhile stay safe, Be prepared physically, spiritually, financially and so on. Batten down the hatches. Refuse to be fearful. Do NOT believe the fake polls. Know this too. We are the majority not only here at home in our beloved America but all across the world. Stay the course and trust the plan. Vote Trump. Vote for the best non RINO’S on the ticket. Maintain the White House and Senate. Take over the House. Victory is ours. God always wins. And the best is yet to come. May God continue to bless and protect our President and our country.

©All rights reserved.

Tax Exempt Organizations Funnel Millions to BLM Marxists

“The whole political vision of the left, including socialism and communism, has failed by virtually every empirical test, in countries all around the world. But this has only led leftist intellectuals to evade and denigrate empirical evidence.” – Thomas Sowell

“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control…. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.” –  Larry McDonald

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” – Vladimir Lenin

Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLM Global Network Foundation) is the national, organizing chapter of a network of 16 local Black Lives Matters chapters.  They are incorporated in Delaware and they get millions of dollars in donations, but are not a tax-exempt organization. BLM is the primary organizational outgrowth of the more decentralized Black Lives Matter movement, and is a fiscally-sponsored project of Thousand Currents, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, whose donations are tax exempt.  They are in Oakland, California.

And there you have it, send money to Thousand Currents and you can take it off your taxes just as George Soros has done by donating $33 million to the communist BLM cause to destroy America.  Soros’s Foundation has also poured $230 million into racial equality, $150 million in grants for Black-led racial justice groups, and another $70 million toward local grants for criminal justice reform and civic engagement opportunities.

The latest 990 I could find for Thousand Currents is from 2017, and they weren’t too poor then.  Bet 2020’s tax returns will be of great interest.

Thousand Currents

Thousand Currents is run by a guy named Paul Strassberg, a far leftist who also worked for the Ford Foundation who is a huge benefactor of the far left.

(Regarding the Ford Foundation, they spent $25 million writing a new constitution for America.  A Constitution for the New States of America, from the 1974 book, The Emerging Constitution by Rexford G. Tugwell, who helped develop policy recommendations leading up to Roosevelt’s New Deal, illustrates with chilling clarity the final objective of regional governance conspirators. The goal is a corporate state concentrating economic, political and social powers in the hands of a ruling elite. “A Constitution for the Newstates of America” is the fortieth version of this revolutionary document prepared by a team of social experimenters at the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Fund for the Republic (Ford Foundation).  They are the enemy of freedom.)

In June 2020, the Capital Research Center revealed that the board of Thousand Currents includes Susan Rosenberg, a former Marxist terrorist with the notorious May 19 Communist Organization.

Strassberg is a former Peace Corp volunteer and he runs Thousand Currents who has an alliance with Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF); thus, your donation is tax deductible.

Twenty-five percent of the millions of dollars that goes into BLMGFN is spent on salaries and benefits.  Forty-six percent goes to consultant fees.  Seventy-one percent of revenue goes to salaries and consultant fees!  Twenty-nine percent goes to paying people and signs and so forth.  What a racket!  They’re shrewd, no one knows this!  Where is the IRS?  If Soros gave them $33 million, where is that money?  Are there any audits of Thousand Currents or BLMGNF?  All the Hollywood pinheads and corporate idiots and everyone else writing checks are going right into the Marxist’s pockets.  Link

In 2018 and 2019, respectively, Thousand Currents funneled $2,622,017 and $3,354,654 in donor-restricted assets to BLM.

Among the organizations that have specifically earmarked contributions to Thousand Currents for BLM are the NoVo Foundation ($1,525,000 from 2015 to 2018), the W.K. Kellogg Foundation ($900,000 from 2016 to 2019), and Borealis Philanthropy ($343,000 from 2016 to 2018).

No one is exposing them, not the New York Times, not mainstream media, not Fox, not One America News, because to do that would be to label yourself as a racist.


Thousand Currents isn’t the only donor avenue to BLM.  Visitors to BLM who seek to contribute funds are transported to the web page of ActBlue Charities, an organization that facilitates donations to “democrats and progressives.” ActBlue is the left’s favorite “Dark Money” machine.

As of May 21, 2020, ActBlue had given $119 million to the presidential campaign of Joe Biden. The worldwide BLM protests that subsequently erupted in response to the May 25 death of a black criminal suspect named George Floyd, sparked a new surge of donations to BLM via ActBlue.

Major corporations such as Apple, Disney, Nike and hundreds of others may be pouring untold and unaccounted millions into ActBlue under the name of Black Lives Matter, funds that in fact can go to fund the election of a Democrat President Biden. BLM hates Trump and wants him out of office; their riots are spreading for that very reason.

The role of tax-exempt foundations tied to the fortunes of the greatest industrial and financial companies such as Rockefeller, Ford, Kellogg, Hewlett and Soros say that there is a far deeper and far more sinister agenda to current disturbances than spontaneous outrage would suggest.

Here is ActBlue’s latest 990 from 2017.  Check out ActBlue on Open Secrets.

Black Lives Matter

BLM protests rely on the false belief that blacks are targeted for “extrajudicial killings by police and vigilantes.”  It is a lie, as demonstrated by decades of hard empirical evidence.   I would urge everyone to read John Perazzo’s article, Exposing the Lies of Black Lives Matter.  The annual violent-crime arrest statistics for 2003-2009, broken down by race, can be found here: 200320042005200620072008, and 2009.

Much of the demands by BLM are clearly modeled on elements of the Black Panthers’ “Ten-Point Program” put forth by the Black Panther Party in the 1960s.  BLM is closely allied with numerous groups that are fronts for the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), a Marxist-Leninist entity that calls for the overthrow of capitalism and the elimination of police departments. In an article for Accuracy In Media, economist and investigative journalist James Simpson has identified some of these FRSO fronts that are tied to BLM.

At a July 2015 conference in Cleveland, BLM presented There’s A Method To The Movement: Examining Community Organizing Methods and Methodologies, a workshop that taught, among other things, the tactics and philosophy of the late Saul Alinsky. Known as the godfather of “community organizing,” a term that serves as a euphemism for fomenting public anger and in some cases, violence, Alinsky was a communist fellow-traveler who laid out a set of basic tactics designed to help radical activists destroy their enemies while gaining power for themselves.  Hillary and Obama learned his lessons well.

Alinsky also exhorted activists and political radicals to be entirely unpredictable and unmistakably willing – for the sake of their cause – to cause the government, or the society at large, to descend into chaos and anarchy. They must be prepared, Alinsky explained, to “go into a state of complete confusion and draw their opponent into the vortex of the same confusion.”  Reveille for Radicals, page 150-151.

BLM and their associate organizations are Marxists.  As such, they hate God and want all vestiges of America’s Judeo-Christian society eliminated.  In June 2020, 40-year-old BLM activist Shaun King demanded that religious statues showing a light-skinned Jesus be toppled to the ground. King said on Twitter: “Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.” Asserting also that “all murals and stained-glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends” should likewise be destroyed.  Like the other uneducated fools of BLM, his stupidity of Biblical history is monumental.

Obama Endorsed BLM

In August 2015, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) approved a resolution endorsing the BLM movement. The resolution stated that “the DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming Black Lives Matter.”

BLM leaders met at the White House with President Obama as well as senior advisor Valerie Jarrett and other administration officials.  They told reporters that the president personally supported the BLM movement.  In a December 2015 interview on National Public Radio, Obama described BLM as a positive force on policing in America, notwithstanding the violence and incendiary rhetoric exhibited by many of its members.  In February 2016, Obama invited BLM leaders to the White House during Black History Month.

On July 13, 2016 — six days after a BLM supporter in Dallas had shot and killed five police officers and wounded seven others — President Obama hosted BLM leaders DeRay Mckesson, Brittany Packnett, and Mica Grimmat at a four-and-a-half-hour meeting at the White House. Also invited were Al Sharpton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards (D), St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman (D), Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (D), and some police chiefs.

BLM Anti-Semitism

More than 1,000 BLM activists signed a statement proclaiming their “solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and commitment to the liberation of Palestine’s land and people;” demanding an end to Israel’s “occupation” of “Palestine,” condemning “Israel’s brutal war on Gaza and chokehold on the West Bank,” urging the U.S. government to end all aid to Israel, and exhorting black institutions to support the Palestinian led Boycott, Divestment, & Sanctions movement against the Jewish state.

Over the Shavuot festival on May 30, 2020, BLM members carried out a pogrom in Fairfax, a Los Angeles community largely populated by ultra-Orthodox Jews. On that day, BLM not only vandalized five synagogues and three Jewish schools in Fairfax, but also looted most of the Jewish businesses on Fairfax Avenue. Moreover, they chanted  “F*** the police and kill the Jews.”

At a July 1, 2020 demonstration in Washington, D.C., BLM protesters tied their own cause to that of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. The rally was billed as a gesture of support for the “Day of Rage” that had been called by the Palestinian Authority and other groups to protest Israel’s plan to annex portions of the West Bank. The BLM protesters chanted: “Israel, we know you, you murder children, too.” Chants also alternated between “Black lives matter!” and “Palestinian lives matter!”  *Link*

BLM in American Schools

In 2016, BLM started to move beyond street protests and began to establish a growing influence in America’s public schools. In October of that year, teachers in Seattle organized a “Black Lives Matter at School Day.” When the National Education Association subsequently adopted a resolution endorsing that measure, “BLM at School Day” grew into a full “BLM at School National Week of Action,” to be held annually during the first week of February as part of Black History Month activities. As of 2018, it is now in school districts in more than 20 major cities.  They teach kindergarten to 2nd grade children to be good little Marxists.  Link

A key resource for BLM-related lessons is a textbook titled Teaching for Black Lives, whose opening sentence reads: “Black students’ minds and bodies are under attack.”  The book stokes fear, anger and resentment in the minds of children of color.  One reference to “the continuing police murders of black people,” for instance, declares: “In August of 2014, Michael Brown was killed in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, his body left in the streets for hours as a reminder to the black residents in the neighborhood that their lives are meaningless to the American Empire.”  Lies and more lies.

The book also includes essays bearing such titles as: “Rethinking Islamophobia: Combating Bigotry by Raising the Voices of Black Muslims,” “Plotting Inequalities, Building Resistance,” and “Racial Justice Is Not a Choice: White Supremacy, High-Stakes Testing, and the Punishment of Black and Brown Students.”

By 2019, “Black Lives Matter at School Week” (BLMSW) was being observed by thousands of educators in public school districts across the United States. BLMSW’s online guide abounds with suggested lesson plans and recommended resources for educating students, all of which are dangerous to the equality of all Americans.  Link


In my recent article of June 23, 2020, I wrote about Obama’s love of communist Nelson Mandela, the terror of white farmers in South Africa, Winnie Mandela’s necklacing of their enemies, and whites having to live in compounds to avoid being murdered.

Obama said, “I am one of the countless millions who drew inspiration from Nelson Mandela’s life. My very first political action, the first thing I ever did that involved an issue or a policy or politics, was a protest against apartheid. I studied his words and his writings. The day that he was released from prison gave me a sense of what human beings can do when they’re guided by their hopes and not by their fears.”

Yes, Obama drew inspiration from an avowed communist whose intent was to destroy white South African farmers and give their land to blacks. Does he revere the rape and slaughter of pregnant women and children and their farmer fathers hacked to death by Mandela’s black forces?  Apparently so.  His words have inflamed those who hate America’s whites who are burning, looting and murdering in America today.

©All rights reserved.

Watch Antifa Attacks on Conservative Journalists

The latest Antifa attacks were an assault against One America News Network (OANN) Reporter Jack Posobiec in a Washington, D.C. park. The video below shows an Antifa crowd threatening Posobiec, who remained remarkably poised and calm during the encounter.

The Antifa attack included dumping water on Posobiec, attempting to steal his phone, blocking any pathway for him to leave while at the same time demanding he leave not only the D.C. park but D.C. itself.

A security team intervened and escorted Posobiec out of the park. The team was sent by Kevin Corke, a White House Correspondent for Fox News.

It wasn’t enough for Posobiec to leave the park. The Antifa crowd followed Posobiec onto the street and continued to harass him. They threatened to capture his license plate if he went to his car and continued to prevent him from leaving. In the end, it took a police escort to get him out of the Antifa crowd.

That day, Antifa also harassed Daily Caller’s Vincent Shkreli who was there to film the Emancipation Memorial statute. The Antifa heckler told Shkreli he wasn’t allowed to film, to which Shkreli shot back that it was a public space.

Over and over again as Antifa attacks grow in boldness — and gets support from a public that naively believes Antifa is not an extremist group — Antifa shows its intention: It wants control of the public space.

Here’s what they do with that public space in the short time they’ve gained traction after the George Floyd protests:

  1. Antifa attacks aim to silence free speech.
  2. Antifa attacks harass and assault political opponents.
  3. Antifa attacks include ongoing psychological assaults, including creating segregated zones in territories they’ve taken over, like Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) — now renamed CHOP (Capitol Hill Occupied Protest).

The issue is not whether or not one supports or agrees with individual journalists.

The repeat pattern of Antifa attacks and harassment of American citizens is indicative of the larger desire to control the public space and push out ideological and political opponents. For anyone who still has doubts that Antifa is an “anti-fascist” movement, Antifa members are conducting themselves like the fascist extremists they claim to be against.



How Gen Z is Most Vulnerable to Antifa

Antifa Attacks Children’s Facility

Guns, Police & Fear: How Antifa is Changing the Face of America

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Leftists Are Using Race to Push an Anti-American Agenda

Our country is under attack from radical leftists. Mobs rampage through our streets, monuments are being destroyed, and the very law and order that ensures our communities’ peace and security is being undermined.

In far too many instances, those bent on destruction have hijacked protests, creating violence and division, and ultimately attacking the very foundation of our nation. For them, it’s not about resolving race issues; it’s about using racial discontent to forward their anarchist agenda.

One such group is Antifa. While it is widely recognized as a far-left fringe group, another organization—just as radical—has managed to drape itself in more mainstream clothes, gaining significant support with the public, politicians, and the business community.

While Americans of every color agree with the sentiment that black lives matter, Black Lives Matter the organization actually advocates an agenda that is completely out of step with American values.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

One look at the Black Lives Matter organization’s website shows that the idea of protecting black lives and seeking justice is merely a vehicle to advance a different, radical set of ideas. The organization is more dedicated to gaining political power and remaking America according to Marxist ideology. Two of the group’s three co-founders are even “trained Marxists,” according to one of them.

And it shows. The group’s platform includes planks unrelated to improving black lives, like trying to get the U.S. to divest from Israel, which it calls an “apartheid state” while accusing Jews of committing genocide against Palestinians.

The organization also has called for dismantling the family, saying, “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.”

The breakdown of the black family and the rise of single-parent households is one of the root causes of poverty, crime, drug abuse, and poor educational achievement in many black communities. Why would anyone who’s supposedly working for black progress want to tear down the very thing that helps to achieve it?

Just as disturbing is the fact that some of America’s biggest corporations are giving hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars to this organization and others whose misleading names conceal a more expansive and dangerous agenda.

Groups such as Antifa and the Black Lives Matter organization want to impose an ideology on America that would only bring greater poverty, a loss of freedom, destruction to churches and civil society, and violent law enforcement tactics to enforce compliance—exactly what we’ve seen in places such as Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea.

In fact, we’ve already seen a vision of what their America would look like.

We’ve seen videos of leftist protesters physically and verbally attacking police officers.

We’ve seen an entire neighborhood turned into a violent “autonomous zone” with spineless politicians telling the police to stand down and let anarchists rule over innocent residents.

We’ve seen violent mobs defacing and toppling statues of historical figures such as soldiers and abolitionists. Some are even calling for the removal of images of Jesus in which he is perceived as “too white.”

We must stop the violence and destruction and bring those committing criminal acts to justice while protecting the rights of good people to protest peacefully.

We must support our police officers who risk their lives every day to protect us no matter our color, religion, sex, or nationality—while also making needed reforms to weed out bad cops and end unacceptable policing procedures.

Calls to defund the police are calls for chaos, and calls to disarm them are lunacy. We’ve seen what happens in Seattle, Minneapolis, and other cities when criminals are allowed free rein.

Finally, we must combat the Marxist agenda. This agenda has wrought destruction on nations for generations. It expands government control and takes every opportunity to limit freedom—and it must not take root in the United States.

The most desperate communities in America have been run by the left for a generation or more. We’ve seen what that leadership has brought: generational poverty, fatherless families, worse educational outcomes, more disparity, and higher crime rates. Lurching even further left would be even more disastrous.

Instead, we must implement policies to ensure America’s promise of liberty and opportunity is a promise for all Americans. Conservatives always have had the policies that can help solve many of the difficult issues that Americans face.

We know how to create jobs, end poverty, provide better access to health care, improve education, and strengthen families better than anyone. And our fundamental belief in the inherent dignity of every human being can help bring about the healing our nation so desperately needs.

America is a land of promise, and conservative policies can make those promises ring true for all Americans. It is time for conservatives to take a message of hope to every American to end the racial strife and build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish for all.

Originally published by Fox News


Kay C. James is president of The Heritage Foundation. James formerly served as director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and as Virginia’s secretary of health and human resources. She is also the founder and president of The Gloucester Institute. Twitter: .


Watch: Black Conservatives Laugh as They Stumble Upon BLM Protest Missing 1 Important Thing

Gingrich Calls on Conservatives to Focus on ‘Black Success,’ Not ‘White Guilt’

Problematic Women: Sen. Martha McSally, Air Force’s First Female Combat Pilot, on ‘Doing Things Afraid’

Don’t Allow a Vocal Fringe Minority to Cut Our Much-Needed Defense Investments

4 Points to Understand the COVID-19 Surge in Texas

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerrold Nadler Doesn’t Get It

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerrold Nadler epitomizes the irrational HATRED he, his leftist allies in Congress and  the drive-by media have towards President Trump.  Without any evidence produced by the Mueller investigation, Nadler stated  “we are going to initiate investigations into abuses of power, corruption and obstruction of justice.”  He plans to call in 60 former/current Trump officials and many others including those with whom Trump had business dealings long before becoming President.   Trump supporters know this vitriol stems from his legitimate election which Nadler & hi s ilk still can’t accept.

Nadler, like Mueller, is conducting a “Witch Hunt” to create crimes that don’t exist.  His assertion that  “our job is to protect the rule of law” demonstrates the height of hypocrisy and double standards after all the criminal activity conducted by Obama and his administration including “Fast & Furious”; Benghazi; IRS scandal;  failure to follow Obamacare laws;  Iran deal; whitewashed Clinton investigation, etc.

No POTUS before Trump has ever been falsely criticized 24X7 for his first two years much less maintained a 50% approval rating and delivered on every campaign promise.  The left, including Nadler, just don’t get it.  They are lying  themselves into another loss in 2020.

Behold, A Green Horse

“Behold, a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.”Revelation 6:8

The original New Deal (1933-’36) was a series of programs, public works projects, financial reforms and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, designed to rescue the U.S. from the Great Depression.  The artfully-name Green New Deal, proposed by Democrat-socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), is a series of drastic changes designed to divert the US from the path of improvement and greatness set by President Donald J. Trump, and propagate Obama’s disastrous and divisive policies.  

President Trump’s focus on energy has been removing the Obama era’s burdensome energy regulations so that we are now experiencing an unprecedented boom in domestic oil production and energy independence.  We are exporting more oil than importing for the first time in 75 years.   Trump has been so successful, in fact, that Obama has tried to assume the credit in the hope of salvaging his eight years of failure.  The unscientific, childish Ocasio-Cortez endorses the climate change hoax, blaming every winter storm and summer hot spell on corporate America and on cattle with normal gastrointestinal activity.  As clearly clarified by Paul Driessen on cfact, “AOC wants to lead the world in economic suicide, environmental degradation, plummeting living standards, shorter life spans and societal upheaval.“

Her desire to raze, rebuild, and refurbish every building with, allegedly, non-polluting solar or wind-power equipment, would create an insurmountable debt.  Considering the revelation that she is supported by anti-American, globalist and Nazi-sympathizer, George Soros, it may be that she hopes to erase all remnants of our national history, a common aspiration for every tyrannical regime that has not the ability to improve on what others have achieved.  Alexandra has described herself in divisive intersectional terms, as a Puerto Rican descendant of African slaves, Indigenous people, and Spanish colonizers.  She does not call herself an American and seems to have no affinity for the welfare of our country and our fellow-Americans.

It is not uncommon for a conquering power to burn (or replace) books and destroy historic sites and monuments, and to erase their essential cultural knowledge and evidence of existence.  Today we have leftist instructors who have stopped teaching America’s history and Antifa groups and students tearing down our memorial statues, recalling the disposal of artifacts under the Temple Mount, the ruination of the Buddhas of Bamyan, and the damage done to Christopher Columbus images. Every edifice has an architectural style and history that, serving as a memorial to the earlier generations and an inspiration to succeeding ones, we have the duty to protect.  But under the ruse of energy replacement, O-C would demolish all and replace with communist-style, regulated, mean living quarters – if, indeed, she would rebuild anything at all. 

Her plan could well be more sinister. 

Her program calls for the complete cessation of all methods of transportation that rely on fossil fuels, leaving many millions of people jobless in manufacture, warehousing, sales, and product shipments, thereby returning us to the backwardness of previous centuries.  Without air travel, international business becomes virtually impossible.  Without shipping, we could not manufacture or trade with the world.  Without trucks, we would have few internal shipments, including food stuffs.  Without cars, our ability to travel within our own country would come to a standstill, save bicycles, among the most vulnerable in road accidents in China.  O-C proposes a high-speed rail, such as the disastrous Fast Train project in California, where the cost overruns are becoming world-record setting – hair-brained or intentionally meant for financial collapse.

Following O-C’s destruction of cattle, junior Senator Cory Booker (D) would impose his vegan food choices on the rest of the country.  Therefore, in addition to losing cows (beef, milk and all dairy products, and foods that require those ingredients), he opposes chicken and eggs with a misplaced sense of morality, since he clearly does not consider the health and welfare of his fellow citizens.  Neither is he concerned about the inevitable burgeoning prices for other foods that must replace what had been our necessities.  

With O-C’s destruction of the transportation, beef and dairy industries, and Booker’s destruction of the poultry industry, and the various feeds grown for their animals, the number of unemployed would reach an insuperable level.  The burden of feeding the populace would fall on low-wage, labor-intensive grain, vegetable and fruit growers, and be subject to the variations of climate and weather. 

Despite our current all-time low employment achieved under Trump, the better educated, highly skilled might not be employable if O-C’s madness were implemented.  She assures that everyone would be an employee of the government, as pharaoh’s monarchy employed its slave labor.   O-C’s proposed 70- to 90-percent tax rate might also be reasoned as the citizens’ paying themselves.  Our country would become a Welfare State.  

Elizabeth Harrington, in The Washington Free Beacon, assures us that each federal (or monarchial) job comes with:

  • a salary (befitting what lifestyle?)
  • paid vacation (to go where and how?)
  • retirement benefits (at what age, amount, and nature and extent of services?)
  • adequate housing for all (surely not the equal of the elites’ mansions), and
  • access to nature (the land overrun with wild fruit, weeds and garbage, now a food source in Venezuela, and queueing up to obtain necessities with the hope that there will be enough for those strong enough to endure the wait.  Bernie Sanders thinks bread lines are a good thing.)
  • healthy food (barely adequate or generous?  Without the master’s obligation to feed the worker, we would be heading toward the starvation of Stalin’s peasants, or Hitler’s untermenschen, or Pol Pot’s agrarian workforce.)

Again displaying her intersectionality biases, in case life is not Utopian, her plan calls for “reparations for all but white men.”

A review of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) indicates that Russians rate their housing at 4.8, compared to the US at 8.7; their income at 0.9, compared to the US at 10.0; and their life satisfaction at 4.2, compared to the US at 7.8.  I cannot help but wonder, with some trepidation, where O-C’s Green New Deal would place us.

Roosevelt’s Works Projects Administration (WPA) employed millions of unskilled people for construction of public buildings and roads – a storm of great activity and inventiveness.  By grim contrast, O-C’s administration would engage low and unskilled laborers to systematically raze our architectural achievements – edifices designed with the charm of Baroque, Colonial, Neoclassical styles, and more – and replace them with a depressing energy-efficient sameness in every town and city.  The streets would have to be an unimaginable grid of steel tracks to support the massive public transportation system, and a blight of charging stations everywhere for State-approved electric vehicles.

As a set design of the bleakest futuristic Science Fiction films spring to mind, we are being herded to the ever-closer socialist dream of a controlled society, where individual choice is disallowed by the State, and our lives lead unwaveringly to a predetermined destination. 


California Decides to Regulate Cow Farts in Order to Fight Global Warming

Changing Reality With Words

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by christels on Pixabay.

U.S. Campuses: Virulent Anti-Semitism Passed Off as Mild Dissent

Anti-Israel BDS resolutions have been seizing campuses in Canada. According to an article in the Jerusalem Post, it is Hamas — an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood — that has fueled and directed the BDS and Israel Apartheid Week campaigns on university campuses across North America, through chapters of the Muslim Student Association and the Palestine Solidarity Network. Yet these menacing campaign drives are being minimized, passed off at best as a difference of opinion, and at worst, as social justice campaigns to protect Palestinians from the so-called brutalities imposed by an apartheid state.

A recent Brandeis University study on anti-Semitism singled out Canadian and Californian universities as locales where hostility toward Jewish students was especially high.

In Spring 2014, several hundred Ryerson University students voted “overwhelmingly in favour” of supporting BDS. Then three months ago, what was described as “a hate-filled anti-semitic message full of vile language” was found scrawled in the men’s bathroom at Ryerson. It referenced the “stealing of Palestinian land” and called for Israel, Jews and supporters of the state of Israel to “burn in hell.” In April, the president of the organization called Ryerson’s Students Supporting Israel said she was spat upon while holding an Israeli flag as she filmed a school project on campus, prompting investigations by Toronto police and the university’s Investigations and Crime Prevention Office.

Referring to the graffiti, Ryerson President Sheldon Levy stated:

We are shocked and saddened….Graffiti of this nature is absolutely unacceptable at Ryerson and has no place on our campus or anywhere else. We are committed to providing a civil and safe environment which is free of discrimination, harassment, and hate, and is respectful of the rights, responsibilities, well-being and dignity of all its members.

Despite the rebuke to such blatant anti-Semitism, there still lurks a more subtle and dangerous new anti-semitism that is paraded as dissent in political opinion, but that aims to delegitimize the state of Israel.

I had the unfortunate firsthand experience of a display of this phenomenon — albeit a seemingly mild version — during a speech I gave before an adult part-time class at Ryerson University on November 9. Also speaking was the executive director of a Christian Zionist organization. The professor who invited us did a stellar job at keeping balance and poise in the midst of unreasonable “student” attacks against the state of Israel, and some aimed at me personally.

The experience I will recount is one that is far too often justified by reference to the Palestinian plight, and is also minimized by those who undermine the peril of this subtle form of new antisemitism.

My speech encompassed the justification of support for Israel beyond “the Bible said so,” with references to the two-state solution delineated long ago by the League of Nations, to which Arab states still took offense, as they rejected Israel’s very existence — despite the British partition plan favoring the Arabs – and thus attacked the Jewish State it upon its birth in 1948. My co-speaker was her usual charming self as she discussed the fine work of her Christian Zionist organization. Then came my segment, which was more about the blend and crossover between religion and politics with regards to Israel.

It was stunning to witness the spectacle of a significant number of audience members virulently against the state of Israel with no justification, rhyme or reason, and most critically, no apparent recognition of why Israel needs to defend itself from obliteration. When challenged to explain their positions, they could offer no explanation for their views beyond “you’re passionate, you’re religious….you’re one-sided,” or “I find it hard to listen to a one-sided approach.” The obsession with the “occupied territories,” “the fence,” “the expansion of settlements in East Jerusalem,” and the “poverty of Palestinians is because of Israel” was obscene in the face of Israel’s struggle to exist, not to mention the deadly Hamas, PA and Fatah Charters seeking Israel’s obliteration; the persecution of Christians in Bethlehem; the stabbings in Jerusalem; the rocket attacks; the Muslim women and children human shields used by Hamas; and so on. One woman talked with disdain about her “evangelical brother,” whom she found to be ignorant and bigoted, as she implicitly accused me of being an ignorant evangelical who blindly supported what she portrayed as the criminal state of Israel, but gave no evidence when asked to explain and elaborate upon her thoughts.

She and her fellow Israel-haters didn’t even care that Abbas announced that there would not be one Jew in a Palestinian state (a demonstration of pure hatred and apartheid), or that Abbas did his PhD in Holocaust denial. It was as though these folks were deaf, dumb and blind to history and the current realities of Israel’s existential threat as well as the grave sufferings being endured by the persecuted Church in Islamic states and in Bethlehem, from which Christians have been driven out.

Given plenty of opportunity and encouragement to address exactly what in the points I had made that the “students” thought was flawed, they had no answer or even any desire to examine the issues fairly in search of truth, but instead persisted with a brazen display of raw anti-Semitism disguised as caring about the Palestinians. Not even one question was posed during the speech (or Question and Answer period) about to where the 31 billion dollars of aid that the West gave to the Palestinian Authority vanished. I will answer now: much went to funding terrorism, for starters, which included reward blood money to terrorists who successfully murdered innocent Israelis.

When the bright Ryerson Professor posed a question to an attendee about whether it would really make any significant difference if Israel stopped its expansion of settlements in East Jerusalem, the answer was that at least people would not be as upset. The ludicrousness of this answer was perplexing.

I was surprised at the end of my presentation by a surprising nice round of applause, as well as by the sudden appearance of many in support of Israel that I wished had spoken up more.

What nation on the face of the earth faces obliteration by Islamic regimes, on top of unjustified and venomous attacks from Western critics who enjoy their safety at home — and in Israel, were it not for jihadists — and who would be murdered if they even so much as openly expressed their views about freedom of religion or rights for women and gays in the despotic territories surrounding Israel? A question to contemplate: Israel has habitually tried to make friends out of its foes; has it worked?

I posted this first-hand experience on Facebook, and one of the comments by an Israeli Defense and security specialist displayed some insights into raw truth:

Don’t we know this? We did warn the world about ISIS. We did warn the world about  aviation and airport security. We did warn the world about border security. Did anyone listen? Of course not!!!!

Four decades ago, the renowned professor Bernard Lewis wrote that an “ominous phrase” was heard immediately preceding the Six-Day War in 1967: “First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.’” In an era of rising jihadist infiltration into Western civilization, let’s hope that leaders and campus authorities can begin deciphering the meaning and profundity of such a statement in the face of stark and mounting evidence.

Christine Williams is an award winning Canadian journalist and public relations consultant. She is also an appointee of the Canadian government.


New Iranian-Backed Terror Group Makes Inroads in West Bank, Gaza

IAEA certifies Iran’s compliance with nuke deal, U.S., EU lift sanctions

Munich pools issue leaflets telling migrants not to grope women