Tag Archive for: medicare for all

The GOP Is Clueless To The Dems’ Sinister Immigration Agenda — And It Has Nothing To Do With Elections

The GOP has been very good at diagnosing the problems we will face from the illegal migrant invasion following the end of Title 42. Americans will pay more taxes while seeing cartel activity, gang violence, and other crime skyrocket. Housing and healthcare will become scarcer and more expensive, and the labor market will worsen as a larger labor supply suppresses American wages.

Republicans have mostly attacked the Democrats’ plan to create a “permanent majority” or accused them of enabling crime. Ultimately, this short-sighted approach focuses on the short-term electoral game. As usual, the Democrats and their handlers hide their true intentions, and the GOP is none the wiser.

The final Democrat goal is to turn America into a communist state in which Washington and its mega-corporate partners control every aspect of life. But Americans increasingly realize they are better off controlling their own affairs. So what is Uncle Sam to do?

Enter a pair of 60s radicals from Columbia University. Professors Richard Cloward and Frances Piven taught at the Ivy League university during Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty and Great Society. In 1966, they argued that Johnson’s welfare program was not going far enough because most welfare was the purview of state and local authorities. In order to get everyone on the federal teat, a crisis had to be created to give the feds the excuse to step in. Their proposal was to have massive numbers of poor people overwhelm local and state governments that they would beg Uncle Sam for help.

This general idea is the long-term strategy behind mass immigration.

If the Democrats cannot get Americans to accept a neo-communist, technocratic, oligarchic state run by billionaires and their political marionettes, they will import those who will. And the masses of impoverished foreigners, who are already accustomed to socialism and heavy-handed government, are the perfect trojan horse.

AOC may be dumb, but the people behind her aren’t. They want to overwhelm their own cities – and then everywhere else. They know that if NYC and Chicago can’t handle migrants, then the rural counties these cities are shipping migrants to definitely won’t – let alone the 750 million people who want to come here. The only entity left to pick up the tab is the federal government (in practice, this means you), which will use demographic chaos, poverty, and declining standards of living as a pretext to “save” the day. Coincidentally, Eric Adams has called for just that.

So what do you do when people can’t afford to live as a result of both low wages and high taxes to pay for all these illegals (among other things)? Enact universal basic income, preferably with a trackable CBDC that will control what you can buy, and when and whether you can buy it at all. Can’t afford healthcare because the system is strained and clogged up? Roll out Medicare for all, which of course gets to prioritize certain patients over others according to federal whims. No doubt diversity and inclusion will be criteria. Local and state police can’t handle the out of control crime anymore as a result of illegal immigration and soft-on-crime DAs? Create a national police force.

COVID-19 was a good try from the feds. They got tons of people to wear masks, take experimental shots, and hate their neighbors, but it didn’t result in the economic collapse and massive run to the welfare rolls that they had hoped for. So now, they’ve hit upon an all-too-commonly seen plan in history: when your own people hate you, bring in dependent outsiders.

Oh, and one more thing. When the millions of military-aged male migrants don’t get what they want from the Dems (who basically promised them the world), the Dems will blame you (Americans) and turn their newly imported constituency against you to save themselves.

And you won’t be able to defend yourself. All that violence that is happening thanks to cartels, sex/drug trafficking, and gang violence – all the product of letting in massive numbers of military-aged males? That’s your fault too, which means: get ready to surrender your guns. Uncle Sam doesn’t like competition.



Michele Gama Sosa is an opinion editor for the Daily Caller and a historian by training.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.