Tag Archive for: mining

CONSERVATION NATION VIDEO: The Biden Threat to Alaskan Mining

We just released a new episode of our “wildly” popular original video series, Conservation Nation.

Please watch our Conservation Nation videos.

In this latest program, host Gabriella Hoffman (who also serves as a CFACT senior policy analyst) journeys to Alaska to look into how mining operations are carried out in this beautiful, yet remote state.

As CFACT supporters know, Alaska is chock full of critical minerals needed to run our modern society. Gold, silver, copper, zinc, graphite, cobalt, lead, and rare earth elements are all found in abundance up there. That’s why domestic mining in the region is necessary for supplying America’s technological and electricity generation needs.

Sadly, our ability to get these minerals is being hampered by the Biden Administration and radical Greens. In fact, as the latest episode points out, the Biden administration is actively blocking new Alaska mining projects in the name of fighting climate change. One of these being targeted is known as Ambler Road –an infrastructure project supported by Alaskans to reach the Ambler Mining District.

If the Green radicals succeed in taking this project down it would be bad news for all of us.

Alaskan mining is a big positive.  Viewers will learn that the Alaskan mining industry supports 10,800 total direct and indirect jobs, paying an average annual wage of $118,000—more than any other sector of the state’s economy.

And, of course, there’s also a little fun added in.  You’ll get to see Gabby attempt to pan for a little gold and land a wild Alaska salmon.

Make sure you don’t miss this program.


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EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.