Human Capital: Planned Parenthood Harvested Baby Organs Without Consent [Video]
As reported by The Daily Caller:
A medical technician who worked in Planned Parenthood clinics says they were “morbid” places where women were seen as profit opportunities by “cold-hearted” staff in a sixth video produced by a medical ethics group opposed to abortion.
“The environment, it’s morbid,” Holly O’Donnell says in the video. “You can hear screaming, you can hear crying.”
O’Donnell’s job was to procure fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood clinics for StemExpress, a middleman between the aborted fetuses and researchers. She would “consent” women — ask them to donate their fetus — and then pick through the remains for the wanted tissue.
She describes an uncaring, traumatic atmosphere where each patient was a profit opportunity pressured aborting and donating their fetuses. “I’m not going to tell a girl to kill her baby so I can get money,” she says in retrospect.
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