Tag Archive for: mosques

Inside Mosques: Arlington, Texas and Tampa, Florida




Dave Gaubatz is a former U.S. Federal Agent with Top Secret/SCI clearance, expert in counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism on national security issues, highly trained in Islamic ideology and tactics, Arab linguist, author of Muslim Mafia, has investigated over 300 mosques/Islamic Centers in the USA and 150 outside USA, and after leaving his position in the government continued this work as a Civilian Agent. Using firsthand investigation, he then evaluates Risk/Threat Levels based on multiple factors including Materials on Premises and What They Advocate, Ties to Muslim Terrorists, and Sharia Adherence. Mr. Gaubatz estimates that 80% of mosques in America recruit and train in jihad (violent & civilization). Finally, he makes Recommendations to protect America, our citizens, our children. He asks about each mosque: Would ISIS be proud?

NOTE: Several Reports/Affidavits will be published. When you read one from earlier dates, note that Dave Gaubatz issued Risk/Danger warnings ahead, but in some cases, violence occurred later from a member of one of those reported mosques (ex: Trolley Square, Salt Lake City, Utah shooting; child abuse Nashville, TN). When you read a report that came after an attack (Ex: Report 2017, Boston Marathon Bombing by the Tsarnaev brothers in 2013), note that violence had already occurred, Mr. Gaubatz reported continued Risk/Danger years later from the same mosques terrorists had attended.  Reading professionally investigated and evaluated Reports/Affidavits from various years is important so the American public is aware of new or continuing Risk/Danger and can demand protection from all levels of government officials and law enforcement that they are sworn to provide.

Significant Incident Report #3 (SIR)

Location: Arlington, TX (TX17) and Tampa Florida

Date of Significant Incident: 28 Dec 2007 — 17 Jan 2008

Synopsis: During the above period Field Researcher (FR) met with four Imams from TX#17. FR spent several days with the Imams to include some in Arlington, TX, Austin, TX, and Tampa, FL. In addition FR had numerous telephone conversations with the Imams. FR also had the opportunity to meet with many worshippers and Imams from the areas they traveled to.

FR opines based on the below information and his continuous interaction with the Imams that he considers them to be dangerous. Since they are leading Islamic scholars and many worshippers follow the advice they are given, it is likely the worshippers will follow the violent Wahhabi ideology of the Imams.

Listed below are some of the significant events during this time period:

  • There are four Imams at TX#17. Jordan and Palestine.
  • “Osama” Imam from Jordan, informed FR he should not accept any gifts from Shia, Christian, or Jewish people because it is haram.
  • Osama said it is normally haram (illegal) to commit suicide bombings like it is being done in Iraq, but the /Iraqi situation is a gray area. The Iraqi people are being killed, and it is justified to explode yourself, because you are defending yourself.
  • Imam Mohammad Shakib and Shaykh Hassan are the primary fundraisers for TX17.
  • Imam Shakib subsequently introduced an administrative assistant at TX17. The man had a long beard and is from Jordan (according to both the imam and the man)
  • The Jordanian (Imam in Texas) told FR he is originally from Jordan and he had a very close relationship with Tarik Aziz (close friend of Saddam Hussein and former Deputy Prime Minister from 1979 — 2003). The Jordanian further informed FR that Tarik Aziz (before 2003) would often travel to Jordan from Iraq. When Aziz would come to Jordan he would always visit him at his home. FR opines it is likely the Jordanian had other ties to senior Baath Party members.
  • FR advised the Imams collected money from many worshippers in Arlington, TX, Austin, TX, and Tampa, FL. Most of the time the money was provided in cash. The worshippers would not provide checks, but subsequently Shaykh Mohammad would tell them he knows “Ghassan” and has his contact information.
  • FR was invited to the homes of the Imams, travel to Austin, TX, and for a 3 day visit in Tampa, FL. The purpose of the trip was for fundraising for the mosque, but FR opines based on his discussions with the Imams that money was being used for other purposes. The Imams themselves would argue amongst themselves.
  • A Florida Imam (Ibriham Aboamer, from Egypt) was observed by FR as having a book, “Down to the United States.” He also had a collection of Siraj Wahhaj CDs. When the Imam saw FR looking at the book, he hid it in his desk drawer.
  • A man “named” Ghassan who is from Jordan or Palestine, was mentioned by the Imams. They advised he is either wanted or been questioned by the FBI for terrorism related charges. The Imams were evasive about Ghassan. They did state Ghassan had traveled from mosque to mosque in various states hiding from authorities. He had been an Imam in Chicago, IL.

Director Gaubatz comments: Concur with reporting to law enforcement. The individuals mentioned above are highly likely to be involved in supporting terrorist organizations and it is probable they are linked to additional “sleeper cell” activity.


Utah: Imam loses appeal to be removed from terrorism watchlist

Federal judge rules that Alabama Muslima who joined the Islamic State is not a citizen and can’t come back

RELATED VIDEO: Taqiyya in Dearborn Heights

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

ACT For America Firing American Patriots Because They Feel Mosques in America are Dangerous

This is going to shock American conservative Patriots. It is also going to leave you betrayed and disgusted by the un-American actions by ACT for America founder Brigitte Gabriel and her assistant J. Craig.

bridgette gabriel

Brigitte Gabriel

For the first time Gabriel has revealed her liberal thoughts on Islamic issues.

I will only provide a few paragraphs on this story today and will follow up in detail much more in the next few days. About a week ago Gabriel and Craig sent out an internal threatening message to her alleged 1000 chapter leaders. In short (I will provide the entire letter soon) Gabriel wants her chapter leaders to fully understand she believes Islam is a very peaceful religion and ACT is only concerned about a few radicals who have hijacked Islam. She also wants her leaders to know that mosques in America are off limits in regard to using lawful strategies to close them down. Gabriel opines in her letter that mosques in America and the Muslims who attend them are not a national security threat.

This is where her liberal ideas of Islam clashes with the thoughts of numerous chapter leaders and tens of thousands of ACT members. I know because I have trained thousands of them during the past decade and I have heard from many during the last week. Many are going to leave the now liberal organization Gabriel founded.

Now this week we have the firing of Lieutenant Colonel Roy White, USAF (Retired) an American veteran and more importantly an American patriot who has educated thousands of Americans on the evils of Islam and the violent ideology occurring in the majority of mosques in America.

A few years back I was invited to Texas by LTC White to help him and his ACT members understand the violent teachings that take place in the mosques that Gabriel feels are peace loving and tolerant holy places. I took White to a mosque for a short time. The Islamic leadership provided White and myself a stack of violent books many of which were stamped from the Saudi government. The books strongly advocated slavery, the killing of Jews and Christians wherever they were found, and sadly the mosques encourage the marriage of and rape of six year old Muslim girls.

I believe all of us have little doubt that every Muslim terrorist was trained in mosques and they are following the basic ideas of their pedophile founder Mohammed…all except for Gabriel now in 2017. We should all be standing on our feet and thanking our God for such a patriot as Roy White. Instead ACT fired him!

I do not have any political masters, liberals, the media, or the Democratic Party I want to or have ever dreamed of trying to please and serve as Gabriel does. I do not have donors who write me a million dollar check each year as Gabriel does, nor do I have 500,000 alleged members as ACT does who support Gabriel with hundreds of thousands of dollars each year and who pay for her lavish lifestyle. This is what I believe in and I had always thought Gabriel did as well.

  1. Islam is not a religion, it is an economic, military, and political, ideology, that uses religion as a tool to achieve their ultimate objective of forming a caliphate worldwide under sharia law.
  2. Islam is dangerous and a threat to the free world. There is no love, caring, or tolerance within Islam. It is the largest and most powerful hate group in America.
  3. There are over 3000 mosques in America. They advocate hate and murder against innocent people. They are breeding grounds for Muslim terrorists. They are safe havens for illegal immigrants. I thank you Roy for trying to close them down.
  4. Saudi Arabia are not the friends of America. They hate each non Muslim worldwide.

I thank each of you. It is my strong recommendation that every ACT chapter leader resign from this liberal organization that Gabriel has created. I also ask each of you to contact Roy White and show your support to him. I encourage every ACT member to resign and join a conservative organization that doesn’t beg each of you each week to pay for Gabriel to live like a Queen.

I will provide more soon. I ask ACT chapter leaders and members send your thoughts to Davegaubatz@gmail.com.

God Bless you Roy White. Note for liberal weaklings. Although ACT has now turned into a pathetic liberal organization who has lied to Americans for years, she and ACT members are ten times better than the foolish Obama, Clintons, and others who have supported Islamic terrorists for decades.


Authorities ignore U.S. mosques at center of Islamic terror attacks – New York Post

Maryland mosque hosts celebration in honor of Pakistani killer

EDITORS NOTE: Below is the full text of the ACT for America email dated February 24th, 2017 on the firing of LTC Roy White.

ACT San Antonio Chapter

This week, we had to make a very difficult decision.  We had to let go one of our best chapter leaders, Lt. Col. (ret) Roy White.

The reason we were forced to let Lt. Col. White go was because he advertised on the Internet a chapter meeting to learn how to “shut down mosques.”

We have worked with attorney Karen Lugo, a great patriot, for years, so that our membership is fully educated about all aspects of the threat, including mosques, and we hope to continue working with her in the future. But never once have we posted our work on the Internet, nor offered an open invitation for the public to come learn how one can legally shut down mosques.

Even in the midst of what we are doing, we must remember our Constitution, which Lt. Col. White, proudly fought to defend, includes the freedom to worship at a place of one’s choosing.

Unfortunately, Lt. Col. White’s actions including his refusal to cancel this meeting when advised to do so, gave us no choice but to let him go for legal and public reasons.

This is not to be mistaken as cow-towing to CAIR. It is to protect us legally. We cannot be in a position of having to fight legal battles on the constitutionality of building a mosque – a right guaranteed by the first amendment.

In addition, we focus on national security and the defense of our country including fighting Islamofacism which we believe is the greatest threat to Western civilization today.

We have a lot of important work to do and we must be wise and strategic in the way we message.

For those of you who believe in the bible, it says: “Be as kind as doves but as wise as serpents”. Now more than ever we have to exercise wisdom in the way we communicate and mobilize our nation to come together and learn about the Islamic ideology, the Koran in which it is based, and the call for violence against us infidels in the name of their Jihad.

We are currently processing 92 chapter leader applications this week alone. These 92 people did not sign up to shut down houses of worship in America. They support issues and legislation to make our country safer and more secure such as refugee resettlement and designating the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization just to mention a few.

ACT for America led by Brigitte Gabriel will never waiver or shy away from the truth. As a matter of fact we are doubling down on our fight.

Tonight, you may watch the Sean Hannity special on Fox News where Brigitte debates Imams defending President Trump’s ban calling it a fight between civilizations and getting into a heated debate about calling it by its accurate name “Islamic Terrorism”. The special was recorded last week and will air tonight. Brigitte Gabriel is currently out of the country.

We look forward to continue working with you and the new chapter leader who will pick up the leadership role from Lt. Col. White. Your ACT San Antonio Chapter has done great things and continue to do so. Together, we rise in defense of our country and the values which made it exceptional.

If you’d like to take over the reigns as the ACT San Antonio Chapter Leader, please send me an email to jcraig@actforamerica.org.

For Freedom,

J Craig | Director of Field Operations
ACT for America

What happened at the George Soros funded Solidarity-with-Mosques Day?

Leo Hohmann (author of the best selling book ‘Stealth Invasion) tells us here at World Net Daily. See my post on their plans here a couple of days ago. And, see what I said here (below)!

Hohmann at WND:

‘Christian’ activists head to mosques to resist Trump

A national coalition with ties to George Soros was behind a national day of “solidarity” with Muslims Friday that included rallies at airports and prayer vigils at mosques.


NPNA-Logo-Color-600x400The National Partnership for New Americans sponsored a “day of action” to protest Donald Trump’s 90-day moratorium on travel from seven countries – Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Yemen – which the groups are calling “unconstitutional” and a “Muslim ban.”

The NPNA was funded with a $200,000 grant from Soros’ Open Society Foundations in 2011.

Friday’s action is to be followed up by another on Feb. 22 when the NPNA coalition plans to flood congressional offices with protesters at the district level, sending an army of advocates for immigrants and refugees.

But Friday’s event was no ordinary protest. Many non-Muslims entered mosques and joined Muslims in the Jummah prayer, which is the most heavily attended prayer of the week at mosques around the world and widely referred to as the “Friday call to prayer.”

Some of the secular and ostensibly Christian activists posted on social media that they felt “inspired” to join in the prayers to Allah.

One mosque that attracted ‘Interfaith’ supporters yesterday was  the Islamic Society of Western Maryland!

At some mosques, such as the Islamic Society of Western Maryland in Hagerstown, visitors observed Islamic gender rules.

This was reported by the Hagerstown Herald Mail:

“We are extremely grateful and appreciative for this show of concern,” Faruq Post, the society’s resident scholar, told the men, women and children, who were asked to segregate by gender. Most women covered their heads with scarves.

By the way the Herald Mail story says 100 were in attendance, but never tells us how many were regulars at the mosque. Three from the INTERFAITH group are quoted.

The NPNA coalition includes a large swath of the interfaith movement in America – a blend of Christian, Muslim and Jewish groups – teaming up with immigrant rights activists.

Federally-funded refugee contractors were involved in organizing the solidarity event.

Hohmann continues….

Allying themselves in this project with Muslim groups such as CAIR and the Council of Muslim Organizations are various Christian organizations such as Church World Services, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, World Relief and others involved in the resettlement of refugees in the United States. These volunteer agencies, also called VOLAGs, are paid $2,050 for every refugee they resettle in America, with more than half of that fee flowing into their coffers and the balance going to the refugee. [For new readers it was Church World Service subcontractor, the Virginia Council of  Churches that brought refugees to Hagerstown in 2007 and inspired me to write this blog!—ed]


These groups present themselves as charitable advocates for the downtrodden when in fact the vast majority of their budgets are funded by federal grants, not donations by church members.

“It’s not charity if you are taking other people’s money by force, through public tax dollars, and using it to do what you consider to be the Lord’s work,” says Ann Corcoran, who follows the refugee industry and blogs at Refugee Resettlement Watch.


“They will whine about refugees but when you look at this list and know what they are planning, it is open borders they are really pushing for—illegals, legal immigrants, it is all the same to them,” wrote Corcoran. “In fact, on the call they said they would link their national policy agenda to emotions by using individual refugee sob stories. Refugees as pawns for their radical political agenda?”

As of Friday there were 14 states and the District of Columbia listed as hosting rallies in support of Muslims. Cities on the list included Chicago, New York, Nashville, Los Angeles, Miami, Greensboro, North Carolina; Fairfax and Alexandria, Virginia; Reading, Pennsylvania; Billings, Montana; Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; Silver Spring and Hagerstown, Maryland; and Boise, Idaho.

The Hagerstown Herald Mail could never bring itself to write about allegations made in 2009 in ‘Muslim Mafia’ even though CAIR has never been able to prove any of the information is false having been taken directly from documents CAIR had warehoused.

WND’s story continues…..

One of the participating mosques that welcomed non-Muslim supporters to join it for Friday prayers was the Islamic Society of Western Maryland in Hagerstown. This mosque was identified as having connections to radical Islamic elements in the undercover investigative book “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America” by David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry.

The FBI was investigating this predominantly Pakistani mosque for suspicious activity in 2004 and the imam immediately brought in a CAIR lawyer Shama Farooq to help coach him on how to answer the investigators’ questions.

To learn what happened, continue here.

As we know well, citizens have every right to support mosques and organize protests, but when it comes to federally- funded organizations possibly using tax dollars to do it then we have every right to demand an accounting.

By the way, Esam Omeish former head of the Muslim America Society (a Muslim Brotherhood spin-off group) is a member of this mosque. Look what he said in Hagerstown in 2008:

In a sermon during Monday’s holiday prayer service, Omeish encouraged Muslims to establish themselves and break new ground where they live in much the same way Abraham is said to have founded monotheism in Arabia.

Yahya Hendi has spoken here as well. See what Hendi told the Saudis in 2007. Why would Muslims be pushing for the election of Muslim mayors across America? If they are here to assimilate why do they need Muslim mayors?

Report: 300 U.S. Muslims recruiting for Islamic State using social media

Where are the programs in mosques and Islamic schools in the U.S. to teach young Muslims why they should reject the Islamic State’s understanding of Islam? Nowhere.

Legal cases of ISIS supporters

“Alabama woman one of 300 Americans using social media to recruit for ISIS,” by Leada Gore, AL.com, December 1, 2015:

ISIS sympathizers using social media to recruit new militants are in Alabama and every state, according to a new report that looks at terrorist infiltration in the U.S.

George Washington University’s Program on Extremism developed the report to determine how militants are using social media – especially Twitter – to foster sympathy and recruit new members. The study identified as many as 300 American or U.S.-based ISIS sympathizers who are using social media to connect and disseminate information.

The ISIS sympathizers are located in every state, the report shows. Their preferred social media is an ever-changing array of Twitter accounts, though they also use Facebook, Google+ and Tumblr, as well as messaging services and the dark web.

“The spectrum of U.S.-based sympathizers actual involvement with ISIS varies significantly, ranging from those who are merely inspired by its message to those few who reached mid-level leadership positions within the group,” the study’s authors, Lorenzo Vidino and Seamus Hughes wrote.

The Department of Homeland Security has active investigations into ISIS activities in Alabama and every other state, according to the Texas representative who chairs the House committee that oversees the agency….

The latest report looks at social media accounts and legal cases against ISIS recruits. Based on the cases currently within the justice system, New York and Minnesota are the states with the most activity; other hot spots are California, Illinois and North Carolina. Texas, Ohio and Mississippi all report an increased level of activity. Alabama is on the low end of the spectrum, with no reported legal cases involving ISIS sympathizers.

That doesn’t mean they don’t exist in states like Alabama, however; it just means they aren’t in the court system.

“The indictments are the tip of the iceberg,” researchers said.

So far this year, U.S. authorities have arrested almost 70 people for supporting or plotting with ISIS. That’s the largest number of terrorism-related arrests in the county in a single year since September 2001. Social media is a big part of that communications, the researchers said.

“While some seek to join the self-declared caliphate in ISIS-controlled territory, others plan attacks within the U.S.,” Vidino said. “It’s a growing and disturbing phenomenon.”

Hoover girl’s ISIS involvement

The report showed the average age of an ISIS sympathizer is 26; 40 percent have converted to Islam; and 10 percent are women.

One of those female ISIS supporters is Hoda Muthana, a Hoover teenager who left America to join ISIS in Syria and remains an active recruiter on Twitter. Muthana’s case is one of the ones detailed in the report.

Muthana, a Yemeni-American, used Twitter to connect with other Islamic militants online before she left the U.S. It was online that she met Aqsa Mahmood, a 19-year old from Scotland who was one the first Western females to travel to Syria, researchers said. The two communicated frequently and Muthana modeled her departure from the U.S. to Syria via Turkey on Mahmood’s.

Muthana later went to Syria where she married an Australian ISIS fighter, Suhan al Rahman, who has since been killed in an airstrike. Muthana, who now lives in Raqqa, Syria, remains active on Twitter, recently posting images of four burning passports with the message “Bonfire soon, no need for these anymore.”…


Mass shooting in California, at least 20 victims, suspect Farooq Saeed sought

California convert to Islam pleads guilty: “I despise america and want its downfall”

Map Of Radical Mosques in the U.S.

There are more than 80 radical mosques are in the U.S., according to the Clarion Project, a non-profit group that describes itself as “dedicated to exposing the dangers of Islamist extremism.”

Using Clarion’s definitions, The Daily Caller News Foundation has mapped these radical mosques in an effort to aid readers seeking to understand the extent of radical Islamic voices in this country.

These mosques or their leading clerics have radicalized attendees to become terrorists, supported terrorist organizations, made radical Islamist remarks or hosted others that have, or are financially backed by radical individuals or organizations.

“Islamist extremists have developed a sophisticated network of interconnected organizations across American,” according to Clarion. “The common thread among these organizations is their ideology of political Islam, which aspires to implement sharia governance and to establish a global Islamic caliphate.”

The FBI declined to tell TheDCNF if the nation’s top law enforcement agency has a similar list.

The map includes 83 – or nearly 4 percent – of the 2,106 mosques in the United States as of 2010.

Mosques from Clarion Project’s list were excluded if TheDCNF could not verify their addresses. These include Islamist communes like Islamberg in New York.

Several mosques on the Clarion Project’s list stand out.

  • Dar al-Hijrah, located just outside Washington in Falls Chruch, Virginia, for example, was the place of worship for two of the 9/11 hijakers. This mosque’s present Imam, Shaker Elsayed, described Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna’s teachings as “the closest reflection of how Islam should be in this life.” The Brotherhood “seeks to implement Sharia-based governance globally,” according to the Clarion Project.



Muslim Migrants Are Killing Christian Migrants

Barack Obama Blocked 75% of Strikes on the Islamic State

Saudi Arabia refuses to take Syrian refugees, but offers to build 200 mosques in Germany

This tells you all you need to know about the “refugee” crisis in Europe. It is, as I said, a hijrah: a migration for the sake of Allah, to plant Islam in a new land. If they were really refugees, the Saudis would take them. But no, they are invaders, and the Saudis are offering to make things easier for them by providing them with facilities for the invasion — remember, four separate studies since 1998 have shown that 80% of Saudi-funded mosques in the U.S. teach hatred of Jews and Christians and the necessity to replace the Constitution with Sharia.

“Saudi Arabia Offers to Build 200 Mosques for Syrians in Germany,” by Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage, September 10, 2015:

Saudi Arabia, which doesn’t permit the construction of churches but finances a mosque construction spree in the land of the infidel, will not be taking in Syrian refugees. Even though they are fellow Muslims. It will however offer to build 200 mosques in Germany for their use.

It’s a kind offer. The only proper way for Europe to reciprocate would be to send a million soccer hooligans to Saudi Arabia and then offer to build facilities to teach them of the importance of trashing the country and abusing any native they come across.

Of course the Saudis aren’t stupid enough to fall for that one. Not even if the soccer hooligans bring along the occasional woman and child to use as emotional human shields while battering their way into a country they hate in every possible way aside from its social services.

Only Westerners are stupid enough to fall for that one.

Saudi mosques have played a key role in the rise of Islamic terrorism in the West. Just think of the explosive wonders that something short of a million migrants and all the mosques they can Allah Akbar in will accomplish in Germany.

Maybe the next Caliph of the Islamic State will even shout Allah Akbar while beheading some local infidel with a German accent. Maybe that Islamic State will even be in Hamburg.

Why is it that so few people ask themselves why the Saudis are willing to build 200 mosques for these “poor, desperate refugees”, yet won’t take a single one in?

It’s the same answer to the question of why so many Muslims claim to care about “Palestinians” to the point of genocide, yet won’t take them in and give them citizenship.

These aren’t refugees. They’re armies.

Don’t take it from me. Take it from Turkey’s Erdogan, the man more popular among German Muslims than he is among his own oppressed people. Here’s the poem that the formerly secular Turkish state sent him to jail for, before it became an Islamist hellhole of minarets, Erdogan palaces and crumbling shopping malls.

“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.”

Saudi Arabia just offered to build 200 barracks for the 800,000 soldiers invading Germany.


Saudis “offended” by National Geographic featuring Pope, ban the issue

Robert Spencer in PJ Media: UNC’s ‘Literature of 9/11′ Course Indoctrinates Students to Love Jihad Terror, Hate America

‘Sandboxing’ Islam: How to Protect America from Jihad Terrorism by Ralph Sidway

Enforcing the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) can give us the legal and tactical edge in countering the threat from Islamic supremacism.


It should be obvious for anyone with eyes to see that Islam — its scriptures, the example of Muhammad, its doctrines, and its overall ideology — is behind the spread of most terrorism and unrest in the world today.

From the Islamic State (ISIS), Boko Haram, al-Nusra and al-Shabaab, to slightly older groups such as al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Muslim Brotherhood, to lesser known jihadi organizations throughout Central Asia, India, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Rim, and China, a survey of terrorist attacks reveals Muslim involvement throughout the entire world.

Here in the United States, we are seeing a dramatic rise in Muslim “lone wolf” jihad terrorist attacks (and, as some have described them, known wolves”). Further, from all points of the compass, we are seeing literally tens of thousands of Muslims flocking to the Middle East to join the Islamic State caliphate and support the jihad with their very lives.

The scenario gets worse. Some analysts argue that we are seriously underestimating the numbers of Western Muslims joining the Islamic State.

Here at home, we have a “ full blown insurgency.” The FBI has already arrested seventy IS-inspired Muslim terrorists, and has active investigations of IS-inspired jihad plots in all 56 of its field offices. NewsMax reports “the government’s terrorist watch list carries 700,000 to a million names.”

The Challenge: Jihad-Linked Mosques

This is all indisputable fact. The threat is real and growing. Even worse, the threat is specifically from devout, observant Muslims who attend mosque. Behind every lone-or-known-wolf jihadi and every Islamic State recruit there is a mosque where they are receiving instruction in Islam.

That should give us pause, as four separate studies in recent years show that 80% of mosques in the U.S. teach, preach or advocate for jihad and the imposition of sharia law in America. 

Confirming these mosque studies are proven links between mosques and terrorists.  For example, one of the two Mississippi Muslims recently arrested for trying to join the Islamic State is the son of the imam at the local mosque. Many terror-linked mosques have spawned multiple jihadis. The Phoenix mosque attended by the Garland TX jihadis is notorious for having two other members in federal prison on terrorism-related convictions. Perhaps most infamous is the Islamic Society of Boston, which was attended not only by the Boston Marathon Bombers, but by numerous other jihad-terror-linked Muslims. The list goes on and on.

For many people, especially in our political class and certainly among the 2016 field of presidential candidates, there seems to be no solution to this national security nightmare of terror-linked mosques and known wolf jihadis. To date, there is no coherent, principle-based policy to address Islamic terrorism in the United States.

The Solution: ‘Sandboxing’ Islam in America

This is where I believe the simple analogy of “Sandboxing” can help us.

You’ve probably heard the term, even if you’re not a computer geek. One tech source offers this definition:

A “sandbox” is a play area for young children: it is supposed to be safe for them (they cannot hurt themselves) and safe from them (it is sand, they cannot break it). In the context of IT security, “sandboxing” means isolating some piece of software in such a way that whatever it does, it will not spread havoc elsewhere.

If we think of America as being, ideally, a safe and free place for its citizens, within which we should be able to live, work, play, and, as the ubiquitous bumper sticker says, “Coexist,” then when it comes to Islam and Muslims, we need a solution analogous to the IT security process of “sandboxing.” We need to isolate malicious jihadi forces, “in such a way that whatever they do, they will not spread havoc elsewhere.”

What would “sandboxing” look like when it comes to Muslims in America? In practice, it could include the following policies:

  • A moratorium — a complete freeze — on Muslim immigration. Senator and presidential candidate Rand Paul expressed a similar policy concept following the Chattanooga jihad murders of five US servicemen, proposing a halt to immigration from Muslim countries with known jihad activity. Going one step further, Franklin Graham wrote at the same time that “We should stop all immigration of Muslims to the U.S. until this threat with Islam has been settled.
  • All mosques must be classified and treated as “agents of foreign power,” in accordance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), a U.S. law (22 U.S.C. § 611 et seq.) passed in 1938.

The law presciently allows for application in gray areas such as Islam presents, as it states that any entity with a “political or quasi-political capacity” disclose their relationship with the foreign government and information about related activities and finances. The purpose is to facilitate “evaluation by the government and the American people of the statements and activities of such persons.” [Source]

Islam certainly thinks and behaves like a foreign power, is guided in America by the Muslim Brotherhood, the Saudis and other foreign Islamic groups, and has a definite political dimension. (See also here.)

  • Any and all mosques associated with Muslim terrorists must be investigated, and if found to be advancing jihad doctrine, sharia law, and Islamic supremacism over the United States, they should be prosecuted and closed, in accordance with the FARA act referenced above.
  • Stop all foreign funding of mosques, whether by FARA, new legislation, or executive power. We already know that Saudi Arabia is providing extensive funding to advance its extremist Wahhabi strain of Islam worldwide, including of mosques in America, as is Turkey. There already exist covert lobbying groups for Muslim nations, including Iran.

These are just some starting points to aid in getting this conversation going. The American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) has an 18-point platform with similar policy proposals which may be considered as well.

We must have hope that, just as illegal immigration has become a major issue in the presidential race, so also we may be successful in elevating public awareness of the clear and present danger from Islam and Muslim jihad terrorists. This is a generational if not century-long struggle ahead of us, and should resonate with voters.

The concept of “sandboxing” is, I believe, the most helpful image in making our case to not only the American people, but also to the political elite and the 2016 candidates.

We must publicly challenge the Republican presidential candidates to take the initiative, and to fearlessly raise the issue of Islam up to the same level as Immigration. We must demand of them to be bold and daring when it comes to defeating jihad. The defense of our nation, our freedoms, and the lives of our fellow citizens and men-and-women in uniform should be paramount for whoever would be Commander-in-Chief. This issue will be topmost on that person’s desk in the Oval Office from Day One. Better to tackle it now with a strong and visionary policy, than to be knocked back on our heels by a surprise attack in 2017.

Now is the time to put misbehaving Muslims and their terror-linked-mosques on time-out. Islam is at war with us. More and more Muslims are heeding the summons from Islamic State and Al-Qaeda, taking up arms against us in this war, and killing American citizens right here at home. Denying the reality and threat of Islamic jihad is not a valid policy, it is civilizational suicide.

It is time to “sandbox” Islam in America, and use decisive, legal means to counter its threat to our freedoms and our way of life.


Ralph Sidway is an Orthodox Christian researcher and writer, and author of Facing Islam: What the Ancient Church has to say about the Religion of Muhammad. He operates the Facing Islam blog.


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The Demise of America

It has been several months since I have written any counterterrorism articles. During this period I have been to several mosques and conducted individual research studies. I cannot stress enough that America is in serious trouble.

All across our beautiful country we are surrounded by the enemy which is Islam. Where is Islam practiced by the most faithful of Muslims? In mosques. There are over 2300 strategically placed mosques covering all areas of America.

Unlike many counterterrorism experts, I see the Islamic ideology as a whole as the number one enemy of America. There are no moderate Muslims. One is either a practicing Muslim in it’s entirety and follows Sharia law 100 percent, or the person who calls himself or herself a moderate Muslim who doesn’t believe in all aspects of Sharia law, is an apostate and enemy of Islam. Islam does not allow a person to be a half practicing Muslim,

Based on my years of research inside mosques across America, it is a certainty America will continue to be attacked from within. The only way America can be destroyed is by people and organizations within America who follow the Islamic ideology. There are approximately 2 million practicing Muslims in America. There are approximately 3 million who call themselves moderates. Although these people are not considered Muslim in accordance with Islam, they will make a 180 degree turn when Islam is the dominant factor in America. In other words most people who associate with Islam are cowards when it is just themselves. They become powerful giants when they have a large number of other followers with them. This is similar to gangs in America. Cowards when alone, but almighty when they are with a crowd of their own kind.

So far by my above estimates there are 5 million potential mujahadeen fighters inside our country. These people do not adhere by choice to the U.S. Constitution, they adhere to their own constitution which is Sharia law. The U.S. Constitution and Sharia law are in no form compatible. A person cannot follow Sharia law and have allegiance to America. There are many Muslims who say they are American Muslims, but in reality they are non Americans. A non American who does not believe in and follow the U.S. Constitution are potential enemies of our country.

Not only are there 1 million registered Muslims in America, there are millions of Americans who will stand up for Islam before they will America. Every liberal in America is a likely supporter of Islam. Liberals are cowards by nature and like their coward Muslims. They become strong when they are surrounded by like minded people. Liberals like Muslims will align themselves with the group that is currently most powerful. We have seen this in Iraq. The Muslim people loved Americans when we were the powerful army in their country. Now that our troops have been removed they show their support to ISIS and Al Qaeda. Muslims and liberals will always follow the most powerful group in power.

Although there are millions and millions of potential mujahadeen living and working in America, and their liberal supporters, these people rely on powerful leaders. Their leader in America is President Obama and his liberal puppy followers. Americans should not take this statement lightly. Obama has shown over the past few years that he is more aligned to Sharia law than he is the U.S. Constitution. He would rather work with Iranian and other Muslim countries than he would the leaders of Israel.  Obama majored in U.S. Constitutional law, why?  History has shown for thousands of years that in order to defeat an enemy one must know the enemy as well as they know themselves. Obama understands the working structure of our country and knows how to destroy this beautiful country and it’s people.

I spent the most part of my life working within our government. It was my responsibility as a U.S. Federal Agent working counterterrorism to identify the enemies of America. My analysis was always accepted and applauded by government officials at the highest levels. My predictions about upcoming events pertaining to the security of America occurred many times. Below is my analysis and predictions for America in the next five years.

  1. President Obama will become even more powerful within the next year. He will continue to support our Islamic enemies. He will continue to degrade the power and importance of Israel.
  2. Martial law will occur before Obama leaves office, if he leaves office.
  3. The rights of free speech and the ownership of firearms will become ancient rights of our ancestors and no longer current Americans.
  4. America will begin to suffer major attacks on a daily basis by our Muslim enemies and their supporters.

I do not like wars or revolutions because children are the ones who suffer the most. This being said I predict a civil war/revolution in our country. True and Pure Americans will revolt and fight the enemies destroying our country from within. The American civil war within the 1860’s will be looked at like a minor skirmish compared to the upcoming civil war our country will be involved in.

Who will win the war within America? Sadly it is my prediction the enemies of Islam and their supporters will defeat True and Pure Americans because they will have the support of powerful politicians like Obama who hate America, Americans, and the American way of life our forefathers fought and died for.  True Americans can only win if our military leaders come forward and refuse to follow the orders of Obama.  A few will do this, but not enough.

Oklahoma beheadings: An Independent Investigation of Local Mosques Needed

I am not a gambler, but I would take odds with anyone about the outcome of the beheading in Oklahoma City, OK. I mean about the motive for the murder of an innocent woman in the name of Islam by Alton Alexander Nolen (a.k.a. Jah’Keem Yisrael) that the FBI is investigating.


James Finch, FBI Special Agent in Charge (SA), Oklahoma City.

James E. Finch, FBI Special Agent in Charge (SA), Oklahoma City office, will conclude the beheading had nothing to do with Islam and Sharia law. It will be labeled another workplace violence incident.

Why would Finch do this?

The FBI is no longer a politically independent agency conducting neutral investigations. The FBI is now a political machine working under the watchful eyes of outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama. The FBI conclusions on any national level, and media hyped, cases will be driven by the political agenda of Obama and Holder.

A first grader could call this case correctly. SA Finch, according to his resume, has the background to call it as he sees it. But will he? When any federal agent or investigative agency is no longer neutral and working for the best interest of a community or the country, they have become null and void.

The FBI has approximately 35,000 personnel, 13,000 federal agents, and a budget from U.S. taxpayers of over $8 billion annually. Perhaps it is time that the FBI be reduced in size, and the money saved be provided to local and state investigative agencies?

America no longer needs another political acronym (like the IRS and DOJ) fraudulently using tax dollars to further any political agenda.

The murder committed by Nolen may have been sparked by his firing, but the manner in which he carried it out, and most importantly the reason he turned into an Islamic terrorist is because of the Islamic ideology in it’s purest form. Islamic terrorists commit all types of violent acts in the name of Islam.

The mosques in Oklahoma City, OK, will never be adequately investigated by federal authorities. President Obama and Attorney General Holder have made it very clear that terrorism ‘never’ generates from a mosque or anything Islamic.

I have conducted firsthand counter-terrorism research in over 275 mosques in America. Over 75% of the mosques have very violent materials inside their facilities and the other 25% are very effective in hiding what they teach their worshipers.

If a Muslim practices peace in America, they are not being taught peace in the Islamic Centers and mosques. Murderers like Nolen do not have to use the internet, travel to Syria, or study under violent terrorists, they simply have to go to any one of the 2,300 mosques located throughout America (of which there are four listed in Oklahoma City).

I firmly believe that a professional independent research project for the Oklahoma City mosques is needed. My team and I can spend three days in the area and provide an accurate picture of what exactly is being taught. The results of our research will be provided to the American public, local and state authorities.

If you have the means to donate please do. If not I fully understand. Our economy and national security are at it’s lowest level since we became America.

RELATED VIDEO: Details From Beheader’s Oklahoma Mosque. An interview with Noor, who attended the same mosque as did Alton Nolen.


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