Washington State Rep. Shea demands Apology after Deputy says Armored Vehicles needed to combat Gun Owners
The video below of Washington State Representative Matt Shea demanding an apology, after a deputy said Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles are needed for gun owners, is a quick study of leadership by an elected official.
The Great State of Washington has a leader in Representative Shea, but he is more than a public official. Matt is an attorney, and proudly served in our military two tours of Iraq in military intelligence. Thoughtful, studious, and passionate about a person’s freedom and the sovereignty of a city, county, or state, Representative Shea is not about worrying over his next election or committee assignment or building a resume. Representative Shea knows the citizens of this Nation are in a war for the very survival of our country, and the enemy is “behind the wire” and determined to collapse this Republic we call home. I also know Representative Shea personally, and call him “friend” and colleague, in that, we both are working to preserve these exceptional United States.
Moments after concluding his speech, Matt, Sheriff Richard Mack, and I were on a conference call. One of the topics discussed was rallying elected officials to stand against the growing juggernaut, which is the Federal Government and its many agencies. Since the near disaster at Bundy Ranch almost a year ago, we are aware of a growing list of elected officials who have come forward and placed their responsibilities to their Oaths of Office and representation of citizens first, and concerns with re-election a distant second. These elected officials embrace the foundational concept:
People are free and equal, and they voluntarily transfer some of their rights via a social contract to a government – mostly to protect them from violence, so they may enjoy their freedoms and their lives.
Governments exist by the consent of the people in order to protect the rights of the people, and therefore, governments that fail to do so can be resisted and replaced with new government. Listen to Representative Matt Shea speak truth and speak as a leader. We need this in those we have elected to represent us. American voters will trust a leader who believes in right and wrong and acts on it, even at his own seeming expense. And the reverse is also true: a leader must trust the American people, believing they are both good and gifted, equal to almost any challenge thrown at them.
Politics for those in office so they can remain and get internally promoted to this coveted chairmanship of a committee, or the corner office, or bigger title is crude and rude, we are losing our country and do not need such office holders. We need leaders who are willing to publicly place the people above themselves, above ideology, above political agendas. We need leaders who will stand and speak straight with the citizens, as you will see when you click on the below link and listen to Representative Shea; leaders who will call-out those abusing their positions of trust; those in public office who, for whatever reason, have forgotten their Oaths of Office, much less that all positions of public trust are but temporary, and an honor to hold – not a right.
If you elected official is not coming close to the ideals I have mentioned, or those you will see and listen to then put them on notice! Enough! We are losing our country and this is NOT a drill!!