Tag Archive for: Muslims

Secrecy surrounds refugee program in Tennessee and in your state too!

This is an opinion piece published in The Tennessean yesterday and posted in its entirety here with permission from the author.

Barnett is an expert on the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program and its history having followed its progression for literally two decades.

From The Tennessean:

Before the Refugee Act of 1980, refugee resettlement was the work of true sacrificial charity, where sponsors and charities committed to maintaining and supporting the refugees with housing and employment, even medical care if needed. There was an explicit bar to the access of welfare benefits. The sponsor was responsible for all costs. This helped to guarantee assimilation and is how we absorbed post-WWII refugees, those fleeing communist oppression in Eastern Europe, the Hungarian Revolution and other upheavals.

Don Barnett 2

Don Barnett

With the 1980 Refugee Act and related laws, the charities morphed into money-making federal contractors whose main job is to link the refugees with social services and welfare benefits. The 1980 act made all welfare available to refugees upon arrival — for life, if eligibility is maintained.

Originally, the Refugee Act included three years of federal refugee cash assistance and medical insurance. As well, state governments were reimbursed for their expenditures on welfare used by refugees, such as Medicaid (TennCare), for three years. By 1991, reimbursement from the feds for state welfare expenditures had been completely eliminated and the three-year period of refugee cash and medical assistance for refugees was limited to eight months.

According to the most recent government data, even those refugees in the country for five years are largely dependent on taxpayer largesse. Sixty percent of this group receives food stamps and 17 percent are on the cash welfare program Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). A nationwide U.S. Department of Health and Human Services study shows 44 percent are still in Medicaid and 29 percent of families who have been here for five years have one or more members on the lifetime cash welfare program Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

This gives an idea of the costs to the federal taxpayer and of the unfunded federal mandate placed upon state taxpayers by this program.

Because of the byzantine structure of Tennessee’s program, there is no way to get exact costs. Both the state refugee coordinator and state refugee health coordinator, who are supposed to represent the state and its taxpayers, are actually employees of Catholic Charities, the federal contractor whose income rises in direct proportion to the numbers of refugees resettled. Further, the salary for both of these positions is paid not by the contractor, but by the feds. How’s that for a conflict of interest?

In a healthy and open environment, information would be made available from these two sources, which would help in evaluating program success and program costs, such as use of TennCare by refugees, rates of infection with communicable disease and so on. Alas, because of incentives and disincentives built into the refugee coordinators’ jobs, the best strategy for them is to withhold information.

Secrecy surrounds all aspects of the program. We have no idea what it is costing Tennessee. Statistics about medical conditions among refugees are secret. Even the numbers of refugee arrivals proposed for next year is a secret. And when arrival numbers are reported, after the fact, they are routinely reported as lower than actual numbers by conveniently neglecting to include categories of resettlement that are not official refugees, but that have the same entitlements — and benefits to the contractor — as refugees.

Orwellian use of language allows for absurd claims about refugee economic integration. For instance, refugees are considered officially “self-sufficient” even if they receive every federal welfare benefit except TANF. Refugees in temporary jobs or training programs are counted as “employed.” An unpublicized federal audit from 1999 obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request found that Memphis Catholic Charities was dropping refugees off at a day labor lot and reporting them as “employed.”

It was never intended that the sponsors, known as “Voluntary Agencies,” would be purely federal contractors with all the behavior, untoward incentives, money and influence peddling that this brings. Yet, that is what we have today.

There would be no issue with this program if refugees were resettled in the traditional way America has always absorbed refugees. As long as the current resettlement model persists, it is imperative that Tennesseans have a say in how state resources are used. The state attorney general should proceed with SJR 467 challenging the federal government’s presumed authority over state resources.

We have previously posted op-eds by Don Barnett or written about his work, click here for posts mentioning Barnett.


All the World’s Immigration Visualized in One Animated Map

Lack of transparency got citizens steamed in Rutland, VT in the first place

Idaho: Obama appointed US Attorney attempts to stifle free speech relating to sex assault case

Legal expert: Idaho US Attorney comments threaten free speech rights

Fargo: Lutheran federal refugee contractor kept information on active TB from public

NY Daily News calls RRW “conspiracy website” and lies

VIDEO: Florida Candidate for U.S. Senate Wilcox “Eliminating the Islamic State”

ORLANDO – Todd Wilcox, combat veteran, former CIA case officer and businessman today released his first ad, “Eliminating ISIS,” a web spot highlighting his strategic approach to combating radical Islamic terrorists.

“Terrorists have brought this fight to American soil and it’s time we get serious about eliminating ISIS once and for all,” said Wilcox. “ISIS can be defeated, but it’s going to require American leadership and a real strategy to win.”

“Eliminating ISIS” Transcript:

Arab Sunni Muslim Terrorism is a threat to all of Western society. If we don’t take the fight to ISIS now, we’ll be fighting them here at home. We should use every pillar of American power to destroy ISIS – diplomacy to create an Arab coalition, Special Operations Forces to lead, equip, train and advise them and NATO to provide close air support, intelligence, and logistics. Our cyber power can shut down the ISIS social media machine and use our economic power to cut off their revenue. ISIS can be defeated, but it requires American leadership and a real strategy to win.

RELATED ARTICLE: Meet sniper, CIA officer, Green Beret millionaire Todd Wilcox, a candidate for Florida’s open Senate seat

EDITORS NOTE: To learn more about Todd Wilcox and his strategic plan to eliminate the Islamic State, may visit his website by CLICKING HERE.

VIDEO: How Could the Islamic State Represent 1.5 Billion Muslims?

In this seventh segment of my Basics of Islam series, I continue discussing the relationship between Islam and the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL).


UK’s Cameron: Trump’s Muslim immigration ban “very dangerous thing to say”

University of California Irvine: Angry mob screaming “F**k Israel, long live the Intifada” chases Jewish student

VIDEO: Life on the Gaza Border — Kibbutz Sa’ad

Join The United West (TUW) and Captain Dan Gordon as we give you a brief glimpse into what life is like living on a Israeli Kibbutz very close to the Gaza Strip and the HAMAS Jihad fighters.

In addition to the thousands of rockets and mortars fired from Gaza over the last two years, the residents of Saad have a new and equally deadly threat.

That threat is from the Hamas tunnels built from Gaza into Israel and recently found 1500 yards from Kibbutz Saad. Captain Dan Gordon informed us that not only were the Hamas terrorists discovered heavily armed but also had zip tie handcuffs with them. The significance of the handcuffs are these Hamas terrorists intended on taking Israeli hostages, which is a relatively new tactic of war used in conjunction with the tunnels.

When Hamas fires a rocket or mortar it takes only 7 seconds to reach Kibbutz Saad. Hamas has fired so many rockets and mortars towards Saad the children instinctively know to run to the nearest bomb shelter along with the adults – this is their normal.

Founded in 1947, Saad is a religious kibbutz in the Negev desert in southern Israel. Located near the Gaza Strip, and the cities of Sderot and Netivot, it falls under the jurisdiction of Sdot Negev Regional Council. In 2006 it had a population of 599.

We at The United West love Israel and work tirelessly educating elected officials, law enforcement, and counter terrorism officials on the nature of Israel’s existential threats. We do this because the Global Jihad Movement which seeks the destruction of Israel also vows to destroy America.

EDITORS NOTE: To learn more visit TUW’s website at TheUnitedWest.org or email me at Tom@TheUnitedWest.org. Please help us to continue our vital work educating America on the threat.

Epic Failure: Hillary’s ‘Smart Diplomacy/Smart Power’ Foreign Policy

Hillary Clinton implemented a “smart power” approach to foreign policy and international diplomacy as Secretary of State to harness, as she called it, “American engagement, other than unilateralism and the so-called boots on the ground.”  She defined “smart power” as a combination of strategies and tools – including diplomatic, economic, political, legal, cultural and military coalitions as a last resort – in unique combination as defined for each situation. Clinton’s “smart power” approach modernized American diplomacy for the 21st century, rebuilt America’s standing in the world, better engaged technology and led to tangible, lasting results. – Correct The Record

But is America’s standing in the world better?

Hillary Clinton during her Senate confirmation hearing to become President Obama’s Secretary of State made these statements:

  1. “I use the phrase smart power “because I thought we had to have another way of talking about American engagement, other than unilateralism and the so-called boots on the ground.”
  2. “For me, smart power meant choosing the right combination of tools – diplomatic, economic, military, political, legal, and cultural – for each situation.”
  3. The objectives of using a smart-power approach and rebuilding America’s standing meshed perfectly.”

obama-and-clinton1The epic failure of Obama’s smart diplomacy/smart power foreign policy implemented by Hillary Clinton is due to the existing Countering Violent Extremism doctrine. As Robert Spencer notes:

“Obama’s CVE policies were developed in 2011 specifically at the demand of U.S. Muslim groups. Now, the very same Islamic groups that demanded CVE are some of its loudest opponents. They claim that the administration is promoting ‘Islamophobia’ through their programs.” They want no resistance to jihad terror at all — which should be revealing to the authorities who give them access and influence. But it isn’t.

“Having intentionally purged the DOD’s training of any ability to define the enemy, America’s top warriors admit they have lost any ability to identify, and then defeat, the enemy.”

Read more.

In this video Bill Little takes a look at how smart diplomacy/smart power has fared during the Obama administration. Of course Hillary was the person who “reset” America’s foreign policy. Listen to Little’s analysis:


Kerry slams Trump’s wall, tells grads to prepare for ‘borderless world’

Federal Court Allows Discovery to Begin in Clinton Email Case

U.S.-Funded Study: Mass Immigration from Mexico Ended, Border Enforcement Has Backfired

More Hillary Emails That Were Hidden From State Department Probe Uncovered

Clinton and Trump: Where to they stand on Islamism?

EDITORS NOTE: The adjusted featured image is courtesy of Correct The Record.

VIDEO: The roots of the Islamic State and Islamic anti-Semitism

On Friday, April 29, 2016, I spoke in Grand Prairie, Alberta on the roots of the Islamic State and Islamic anti-Semitism.

Here is a report on my talk that had been intended for the local paper:

“Robert Spencer speaks in Grande Prairie,” by Kevin Hampson, Our Home and Native Land, May 3, 2016 (thanks to Michael):

I’m a reporter in Grande Prairie, Alberta. My editor, for whatever reason, didn’t want to run my story on Robert Spencer’s talk here (though they did run my advancer). I think it’s worth running, though, since there didn’t seem to be any coverage of what he actually said while here in Canada (see the CBC’s blatant hatchet job here).  I created this blog simply to publish the story I would have submitted (with minor changes befitting  a blog). I might eventually put up other stuff too. 

More than 100 people came to hear Robert Spencer speak about Islam during his stop in Grande Prairie on Friday.

The New York Times best-selling author has appeared on CTV, Fox News, BBC and other networks to discuss Islamic terrorism. His website, Jihad Watch, seeks to call public attention to the ideology motivating Islamic terrorism.

“The longer we misapprehend this problem, and the longer we keep our heads in the sand about it and deny what it’s really all about, the more we will not be able to deal with it adequately and the more lethal it will grow,” Spencer said.

In the years since 9/11, it has become taboo to discuss the ideology that Muslim terrorists themselves cite as their source of motivation, Spencer said. The refrain among Western political leaders is that Islam is a religion of peace, and self-proclaimed jihadists actually have nothing to do with it.

Spencer said this is dangerous, for an obvious reason: “You cannot defeat an enemy you don’t understand.”

The key point that the political and media class don’t want to admit, according to Spencer, is that Islamic terror attacks are inspired by a straightforward reading of the religion’s sacred texts, the Koran and the Hadiths.

Of particular concern is the Koran’s promise of Paradise for believers who “fight in God’s way; they kill and are killed.”

“This is why we see people strap bombs to themselves and go and blow themselves up in a crowd of infidels,” Spencer said. “Because they know that if they kill in the way of Allah, Paradise is promised to them.”

Spencer acknowledges plenty of Muslims aren’t even particularly religious, let alone fundamentalist. However, those who devoutly believe what the Koran tells them present a problem for secular societies even if they don’t resort to violence, he added. This is because Islam comes with a built-in political system, one which believers think is divine.

Spencer also points out that the Koran incites hatred against Jews and Christians, calling them “the most vile of created beings.” Muslims, in contrast, are “the best of people.”

This means some Muslims come to the West with a belief in the superiority of their own societal model and the inferiority of Western secular society, Spencer said. While they may not support terrorism, they do support curtailing basic liberties such as the freedom of speech.

Britain’s Channel 4 last month released the results of a survey in which 68% of British Muslims said they believed people who “insult Islam” should be arrested and prosecuted.

A member of Spencer’s audience on Friday suggested his talks contribute to “Islamophobia.” Spencer said this phrase is deliberately used to place Islam beyond criticism and make Westerners feel guilty for talking about Islamic terrorism.

“Islamophobia is a term that was actually conceived by the Muslim Brotherhood in order to manipulate and intimidate people into thinking that it’s wrong to oppose jihad terror,” he said.

Spencer was invited to speak by a local group called Concerned Canadians for Canadian Values….

Read the rest here.


A year after jihadis attacked AFDI free speech event, the war has just begun

Obama plans to cut time spent on screening Muslim migrants

Texas must withdraw from UN/U.S. Refugee Admissions Program

If Texas has no say over refugee seeding now, then the state should simply withdraw from the program and then sue the federal government.

Since 2011, Texas has ‘welcomed’ approximately 7,000 refugees a year so that it continues its distinction as the #1 refugee state in the nation. Looks to me like Governor Rick Perry closed a blind eye to the expansion.

Just as Governor Sam Brownback did in Kansas this week, Texas should “opt-out” of the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program and then when the feds put a ‘non-profit’ group in charge of making decisions that expend taxpayer dollars in the state—sue the feds on Tenth Amendment grounds.  It is that simple (well sort of!).

Abbott tx

Any governor in America who talks big about wanting to get the RAP under control in their state, isn’t doing anything (other than trying to appease voters) until he or she takes dramatic action—like withdrawing from the program altogether.

(For readers who don’t want to kill the program outright, dramatic action is the only thing that will bring enough controversy to even begin to see the smallest effort toward reform.)

This Breitbart headline (Texas Has No Authority Over Agencies That Resettle Refugees in State) and story caught my eye.

Texas is the top resettlement state in the nation and has a governor who has been attempting to protect the state, so why not go for the whole enchilada. (Congress should be protecting you, but it isn’t!)

Read the story here.


For new readers, know that these states (below) already withdrew (or never had a program) at one point in the past and are now so-called Wilson-Fish states whose refugee programs are run illegally and unconstitutionally by ‘non-profit’ groups hired by Washington.

By the way, experts tell me that the Wilson-Fish amendment to the Refugee Act of 1980 made no provision in the law for the federal agencies to pass the program off to unelected non-profit contractors of the federal government—one of many cases where a federal agency (the Office of Refugee Resettlement in this case) simply made its own ‘law’ through regulations.

If you are in one of these states you must urge your governor/legislature to sue with a states’ rights claim.

I know you won’t get states like Vermont to demand their state’s rights, but heck then if they are that ‘welcoming,’ let the feds just send them all there.

(I saw news last night and tweeted it that the Rutland, VT mayor is welcoming 100 Syrians soon. Follow me on twitter for more news.)

Wilson-Fish states (Kansas is effectively on the list now too):

North Dakota
South Dakota

See my three part series on Texas from last summer by clicking here.  Go here for everything we have said about Wilson-Fish.

Offending Certain People is OK

When it comes to offending, only certain people matter.

The list of offended people is seemingly approaching a mile in length. Whether it is feminists, black lives matter grumps, homosexuals, trans-genderites, animal lovers, lesbians, socialists, bisexuals, communists, Muslims, atheists, pro-abortion advocates, pro agenda 21 zealots, open border and illegal immigrant supporters, etc., etc. of course there are numerous other special interest and dangerous groups and individuals who are overly sensitive. Yet they are the first ones to verbally and sometime physically rip into those who do not agree with their destructive motives and missions.

Recently, president Obama stated “Congress will still be gridlocked. State houses will continue to roll back voting rights and write discrimination into the law.” The sensitive president also said, “we see it right here in Mississippi, just two weeks ago, how swiftly progress can hurdle backward, how easily it is to single out a small group and marginalize them because of who they are, or who they love.” The president has made a career out of promoting his warped view of offending certain people or progressive oriented groups.

I have also noticed a consistent theme among the variety of easily offended people promoters. They go out of their hypocritical way to offend Christians, American Patriots, Black Americans who don’t want to be hyphenated or African Americans, pro-lifers, those who appreciate the successful traditional family, capitalism, or even men or women who just want to use a plain old fashion rest room. Those same offenders are of course themselves offended by everything that is good for America, the traditional family, the free market economy and free speech for all sovereign citizens are the biggest hypocrites throughout humanity. To be perfectly honest, progressive hypocrisy is one of the most dangerous of all aspects of American society today.

Not only to certain groups like Christians, or people who simply want bathrooms for either women or men, but to our beloved republic as a whole. Hypocritical progressive hypocrisy is one of the most destructive aspects of today’s American society. The progressives have for decades bemoaned the racist history of America. Yet they ignore and are not offended by the current ongoing racist traditions of Muslims who actually believe that black people do not have souls. To add insult to their evil societal injury, the progressives (including president Obama) seek to flood America with Muslims who make KKK members look like Boy Scouts. Oops! Remember how the hypocritical easily offended progressives were offended by the Boy Scouts because of their one-time practice of traditional Biblically based values?

When good education is replaced with immoral, politicized, progressive indoctrination that includes an exaggeration of the problem of racism in America. The end result is the multi-generational decline in the quality of life, for the very sovereign citizens the progressives like to say they are trying to help. An even bigger insult is the fact that the progressives actually know that their so-called solutions will not work. For me, that is very offensive.

Progressives are often offended by what is good because, their goal is to fundamentally change America into the total evil opposite of the great republic she was meant to be. When president Obama assumed office, he openly told the American people that he would “unite the country.” However, behind closed doors he plotted the opposite and through numerous deeds of his, our republic is more divided now than during almost any time since the civil war.

But at least during the civil war era, the lines of division were clearly defined. Both sides were ready and willing to fight for their position. The major issues were states rights, slavery and a little economics thrown in for good measure. People were offended by clearly defined issues or practices. Not stupid stuff like bathroom use identification, the denial of Christian prayers in school while allowing or teaching Muslim prayers. Or even, whether students can sing the national anthem in public. Just recently, aa group of middle school students from North Carolina visiting the 911 memorial in New York City. They were inspired to honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice serving others dealing with the aftermath of the Muslim attacks. As a result, the students began singing the national anthem. But because of political correctness and certain people being easily offended, they were ordered to stop. Of course, after being embarrassed on FOX News, the students were allowed to return to the 911 memorial and sing.

I am willing to bet that those hypocrites who didn’t want to hear the national anthem performance would not lift a finger or a decibel of verbal protest if a mob of black lives matter grumps were to show up and block roads while shouting their hateful garbage. It is sad we have society where people are more offended by a patriotic song by students than many foul occurrences in our nations streets. Such as thousands of Muslims blocking streets in Brooklyn, NY on a recent Friday morning, as they tried to intimidate Americans while they bumped their heads on the pavement while calling out to their little god. Yes, my fellow American, our republic is divided like never before.

But despite the hypocrisy of our easily offended sensibilities today, I remain optimistic that through it all “We the People” will band together and through the wisdom of God, wrestle America away from those who are hell bent on destroying her through offenses and hypocrisy.

Democrats Panicking over Trump Turning America Red

The Democratic National Committee sent out multiple emails after Donald Trump’s landslide victory in New York. It appears they fear him as the GOP nominee.

obama quote on trump

Image sent in DNC email with the statement, “And after Donald Trump’s huge victory in New York last night, one thing is clear. We CANNOT allow him to be our president.”

The DNC states:

Donald Trump just got one step closer to becoming the Republican nominee. Make sure we’re ready to beat him.

Donald Trump just won New York, and he’s closer than ever to securing the Republican Party’s nomination for President of the United States.

Which means his dangerous policy proposals — from mass deportations and banning Muslims from entering the country to punishing women for seeking abortions — are one step closer to becoming a reality.

The Democratic strategy is to focus on abortion, illegal immigration and increasing Muslim migration. However, these are three areas in which the majority of Americans side with Donald Trump.

In February 2016 Rasmussen, in its Immigration Update, reported that border control is still the top immigration priority for most voters.

A December 2015 Rasmussen report titled “Voters Like Trump’s Proposed Muslim Ban” states:

Despite an international uproar and condemnation by President Obama and nearly all of those running for the presidency, Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims coming to the United States has the support of a sizable majority of Republicans – and a plurality of all voters.

new york temporary ban on muslims

New York voter poll on a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States.

Gallop provides the below infographic showing 70% of Americans support controlling abortions in some or all circumstances:

gallop abortion infographic

Is the  DNC depending on the abortion, illegal alien and Muslim migration issues to win in November? It appears so. Their objective is to portray Trump as anti-women, anti-illegals and anti-Muslim. The voters, however, see these three issues differently.

As the primary process winds down, it looks more and more like Trump will be the GOP nominee. The DNC certainly thinks so, and it is using his name to raise campaign funds.

What does that tell you?

To view the current delegate count for the Democratic and Republican nomination for president click here.


Influencer2016: Who’s behind each candidate’s presidential campaign?

Morgan Stanley Government Relations: Election Outlook Report

Demographic and Economic Infographics of States Holding April 26 Primaries

VIDEO: Donald Trump’s Congressional Testimony on the 1991 Economic Depression

In the Market for Fetal Body Parts, a Baby’s Brain Sells for $3,340

EDITORS NOTE: The featured infographic of the states won by Donald Trump is courtesy of the DNC.

Map of 1,282 predominately Syrian Muslim migrants admitted to U.S. since October 2015

And, the numbers reveal that Obama is not saving Christians or other religious minorities!

Obama gave his U.S. State Department a year to get 10,000 Syrian refugees seeded into towns and cities across America.

We are now at the halfway point in Fiscal Year 2016 (it began on October 1, 2015) and they have resettled 1,282 (99% Muslim Syrians).

They have 8,718 to go in the next few months to reach Obama’s goal.  Could security screening be slowing the flow? (BTW, suicidal Canada does not appear to be worried about security).

And, remember readers, the resettlement contractors first demanded 65,000 Syrians this year and then upped the number to 100,000 by this fall.

Where are those Syrians now?

Here is a map of where they’ve been placed so far (source: Refugee Processing Center):

Map Syrians March 31 2016

If you can’t read the numbers here is a list of the top ten ‘welcoming’ Syrian resettlement states:

  • Michigan (166)
  • California (127)
  • Pennsylvania (114)
  • Illinois (87)
  • Texas (82)
  • Florida (76)
  • Ohio (61)
  • North Carolina (59)
  • Kentucky (57)
  • Connecticut (50)
  • Arizona and New York are next with 48 each.

There is no effort by the UNHCR and our State Department to save the persecuted Christians.  
99% of the 1,282 are Muslims (see breakdown below):

  • Catholic (3)
  • Christian (3)
  • Greek Orthodox (1)
  • Moslem (their spelling) (18)
  • Moslem Shiite (8)
  • Moslem Suni (1,246)
  • Other Religion (1)

Photo:  We wrote about British Foreign Secretary David Miliband here yesterday.  It is galling to think that a Brit is calling the shots on the demographic make-up of American towns and cities.  WTH! He already played a huge role in wrecking the UK!  For our complete dossier on Miliband, click here.


Canada: Syrian airlift making history, 26,000 have arrived with 10,000 more being ‘welcomed’

Why is the U.S. Funding a Hamas-linked Charity – Again?

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Resettlement contractor David Miliband of the IRC (right) with President Obama. Miliband was the first to call for admitting 65,000 Syrians to the U.S. this year, he later increased his demand to 100,000.

The Phobia That Could Kill America

In today’s politically correct and multi generation indoctrinated America, the word phobia is often used to quiet patriots and Christians rather than make an honest point.  At one time in our nation, it an individual observed horrendous actions by someone, they could state the facts about what they saw, show a picture and the truth would be allowed to stand unchallenged.

There was also a time when Americans of all races considered American interests to be of the most utmost importance.  After all, most Americans were intelligent and well informed enough to understand that the importance of rational self interest and would not tolerate the concept of allowing the United States to be endangered just to appease those who have vowed to murder us.

At one time, the majority of sovereign citizens of America would at the very least cautious about continuing to allow special rights, or preferred treatment of illegal immigrants at the expense of tax paying Americans.  They are being forced to pay for the housing, medical care and education of illegal immigrants and their children.  That is not right, to say the very least.  In fact, it is completely unwise, but like I have said in my radio commentary, “The Edwards Notebook, wisdom has taken wing and flown back to God.

Dictionary.com defines xenophobia as unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners, just for being foreigners, or that which is foreign or strange.  Now, if Americans were running around espousing hatred towards legal immigrants, foreigners just for being foreigners, homosexuals just for existing, etc. etc. that would be one crazy thing.  But the problem is that American society is now so programed against common sense that people are calling those who want to protect the United States from harm, xenophobes, racists, bigots, and much worse names I cannot use in my family friendly column.

Let us take a look at the Muslim problem, for example.  Muslims have a millennium plus long history of plotting to overthrow non-Muslim nations, who’s citizens don’t bump their heads on little rugs to honor allah.  To this very day, racist Muslims consider black people to be raisin heads who are without souls.  They enslaved black Africans long before Europeans and later Americans did.  As you read these words of truth, the Muslims now own and abuse over 20 million slaves, mostly Africans.  In the United States, there are at least 22 known Muslim zones, where anti American sentiment is very strong, to say the very least.  But United States progressives and even some appeasing republicans look the other way without saying a simple word about this ongoing horror story.

But if an American sovereign citizen dares to voice concern about the obvious motives of Muslims, who for the most part admit they refuse to assimilate into American society, they are wrongfully labeled as bigots, racists, islamaphobes, or xenophobes.

Yet the Americaphobe president Obama continues to endanger our beloved republic with his horrendous policies, such as fighting to prevent states like Arizona and Texas from protecting their borders and citizens from United States hating, ungrateful illegal immigrants.  Many of them are being accompanied by Muslim terrorists even as you are reading.  Other Americaphobes like the black lives matter gumps in Baltimore have threatened to kill presidential candidate Donald Trump.  Yet the same people who call patriotic Americans who defend our nation and way of life xenophobes, racists and bigots will not address the black lives matter gumps for their vicious verbiage.

It is becoming more difficult to identify Americans who actually give a darn about where we live in this country.  I am talking about the literal millions of Americans who refuse to respond to the horrendous policies of Obama and the bend over to please republicans in congress who have let the president literally get away with dismantling our military, flat lining our economy, dividing America racially, economically and politically.  While at the same time, Obama has ruined our relationships with most of our nations allies.  But yet, far too many people scream xenophobe at those wanting to protect our nation from destruction.

The United States of America has been a uniquely blessed nation like no other in human history.  But the self serving progressives who are hell bent on establishing a permanent socialist utopia have for too long been allowed to destroy this republic, bit by bit by bit.  One must come to the logical conclusion that those progressives who scream phobia labels at those who’s goals include making America great again are themselves the real bigots, Americaphobes and let us not forget, Christianphobes, constitutionphobes and even propertyrightsphobes.

My fellow Americans, if you appreciate this republic and desire to leave a better nation for your children and grandchildren, I strongly urge you to join in the worthy effort to help restore the principles that made her the onetime envy of the world.  Just because America wasn’t perfect by the unreal standards propped up by the hordes of progressive snivelers who could not care one little bit about real solutions to America’s problems.  If they did, the solutions they have enacted and promoted for decades would have improved, rather than have destroyed inner city neighborhoods, for example.

The choice is up to you, may we all remember to seek providential guidance in the effort to revive our constitutionally limited republic.  It helped the Founding Fathers, Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, thus it can most assuredly help us.  Good knows we need it.

Brussels: What the U.S. Presidential Candidates Had to Say

As Clarion Project follows each candidates remarks on Islamist extremism, we take a look at how they reacted to news of the March 23 terror attacks.

Presidential Candidates respond to the Islamic State terror attacks in Brussels

See Clarion Project’s profile on each candidate’s position on Islamic extremism


Hillary Clinton

I think it’s a mistake – George W. Bush said it – that to do anything that implies that we are at war with an entire religion … with 1.4, 1.2 billion people. It is not only wrong, it is dangerous. You know, right here at home, we need to be reaching out and including Muslim Americans and communities where they live in our first line of defense. We don’t need them to feel that “if they hear something or see something” that they can’t report it. WE want them to be part of our protecting the United States, and the same goes for Europe.

Bernie Sanders

We are not going to undermine the Constitution of the United States of America in order to effectively destroy ISIS.  We can do that, so our goal in this issue is to destroy ISIS in coalition with Muslim nations on the ground with the support of the United States and other major powers. I think we can do that. We are making some progress. We have more to do … We are fighting a terrorist organization, a barbaric organization that is killing innocent people. We are not fighting a religion.


Ted Cruz

 “It is way past time we have a president who will acknowledge this evil and will call it by its name and use the full force and fury to defeat ISIS … We need a president who sets aside political correctness.  We don’t need another lecture about Islamophobia.

“For years, the West has tried to deny this enemy exists out of a combination of political correctness and fear. We can no longer afford either. Our European allies are now seeing what comes of a toxic mix of migrants who have been infiltrated by terrorists and isolated, radical Muslim neighborhoods.”

“We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized.”

John Kasich

The wave of terror that has been unleashed in Europe and elsewhere around the world are attacks against our very way of life and against the democratic values upon which our political systems have been built.

We and our allies must rededicate ourselves to these values of freedom and human rights. We must utterly reject the use of deadly acts of terror.

We must also redouble our efforts with our allies to identify, root out and destroy the perpetrators of such acts of evil.

Donald Trump

“We need to be vigilant and smart. We [need] to strengthen up our borders … be very careful who let into our country … we have a people in our country right now that probably and definitely have the same feeling of hate as the people in Brussels … The police don’t have control of [Brussels and Paris] right now.

“You have to hit ISIS and you have to hit them so hard and not play Tiddlywinks like they are doing right now.


Trump Affirms his Support for Israel

Senator Proposes Bill To Take in Christian Refugees from ISIS

State Legislatures Propose Registry of Refugees

Bill to Designate Brotherhood as Terror Org Gains More Support

Iranian-Backed Shiite Militia Vows to Attack U.S. Forces in Iraq

Muslim Brotherhood Fomented Arab Spring like revolt at Trump Chicago Rally?

The visceral response Trump is getting as he continues his campaign for the Republican nomination for President of the United States is beyond what I have ever seen in my lifetime. The message is abundantly clear, he has struck fear into the heart of Islam, as well as the elite and establishment Republicans.


Courtesy Cathy Hinners: National Security Analyst, Public Speaker.

As it becomes likely that Americans will place Trump or Cruz into the White House, the Muslim Brotherhood is responding out of a necessity. It appears they have strategically  joined forces with Black Lives Matter in order to bring about their Arab Spring here in America. The protestors who showed up to Trump’s rally in Chicago Friday night were definitely not there for a peaceful protest.

From the day Trump stated he would ban Muslims from entry into the country through resettlement until the process proved safe to Americans, he has worried Islamic leaders here and around the world. He also made a simple statement to Anderson Cooper in a recent interview that drew much attention. Trump stated,

“I think Islam hates us. There is something there that-there’s tremendous hatred there. There’s tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it.”

It is apparent they do not want him to hold the high office of our land, nor would they want a Ted Cruz, and since Cruz is not the front runner Trump is getting the brunt of their hatred.

At a December Muslim American Society (MAS) Conference this past December in Chicago, several prominent Muslim Brotherhood affiliated individuals said some things that should jolt the authentic American awake from any political correct sleep they are under. Watch the Conference Video:

For example Nihad Awad, National Director for Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) stated this about the 2016 elections,

“You can change the reality of our time. This is the time for American Muslims to be at the front and not to retreat. In 2016 minorities will play a major role, African-Americans, Latinos. We have to help those people in their causes, because their causes are our causes. Black Lives Matter is our matter. Black Lives Matter is our campaign.”

The Muslim Brotherhood is essentially using the thugs of the BLM movement to do a lot of their dirty work, the nitty gritty work on the streets that they would rather leave to the grunts. Those in the BLM better wake up to the fact that they are being used as slave labor for the Muslim Brotherhood and other rich and powerful entities like Soros.

I would imagine the BLM likes to think other movements are coming along-side to help them in their cause for “justice”, but they are simply pawns in a chess game. It is known that Arab Muslims hate black people. Ask any black person in Morocco for confirmation of that, because it is the Arab Muslim who is full of racism, not your average American.

At the same conference, Khalilah Sabra, Executive Director and Project Developer for MAS said this of their motives and of using the BLM,

“We are prepared to unite for struggle, for blacks, for Hispanics, for Muslim. If we are not prepared to wage this struggle, we will fail, but first we need to make a conscious admission to ourselves that black lives matter.”

It sounds like she is admitting joining with blacks may go against what her audience feels, but that they have to decide that black lives matter, because in her heart she doesn’t believe it to be true. She is simply encouraging the union because it is a means to an end. The end is a revolution in America that would give Muslims a bigger foothold in our country with the end result being an Islamic America ruled by Sharia.

She continues,

“That we are a community that staged a revolution across the world. If we can do that, why can’t we have that in America?”

So, I guess it wasn’t caused by the video after all.

One prominent Imam from Chicago thought it would be a good idea to encourage mayhem at the Trump rally in Chicago. Abdul Malik Mujahid was born in Pakistan and apparently has been included in a list of the Most Influential Muslims. He is very involved in coaching Muslims on how to vote.

His tweet from March 4th at 5:57pm

“Trump is going to be in Chicago on March 11th at UIC. Any ideas what Muslims, Blacks and Latino should plan on doing. I am quite sure that Chicago media will cover the protest well.”

Consider if this kind of tweet came from a Christian Pastor or a Rabbi and was targeted at a Hillary or Bernie rally. It would ruin their reputation, not to mention the coveted 501c3 status of their church or Synagogue. More importantly this tweet reveals a strategy of using Black Lives Matter and Latinos to cause active revolt and a desire for violence.

The Muslim Brotherhood and Black Lives Matter pose a threat to our personal security. This is not some movement for “civil rights”.  They are infringing on the rights of Americans to peacefully gather and express their first amendment rights. Those same rights that gave the BLM protection as they marched down a street in Minnesota last year chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.”

One group, the Muslim Brotherhood, is already being considered by our House of Representatives to be designated as a Foreign Terrroist Organization, the other, BLM, needs to be investigated as well as they are now linked to that organization, and pose threats to the American public.

For those reader interest in contacting their Congressman concerning these Issues ma do do.


ICE: 124 illegal immigrants released from jail later charged in 138 murder cases

Here’s how to define Donald Trump

Bernie Sanders Supporter Who Attacked Trump Starred in Islamic State Video

EDITORS NOTE:  During the Obamacare protests, the Democratic controlled Congress amended Federal law H. R. 347 to make it illegal to protest at Federal campaign events. ALL of these anti-Trump rallies, be they violent or not, are FELONIES under this law that the U.S. Congress passed!

You may read the full text of H.R. 347 here: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/112/hr347/text

The featured image is of Rose Hamid (Left) at a Donald Trump (Right) rally on Friday, January 8, 2016. According to Shoebat.com: Ms. Rose Hamid is president of the nonprofit Muslim Women of the Carolinas. Their Facebook page is here. She and is associated with several groups, including the Muslim American Society(MAS) of NC, CAIR, and the Islamic Society of Charlotte. We reported several years ago on Shoebat.com that the MAS is a front for the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood. CAIR is an internationally recognized terrorist organization. The Islamic Society of Charlotte has ties to the infamous Holy Land Foundation Terrorist Financing case, as has been reported by the Carolina Journal Online

March 11, 2016 Trump Rally: Chicago Style Drive by Shooting of the 1st Amendment

Donald Trump was scheduled to do a rally in Chicago as part of his presidential campaign. After conferring with police authorities he decided to cancel his appearance. Mr. Trump’s primary concern was for the safety of those attending the rally. But that was not enough for the anti-Trump protestors like Portia Boulger, an activist from Ohio and supporter of Bernie Sanders. Boulger attended the Chicago rally in a Trump for president t-shirt and gave the Nazi salute.

Portia Boulger giving Nazi salute on left, and as a Woman for Bernie activist on the right.

This protest was well planned to do what it did, stop freedom of speech in Chicago. It can be characterized as a Chicago style drive by shooting, with the target being the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Immediately after this near riot Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and John Kasich denounced Trump for his “inflammatory rhetoric.” None blamed the protestors who appear to be made up of illegal aliens, Muslims, Moveon.org, members of Black Lives Matter, Democrats and other people like Portia Boulger a supporter of Bernie Sanders (see the raw video of the protest below).

This is akin to blaming the victim rather than the rapist.

This is political correctness gone wild. This is why Donald Trump is so popular, he is not politically correct and the people love him for it.

Watch how the Trump rally in Chicago nearly turned into an all out riot with confrontations between the protestors and Trump supporters,  video by Fox News KTVU Channel 2:

Political correctness is what Trump is all about. Donald Trump made the following statement on Fox and Friends:

President Obama is a great divider. That’s what you’re seeing here. President Obama has greatly divided this nation.

There is division between black and white. There is division between economic groups.

He has done a terrible job in terms of unifying our country. President Obama should have been — and had the advantage of being African-American– of really bringing the country together. And I thought that was what was going to happen. I didn’t know if he was going to be a good president. You can never tell.But I could tell you one thing I thought he was going to be a unifier. He has turned out to be a terrible unifier. he has turned out to be a divider.

A lot of what you saw last night [in Chicago] was Obama.

Here are some interviews after the clash in Chicago:


Kasich co-chair on Trump: ‘You’ve got to take him out with a head shot’

One of the groups organizing against Trump in Chicago was a “refugee rights” group

We Warned You: Chicago Trump Shutdown Is Just the Beginning

Trump: “A Lot Of What You Saw Last Night Was Obama” | Video | RealClearPolitics

Barack Obama and Donald Trump Collide in Chicago

Trump Surrounded by Secret Service as Man Tries Rushing Stage

EDITORS NOTE:  During the Obamacare protests, the Democratic controlled Congress amended Federal law H. R. 347 to make it illegal to protest at Federal campaign events. ALL of these anti-Trump rallies, be they violent or not, are FELONIES under this law that the U.S. Congress passed.

You may read the full text of H.R. 347 here: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/112/hr347/text

‘Single-topic’ website on Muslim migrants launched by ‘Lefties’

Gosh, where have they been?

We’ve been a “single-topic” website on the subject of refugees for going on nine years! We’re an “organic outgrowth.” We’ve got this “microcommunity” covered! (And, we didn’t need a dime from some rich, elite, foundation either!).


Lara Setrakian of Refugees Deeply.

Here is the news (thanks to Joanne) from USA Today (article starts out with the inaccurate story about the toddler who had been safe in Turkey, but who died because his Dad wanted new teeth in Europe which they never tell you!).  That opening tells you all you need to know about the spin this new website will put on the news!

And so Tuesday, March 15, will mark the debut of Refugees Deeply, the latest in Setrakian’s string of immersive single-topic websites.

There are an estimated 60 million refugees in the world, many forced from their homes by unrelenting violence.

“Every country is dealing with this, from America to Australia,” says Setrakian, a former foreign correspondent for ABC News and Bloomberg TV. “But they are in their own little bubble.” Refugees Deeply hopes to play a role in the search “for long-term solutions,” Setrakian says. “How do we make sense of it?”

And solutions, she believes, are essential. [We’ve got solutions!—ed]


In a sense Refugees Deeply, which is being supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, seems like an organic outgrowth from Setrakian’s debut project, Syria Deeply, which launched in 2012 to rave reviews. The brutal civil war there has forced many to flee in search of safety.

But, Setrakian points out, “Syria is just the tip of it. It’s happening in Asia, Africa, Latin America. Sixty to 70% are not from the Middle East. There are a lot of places the refugee crisis is unfolding, and we never hear of it.”

“When we see a space that’s empty,” Setrakian says, “we gravitate to it.” Hey! Lara! It’s not empty!

Yes, we know this:

The Deeplies have found that their model of obsessive single-topic coverage resonates with people with a strong interest in that single topic. The idea for each one, Setrakian says, is “to be the centerpiece for that microcommunity” and “to turn a news site into a buzzing hive of activity.”

Watch for it! We can’t wait!


ICE: 124 illegal immigrants released from jail later charged in 138 murder cases

Collusion of Church & State in Invasion of Illegals: $182M to house “unaccompanied children” for just 4 months