Tag Archive for: native-born Americans

Foreign-Born Workers, Illegals Dominate U.S. Job Gains While Native-Born Americans Struggle

America last.

Last month 663,000 Americans lost their jobs while 414,000 foreigners stole American jobs.

Foreign-Born Workers Dominate U.S. Job Gains While Native-Born Americans Struggle

By: Brianna Lyman, The Federalist, June 07, 2024

The left has tried to spin foreign-born workers’ job gains as “propelling the economy.”

Though President Joe Biden touts the economy under his administration, polls consistently show Americans are sour on the state of economic affairs — probably because, as economist E.J. Antoni told The Federalist, “the economy has only been adding jobs that are held by foreign-born workers while native-born Americans are losing jobs.”

Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for the month of May shows that foreign-born workers in the United States gained 637,000 jobs year-over-year, while native-born workers lost roughly 299,000.

The BLS acknowledges foreign-born workers includes illegal immigrants.

“It is likely that both surveys include at least some undocumented immigrants. However, neither the establishment nor the household survey is designed to identify the legal status of workers,” the BLS states, adding they have no idea how many native-born workers are illegal.

Antoni pointed out in a post on X that “native-born employment is not only millions below pre-pandemic trend, but even below pre-pandemic level, while millions more foreign workers are employed today than [February of 2020], and back to trend.”

The left has tried to spin the taking of American jobs by foreign-born workers as “propelling the economy.”

PBS News argues that illegal immigrants — who broke the law to get here and in most cases have meritless asylum claims — are somehow responsible for saving the economy.

“Thousands of employers desperately needed the new arrivals. The economy — and consumer spending — had roared back from the pandemic recession. Companies were struggling to hire enough workers to keep up with customer orders.”

But as Antoni explained to The Federalist, the drain on the economy surely offsets their production value.

“When they make these claims about how illegal immigration has helped the United States economy they’re always talking about things like ‘Here are all the jobs they do.’ They never talk about all the costs that illegal immigration imposes,” Antoni argued.

“These people are using emergency rooms and they’re not paying their hospital bills. These people have their kids in public schools which they’re not paying taxes to fund. Illegal immigrants are imposing serious and significant costs,” he continued. “Housing is another huge one. Where are these 12+ million illegal aliens staying? They are staying in apartments, they are staying in houses which means they are increasing demand and driving up rent prices. So you can say they’re adding production to the economy but they’re also adding significant costs.”

Continue reading.



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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

New Labor Stats Show Foreign Workers Gaining Jobs While Native-Born Workers See Decline

The August 2023 Employment Situation survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) drew far more media attention than normal for a monthly economic publication, and for good reason. The survey shows that over 1.2 million native-born Americans lost jobs from July to August 2023. However, over the same period, nearly 700,000 new jobs went to foreign-born workers and boosted foreign-born employment to a record high. This dramatic difference is the product of an immigration system that is not delivering for hardworking American citizens, and a closer look at the long-term trend is even more ominous.

Individual months can show huge swings in employment because of factors like seasonal jobs.  But this particular divide from July to August may foreshadow more bad news. The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant effect on the job market and caused employment numbers to crash for both native-born American workers and the foreign-born. The highest ever pre-COVID monthly total of American-born workers was recorded in October 2019. In that month, 131.7 million native-born Americans were employed. Economic recovery for American-born workers has been slow, and since the start of the pandemic that total has only been passed twice: in June and July 2023. As it stands right now, native-born Americans have lost a net 700,000 jobs over five years and full recovery, let alone growth, is yet to come.

The opposite is true for foreign-born workers. Their pre-COVID peak came in February 2019, when 27.8 million foreign-born people (legal immigrants and illegal aliens) held jobs. Since then, foreign-born employment has blown past that record and now stands at an unprecedented 30.4 million. In short, the foreign-born have gained 2.6 million jobs since their pre-COVID high, while the native-born have lost 700,000. This means that all post-pandemic job growth, coinciding with the millions of illegal aliens allowed into the country by the Biden administration, has gone to foreign-born workers. This 3.3 million job gap is an unacceptable consequence of lax border enforcement and an administration (and cheap-labor business interests) intent on flooding the market with low-skill illegal aliens to “solve” a labor shortage that does not exist.

Our current immigration policies are not benefitting American-born workers. Millions of American citizens struggle to find jobs while native-born employment has not recovered from COVID-19. However, the Biden administration’s top priority seems to be letting in as much cheap labor as possible. The number of illegal aliens living in the U.S. has grown to record highs thanks to policies that actively encourage them to enter, and many of these illegal aliens exploit backlogs in the system to work legally for years and compete directly with Americans. Meanwhile, some representatives are even proposing legislation that would effectively let any foreign national who shows up at the border and claims asylum to the U.S. with nearly zero barriers.


Michael Capuano

Michael Capuano joined FAIR in 2022. As a researcher and staff writer, he contributes to the work behind FAIR’s long-form research publications as well as topical content responding to immigration-related issues as they happen.

Before joining FAIR, Michael worked in the Enforcement and Removal Operations Law Division at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) during law school at George Washington University and then as an immigration attorney at a Spanish-speaking law firm. Having grown up in Southern California and with experience on both sides of the issue, he is acutely conscious of the importance of the immigration issue to everyday life and the necessity of FAIR’s vision for reform.

Michael’s background before law school was in Urban Studies/Planning at the University of California, San Diego, informing a deep concern for the environment and good urban design, two issues very relevant to the current immigration crisis.

EDITORS NOTE: This FAIR column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. © COPYRIGHT 2023 FEDERATION FOR AMERICAN IMMIGRATION REFORM, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED