Will Geert Wilders’ anti-Islam, anti-immigration and NExit party win on March 5th?
The general election in the Netherlands is less than five weeks away on March 15th, 2017. Geert Wilders’ political polls show his Freedom Party (PVV) has a lead in weekly political polls of 30+ seats over the Liberal party’s (VVD) 26 seats of the current ruling coalition of current PM Mark Rutte in the Hague Parliament, the tweeder kamer, with 150 seats.
Wilders broke with the VVD in 2004 to form his anti-Islam, anti-immigration and NExit party after the assassination in 2002 of Rotterdam Mayor Pym Fortuyn and the November 2004 murder by a Dutch Moroccan Muslim extremist Mohamned Bouyeri of Dutch Film maker Theo Van Gogh for producing a short film, “Submission” scripted with ex pat Somali Dutch VVD politician, now an American, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, on the streets of Amsterdam.
Wilders won an acquittal in 2011 in an Amsterdam district court case on charges of hate speech for his anti Political Islam stands. In 2016 he was convicted without penalty in a show trial brought by Hague prosecutors because of his 2014 local campaign remarks about “fewer and fewer” Moroccans, a reference to the Muslim minority involved with crimes in Holland.
If Wilders can spurt to win the vicinity of 40 seats in the general election a likely impasse could occur about formation of a new ruling coalition with Wilders at the head as PM. That is reflected in the twitter war between Wilders and current PM Mark Rutte. The latter contends that the VVD has ZERO chance of joining such a coalition headed by Wilders. Wilders contends that Rutte can’t dismiss upwards of 2 to 2.5 million Dutch voters that the Freedom Party could receive in the March 15th general elections.
Wilders , unlike Trump believes that taking back border controls rather than building walls will stop the refugee migrant influx in Holland.
60 000 refugees and migrants poured in during the current crisis, forcing the country to open up closed prisons to house them temporarily.
Go Geert Go!!