Memorial Day 2015: The saluting boy on Omaha beach [VIDEO]
“And a child shall lead them” — those are the words that came to mind as I watched this video of a young man honoring the memories of those who perished on D-Day. It is well worth seven minutes of your time.
The simple act of devotion from this 11-year-old American boy is more than commensurate to honor the last full measure of devotion of young American boys some 70 years prior.
Every now and then, when there are times of despair, despondency, and desperation we just need a little reminder of the greatness and goodness of America.
Bravo young man, Steadfast and Loyal!
EDITORS NOTE: This video originally appeared on The Publisher of served in combat with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. On the featured image you see this young American is wearing the Screaming Eagles patch. His heroes are those of the publisher and staff of this e-Magazine.