Tag Archive for: Obama

Obama Executive Order once again attacks Christian Organizations — Will the Catholic Bishops stand up to him?

Obama launches a new attack on Christian organizations by signing yet another Executive Order that forces them to hire homosexuals!

The $17 trillion question:

Are the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the leaders of the Holy Catholic Church going to stand up to King Obama this time around and have every single Catholic institution file a law suit against this liberal administration or are we just going to continue to roll over and take our orders from the “Liberal sees” in the White House instead of the “Holy See” in the Vatican?

Hope all is well as I truly mean that. Seriously – “Hope all is well”…With the way this world is going today – when was the last time that “all was well”? It’s almost impossible to watch the news or read the newspaper in the mornings with a positive attitude as there are more conflicts going on around the world in this day and age than I have seen in my 56 years. I honestly think that if we were to combine all of the conflicts, violence and wars going on all over the world today and put them all together as One Big War – it would be equivalent to a World War III…It’s that bad and we have grown almost immune to it. Nothing phases us anymore. Even in our own country – where we fight the greatest war of all – “OBAMA’S WAR AGAINST CHRISTIANS”.

Friends, when the President of the Free World is able to use his dictatorial powers at free will – with the incompetent Congress scratching their heads at King Obama’s every move – why do we even have a government in the “Land of the Free”? Who is governing what? What is governing who? Where are the checks and balances? Why are there so many checks that don’t balance? Why do we have a House of Representatives? Why do we have a Senate? What does the term “judiciary” mean? How come we had never heard the term “Executive Order” until the “Executive & Almighty One” put his feet up on his desk in our White House back in January of 2009″?

And, if you have not heard the latest coming from the “Gay President” – (there is nothing wrong with saying that because in Obama’s world – anything goes and he is proud of that) – get ready for yet another “Executive Order” coming from the “left-handed” one. Beyond excruciating. Beyond surreal. Beyond the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution has no bearing in the way King Kenya runs our country. It hasn’t for the past 6 years…and counting…That pen and cell phone have wreaked havoc on our nation, our unborn, our Christian communities, our beloved citizens…

And, while Obama should be taking care of the more critical “world crisis” issues all around the world and even at our own borders (where a humanitarian fiasco is about to take place with the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants coming over from the Mexican border) – while watching former KGB wild man, Vladimir Putin, do as he pleases in shooting down airliners as if it were a “Russian roulette” game – Obama has no clue as to what is transpiring in Russia and the Ukraine – let alone, the volatile Middle East, even among our own ally, Israel, and their relentless struggle against the Palestinians. Does he have a clue of what is going on in Syria and Egypt? How about the 276 Nigerian young ladies who disappeared months ago at the hands of Boko Haram in his home continent of Africa?

No, Obama thinks it is more important to continue to attack the Catholic Church and the Christian organizations in our country by signing on more Executive Orders to try our patience and to tick off all the wholesome Christian faithful in this country. Obama seems to be focused on this issue as he knows that he only has a little more than two years left on his 8-year contract to try to turn our beloved United States of America into the “Divided States of Obama” – his twisted version of Sodom and Gomorrah. So, where are the President of the United States’ priorities at when so much conflict and strife is going on around the world? And, is signing a “Gay Executive Order” a priority in the Home of the Brave while the rest of the world is burning?

So, without further adieu, please take a look at the this article from our good friends at Catholic Vote as Joshua Mercer tells it like it is. This latest Executive Order by King Obama demands that all Federal Contractors and Subcontractors grant special treatment based on “sexual orientation” and “gender equity”. Truly amazing and absolutely unfair to every Christian organization – including the Holy Catholic Church – that does NOT believe in the immoral act of sodomy and the homosexual lifestyle. Forcing a conservative and religious organization like Catholic Charities to hire homosexual employees while knowing that it is against their religious beliefs (based on Holy Scripture) – is as blatant an act as I have ever seen. And, if the USCCB, our Church leaders and wonderful organizations like Catholic Charities, do not stand up for their religious freedoms like the bold and courageous Hobby Lobby did against the liberal Obama administration (and won) – once again, we can all kiss our Holy Rosaries a fond farewell and continue to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet over and over and over again until all 50 states in our beloved United States all turn gay…19 and counting…

May God give the USCCB the intestinal fortitude to instruct every single Catholic institution in the United States to file a lawsuit against this administration.

May all Christian organizations in the United States stand up for their religious liberty and freedoms and take this administration head on!


Dear CV Friend, 

The Supreme Court has already rebuked Obama twice on religious liberty. 

But that isn’t stopping this president from launching another attack on religious liberty. 

This time, Obama is using the purse strings of the federal government to marginalize employers with religious convictions. 

President Obama today signed an executive order which demands that all federal contractors and subcontractors grant special treatment based on “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” 

The executive order signed by Obama thankfully preserves an exemption put in place by President George W. Bush which allows religious employers the freedom to favor employees of a certain religion in making hiring decisions. So under the new rules, a religious university could not fire a teacher for being a lesbian, but could fire her because she’s not a Catholic. 

Legal experts say that Obama’s new executive order will launch a flood of lawsuits against employers who have deeply-held convictions that certain kinds of sexual behavior is inconsistent with their moral or religious beliefs. 

The executive order, expected to take full effect in 2015, will affect 24,000 companies employing approximately 28 million American workers, or about one-fifth of the country’s workforce. 

President Obama could have easily issued this executive order for LGBT employees while maintaining a robust exemption for religious liberty. 

Once again, Obama has shown his strong hostility to religious expression in American life. In his mind, we have only “freedom to worship” inside the four walls of our church. But we dare not practice “freedom of religion” where we take our faith to the public square. If we do that, Obama believes that we must also sacrifice any religious principles out of sync with the federal government. 

In Obama’s mind, it’s ok if you go to Church on Sunday, but don’t you dare act like a Christian any other day of the week. 

Joshua Mercer 
Political Director

The 2% Solution: How Homosexuals are Fundamentally Transforming America

Of the total U.S. population only 1.6% identify themselves as homosexual or lesbian according to the National Health Interview Survey, the U.S. government’s premier tool for annually assessing Americans’ health and behaviors. The study found that 0.7 percent of Americans consider themselves bisexual.

So, how are homosexuals fundamentally transforming America? They are “sloseting” the 98.4% who are straight. They also have helpers in very high places.

The Urban Dictionary defines sloset as “an exceedingly lost and/or stupified person. Also; a person lost in a closet, a state of utter lostness.” It was not enough for homosexuals to come out of the closet, homosexuals had to put those who are straight into a closet of utter lostness. Homosexuals are creating an ever growing number of “slosets.” If you speak out against homosexuality you are labeled, denigrated and in some cases fired from your job.

I call this the 2% solution: Keep attacking those who are revolted by homosexual behavior, thereby creating more stupified straights.

AFP reports:

HIV infections are rising among gay men in many parts of the world, the World Health Organization warned Friday, urging all men who have sex with men to take antiretroviral drugs to prevent infection.”

“We are seeing exploding epidemics,” warned Gottfried Hirnschall, who heads WHO’s HIV department.

Infection rates are rising again among men who have sex with men — the group at the epicentre of AIDS pandemic when it first emerged 33 years ago, he told reporters in Geneva.

While images of skeletal men dying of AIDS in the 1980s pushed the world to act, a younger generation that has grown up among new treatments that make it possible to live with HIV are less focused on the disease, he suggested.

Today, this group is 19 times more likely than the general population to be infected by HIV, Hirnschall said.

This is not a prophylactic problem. This HIV pandemic is a sexual behavior problem. The WHO has the wrong focus. The issue is not to provide antiretroviral drugs so that homosexuals can continue their deadly sexual behaviors. It is critical to change their behavior, by doing so you reduce the health threat globally.

Every society has a responsibility to stop homosexuality, it will help those who exhibit this bad behavior and those who homosexuals may come in contact with, particularly young boys. Homosexuals are a danger to themselves and those they have sex with, male and female alike. In Florida 70% of know HIV/AIDS cases are due to males having sex with males (MSM). The question is how many women have been infected by bisexual men?

Homosexuals have friends in very high places. The top three are: President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Democrat candidate of president) and current Secretary of State John Kerry. Each is in his or her own way are promoting homosexual and lesbian friendly policies. Homosexuality has become not only a national domestic social policy, it is the major thrust of U.S. foreign policy.

According to the Gay & Lesbian Victory Institute, “To date, the Obama-Biden Administration has appointed more than 250 openly LGBT professionals to full-time and advisory positions in the executive branch; more than all known LGBT appointments of other presidential administrations combined.”

President Obama in a speech at the June 17th, 2014 Democrat National Committee LGBT gala noted, “Maybe no single issue divided our country more than same-sex marriage.  In fact, the Republican Party built their entire strategy for 2004 around this issue.  You remember?  They calculated that if they put constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage on state ballots, they’d turn out more voters, they’d win.  And they, frankly, were right.  People flocked to the polls.  Those amendments were on the ballots in 11 states.  They passed in every single one.”

Now we have activist judges overturning the will of the people in those states, which via constitutional amendments, have defined marriage as between one man and one woman,  the most recent in Florida.

There is push back against the “slosetification” of America and the world. Take Singapore for example. The Associated Press reports, “A children’s book inspired by a real-life story of two male penguins raising a baby chick in New York’s zoo has been deemed inappropriate by state-run Singapore libraries, and the conservative city-state’s information minister said he supports the decision to destroy all copies alongside two other titles. The National Library Board, which runs 26 public libraries in Singapore, pulled from the shelves and said it would “pulp” the copies of three titles, citing complaints their content goes against Singapore’s family values.”

The three books are “And Tango Makes Three,” about a male-male penguin couple in the Central Park Zoo; “The White Swan Express: A Story About Adoption,” which involves a lesbian couple; and “Who’s In My Family: All About Our Families.” Parents are speaking out against these books being used in public schools across America.

It is important for homosexuals and lesbian to slosetfy our children. Homosexuals love little boys, it is called pederasty. All pederasts are homosexuals.

Have you been slosetfied? If so, then you need to come out of the closet and work against the less than 2% who are forcing their behavior upon you and your children.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of The Washington Post.


Obama to Sign Order Barring Federal Discrimination against Gays (order contains no religious exemption)
NJ [homosexual] teacher faces prison for sex talk with students – New York News
Health survey gives government its first large-scale data on gay, bisexual population – The Washington Post
WHO warns HIV ‘exploding’ among gay men, urges preventive drugs
Singapore backs call to destroy gay-themed books – Yahoo News
‘Gay’ Agenda? What ‘Gay’ Agenda?
Teacher and pair of transvestites break into home, bludgeon owner – EAGnews.org
Nobody is ‘Born that Way,’ Gay Historians Say

Check out these satirical (but on-point) U.S. Senate Campaign Political Ads

Hat tip to Tom Tillison from BizPac Review for putting us on to these fake (but are they reality?) campaign videos by Represent.US. According to their YouTube site:

What would an honest politician actually sound like? Old Gil is running for Senate against Mitch McConnell and Alison Lundergan Grimes. Follow his campaign at: http://igg.me/at/HonestGil

Honest Political Ads – Gil Fulbright for U.S. Senate

 Honest Political Ads – Healthcare Costs

Refreshing aren’t they?

GM is alive.Drivers are dead. Any questions?

Remember the arrogant 2012 bumper sticker based on Joe Biden’s boast at the DNC? “GM is alive. Bin Laden is dead. Any questions?”


Actually, I do have a question. Was Bin Laden driving GM’s Chevy Cobalt when he died?

It now appears that many American civilians with absolutely no connection to al-Qaeda have also become dead or injured while driving one of those small, fuel-efficient Chevrolet Cobalt, Pontiac G5, or Saturn Ion.

The Washington Post reports:

“An investigation into General Motors’ failure to recall millions of small cars containing a deadly ignition switch defect found a corporate culture in which employees failed to take responsibility for the problem, which has been linked to at least 13 deaths, said GM chief executive Mary T. Barra.”

This raises even more questions.

Notice the part about “a corporate culture in which employees failed to take responsibility for the problem.” Was it because the employees knew that they were too big to fail?

How many of them were members of the United Auto Workers? Obama had rewarded this labor union’s political shenanigans and donations to his campaign with 39 percent of General Motors. That alone should have taught the GM employees a lesson that real money comes, not from actual labor but from shady political dealings, and that honest work is for suckers.

General Motors waited more than a decade to recall their 2.6 million defective small cars worldwide. Obviously, the problem started long before the Obama administration decided to bail them out, thus rewarding bad behavior and costing Treasury a loss of roughly $10 billion.

That was yet another real-life lesson from which the GM employees could learn that withholding information is better than honest work, and that those who actually do honest work wind up paying for those who don’t. Now GM is going to establish a compensation program for the victims and their families. How much of that cost will be covered by a taxpayer-funded bailout?

And now for the final question. Using GM chief executive’s own language, who built that “corporate culture in which employees failed to take responsibility for the problem”?

According to her boss, the nation’s chief executive, no one in particular. In president Obama’s mind, businesses just happen to grow and develop their own cultures, like fungus. No one takes credit for a fungus culture; why should anyone take credit for a business culture? Whether you succeed or fail, the administration’s credo is, “You didn’t build that!”

GM officially confirms up to 13 deaths; trial lawyers are likely to raise the number to 60. Is that a fair cost of keeping GM alive? If so, how many lives and billions of taxpayer dollars will it take before the cost of this administration’s meddling with the economy becomes prohibitive? At what point will it stop being fair and become criminal?

Ayn Rand’s prophetic novel Atlas Shrugs has a chapter in which hundreds of people on a crowded train lose their lives because railroad employees have stopped taking responsibility for their actions. Their failure to take responsibility was a consequence of the nation’s new culture of “fairness” and “equality” that was being promoted by an intrusive “progressive” government. In a twist of dark irony, all the participants in the story were fully supportive of that “fair” culture – from the corrupt government officials to the cowardly railroad executives to the clueless passengers who never figured out what had doomed them to die in a smoke-filled tunnel.

It seems that today the Obama administration, the “progressive” politicians, the unions, and all their low-information supporters, many of whom are driving GM’s small, fuel-efficient cars, are writing an updated, real-life version of Atlas Shrugged, in which the story of General Motors is the latest contribution to this man-made dystopia.

RELATED ARTICLE: Documents Show General Motors Kept Silent on Fatal Crashes – NYTimes.com

Nothing Essential About Essence

I wrote a column three years ago titled, “Black Women No Longer Have Their Essence.” My point was that Essence, the pre-eminent magazine for Black women, had become irrelevant and an embarrassment to the Black community.

Unfortunately, Essence has continued its decent into irrelevancy.

For 20 years, Essence has sponsored an annual party during the July 4th holiday known as the Essence Music Festival (EMF). According to their website, the EMF, “known as the party with a purpose, is an annual music festival which started in 1995 as a one-time event to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Essence, a magazine aimed primarily towards African-American women. It is the largest event celebrating African-American culture and music in the United States.”

According to media accounts, “…In 2008, for the first time since its 1995 inception, the festival was not produced by the original producer team. Instead, Essence Communications, owner of the festival and the Essence magazine, contracted Rehage Entertainment Inc. A new main stage facelift was designed by production designer Stefan Beese.” Essence Communications and Essence Magazine are no longer Black-owned, they are owned by Time Inc.

Maybe this would explain why EMF contracted with Rehage Entertainment Inc. and Stefan Beese to produce the event and to build a new stage. They couldn’t find a Black firm capable of taking on these contracts? If they need some referrals, I would be glad to send them a list of Black people who could do the job, if they are truly interested in the “empowerment” of the Black community as they claim.

There was also no diversity in the programming. Of their 86 “empowerment” speakers during their various daytime panels, all were media personalities, journalist, or liberal politicians. There were maybe three people who one could argue were businessmen, but that’s a stretch. As far as I can tell, there were no Republicans invited to participate, as though Essence has no Black female Republican readers?

One panel was about the hair texture of Jay Z and Beyoncé’s baby. Yes, you heard me right; Essence had a whole panel to discuss a child’s nappy hair. One news account said, “Essence Magazine recently hosted an Empowerment Beauty of Confidence panel to comment on the backlash [over the child’s hair]. Essence asked Cynthia Bailey, Kim Kimble, Chenoa Maxwell, Tomiko Frasier Hines, Soledad O’Brien and Wendy Raquel Robinson to comment on the backlash.”

There were no empowerment panels on the women who work in the White House for Obama being paid less than their male counterparts; there were no empowerment panels on why Obama never interviewed a Black female lawyer for the two Supreme Court nominations he made to the Court; there were no empowerment panels on the number of Black kids languishing in the foster care system while Obama wants to throw billions of dollars to support children coming to this country illegally.

In essence, Essence’s continued march towards irrelevancy has nothing to do with them being White-owned. They were well down that road before they were sold. One could make the argument that the articles in Essence have become less substantive after Time Inc. assumed leadership, not that substance was ever their hallmark. How can you talk about “empowerment” without talking about Lynn Hutchings, a State Representative in the Wyoming legislature? She is the first Black female Republican to serve in the state’s history.

How can you talk about “empowerment” without talking about J’Tia Taylor, who has a Ph.D in nuclear engineering from the University of Illinois; she started college at the age of 15. How can you talk about “empowerment” without talking about Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins, the State Department’s Coordinator for Threat Reduction Programs? Ambassador Jenkins has a Ph.D. in international relations from the University of Virginia, an LL.M. in international and comparative law from the Georgetown University Law Center, an M.P.A. from the State University of New York at Albany, a J.D. from Albany Law School; and a B.A. from Amherst College. She also attended The Hague Academy for International Law.

You have such accomplished women – Democrats and Republicans – yet Essence is talking about the texture of a child’s hair.

RELATED ARTICLE: Blacks Should Be Thankful There Was An America To Come To

What is Obama hiding in those immigrant camps?

I know I’m not the only one bothered by the nagging question that must be asked and answered: “what is going on at these holding facilities for these illegal immigrants?”

I refuse to refer to these areas as “refugee camps” which is of course being bantered about at the United Nations. It all comes back to another of Obama’s lies: to be the most transparent administration in America’s history.

An editorial in the Washington Times says, “President Obama’s ultimate weakness may be that he believes his own blarney. A year ago, Mr. Obama boasted in a “fireside” Web chat that his “is the most transparent administration in history.” There was not the slightest hint of irony. He may actually believe it. But three-dozen organizations representing newspapermen and other journalists, mostly liberals, beg to differ. In a testy letter to the president on Tuesday, the group decried the “slick non-answers” and cold shoulders they’re getting from Mr. Obama’s representatives, who have restricted access to any information they consider embarrassing to the administration. “The stifling of free expression,” the signers said, “is happening despite your pledge on your first day in office to bring ‘a new era of openness’ to federal government — and the subsequent executive orders and directives which were supposed to bring such openness about.”

And right now the issue of Obama’s transparency is being challenged once again. Yesterday the president said the reason he didn’t tour the Texas border is because he’s not interested in “photo ops” – REALLY?

If there’s one thing Obama has been successful in doing, it’s conducting countless White House photo ops — like the whole doctors in white robes gimmick in the Rose Garden or how about the infamous “beer summit?” And don’t forget that Rose Garden blow-up with the parents of Bowe Bergdahl — hey, he’s in Texas too.

But not these photo ops. Why? What is he trying to hide?

The Washington Times says “due to incessant pressure the administration has changed its position but with caveats, the administration reluctantly said it would allow press and congressional visits, but no photographs or video permitted, not even cellphone cameras. Interviews with the illegal aliens, custodians or doctors treating the new arrivals are prohibited.”

This cloak and dagger atmosphere is quite troubling as it violates the fundamental premise of our First Amendment – something about which the Obama administration seems quite hostile. Isn’t it perplexing that President Obama had time to throw down beers and shoot pool with Colorado Governor Hickenlooper and fist bump a bronze gorilla — but has no time to visit these illegal immigrant holding areas or even the southern border?

Obama has all the time in the world for Democrat fundraisers but no time for Marine Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi, who was refused release just last night in Mexico. Maybe a quick trip to Mexico and cancellation of the fundraiser in Austin, Texas would be warranted. But that would be the actions of a leader, not a charlatan, an impostor, Barack Hussein Obama.

What do you think the government is hiding? Take our one question poll and let me know your thoughts.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on AllenBWest.com.

Obama’s Massive Illegal Alien Invasion

On January 29 the Obama administration posted a notice for “Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children” on FedBizOpps.gov. At that time the estimate was for 65,000 children and the escorts were needed to help the children being transported to “Refugee Resettlement shelters located throughout the continental United States.”

Calling the orchestrated deluge of aliens invading the nation “refugees” simply obscures the fact that all are engaged in illegal entry; a crime the last time I checked. How many are actually children and how many are much older is unknown, but we do know that many are bringing with them diseases that can spread to the general population and others are arriving with criminal intent. The children are merely pawns.

The question that has yet to have been answered is how did the Obama administration know in January that the “children” would be arriving later in the year?

What Americans are witnessing is a planned illegal alien invasion of the nation, orchestrated by Obama.

It is one more piece of the puzzle that adds up to the deliberate destruction of the economy; one in which the financial crisis of 2008 has been allowed to become an ongoing recession with massive unemployment and, now, rising inflation. Presidents prior to Obama, Reagan and Kennedy to name two, encountered recessions and took well known steps to reverse and end them.

The illegal alien invasion is just the latest element of what has been a deliberate Obama policy to ensure that as many illegal aliens as possible can get into the nation and add to the burden of various programs to aid them. The political reason for this is that they will constitute more Democrats, but they would have to be legal to vote and the refusal of the Republican Party to embrace amnesty has kept that from happening.

The illegal alien invasion is taking a toll on Obama’s job approval rankings. On June 20, Gallup’s latest poll found that “Americans’ approval of President Barack Obama’s handling of immigration has dropped to 31%, one of the lowest readings since 2010, when Gallup began polling on his handling of the issue. Meanwhile, two out of three Americans (65%) disapprove of his handling of immigration.”

By June 28 Gallup’s polling showed that “fewer than one in four Americans favor increased immigration to the United States. And, unlike most issue facing America today, it’s completely bipartisan.” On July 7, Rasmussen Reports announced that “Nearly half of U.S. voters believe the Obama administration has prompted the flood of illegal immigrant children at the border and most want them sent back home right away.”

This was the overwhelming response of Americans, Republicans, Democrats, and all other elements of the population. On June 2 The Washington Times reported that Obama had declared the deluge of illegals an “urgent humanitarian situation” and that he had named a federal coordinator “to make sure the children were cared for—but offered no new ideas for how to keep them from trying to enter.” That’s because he had planned the invasion.

The Washington Times reported that “The White House signaled that, as least for now, it sees the flow of children—which it predicts will more than double in 2015—as an issue to be managed rather than a problem to be fought.”

It is “managing” the problem by dispersing the new illegals, children—age 5 to 17—and older, all across the nation. Monica Sanchez, a member of The Heritage Foundation’s Young Leaders Program, reported on June 10 that “Critics of the situation call it an ‘administration-made disaster’, attributing the unprecedented 12-fold spike in underage migrant children to Obama’s controversial Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals program. Rolled out in 2012, the program allowed many illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as minors to escape deportation for two years” and in early June, the White House gave them another two-year window.

The Center for Immigration Studies notes that “In 2012 there were 2.7 million immigrants from San Salvador (1.3 million), Guatemala (880,000), and Honduras (536,000) in the United States. Combined the immigrant population from these three countries has grown 234% since 1990.” The Department of Homeland Security estimates “indicate that about 60% of immigrants from these three countries (1.6 million) are in the United States illegally.” Does that sound like security to you?

On June 29, The Wall Street Journal reported that “President Barack Obama is seeking more than $2 billion to respond to the surge in children and other migrants from Central America who are illegally crossing the U.S. border, and is asking for new authority to return them home more quickly, the White House said Sunday.”

“U.S. law requires that apprehended children be turned over to the Department of Health and Human Services, which places them with sponsors in the U.S.—usually family—while their deportation cases are heard. Clogged immigration courts and an array of legal avenues to extend their time in the U.S. can result in these young migrants remaining north of the border for years or permanently.”

Among the many ways Obama has waged war on America, the massive invasion of illegal immigrants represents an assault on an already fragile economy; one plagued by more than 92 million Americans who are unemployed and laboring under a $17 trillion debt. There aren’t enough jobs for native and naturalized Americans. Adding $2 billion to the debt to “manage” the invasion is just one more way to further harm the nation.

Obama will not be impeached and Congress is so gridlocked it cannot respond to the invasion. Federal agencies will disburse the new arrivals and they will in time be forgotten as Americans struggle to deal with rising inflation while Obamacare has created obstacles to job creations.

Obama is a total political animal. Nothing else affects his outlook and his decisions. It tells you everything you need to know about him that on Tuesday, July 8, he will be in Texas fund raising, but will not go to the border to see firsthand the flood of illegals he has generated.

This has the look and feel of a planned invasion, an invited disaster. It is just one more example of a President unable to anticipate the outcome of his ideological policies.

© Alan Caruba, 2014

A Heartbreaking Unspoken Consequence of Obama

Decades of socialist/progressive indoctrination in our schools, media and culture, plus six years of Obama, has yielded a devastating unspoken consequence. It is the loss of who we use to be as Americans.

In his 1961 Inaugural Address, President John F. Kennedy said, “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Democrats have perverted Kennedy’s inspiring challenge. Their dispiriting goal is to have as many Americans as possible controlled by and dependent on government, even for life itself, which is at the root of Obamacare.

I mourn the loss of the independent self-reliant mindset which made our parents great; and the pride and dignity it generated within them. Welfare (government assistance) was a last resort and for the truly needy.

Today, far too many Americans see no shame in living on government assistance or scamming the system. The Left’s campaign led by the Obama Administration to instill an entitlement mindset in many has proven successful. The Administration even campaigned targeting minorities, discouraging their instinct to be self-reliant. Even worse, the Administration portrays getting on welfare as the honorable thing to do. Dear Lord, what kind of nation are we becoming?

An unprecedented 47 million Americans are on food stamps which is riddled with fraud. The Obama Administration has added over 10,000 new oppressive job-killing regulations. Consequently, 90 million are unemployed and on unemployment which is also riddled with fraud. Here’s another first for America, over 11 million are receiving disability benefits; riddled with fraud. Clearly, many believe working is for suckers when the government is handing out freebies.

In his War on Achievers, Obama used his bully pulpit to deflate business owners by saying, “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.” Obama and his operatives use compassionate sounding terms such as “social justice” and “income inequality” to justify the government confiscating the earnings of achievers and redistributing it to non-achievers to win their votes. Despicable.

My heart aches for my America when character, excellence and hard work were rewarded, celebrated and respected.

At 9 or 10 years old, I worked part-time for my neighbor Mr Buddy Roy. I pulled the copper out of old motors for him to sell. I still remember the pride I felt making my own money.

In the early 1950s, blacks were allowed to take the entrance test for the Baltimore City Fire Dept. My dad applied and mom helped. My parents sought opportunity not handouts. Talk about a strong black woman, though compassionate and loving, mom could be a tough no nonsense person.

I remember my parents sitting at the kitchen table, a glass turned upside down between them with mom tapping on the glass with a spoon. She was simulating the different bell sounds which alerted the firefighters to various situations. She would yell at my dad, “No, that’s wrong, stupid! Listen and get it right!” Thanks to my drill sergeant mom, dad was among a hand full of blacks who became Baltimore City’s first black firefighters.

Being a pioneer is never easy. Dad endured humiliating work conditions and blatant racism. Still, dad relished the opportunity. Thanks to his Christian faith, dad won admiration and respect by fighting racism and hate with excellence. He won “Firefighter of the Year” two times.

That mindset of putting ones best foot forward and striving for loftier standards is what I fear we are rapidly losing as Americans. Apparently, character is no longer expected in our leaders. President Obama is caught repeatedly lying to the American people and the response is ho-hum, let’s move on.

The trend is to celebrate deadbeats, entitlement junkies, haters of achievers and assorted low life. For example. The Democrats and mainstream media loved the Occupy Wall Street mobs. People were assaulted and even raped at their angry mob gatherings. Severely infected with an entitlement mindset, Occupiers dumped feces in a public building demanding the government redistribute wealth to them.

Meanwhile, the Left continues their shameful relentless demonizing and slandering the Tea Party with unfounded allegations of racism. The Obama Administration has plotted to criminalize free speech (the Tea Party). Folks, we are talking decent hard-working Americans who are simply pushing back against Obama’s shock and awe assault on our freedoms, liberty and culture.

Tax cheat Democrat Rep. Charlie Rangel compared the Tea Party to Hamas terrorists. Either Mr Rangel is a loudmouth clueless idiot or a despicable evil human being. Leftists like Rangel who throw unfounded irresponsible “hate” grenades at millions of Americans should be called on it. Inciting racial division is extremely serious.

Amidst the unbelievably long list of scandals, crimes and misdemeanors of the Obama regime, the damage that this evil man and his minions have done to the internal make-up of many Americans is extremely disturbing and heartbreaking.

Please view me performing my song, “We Are Americans” which I wrote to remind us of who we use to be and I believe a majority still are as Americans. I have faith that the liberal’s, socialist’s and progressive’s toxic disease of entitlement thinking has not reached critical mass.

My fellow Americans, we are exceptional, a chosen people. We are Americans!

Obama Trades All Remaining Gitmo Detainees for Magic Beans

On the heels of his widely-praised exchange of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for five captured Taliban commanders, which Democratic strategists are comparing to trading General George Patton for five taxi drivers, President Obama went them one better and swapped all remaining Guantanamo detainees for a bag of magic beans.

In announcing the trade, Secretary of State John Kerry stated, “President Obama has unloaded hundreds of unskilled laborers and taxi drivers whom we already have enough of, and transported them from Gitmo to Afghanistan where they will be more likely to find jobs that fit their training and aspirations, like driving a cab, or follow their dream of being an artist or a poet.”

“The magic beans he obtained from the Taliban in the trade will grow into large beanstalks which will pierce the cloud cover of Republican obstructionism surrounding the planet, and help alleviate climate change. It’s a win-win,” Kerry said.

“This is a big effing deal,” said Vice President Joe Biden praising the trade. “For years the enemy has claimed our foreign policy was based on magical thinking. This swap is proof that we are guided by practicality and realism,” Biden said, adding in passing that “someone’s been eating [his] porridge.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid also made a supportive statement, noting that the giant beanstalks will help reduce the deficit: “We can send people to climb up the beanstalks and steal gold from the giant Koch Brothers, who have hidden it in a castle in the clouds so they wouldn’t have to pay taxes on it. Fee, fi, fo, fum,” stated Reid.

State Department’s Senior Twitterer, Jen Psaki, preempted any hostile criticism by Tweeting that the idea of growing large beanstalks around the White House has nothing to do with making it difficult to see what’s going on inside, nor is it an attempt to distract attention from alleged “scandals,” such as, the VA and Benghazi. “If anything, President Obama does not give himself enough credit for all his accomplishments in the last five years. He doesn’t need magic plants to hide his successes from the public,” Psaki Tweeted.

UN Ambassador Susan Rice led the Administration’s effort to sell the transaction to TV viewers, telling a Sunday cooking show that “magic beans can be served with honor and distinction, especially with a main dish of fowl, such as crow.”

In a rare public statement, Mullah Omar, leader of the Taliban Taxi Drivers’ Union, called the swap a “victory” for President Obama in his fight against climate change. “Allah willing, we will continue to aid Obama’s jihad against non-believers in global warming.”

“Since he’s clean out of detainees, maybe Obama can trade more of our magic beans for something else he doesn’t need, like spent plutonium, for example. Our mountain caves make excellent toxic waste repositories. Call me if you want to trade, Barack,” stated Omar, holding his thumb and index finger out in the traditional “phone call” hand gesture.

Music Video — “Four Dead in Benghazi”

I made this music video because I want low-info voters to get it; to understand that four Americans unnecessarily died at the hands of Al Qaeda terrorists who overtook our U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Please do not be offended by my use of the term “low-info”. I am merely referring to Americans like my brother. He works hard, coaches youth football and gets his news from the mainstream media. He does not listen to talk radio, watch Foxnews or surf the internet. Thus, he is a low-info voter.

The MSM has refused to seriously investigate the Benghazi terrorist attack. Why did Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Obama refuse to answer the cries for help of those trapped in our consulate. U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was brutally humiliated, tortured and murdered.

Before being killed, Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the consulate attackers. Diplomat Sean Smith was also killed during the attack.

The attack was before the 2012 presidential election. Obama was on the campaign trail pounding his chest like Tarzan proclaiming that Osama Bin Laden was dead, Al Qaeda was on the run and terrorism was no longer a threat.

With the anniversary of 9/11 coming up, Ambassador Stevens requested more security at our consulate. Strengthening security at our consulate would imply that terrorism was alive and well. So, the Obama Administration (Hillary Clinton) denied Stevens’ request.

In essence, Obama and Clinton decided that the lives of Americans at our consulate in Benghazi was acceptable collateral damage to protect Obama’s narrative. The Obama Administration’s decision was unprecedented because we never leave Americans behind.

Special thanks to the true patriots at Kurt Howland Enterprises for donating their time producing this video.

My fellow Americans please watch this brief music video, “Four Dead in Benghazi”.

Secretary of State John Kerry calls Israel an “apartheid state” — Sen. Ted Cruz calls for him to go

Today the Emergency Committee for Israel released the following statement on Secretary of State John Kerry’s use of the term “apartheid state” to threaten Israel:

On Friday, Secretary of State John Kerry raised the specter of Israel as an “apartheid state.” Even Barack Obama condemned the use of this term when running for president in 2008.

Yet this was no gaffe. Secretary Kerry’s musings on the Jewish state’s dire future have become a regular feature of his public remarks. His latest prediction follows other statements in recent months that have in effect threatened Israel — never the Palestinians — with a list of disasters should his diplomatic efforts fail: violence, isolation, delegitimization, boycotts — and now “apartheid.”

It is no longer enough for the White House to clean up after the messes John Kerry has made. It is time for John Kerry to step down as Secretary of State, or for President Obama to fire him. And it would go a long way toward repairing the damage Kerry has done if his predecessor as Secretary of State, who is the likely Democratic Party nominee for president, explained why this kind of rhetoric had no place in her State Department and why it will have no place in her presidential campaign.

The Daily Beast reported:

The secretary of state said that if Israel doesn’t make peace soon, it could become ‘an apartheid state,’ like the old South Africa. Jewish leaders are fuming over the comparison.

If there’s no two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict soon, Israel risks becoming “an apartheid state,” Secretary of State John Kerry told a room of influential world leaders in a closed-door meeting Friday.

Senior American officials have rarely, if ever, used the term “apartheid” in reference to Israel, and President Obama has previously rejected the idea that the word should apply to the Jewish state. Kerry’s use of the loaded term is already rankling Jewish leaders in America—and it could attract unwanted attention in Israel, as well.

Read more.


Bipartisan outrage explodes on John Kerry for ‘apartheid’ comments; Ted Cruz calls for resignation
Is a Second Holocaust Possible?



Voter’s Remorse Over Obama

I don’t recall when I first wrote about Obama telling lies, but it surely must have been early in his first term, if not even earlier in the 2008 campaign. So much of the information about his life was subject to question that it raised my concern.

The way Obamacare was reamed through a Congress that hadn’t even read the bill put me on full alert. No Republican voted for it.

When you have spent your early years as a journalist as I did you tend to develop a healthy skepticism regarding politicians. There are some very good people who go into politics, but they are vastly outnumbered by those who see it as an easy way to line their pockets. They are the “Eddie Haskell’s” if you are old enough to remember the unctuous character from “Leave It To Beaver.” Glad-handers, back-slappers, and generally smooth talkers.

I was not surprised to read a February 19 article in the Washington Examiner by Paul Bedard. “Poll: Only 79% of Obama voters would vote for him again” was the title and my first response was surprise that that many would still vote for him. Only???

In the poll 71% of the Obama voters now inclined to vote for someone else if they had the chance said they ‘regret’ their vote to reelect the President. So a majority of those taking The Economist/YouGov.com poll would vote for him again, but nearly all regret having done so.

This is a definition of stupidity. I think Obama and his cohorts counted on this high level of indifference to the facts about his first term.

Among the sample of those who would vote for someone else if they could, 100% of the Hispanics said they would and 80% of the whites said they would. However 61% of the blacks said they would still vote for Obama. It strikes me that many in the African-American community are quick to speak out against any perceived prejudice, but when it comes to electing Obama, skin color was a major factor. I suspect that many are unaware of how Obama’s policies have left the black community with soaring numbers of unemployed, far in excess of other racial groups.

Among women 84% said they would vote for someone else, but just 61% men agreed. The most surprising element of the poll was that 55% of Democrats—yes Democrats—wished they had not pulled the lever for Obama and 71% of independents agreed.

All second term Presidents achieve lame duck status at some point when their power to influence the Congress to support their programs kicks in. Arguably, Obama achieved that in 2010 when voters returned power in the House of Representatives to Republicans. The Senate’s response—mostly Majority Leader Harry Reid’s—was to deny any but a few of the many bills generated in the House an opportunity to be debated and voted upon.

The gridlock that resulted and which Obama endlessly decries was created by the Democrats in the Senate.

Efforts by Republicans were rebuffed along with all manner of charges that they were anti-women and anti-immigrant, among other absurdities. When the Republicans tried to get the insane borrowing and spending under control by shutting down the federal government as a response to raising the credit limits, they were portrayed as political cavemen.

AA - Obamacare DisasterObama is a President who has made it clear that he considers the Congress as an obstacle to his transformation of the nation from a capitalist to a socialist economy in which Big Government functions as the re-distributor of taxpayer funding with an emphasis on programs that, like food stamps, added millions to that handout.

It took the launch of Obamacare to make it abundantly clear how incompetent the Obama administration was and is. The impact on the stagnant job market saw jobs disappear or be turned into part-time, lower-wage positions. People discovered they could not keep their family physician or specialist. Even access to nearby hospitals was denied for some.

We are now being told that being unable to find work is an opportunity to pursue one’s hobbies. Denigrating working for a living is so un-American it is mind-boggling.

The media coverage of Obama’s first term and now the first years of his second protected him against the failure to revive the economy after the 2008 financial crisis. The scandals from Fast and Furious to Benghazi were shunted aside so that the passage of time would diminish their impact. Those who reelected him were not paying attention! Or they just didn’t care.

One can only hope voters are paying attention now and, in the November 2014 midterm elections, they will elect Republican candidates who will have an opportunity—particularly in the Senate—to limit the damage that Obama continues to inflict on the economy and in the area of foreign affairs.

Based on the poll, it took Obama voters over five years, going on six, to conclude they had made a bad choice—but 79% would still vote for him!

That members of Congress, pundits, and others now routinely call Obama a liar is a good sign because he is. But he is also still President of the United States of America and I suspect he doesn’t care what people say about him anymore.

© Alan Caruba, 2014

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of The Peoples Cube.

Military/Veterans Poll: 66% disapprove of Obama and 63% disapprove of Obamacare

The Tarrance Group released its veterans survey on key issues facing the nation. Below are key findings from the survey using a representative sample of N=834 Veterans and members of the military.  Interviews were conducted 3/8-16/14 using a mixed methodology of live telephone interviews and online interviews. The margin of error is +/- 3.5%.

  • Sixty-eight percent of veterans believe the country is off on the wrong track (vs. 21% say right direction), and by a margin of more than two to one, veterans disapprove of the way President Obama is handling his job (66% disapprove  vs. 29% approve).
  • Veterans also hold negative views toward President Obama’s healthcare law.  Over six in 10 (63%) of veterans disapprove of Obamacare (vs. 28% approve), and nearly half (46%) believe Obamacare will be worse than VA healthcare.
  • All surveyed—veterans and members of the military— believe the top issues facing Congress are dysfunction in Washington (23%), followed by government spending and debt (19%) and economy/jobs (17%). 
  • In addition to the concern over spending and the debt, nearly three-quarters of veterans and members of the military (73%) agree with former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen’s statement that our national debt is “the greatest threat to our National Security.”
  • There is widespread awareness of the backlog of claims at the Department of Veterans Affairs (66% of veterans/members of the military have seen, read, or heard about the backlog), and nearly one- quarter (22%) report having experienced the backlog.  Of those who have experienced the backlog, 58% report currently having a backlogged claim. Those who have experienced the backlog report it lasting at least 7 months (60%), with 36% saying it lasted more than one year.

Below is a breakdown of sample military status and branch of service in the survey:

CVA poll image

RELATED STORY: When veterans become victims: Reform the VA now

Rubio: On Tax Day 2014

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) on Tax Day 2014 notes, “Tax reform is critical. And it’s not just critical to take the hassle out of our lives. It’s critical for the economic future of our country. Our economy is stagnant. It’s not growing fast enough. It’s not creating enough jobs. And by the way, about 40% of the jobs that it is creating pays $16 an hour or less.”

Is reform of the tax code needed or a scraping of the entire income tax? Many are calling for either a flat tax or FairTax system.

To mark Tax Day 2014, Rubio sent out the below video addressing constituent concerns about the broken tax code system. Rubio points to the tax codes stifling effect on the economy as proof of the need for tax reform:


In the video, Rubio outlines various disconcerting facts about the increasingly complicated tax code and the unnecessary burdens it places on taxpayers:

  1. It takes 13 hours for the average taxpayer to file their taxes, including record keeping, planning, as well as filling out forms.
  2. Last year, Americans spent 6.1 billion hours and $168 billion complying with all their tax filing requirements.
  3. The tax code, rules and regulations now totals more than 73,000 pages, as opposed to 400 pages when it was created in 1913.
  4. Americans will pay $3 trillion in federal taxes and $1.5 trillion in state and local taxes this year.
  5. Americans must work 111 days this year to pay their federal, state and local taxes.


“One of the things holding back our economy is a broken tax code. We have a tax code, for example, that punishes companies for investing their profits back into their businesses, to hire more people, to give their workers raises, to expand their operations. We have a tax code that actually encourages our employers to take their business overseas. Those are some of the things we have to fix as well. So I agree with you wholeheartedly, and that’s why I hope this November we’ll have new leadership here in Washington that will move on this important item.”

RELATED STORY: Obama has Proposed 442 Tax Hikes Since Taking Office

America’s Suicide Pact with Communism

It was a Founder and our second President, John Adams, who said “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

He was right and I am sure he would be appalled to know that the Constitution has since been interpreted to permit the murder of the unborn or that the ancient definition of marriage has been trashed to permit people of the same sex to “marry.” The legalization and use of marijuana is a further sign of decline.

These and other elements of the values expressed and expected by the Founders are eating away at the present and future of the United States of America. The Supreme Court was created to rule on what the Constitution’s actual words say and mean, not on the passing aspirations of generations who have abandoned the fundamental principles of the remarkable government it created.

The Constitution represents a federal government that was granted limited powers. The rest were retained by the States, but Communism and Socialism are based on a strong central government, one ruled by an elite class of intellectuals to oversee all elements of the economy and to set the rules by which everyone must live even if they conflict with their religious convictions and moral values.

The degradation of the nation has tracked the rise of Socialism, begun with Karl Marx’s creation of Communism. Born in Prussia in 1818, Marx was influenced by the writings of Hegel, a German philosopher. Marx’s socialist writings would get him expelled from Germany and France. In 1848, with Friedrich Engels, he published The Communist Manifesto and was exiled to London where he wrote the first volume of Das Kapital, living there until his death in 1883. Suffice to say that the Communism he unleashed would cause the death of hundreds of millions, particularly in Russia and China where it was embraced.

Americans and, in particular, conservatives who have a high regard for the Constitution and the values of personal freedom and liberty it bestows on individuals, have been fighting against the tyranny of Communism and Socialism, but it has always had an appeal to those who prefer to let others determine the actions of government and the bigger it is, the better. This is enhanced by a government that redistributes the wealth from those who worked for it to those who have not.

Along the way there have been voices that have spoken out against Communism and Socialism. I came across a speech by one of them. At the time he said, “We’re at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind in his long climb from the swamp to the stars, and it’s been said if we lose that war, and in so doing lose this way of freedom of ours, history will record with the greatest astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening.”

It is happening today in an America that has twice elected a Communist as its President, some say out of guilt over the slavery the nation countenanced and which took a Civil War to end. That Civil War was fought between moral Americans who hated slavery and those who profited from it. In the latter part of the last century, Americans joined with the black community to put an end to the injustices it had encountered for a century. That was the act of a nation with its moral values intact.

Barack Obama was “a red diaper baby” raised from birth by a family devoted to Socialism and educated in universities where it thrives today. His actions are entirely determined by the Marxist theology to which he has devoted his life and his failures demonstrate its failures. In the process, millions of Americans are suffering unemployment in an economy that knows what it takes to create growth, but which has been thwarted by massive government regulation and the crony capitalism that corrupts it. It has wasted billions on the global warming/climate change hoax that is still being advocated by some in Congress.

AA - Reagan on GovernmentIn the stump speech given to support the campaign of a leading conservative, the speaker said that the issue of that elections was “Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.” That question exists today.

A centralized government was the “very thing the Founding Fathers sought to minimize. They knew that… a government can’t control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose. They also knew, those Founding Fathers, that outside of its legitimate functions, government does nothing as well or as economically as the private sector of the economy.”

At the time he gave his speech, he noted that “For three decades we’ve sought to solve the problems of unemployment through government planning, and the more the plans fail, the more the planners plan.”

He warned that, “Our natural, unalienable rights are now considered to be a dispensation of government, and freedom has never been so fragile, so close to slipping from our grasp at this moment.”

He could have delivered that speech today, but the speaker was Ronald Reagan and the speech was given on October 27, 1964. He was campaigning for Sen. Barry Goldwater who was running against Lyndon Baines Johnson who was the incumbent as the result of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Johnson was overwhelmingly elected and, while expanding the war in Vietnam that would cost more than American 53,000 lives, he also launched the “Great Society” program based entirely in Socialism. Like the war, it too would fail.

Goldwater had rejected the New Deal socialism of Franklin D. Roosevelt and it was Roosevelt who would preside over the nation’s longest economic doldrums from his first election in 1932 until the Great Depression would end in the wake of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. Four years later Americans would celebrate the defeat of the Japanese Empire and Germany’s Nazi regime.

Reagan would be elected President in 1980 and, through two terms, would oversee economic growth that would be passed onto George W. Bush. The nation would turn to Bill Clinton in 1992, electing him twice.

To save the nation today, Americans must reject a Democratic Party that resembles the Communist Party USA. The voters must secure control of the Senate and House by a Republican Party that must tap into the values of men like Reagan and predecessors that included Coolidge, Hoover, and Eisenhower. Both Bush presidencies tried as well.

The warnings Reagan voiced in 1964 are no less true today and, with Barack Obama in the Oval Office, an even greater threat exists than did five decades ago. If we fail, we will be signing a suicide pact with Communism.

© Alan Caruba, 2014