Tag Archive for: Obama

‘Illogical’ Defines Obama’s Refugee Resettlement Program

When looking at Obama’s policies it isn’t difficult to come to the conclusion that all, and I mean all, of his executive orders and strategies are to undermine the Judeo/Christian principles on which this country is founded. This is also the case when focusing on the ramifications of the Refugee Resettlement Program.

If someone were to apply the least amount of common sense to the “refugee crisis” we are experiencing due to the warring Islamic countries of the Middle East and Africa, it would mirror the Obama Administration’s Refugee Resettlement Program.

The latest casualty on Obama’s Illogical Tour is Rutland, Vermont, home to socialist Bernie Sanders. According to Leo Hohmann of World Net Daily some 100 Syrians were resettled in the small northern town without any public discussion of the matter, just a quick announcement of acceptance by the Rutland Mayor relaying his town’s positive outlook on receiving the immigrants.

Hohmann reports,

“In fact, when residents of Rutland, Vermont, found out about the secretly negotiated deal to seed their community with migrants from a Middle Eastern hotbed of Sunni radicalism, they were livid.

They packed a local library for an “informational” meeting Thursday night. At least 20 of them stood outside with protest signs, demanding that their mayor explain why he negotiated the entire deal with the federal resettlement contractors behind closed doors and outside the purview of public scrutiny.”

Hohmann’s article goes on to quote a local resident, David O’Brien, on his thoughts concerning the lack of input from the local citizens about the resettling of the refugees in his town. O’Brien stated,

“Something like relocating 100 refugees, especially from a very tough part of the world, war-torn Syria, is something you would just logically think you would have a discussion about,”

This is what O’Brien and the rest of the tax-paying American citizens need to understand. Obama doesn’t care what you think about his plan to relocate hundreds of thousands of immigrants into the country, nor does he care about the negative ramifications of such a program to the local townspeople’s way of life. Most importantly, his plan follows no sound judgement for the protection of American’s security or livelihoods.

Several of the nonsensical points of this program are:

  • Who, in their right mind, would even consider bringing thousands of refugees from a hotbed of Islamic terrorism into small towns and communities and consider it sound judgement? Our top national security officers have testified that it is impossible to vet even the Syrians. According to Michael Cutler, a former border control official with over 40 years of experience, one cannot expect a perfect result from a flawed vetting process. It can’t be done, period.
  • A refugee is one that would normally seek temporary shelter until dangerous situations have passed in order for that refugee to return to their home country. So, logically it makes more sense to settle the refugee in close proximity to their home country, not spend twelve times the amount of money to relocate the individual with virtually no chance of them buying a ticket back to their country of origin.
  • Since our country was founded on Judeo/Christian principles, it would make sense for us to seek out those authentic refugees that have been singled out due to their religion, the Christians. These Christians in Syria, Iraq, and other warring Islamic countries are afraid to venture into the strictly Islamic environments that characterize the United Nations camps, of which 95% of our refugees are from. So, Obama’s program leaves out the most vulnerable and deserving refugees.
  • Obama’s Refugee Program brings to America, by the hundreds of thousands, the very Muslims who carry with them the exact ideology of the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas, al-Nusra, and Boko Haraam. Any Muslim who doesn’t denounce the Sharia should be considered a “sleeper-cell” for Islamic jihad. Undoubtedly bringing them into the heart of our country doesn’t make us safer. It would then make sense to ban any more Muslims from entering our country during this climate of global Islamic terror.
  • Once the refugee steps foot on our soil they can apply for all Federal, State and Local welfare programs. If a refugee is over 65 they are eligible for Social Security benefits. How is this helping our national debt? In addition, the refugees don’t have a right, nor do they deserve our hard-working tax dollars.
  • There are some 93 million Americans out of work, and yet this program, has the hearty support of big corporations, the US Chamber of Commerce and the Volunteer Resettlement Agencies (VOLAGS). For example, Tennessee’s Neil MacDonald of the Chamber says this about bringing in immigrants and refugees, “If we want to compete on an international basis, it’s essential we continue our growth in diversity.” See RRW for full story. How about we start giving jobs to skilled Americans who have been tossed out of their careers by foreign workers, which would make sense.
  • The rape capitol of the West is Sweden. If the Muslim male population in that country is roughly 2% with 77% of the reported rape cases committed by Muslims, it would make sense to take into account that Muslim culture is against womens’ rights, and place a ban or limit on Muslim men entering our country as refugees.

One could continue the list of why the Refugee Program is harmful to America in its present form. Until Americans get up off the couch and decide to actually do something, we will suffer the destruction of many plans enacted by this treasonous president to change America forever.

Go to RestoretheUSA.net, download the petition, and hand carry it to your legislator to demand they defund Obama’s program.


Guide to the George Soros Network

The Peace & Security Funders Group: Funding the War Against the War-On-Terror

Remind me again, why are Somalis our problem?

Top language of refugees entering the US since 2008 is still Arabic

Islam: Reform & Other Options

Government Shouldn’t Decide Who Uses Which Bathroom by Doug Bandow

There’s Simply No Single Right Answer.

The North Carolina legislature voted in March to require that people use the bathroom designated for their biological sex. The state was criticized for violating gay and transgender rights. The Obama administration may cut federal education, housing, and transportation aid to North Carolina in response.

Bathroom use has been an issue in other states, including Illinois, Texas, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Kansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee, and South Dakota. Legislation proposed and passed differs by state on how to define gender — ranging from chromosomes to birth certificate to anatomical sex. Obviously, people can’t change their chromosomes. They can, however, change their gender identity and its associated physical traits, which is where the controversy begins.

The president’s position appears to be that people have a legal right to use the bathroom of their choice, regardless of their gender, however defined. With the club of federal funding, he is attempting to socially engineer America.

This is central planning run riot.

Good people should approach anyone in the midst of gender change with humility and compassion. For most of us, it is unimaginable what would cause someone to desire to shift genders. It is a personal issue of the most profound nature. It shouldn’t be debated and decided in the public square.

And politicians aren’t doing a good job addressing the question. It may not make sense to most people for someone who looks like a guy to use the ladies room, however he sees himself, but neither does it seem right to force someone who looks like a guy to use the ladies room because he was born female. And it certainly makes no sense to let one person or group of people force everyone else to comply with their preference, even when that group is a majority of voters.

Bathroom use shouldn’t be a question for bureaucrats, politicians, lawyers, or judges to answer.

Who should use which bathroom? If it’s in your home, you decide. Likewise, a private company or other private organization should set the rules for its building. What does the owner want? What do customers or members prefer? What is the best way to balance competing interests given the community’s dominant moral sense?

Most people in most places probably believe that people should use the bathroom that matches their physical characteristics, whether changed or not. And we know from the current debate that many (if not most) people prefer not to share a bathroom with someone who appears to be of the other sex, irrespective of the gender with which he or she identifies.

However, one can imagine a “progressive” individual, business owner, or group deciding otherwise. And whether that decision reflected special solicitude for vulnerable individuals or a desire to shape public attitudes, it would be no cause for complaint.

There’s simply no single right answer — and no justification for government to intervene in such intimate, private decisions.

What about bathrooms in public facilities, such as a government office, school, airport, or military base? These are all theoretically “owned” by everyone. Everyone has a stake in the issue — and thus a “right” of some sort — but there’s no accepted, overarching principle that determines with whom you must share a bathroom. A local majority may need to rule in such cases, but someone will always be unhappy with the result, especially if the relevant decision-makers are far away, protected from the consequences.

For Washington pols to insist that, say, teenage girls in a small town in downstate Illinois accept as a bathroom mate a child who appears to be a boy is an act of extraordinary chutzpah. The girls’ refusal to do so does not necessarily reflect malevolent discrimination; it may simply be an understandable reaction to basic biology. Politicians have no right to impose their particular agenda.

Of course, differing opinions don’t justify ignoring the interests of those in the midst of gender change, whether it involves surgery or not. Access to a bathroom is critical for almost everything people do — going to school, working outside your home, going shopping, and traveling. Some kind of accommodation should be made. But what kind?

Again, there’s no single solution that fits every public establishment, let alone private entity, across the country. Larger buildings could offer more options, such as separate bathrooms, like family-friendly single facilities. Communities and student bodies differ in attitudes and openness. Even those who are transgender may desire different outcomes in different circumstances.

Most important, all participants need to demonstrate understanding and sensitivity. No one of goodwill wants to add to the distress of someone changing gender. At the same time, those going through the process should not try to use government to impose their preference on schoolmates, neighbors, coworkers, and others. People should look for alternatives and compromises to work it out. Compromise, compassion, private property rights, and decentralized decision-making are enough to resolve this issue.

Politicians already control education, manage health care, provide social services, and underwrite businesses — and now they even decide who should use which bathroom. It’s time to return life’s most important decisions to the people. A good place to start would be keeping government out of our bathrooms.

Doug BandowDoug Bandow

Doug Bandow is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and the author of a number of books on economics and politics. He writes regularly on military non-interventionism.


New Democrat Party: The Red-Green-Rainbow Troika

What will happen when a Muslim girl showers with a male who thinks he’s a girl?

Three reasons why Trump’s support of transgender bathrooms is wrong

EDITORS NOTE: Congressman Vern Buchanan (FL-District 16) did an email survey of constituents on the issue of transgender bathrooms. Here is the question and responses as of May 16th, 2016:

Do you support the new Obama administration directive requiring all public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms of their choice?
  • Strongly support
  • Somewhat support
  • Somewhat oppose
  • Strongly oppose

What will happen when a Muslim girl showers with a male who thinks he’s a girl?

After all, you have to laugh sometimes! Our reader domstudent11 posed this little query which demonstrates so hilariously how the Left will tie itself into knots with its political correctness nonsense!

From domstudent11:

restroom sign

Here’s what baffles me: at the same time that Obama is suing North Carolina for it’s “bathroom” law and trying to bully schools into mingling boys and girls in bathrooms and locker rooms, he is “importing” thousands of Muslims who would find it permissible to attack a non-relative male seen with any of their women.

What does he think will happen when Muslim girls are forced to shower with males who “think” they are female?

What does he think will happen when a Muslim husband sees a man (who “feels” like a woman) following his wife into a public restroom?

The only solution I can see is that public facilities and schools will be expected to provide an additional bathroom/locker room for Muslim girls only. Muslim boys would be free, of course, to share the facilities with infidel girls (if they are feeling like girls on any given day). Fair isn’t it?  Other suggestions?

This post is archived in our ‘Comments worth noting’ category, here.

Afterthought: Where is the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) on Obama’s bathroom policy?


liberal logis gays mulim islamophobia graphic

EDITORS NOTE: Here are passages from the Qur’an and Hadith on sodomy:

“Do you approach males among the worlds. And leave what your Lord has created for you as mates? But you are a people transgressing.” They said, “If you do not desist, O Lot, you will surely be of those evicted.” He said, “Indeed, I am, toward your deed, of those who detest [it].” — Quran, Sura 26 (Ash-Shu’ara), 165-168

And [mention] Lot, when he said to his people, “Do you commit immorality while you are seeing? Do you indeed approach men with desire instead of women? Rather, you are a people behaving ignorantly.” — Quran, Sura 27 (An-Naml), 54-55

“If you find someone doing the deed of the people of Lot, then execute the doer and the one to whom it was done.” reported by Ibn Abbas, Book of Legal Punishment, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Book 17, Hadith 40 [Number 1456], Hasan.

Those who commit unlawful sexual intercourse of your women – bring against them four [witnesses] from among you. And if they testify, confine the guilty women to houses until death takes them or Allah ordains for them [another] way. And the two who commit it among you, dishonor them both. But if they repent and correct themselves, leave them alone. Indeed, Allah is ever Accepting of repentance and Merciful. — Quran, Sura 4 (An-Nisa), 15-16

Here are passages from the Qur’an on the roles of men and women:

Quran (4:34)“Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them.”

Quran (2:228)“and the men are a degree above them”

Quran (33:59)“Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them…” Men determine how women dress.

Quran (33:33)“And abide quietly in your homes…” Women are confined to their homes except when they have permission to go out.

Quran (2:223)“Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will.” Wives are to be sexually available to their husbands in all ways at all times. They serve their husbands at his command. This verse is believed to refer to anal sex (see Bukhari 60:51), and was “revealed” when women complained to Muhammad about the practice. The phrase “when and how you will” means that they lost their case.

Quran (66:5)“Maybe, his Lord, if he divorce you, will give him in your place wives better than you, submissive, faithful, obedient, penitent, adorers, fasters, widows and virgins” A disobedient wife can be replaced.

London Muslim mayor: ‘Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe’

Well, that didn’t take long. London elects a Muslim who opposes “extremism” as mayor, and almost immediately he issues a veiled threat: Trump must drop his “ignorant view of Islam,” i.e., he must change his stance regarding Muslim immigration, or else the U.S. and the U.K. will be less safe. So a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration in order to try to prevent jihad terror attacks in the U.S. will only lead to jihad terror attacks in the U.S. Khan is in effect saying “Let Muslims in — or else.” Yet letting in Muslim immigrants, in light of the fact that there is no way to distinguish jihadis from peaceful Muslims, will also lead to jihad terror attacks.

Also, what “ignorant view of Islam” has Donald Trump ever expressed? He has simply made the quite sensible and true observation that there is no way to keep jihadis out while letting Muslims in. Can Sadiq Khan dispute that? Would he even care to?

What an interesting statement, in any case: for Khan, ignorance of Islam is unsafe. One must have “knowledge” of Islam, that is, one must adhere to the politically correct Islam-Is-Peace and Muslims-Are-Victims line in order to be safe.

The implications of this are far-reaching. Presumably then to point out that Islam has doctrines mandating warfare against unbelievers and their subjugation renders one unsafe — and unsafe in what way? Why, it makes you liable to be attacked by Muslims who are enraged because you don’t believe Islam is peaceful. So for Khan, one must believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace, or risk being attacked by violent Muslims.


Sadiq Khan

“London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America,” by Blake Neff, Daily Caller, May 10, 2016 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

…“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

While Khan touted the liberal values of British Muslims, some polls have found worrying indicators that their assimilation is incomplete. A poll in April, for instance, found that two-thirds of British Muslims would not tell the government if a friend or family member became involved with extremists. Half of them said homosexuality should be illegal and over 20 percent supported establishing sharia in the U.K.


As Iran repeats that US is its chief enemy, Kerry tries to drum up some business in Europe for Iran

Germany: Muslim migrant sexually assaults 6-year-old boy in changing room


I am Barack Obama

It’s always hard coming out. But it’s even harder not being true to yourself. So, inspired by Bruce Jenner and other intrepid souls, I’ve decided to finally start living the life I was meant to:


Image is courtesy of FreakingNews.com.

I identify as Barack Obama.

Oh, I can hear the cynical statements now. “Duke, your I.Q. is 50 points too high.” “Duke, you can speak fluently without a Teleprompter.” “Duke, you know there aren’t 60 states and can pronounce “corpsman.” “Duke, you’re melanin compromised.” All these things are inconsequential details, the stuff of tiresome prigs — sort of like genitalia on a man.

Given my identity, compassion dictates I be allowed to use the bathroom of my choice. My preferred bathroom happens to be in the White House. The same is true of my preferred bedroom, kitchen, living room, Blue Room, Green Room and Map Room; and my preferred chef, servants and security detail. I’ll have my preferred executive orders, too.

Some backward thinkers will insist I use the facilities appropriate to my station; others, thinking themselves reasonable, will offer to paint my place white and erect four majestic columns at its entrance. To them I will say, you’re insensitive, bigoted, narrow-minded, unscientific, ambition-phobic racists who should be killed with fire. As with the children and youths for whom the Obama administration (my administration) has so courageously taken up the cudgels, it is unconscionable to suggest I shouldn’t be allowed to use the facilities consistent with my identity.

Many, though, in the grip of white “male” (whatever that is) linear thinking, will dismiss my righteous claim by flippantly saying I’m not Barack Obama. Well, this is my reality — not yours. As American Thinker’s James Arlandson recently pointed out, philosopher Immanuel Kant informed that “we can’t know the ‘thing-in-itself’ without our mind filtering it.” Fellow enlightener Friedrich Nietzsche further clarified that “[e]verything is Interpretation: … Against those who say ‘There are only facts,’ I say, ‘No, facts are precisely what there is not, only interpretations.’ We cannot establish any fact in itself.”

And my own personal, provisional fact is that I have strong and persistent feelings I’m really Barack Obama. If you say feelings aren’t facts, you’re not paying attention.

Everything is relative to a reality that isn’t really there.

Besides, don’t be an unscientific fascist. When a born-male sentient biped informs us he’s really a girl — which is now old hat and needn’t even be questioned — rightful deference is shown to his reality because, as PsychCentral.com puts it, he has exhibited “gender dysphoria,” which is defined by “strong and persistent cross-gender identification.” Oh, I know you’ve heard that intrauterine anomalies might cause the brain of a developing XY-biped to not be fully masculinized. Ze may then end up with a “female brain.” Of course, a recent scientific study purports to have debunked the very notion of male and female brains, but it doesn’t matter.

There is no brain scan used to confirm the “realness” of a gender dysphoria diagnosis.

There’s no genetic test used.

There’s no hormonal test.

There’s no medical test of any kind.

Rather, the diagnosis is based, again, on strong and persistent cross-gender identification — on strong and persistent feelings — lasting for more than six months, that you’re really, deep down, a member of the social construction fascists call “the opposite sex.”

So don’t waste time telling me a brain scan would reveal that I don’t have the gray matter of a Barack Obama, that my brain is in a considerably more used condition. Don’t tell me that “status dysphoria” is a mental disorder. I have feelings, too. And my feelings say I’m what fascists call “the guy I voted for.”

The point is that, scientifically, there’s every bit as much medical proof a trans-status biped such as me is Barack Obama as there is that a “transgender” person is an opposite-sex member. Ze’s stuck in the wrong body — I’m stuck in the wrong position.

Our trans-status and transgender diagnostic methods would constitute malpractice in any other branch of medicine, you say? You may claim that recommending someone for “sexual-reassignment surgery” based on a gender dysphoria diagnosis is akin to a patient exclaiming to a cardiologist, “Doc, I have strong and persistent feelings I have heart disease! I need a bypass!” and the physician responding, “Have they lasted for more than six months? Yeah? Okay, well, medical tests show no signs of arteriosclerosis. But, what the heck, I’ll cut your chest open.” My response to this line of what fascists call reasoning is, you’re an insensitive, bigoted, narrow-minded, unscientific, ambition-phobic racist who should be killed with fire.

And be warned, we trans-statuses and transgenders will have many allies in our bonfire of the insanities. Psychologists also define something called “species dysphoria,” which is when an individual identifies as a different kind of creature. Examples of people brave enough to live as their true animal selves may be Texas resident Wolfie Blackheart, who insists “I am a canine”; and a Norwegian woman called “Nano” who says she’s a cat. (Question: if Wolfie and Nano met, would they fight like…well, you know? And would they identify it as a catfight?)

Note also, there’s every bit as much scientific evidence of trans-status’ and transgender’s validity as there is of trans-species’ validity.

In our camp also should be those with Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID). These people insist that one or more body parts, such as their legs or eyes, don’t belong on/in their bodies. Not only have some mutilated or blinded themselves on this basis, but there are enlightened physicians who, respecting these patients’ identity, have agreed to perform amputations. And why not? Remove what’s between your legs — remove your legs — whatever makes you happy.

And remember, there’s every bit as much scientific evidence of trans-status’, transgender’s and trans-species’ validity as there is evidence that a BIID biped really should be a no-ped. Feelings über alles.

So I am Barack Obama. At least, that is, until January 20, 2017, at which time I may identify as Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. And they’re coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-ha. Or are they coming to take you away, bigoted, narrow-minded, unscientific, ambition-phobic racists who should be killed with fire? That all depends on the outcome of these refreshingly fact-free culture wars.

May the strongest feelings win.


Anything You Can Sue, I Can Sue Better!

EXCLUSIVE: Catholic university employee suspended for ‘denying transgenderism’ shares her side

EDITORS NOTE: Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com The featured image is courtesy of FreakingNews.com.

It Wasn’t Broke, so they Shouldn’t Have Fixed It

The United States of America used to be a nation where things got done.  No matter what the challenge, everything from natural disasters to overcoming negative civic and political issues, the normal inclination was to start over and get it right.  If something was working just fine, usually common sense dictated it was to be left alone, at least until a superior method of operation was developed.

Take the United States of America for example.  She was founded upon superior values and principles.  Some of which included the supreme right of sovereign individuals to live according to their own God or self-directed path.  For the first time in human history, the United states was comprised of a set of economic principles and personal liberties that obliterated the worldwide concepts of government domination, or an equally abusive caste system.  Those dominated by cradle to grave government or a monarchy simply existed from day to day and were under the strain of not having enough to eat. That was only one of many problems people suffered with no way out.

Venezuela is a nation that at one time was fairly prosperous and the citizenry usually had more than enough to eat.  But in more recent years, cruel communist dictators with no respect toward individual rights have enacted brutal economic, property, religious, healthcare, agricultural, education and media controls brought that onetime prosperous to a screeching halt.  In fact, Venezuela has not only been halted, but in actuality, she is hurtling backwards.  People have been rioting in the streets, seeking the last vestiges of food supplies to raid do to abusive government induced starvation.

Venezuela is a perfect text book case of what the United States should not be doing.

America the beautiful has been generally blessed with a system of market based economic principles that favored equal opportunity for those willing to work for it.  Unfortunately, in more recent decades, the already difficult job of creating opportunities and benefiting for your labor has been hampered by brutal government intrusions via regulations. So now they make it impossible for America to win on the world economic stage.

Either purposely or through sheer ignorance, America’s course of direction has steadily drifted from a free market economy based upon reward for effort, into punishment for trying.  At every turn, small business owners are treated by government like they are criminals for simply attempting to be successful.  Many local and state governments throughout the union are horrendously hard on small business owners.  They often enact unfairly high taxes or fees on everything from waste baskets, to needed equipment.

Even the big boys are being choked out of the American economy.  Eaton Corporation of Cleveland recently announced a world headquarters more to Ireland.  Carrier, the giant air conditioning manufacturer will soon leave business friendly Indiana and move to Mexico.  The reason being, the highest corporate tax rate on earth and regulations that are much to oppressive.

The government goal of forcing equal results through redistribution of wealth and artificial increases in the minimum wage will continue to cause reductions in the number of entry level jobs.  Unfortunately, those are most needed by both teenagers just starting out and lower skilled older adults.  These efforts to fix what was not broken help drastically affected America.  She evolved from being the world’s manufacturing floor and most innovative economy into an increasingly undesirable place to conduct business activities.

As a result of fixing what was not broken, America is now broken financially, morally, economically, militarily, educationally and racially.  She can only be truly repaired now, by a concerted effort reestablish the enormously successful principles the Founding Fathers enacted long ago. They include a firm recognition of the unalienable God given rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness and or Property.  There also has to be an immediate working plan to reduce the enormous economic and Constitution violating federal government.

For the good of the future of our republic and to truly fix America, now that she has been broken, the importance of real education must not be overlooked.  What is taught to one generation dictates what direction the nation takes in the next.  Our current broken state can be fixed with a genuine return to high quality education, critical thinking, and true American history.

Last but not least, America’s first president George Washington along with the majority of the Founding Fathers had an unyielding faith in the God who shed his grace upon the United States.  They left warnings of the negative consequences we are witnessing today, if our republic turned away from the ways of God.  However, I firmly believe that if America (We the People) wisely seeks God’s forgiveness and repent of her wayward ways, she will once again be the glorious shining city on a hill nation under God, Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all.

RELATED ARTICLE: How Washington Politicians Wasted Billions Trying to ‘Invest in Our Future’

Kenya closing refugee camps! Will the U.S. be expected to take more Muslims? You betcha!

dadaab cholera

Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya.

A very large number of the Somali refugees arriving in the U.S. come from camps, like Dadaab, in Kenya.  If Kenya goes through with closing the camps this time (they threatened it a year ago, but they look more serious now), you can bet we will be expected to take even more!

We are taking Somalis at the rate of 750 a month right now, see here.

Before you read the story, visit the State Department Data base here and then click on this:

You will see that Kenya is our second highest processing country.  We don’t take Kenyans so surely most of these are Somalis from camps there.  The top three processing sites in the world all involve Muslim ‘refugees.’

The numbers in parenthesis are those we admitted to the US from those locations in 7 months:

Malaysia (4,694)

Kenya (3,280)

Turkey (2,692)

From Deutsche Welle (I don’t blame Kenya one bit!):

The Kenyan government has announced the closure of two refugee camps, including one of the world’s biggest, citing financial challenges and a lack of security. Rights groups have condemned the closure plan.

On Friday, Kenyan authorities said the camps were having an adverse affect on the country’s economy. Officials said the international community should take responsibility for the humanitarian needs of the refugees.

Kenya has hosted refugees for nearly 25 years, with a number of its neighboring East African countries facing protracted civil wars.

The government also disbanded the Department of Refugee Affairs, which worked with humanitarian organizations for the welfare of the refugees.

“The government of the Republic of Kenya, having taken into consideration its national security interests, has decided that hosting of refugees has to come to an end,” said a statement released by Interior Ministry official Karanja Kibicho.


The camps that will be shut down are Daadab and Kakuma. There are more than 328,000 refugees in the Daadab refugee camp in eastern Kenya – mostly the Somali refugees escaping an al-Shabab-led Islamist insurgency in their country. The Kakuma camp hosts 190,000 refugees, mostly from South Sudan.

Continue reading here.

The article goes on to say that rights activists think Kenya should integrate these hundreds of thousands of Somalis etc.  Well, gee, what would happen to Kenya and Kenyans then? Kenya would turn into an expansion of Somalia!

Finally, you should know that the Somali government is encouraging the return of Somalis to rebuild their country, here.  It just isn’t fast enough for the Kenyans!


First major western city elects Muslim mayor (who loves refugees)

Kerry slams Trump’s wall, tells grads to prepare for ‘borderless world’

Little Lewiston, ME has 34 languages in the school system!

Thousands demonstrate against Merkel refugee policy in Berlin

They must be getting ready to seed Syrian refugees into Billings, MT

Human Rights First wants to prove to the world that we aren’t bigots (then they will love us!)

Judge releases Somali ‘asylum seeker’ even though ORR said he was an adult, not a teen

Bowling Green, KY nervous about planned Syrian resettlement

Epic Failure: Hillary’s ‘Smart Diplomacy/Smart Power’ Foreign Policy

Hillary Clinton implemented a “smart power” approach to foreign policy and international diplomacy as Secretary of State to harness, as she called it, “American engagement, other than unilateralism and the so-called boots on the ground.”  She defined “smart power” as a combination of strategies and tools – including diplomatic, economic, political, legal, cultural and military coalitions as a last resort – in unique combination as defined for each situation. Clinton’s “smart power” approach modernized American diplomacy for the 21st century, rebuilt America’s standing in the world, better engaged technology and led to tangible, lasting results. – Correct The Record

But is America’s standing in the world better?

Hillary Clinton during her Senate confirmation hearing to become President Obama’s Secretary of State made these statements:

  1. “I use the phrase smart power “because I thought we had to have another way of talking about American engagement, other than unilateralism and the so-called boots on the ground.”
  2. “For me, smart power meant choosing the right combination of tools – diplomatic, economic, military, political, legal, and cultural – for each situation.”
  3. The objectives of using a smart-power approach and rebuilding America’s standing meshed perfectly.”

obama-and-clinton1The epic failure of Obama’s smart diplomacy/smart power foreign policy implemented by Hillary Clinton is due to the existing Countering Violent Extremism doctrine. As Robert Spencer notes:

“Obama’s CVE policies were developed in 2011 specifically at the demand of U.S. Muslim groups. Now, the very same Islamic groups that demanded CVE are some of its loudest opponents. They claim that the administration is promoting ‘Islamophobia’ through their programs.” They want no resistance to jihad terror at all — which should be revealing to the authorities who give them access and influence. But it isn’t.

“Having intentionally purged the DOD’s training of any ability to define the enemy, America’s top warriors admit they have lost any ability to identify, and then defeat, the enemy.”

Read more.

In this video Bill Little takes a look at how smart diplomacy/smart power has fared during the Obama administration. Of course Hillary was the person who “reset” America’s foreign policy. Listen to Little’s analysis:


Kerry slams Trump’s wall, tells grads to prepare for ‘borderless world’

Federal Court Allows Discovery to Begin in Clinton Email Case

U.S.-Funded Study: Mass Immigration from Mexico Ended, Border Enforcement Has Backfired

More Hillary Emails That Were Hidden From State Department Probe Uncovered

Clinton and Trump: Where to they stand on Islamism?

EDITORS NOTE: The adjusted featured image is courtesy of Correct The Record.

Iran hosts terrorist delegation to expand the war against Israel

Will a Labour Party representative be present?

In any case, there is no doubt that Iran, flush with cash courtesy Barack Obama, will find a few ways to strengthen the intifada.

Palestinian jihadi

Palestinian terrorist.

“Islamic Jihad delegation visits Iran to ‘discuss ways to strengthen intifada,’” by Maayan Groisman, Jerusalem Post, May 1, 2016 (thanks to Lookmann):

Islamic Jihad representatives are visiting Iran to discuss ways to strengthen the intifada in the West Bank and Jerusalem, Palestinian media reported on Sunday.

The delegation, headed by the organization’s Secretary- General Ramadan Abdullah, will visit Iran for a few days, according to a statement issued by the terrorist organization.

The delegation will meet Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani, Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani and Supreme National Security Council chief Ali Shamkhani.

Islamic Jihad announced that “the delegation visiting Tehran has met with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, as well as other senior Iranian officials.”

In these meetings, the parties discussed the circumstances prevailing in the Islamic world and especially the issue of Palestine and the ways to bolster the intifada in the West Bank and Jerusalem against “Zionist expansionism.”

Additional subjects discussed were the attempts to “Judaize al-Aksa mosque” and the need to support the steadfastness of Gazans in light of the 10-year blockade.

In a press statement, Islamic Jihad’s secretary-general underscored the importance of Iran’s support for the Palestinian people, and expressed chagrin over what he called “the Arab indifference toward Palestine and its oppressed people.”

Ali Akbar Velayati, the head of the Strategic Research Center of Iran’s Expediency Council, met with Abdullah on Saturday.

Velayati told the Islamic Jihad leader that “the West’s attempts to divide the Islamic world will fail. Iran will support the Palestinian people and continue fighting against terror and the Zionist entity, together with all Muslim states.”…

Not that this has anything to do with, you know, Islam.


Russia: Explosives found in illegal mosque, detonated by authorities

U.S. Muslims recruiting for Islamic State in Syria killed in airstrike

Jihad Defined

Islamic scholarship divides the world in two: the House of Islam (dar al-Islam, nations ruled by Sharia law) and the House of War (dar al-harb, nations in rebellion against Allah). It is incumbent on dar al-Islam to make war upon dar al-harb until all nations submit to the will of Allah and accept Sharia law.

“He it is who has sent His Messenger (Mohammed) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam) to make it victorious over all religions even though the infidels may resist.” — Koran 61:9.

Jihad is the force that gives Islam meaning.

In his book, Lights Out: Free Speech, Islam and the Twilight of the West, Mark Steyn wrote: “These are the books we will never read, the plays we will never see, the movies that will never be made… The lamps are going out all over the world – one distributor, one publisher, one silenced novelist, one cartoonist in hiding, one sued radio host, one murdered film director at a time.” Preventing free speech worldwide is Jihad,but the Jewish people are Islam’s perpetual target.

In the 7th century, the prophet Mohammad struck the infamous ten-year hudna, with the Quraysh tribe of Mecca, who rejected his claim of prophethood. He broke the agreement over a minor infraction, conquered Mecca, and extirpated the last remaining major tribe of Jews in Medina, the Qurayza, because they rebuffed his faith. Preferring bloodshed to mercy, Mohammad’s 3,000 Muslims set the paradigm of merciless inhumanity for future generations. The brutal annihilation of entire communities is Jihad, and modern-day Israel remains in the spotlight of Islam and her many accomplices.

Allah endorses Islam in battle, celebrates slaughter and enslavement (Sura 33:25-27), and sanctions the capture and beheading of Jews and plundering their property. Jewish experience has shown that Land for Peace has brought nothing but violence and bloodshed from their Muslim neighbors. The concept cannot succeed because land is not returned when the peace agreement fails and becomes a base of operations against Israel.

Truces and treaties with Islamic regimes is another opportunity for Jihad. 

A similar spirit now infects the nations. The Jews have been a presence in the Golan Heights since Biblical times. After many attacks by Syria, Israel won and, in 1979, Syria signed a disengagement agreement; Israel then democratized the Golan Heights. Although Syria continues supporting terrorism, the Golan is flourishing under Israeli civilian law – with infrastructure, electrical and water services, agricultural improvements and job training, and health clinics for 46,000 Jewish and Druze residents. Israel’s protection has brought welfare and social security programs, schools, freedom of worship, industry and tourism. Yet now, Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Syria and the UN are calling for the return of the Golan to Syria. While thousands of people are being massacred in Syria, the UN Security Council together with Israel’s enemies are focused on Israel.

Intimidation and coercion for land is Jihad.

Again joining the Jihad war of 1948/49 to enlarge her territory, Jordan occupied Judea, received Samaria from Iraq (renaming the region West Bank), and expelled the Palestinian activists. Another Arab attack against Israel in 1967 became what is now known as the Six Day War, in which Israel regained Judea and Samaria. These wars had nothing to do with Palestinians, yet Obama and Putin are now demanding that Israel abandon the area to the Palestinians.

Betrayal by unreliable “allies” is Jihad.   

Although Israel is the only homeland for the Jewish people and the only nation whose values and deeds help other countries through every form of natural disaster, and provide agricultural advancements, hi-tech and medical innovation and treatments for even her enemy; and although Mahmoud Abbas brought his wife to Tel Aviv for surgery, and his brother chose an Israeli medical center for his cancer treatment, the Palestinian leader continues the war of lies against Israel. And the world continues to accuse Israel of her enemies’ depravities.

False judgment is Jihad.

Israel’s permanent mission to the US and the organization, StandWithUs, submitted a thirteen-panel exhibition, Israel Matters, to the UN in early April, ‘16. The Jerusalem Panel describes the Jewish people as indigenous to Israel, the city as the focus of Jewish life and religion for three millennia, and its holiness to Christians and Muslims. The Arab-Israel Panel describes Arabs as the largest minority (20+ percent) in Israel and as equal citizens under the law in Israel. The Zionism Panel defines “the liberation movement of the Jewish people . . . to overcome 1,900 years of oppression and regain self-determination in their indigenous homeland.” However, Israel was told by the UN Department of Political Affairs that these three Panels were censored for being “inappropriate.”

Suppression of the truth is Jihad. 

The next step after suppression of truth is the invention of a false narrative. The most recent resolution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is their de-legitimization of Israel, calling Israel an “occupying power” and giving Arabic names to the Temple Mount and Western Wall, the Jewish holiest site. Thus, they deny the Jewish attachment to the Temple Mount, and ban Jewish worship on the Mount, falsely claiming that Israel is threatening to prohibit prayer to Muslims so as to incite continued deadly attacks by Palestinian. The UN is also planning an egalitarian prayer service space near Robinson’s Arch with restricted access to the site during Muslim holidays (destined for full restriction of all dhimmis).

Supporting or inventing a false narrative is Jihad.

Other UN condemnations include Israel’s blockade against Hamas-controlled Gaza and Israel’s control over her historic landmarks, the Tomb of the Patriarch and Rachel’s Tomb, which the UN is renaming and usurping for Palestinians. The UN calls for stopping Israel’s historic excavations, which continues to yield evidence of Jewish history, while never denouncing Palestinians’ continuous destruction of archaeological artifacts beneath the Al Aqsa mosque compound.

Destroying Israel’s history is the Machiavellian strategy of Jihad. 

The Pentagon has just approved aggressive American airstrikes against the Islamic State, disregarding civilian casualties or the “proportional force” concept. Yet this very disproportionate defense is a frequent accusation against Israel, despite her more serious threat from Hamas and their use of women and children as shields. Although verification of Israel’s extraordinary care and morality exists, the Obama administration invariably faults Israel for “excessive” collateral damage – sheer hypocrisy and, worst of all, destroying Israel’s credibility is Jihad.

Closer to home, anti-Israel activity on American college campuses includes Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns in an effort to isolate, delegitimize, and dismantle Israel, using a tactic of falsely accusing the State of Israel of apartheidism. Additionally, two American academic associations, the American Studies Association and the Asian American Studies Association, passed resolutions to boycott Israel.

Boycotts against democratic Israel, but not against despotic regimes, is Jihad.

HarperCollins, publishing giant, omitted Israel from its Middle East map, a powerful tool in delegitimization, saying their maps would otherwise not have been acceptable to their customers. A subsidiary, Collins Bartholomew published its Primary Geography Atlas for the Middle East, without Israel, and its fallacious Palestinian Narrative of History. Thea Stilton and the Blue Scarab Hunt, published by Scholastic, also contains a map without Israel. Palestinian textbooks make no mention of Israel and NPR (National Public Radio) omitted Israel from its Middle East map, labeling it Palestine instead. Denying Israel’s existence is Jihad.

To collaborate with Jihadists is to become one.

Obama’s Illegal Aliens Disguised as Refugees

Below is the press release from the Center for Immigration Studies this morning.  In fact this effort to expand the definition of who is a refugee is going on world wide as so-called ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’ (largely teenage boys) are also flooding into Europe. It is not a coincidence!

Teenage boys Texas

Unaccompanied Alien Children arrive at U.S. border in 2014.

For nearly 9 years I’ve watched the definition of the word ‘refugee’ be stretched like a rubber band until now most in the media think that anyone on the move for any reason is a refugee!

But, that is exactly what the No-Borders gang is pushing for.  When you read this remember that a legitimate refugee must prove that he/she has been persecuted for one of several reasons (such as race, religion, political persuasion).

Someone running from crime and wanting a better life does NOT a refugee make!

WASHINGTON, DC (May 2, 2016) — The Center for Immigration Studies has released a new report, “Welcoming Unaccompanied Alien Children to the United States”, analyzing the Obama administration’s persistent efforts to relocate the children of Central American illegal aliens to the United States. The report is online at http://cis.org/Welcoming-Unaccompanied-Alien-Children-to-the-United-States.

When the illegal flow of mostly teen-age boys from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador across the border reached record levels in 2014, the administration at first tried to arrange for them to stay by presenting them as victims of trafficking. But for the immigration benefits of being trafficked to apply, there must be coercion and exploitation; this was not the case.


Next, the administration established the Central American Minors Refugee/Parole Program, to fly the young people directly to the United States. But this program requires that the family members to whom the children are delivered have some form of legal status in the U.S. Because the majority of the minors’ family members in the U.S. are illegal immigrants, the program has not been widely used.

Thus the latest initiative: a new “family reunification program” specifically designed for illegal aliens and their children. In collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the administration is planning to enable illegal aliens to have their children brought to them in the U.S., with the minors labelled as “refugees.” However, by the UN’s own admission most of these children do not qualify as refugees.

The cost to American taxpayers of reuniting illegal aliens with the children they left behind is substantial. The FY 2017 budget request for the Unaccompanied Children (UC) program totals $1.321 billion, making the cost for one UAC likely to be more than $17,000. This is more than double the cost per UAC in 2010.

Nayla Rush, a senior researcher at the Center and author of the report, writes: “We can empathize with children wishing to reunite with family members who make it to the United States before them. … We can also, however, question this administration’s policies and motives and wonder if it is in the best interest of the American people to welcome these children here. … We might even call this program what it really is: a family reunification program specially crafted for illegal aliens and their children under the cover of refugee resettlement.”

(Emphasis mine)

Go here for our very extensive archive on the problem (originally archived as Unaccompanied minors).


Trump Versus a Bi-Partisan Liberal Establishment: The Trade-Immigration Connection

NAFTA Raises Its Ugly Head: Mexico Set to Dump Toxic Oil Field Waste into Texas

Launching from Libya! When weather breaks expect “hundreds of thousands” of migrants to make their move

Too funny! Mayor of Rutland, VT says we got our heroin epidemic under control, so now let’s take some Syrian refugees

Syrians in Greece picky about where they will go, reject Ireland

Tiny Nebraska town says no to chicken plant (migrant labor one important objection)

Iran to build seven new nuclear plants by 2020

A country whose leaders constantly make its citizens scream “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.” What could possibly go wrong? Nothing, of course: Barack Obama and John Kerry promised us that their nuke deal would secure peace in our time.


“Iran to Build Seven New Nuke Plants By 2020,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, April 29, 2016:

Iran is offering to help the global community construct nuclear power plants, according to a top official, who said that Iran would be home to seven new nuclear plants by 2020, according to recent remarks.

Behrouz Kamalvandi, the spokesman for Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, announced on Friday that Iran has the technology and know-how to help the world’s advanced nations construct nuclear power plants.

Iran is currently holding talks with a variety of nations aimed at cementing new deals to construct new nuclear plants, Kamalvandi was quoted as saying in the country’s state-controlled press.

“Besides Bushehr nuclear power plant and two other plants being constructed in Iran, four others will be built by 2020,” Kamalvandi announced.

Iran has been working with Russia to construct several new nuclear plants in the country.

“The Islamic Republic is pursuing a plan “to build at least one nuclear power plant every 15 years,” Kamalvandi said in separate remarks this month.

“After this stage, we will have a better opportunity in different fields, including increasing the number of power plants, and we are in talks with different countries to attain this goal,” he was quoted as saying….


Germany: Muslim teens admit bombing Sikh temple; one was in deradicalization program

Austria: Muslim teen gets 20 months for Islamic State propaganda

Kansas: Governor withdraws from federal Refugee Admissions Program…But

Hold the applause! The real test for the Governor will be if he brings a states’ rights lawsuit against the feds, which he can do now that he has withdrawn the state from the program.

But, it simply means that the US State Department/Health and Human Services and their NGO contractors will resettle refugees there anyway as they do in 12 other so-called Wilson Fish States.  See the Tennessee lawsuit.

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback listens to a reporters question during a news conference in his Statehouse office in Topeka, Kan., Monday, Jan. 9, 2012. (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner)

Governor Sam Brownback (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner)

But, will he explain why he vigorously supported the resettlement of third worlders to the country while he was a US Senator (see 2003 VDARE article), and even as recently as 2014 when he signed a letter with Grover Norquist and others to the GOP to encourage more refugee resettlement for America.

But, here is the true test for the governor—will he take the Thomas More Law Center’s offer of free legal work and file a states’ rights case against the feds once they resettle refugees in the state (expending state money in the process) against the express wishes of the governor.

Kansas citizens need to get to work — no praise for the governor (who helped get America into the fix it is in with refugees) until he takes this final step to redeem himself!  It does not require the state legislature to act as the plaintiff (TN was a special case with a refugee-supporting governor).

Don’t let him get away with saying this withdrawal is all he can do!

Governor Sam Brownback could be the plaintiff in the most important case ever to determine whether the federal government has the right to place a financial burden on state taxpayers by dropping needy third worlders into its towns and cities.

Here is the news from the Kansas City Star from yesterday (hat tip: Joanne):

Gov. Sam Brownback said Tuesday he is withdrawing Kansas from the federal government’s refugee relocation program because of security concerns.

Despite the state’s withdrawal, refugees will continue to be resettled in Kansas, federal officials said.

Brownback had already issued executive orders barring state agencies from assisting in the resettlement of refugees from Syria and other countries that posed a safety risk. The decision announced Tuesday removes the state from the program completely.

Feds to Brownback: we will shove it down your throats anyway (“welcoming” or not)!

But federal officials told Brownback that if the state withdrew, the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement would work directly with local refugee resettlement organizations and refugees would continue to come to the state.

“If the state were to cease participating in the refugee resettlement program, it would have no effect on the placement of refugees by the State Department in Kansas, or the ORR-funded benefits they can receive,” wrote Mark Greenberg with the federal Administration for Children and Families in an April 13 letter to Brownback.

Continue reading here.

Click here for our Kansas archive where we have reported on some big problems in Kansas with refugees, esp. with overload in schools systems.  And, go here to the handy list and see who the feds have hired for the seeding of Kansas.

And one more thing…..

The U.S. State Department is taking testimony right now for the FY2017  RAP program (Obama’s last refugee importation plan) and there is no reason that state officials, including this governor, couldn’t send in testimony as well!


In 2015, 19,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants Were Released From Custody

“Alternative safe pathways” could bring ten times more Syrians to your towns than first proposed

Is yours about to be a refugee ‘welcoming’ community? Call the mayor of Amarillo, TX first!

Surprise! Missoula, Montana expected to get mostly Muslim refugees after all

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Syrian refugee Ahmad al-Abboud, center, waits with his family at the International Airport of Amman, Jordan headed to Kansas City, KS on Wednesday, April 6, 2016. (AP Photo/Raad Adayleh)

VIDEO: The U.S. Military is Shrinking — the Numbers are Alarming

President Obama has fundamentally transformed the United States military from a global fighting force into a social change petri dish incapable of dealing with growing global threats from the nation states Russia, China, Iran and North Korea and even the Islamic State JV team.

The Middle East is exploding because the Obama foreign policy is based upon smart power rather than real power.

The Obama administration now seeks dialogue and engagement with those who wish to do us harm. Negotiation is part of diplomacy. What Americans see is our stature decline in an ever more dangerous world. What are enemies see is an opportunity to advance their national interests at the expense of America.

The below video by Dennis Michael Lynch explains the decline and fall of the U.S. military by the numbers and from a historical perspective.

Today our U.S. Air Force pilots are flying aircraft that are older than they are. Today the sea born U.S. Navy is commanded by officers who are much younger than the ships under their command.

Watch this short NEWSMAX TV analysis of our incredibly shrinking military:

American president Theodore Roosevelt, in a letter to Henry L. Sprague of the N.Y. City Union League Club dated January 26th, 1900, wrote, “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” This proverb advises using the tactic of caution and non-aggression, backed up by the ability to do violence if required. This proverb became Roosevelt’s foreign policy.

The greatest challenge for the next president will be restoring America’s big stick. 


Donald Trump Has a Coherent, Realist Foreign Policy

It’s a Crazy, Crazy World out There

Video on Illegal Immigration — ‘No Documents Needed’

Wayne Dupree in his column “No Documents Needed’ — This EPIC video on illegal immigration must be shared!” writes:

This Christian organization named “America Working” has put together one of the best videos to slam our lawmakers for not providing action to stop illegal immigration.

It starts out by telling you the viewer: No Action = Guilty Action

The video was put together very well and goes so much further in-depth on issues many of you probably never thought of.

Read more.

Watch “No Documents Needed”:


Buffalo, NY: Something fishy in Somali tale of woe

Heads-up Aberdeen, South Dakota! New resettlement site being proposed

Somalis arriving at the rate of 750 a month right now; will it ever end?