Orlando Muslim shooter: A registered Democrat who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State
The Fatawa Islamiyah (Islamic Verdicts) provides the Islamic ruling regarding homosexuality in Volume 6, p. 199. The Ruling on Sodomy and the Punishment Thereof states:
“What is the ruling on sodomy in Islam and what is the punishment?
“The shameful act of sodomy is one of the most repugnant of shameful acts and we seek refuge with Allah (from it). Because of it, Allah destroyed the people of Lut, peace be upon him, and punished them with a terrible punishment, turning their homes upside down and raining stones of baked clay upon them, layer upon layer, (as Allah said): “marked from your Lord and they are not ever far from the wrongdoers.”
“It has been reported from the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, that the punishment for one who does that or allows it to be done to him is that he be killed. Or, tobe burnt or to be stoned. Or, to be thrown from the highest point (mountain, tower, lofty building etc.), then to follow it with stoning.
“This is because of its corruption of morals, customs, and because of its violation of the natural human state, and because the abandonment of lawful marriage by those who practice.
“Ibn Jibreen” [Emphasis added]
More information is coming out about Omar Seddique Mateen who entered the Orlando Pulse club then slaughtered 50 homosexuals and wounded 53 others, some in critical condition.
According to records (screen shot below) from St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen was a registered Democrat who listed his race as “other.”
On April 6, 2016, Tom Trento from The United West (TUW) posted a warning about a speaker at a mosque in Orlando, Florida. The Muslim speaker stated, “Death is the sentence [for gays]. We know. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about this. Death is the sentence.” TUW then posted the video below on YouTube to warn the general public:
On June 12, 2016 Patrick Poole reported:
Sources are telling the Daily Beast that suspected killer Omar Mateen had previously been investigated by the FBI in 2013 and 2014, making this yet another “known wolf” terror attack:
Omar Mateen of Port Saint Lucie, Florida, came to the attention of federal authorities twice prior to being identified as the gunman in the Orlando nightclub mass shooting, a senior law enforcement source told The Daily Beast.
Mateen 53 people and shot more than 100 in total at the Pulse gay nightclub early Sunday morning, in the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history.The senior law enforcement source reports that Mateen became a person of interest in 2013 and again in 2014. The Federal Bureau of Investigation at one point opened an investigation into Mateen but subsequently closed the case when it produced nothing that appeared to warrant further investigation.
“He’s a known quantity,” the source said. “He’s been on the radar before.”
Mateen was a U.S. citizen; his parents are from Afghanistan, CBS News reports.
In the article Florida Pulse Gay Bar Mass Shooting was in a Gun Free Zone, Dean Weingarten reports:
It is clear that Florida law prohibits people from legally carrying guns into:
Bars are one of a long list of places that Florida establishes as gun free zones.
This is the most deadly attack by a follower of Mohammed in Florida and perhaps in the United States, to date. Some news outlets are calling Mateen homophobic. Others call him a devout Muslim.
We report, you decide.
Imam Speaking in Orlando Said Gays Must Be Killed Out of ‘Compassion’
RELATED VIDEO: Imam Musri Mosque in Orlando Funds HAMAS. Islamic Faith Based Adviser to former Florida Governor Charlie Crist in 2009 is caught funding terrorism via George Galloway, a self-admitted Hamas fundraiser, and Imam Mahdi Bray, a public Hamas supporter.