As the incomparable Daniel Greenfield puts it, #OnlyTerroristLivesMatter.” Neel Ahuja is identified in this College Fix article as “an associate professor of English, comparative literature, and geography at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.” However, UNC’s website lists him more specifically as “associate professor of postcolonial studies in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at UNC.” “Postcolonial studies”: that’s as likely to present a positive or even fair view of the United States of America as the Department of “Queer Theory” is to present a course entitled The Wisdom of Pat Robertson.
“According to Ahuja’s Blinkness rating page – which is similar to Rate My Professors but specific to Chapel Hill – he seems to be popular with his students, and received generally positive reviews. However, several students also warned not to disagree with Ahuja, especially in a graded assignment.” Of course. UNC, like virtually all major universities today, is not a center of higher learning, but a center of far-Left indoctrination, and woe unto you if you dare get out of step. UNC is a particularly ugly and virulent center of this indoctrination, employing the likes of Carl Ernst, who has won an award from the genocidally antisemitic Islamic Republic of Iran for his work on whitewashing Islamic jihad, and Omid Safi, the desperately dishonest Islamic supremacist who has since moved on to even greener dawah opportunities at nearby Duke. In any case, I’m sure that UNC’s embarrassment at having me as an alumnus is outstripped only by my disgust at having gone there. But nowhere else would the situation have been significantly different.
Of the dismal and one-sided offerings in this propaganda session masquerading as a college class, the only one I have read is The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Speaking of regrets, I was sorry I had wasted my time. The book was an extended exercise in grievance-mongering, intending to show how U.S. policies were driving thoughtful, reasonable people to become jihad terrorists. Despite the word “fundamentalist” in the title, there was little in the book about Islamic texts and teachings, and what effect they could have upon a devout believer. No, it was all the fault of the big bad U.S.
Neither Neel Ahuja nor UNC is some egregious anomaly. This is what most all college and university students are learning today, all over the country. How will that work out in twenty or thirty years, unless there is some massive change? With a country voluntarily surrendered to and subjugated by its enemies — delivered over to them by leaders who didn’t think there was, in America and Judeo-Christian civilization, anything worth defending.
“UNC’s ‘Literature of 9/11’ course sympathizes with terrorists, paints U.S. as imperialistic,” by Alec Dent, The College Fix, August 28, 2015 (thanks to Elizabeth):
An English class offered at UNC Chapel Hill this fall called “Literature of 9/11” explores the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks from the perspective of radical Islamists and those who view America as an imperialist nation.
The reading assignments for the class, which includes poems, memoirs and graphic novels, present terrorists in a sympathetic light and American political leaders as greedy, war hungry and corrupt, according to a review by The College Fix.
The readings mostly focus on justifying the actions of terrorists – painting them as fighting against an American regime, or mistaken idealists, or good people just trying to do what they deem right. None of the readings assigned in the freshman seminar present the Sept. 11 attacks from the perspective of those who died or from American families who lost loved ones.
“ENGL 72: Literature of 9/11” is taught by Neel Ahuja, an associate professor of English, comparative literature, and geography at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill….
As for “Literature of 9/11,” its online description states it aims to “explore representations of the 9/11 attacks and their aftermath in literature and popular culture.”To that end, the class covers a wide variety of readings, according to a list detailed by the campus bookstore’s website.
In the Shadow of No Towers by Speigelman
Poems from Guantanamo: Detainees Speak by Falkoff
Reluctant Fundamentalist by Hamid
Sand Opera by Metres
Sirens of Baghdad (Trans Cullen) by Khadra
Stuff Happens by Hare
In the Shadow of No Towers is a collection of 9/11 comics by celebrated graphic artist Art Speigelman, who witnessed the attacks from his home in lower Manhattan. None of his family died in the attack, but Speigelman told Democracy Now he felt anger at how the incident was turned into a patriotic rallying cry, and his Towers work is an extension of those emotions.
The horrors his family survived that morning “were only the beginning for Spiegelman, as his anguish was quickly displaced by fury at the U.S. government, which shamelessly co-opted the events for its own preconceived agenda,” according to the book’s Amazon description.
Poems from Guantanamo: Detainees Speak is a collection of poems penned by Guantanamo detainees; The Reluctant Fundamentalist is the fictional tale of a successful Pakistani in America who gradually comes to believe America is imperialistic and evil; Sand Opera is a collection of poems on torture, race and war; The Sirens of Baghdad is a thriller depicting a good man turning into a terrorist; and Stuff Happens – taking a line from Donald Rumsfeld – is an anti-war, anti-government, anti-military play that mixes fact with fiction in its dramatic interpretation of the decision to invade Iraq.
According to the course’s online description, “following an introduction to the concept of terrorism and to the production of knowledge about political violence in the fields of law, politics, religious studies, and terrorism studies, we will explore a diverse array of themes related to the 9/11 attacks and the ‘war on terror’ as depicted in memoirs, poetry, novels, public art, graphic novels, film, and music: explanations of the causes and consequences of political violence; the role of religion in public culture and state institutions; national security discourse; mourning, trauma, and public memorials; depictions of the US military in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; and the perspectives of detainees and minority communities on the attacks and their aftermath.”
According to Ahuja’s Blinkness rating page – which is similar to Rate My Professors but specific to Chapel Hill – he seems to be popular with his students, and received generally positive reviews. However, several students also warned not to disagree with Ahuja, especially in a graded assignment.
An online database of professor salaries maintained by the News & Observer states Ahuja’s annual salary is $72,100.
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EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Neel Ahuja.