Tag Archive for: Orlando

PODCAST: Orlando and the power of Social Media on Islamic Terrorism and Politics

On Saturday June 18, 2016 we interviewed journalist and author Joe Newby. Newby is co-author with investigative journalist Adina Kutnicki of the upcoming book “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad.”  He will discuss the book and the potential implications it has regarding the role of social networks on politics.

Learn more about the book here

Topics of Discussion:

  • How has Facebook treated articles concerning criticism of Islamic jihad?
  • What did Mark Zuckerberg discuss with Angela Merkel?
  • What legislation has been proposed to report terrorist activity on social networks?
  • Orlando and the Repercussions of FBI interviews with terrorist

and more . . .


Mateen checked Facebook during his jihad massacre to see if he was trending

Orlando Terrorist Worked at Company Hired by DHS to Transport Illegal Aliens

ISIS Fighter Slaughters Parents for Refusing to Hand Over Brothers

Berlin Imam Gets 2.5 Years for Glorifying ISIS

New ISIS Video: DC, New York, Orlando to Face More Attacks

Hit ISIS So Hard They Wonder Why Allah Left Them

Missoula, MT refugee arrivals could begin in August, most will be Muslims

Ryan threatens to sue Trump if he tries to enact temporary ban on Muslim migration

Paul Ryan and the Republican establishment seem determined to do two things: to elect Hillary Clinton President of the United States this November, and to make sure that nothing impedes the huge influx of Muslim migrants into the U.S.

Yet San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik had passed five separate background checks from five separate US government agencies. Ahmad al-Mohammed and one other of the jihadis who murdered 130 people in Paris in November 2015 had just entered Europe as refugees. In February 2015, the Islamic State boasted it would soon flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees. And the Lebanese Education Minister said in September 2015 that there were 20,000 jihadis among the refugees in camps in his country.

Meanwhile, 80% of migrants who have come to Europe claiming to be fleeing the war in Syria aren’t really from Syria at all. So why are they claiming to be Syrian and streaming into Europe, and now the U.S. as well? An Islamic State operative gave the answer when he boasted in September 2015, shortly after the migrant influx began, that among the flood of refugees, 4,000 Islamic State jihadis had already entered Europe. He explained their purpose: “It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world, and we will have it soon, inshallah.” These Muslims were going to Europe in the service of that caliphate: “They are going like refugees,” he said, but they were going with the plan of sowing blood and mayhem on European streets. As he told this to journalists, he smiled and said, “Just wait.”

Paul Ryan doesn’t care. He only cares that the bipartisan politically correct establishment retains its power.

“Paul Ryan says he might sue Donald Trump if he tried to enact the Muslim ban,” by Allan Smith,Business Insider, June 17, 2016:

Paul Ryan considers Donald Trump’s proposal to indefinitely ban Muslim immigration into the US to be executive overreach.

And during an interview with The Huffington Post, uploaded on Friday, the House speaker said he’d “sue any president that exceeds his or her powers.”

Ryan, who said Trump supported the separation of powers when the speaker endorsed the presumptive Republican nominee, released part of his agenda regarding executive overreach this week.

However, Ryan is not totally sure if Trump enacting a ban on Muslims entering the country would be outside of presidential authority.

“That’s a legal question that there’s a good debate about,” Ryan said, pointing to the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act. That act was meant to exclude immigrants from certain countries from coming to the US in the aftermath of World War II.

On Monday, Trump made the appeal that he could legally enact such a ban as president.

“The immigration laws of the United States give the president powers to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons,” he said at a rally. “I will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies, until we fully understand how to end these threats.”…


Maryland Gov. Hogan says he is not voting for Trump; more refugees entering MD than during Dems control

NY Times’ David Brooks: Find out how much jihad has to do with Islam by reading…The Varieties of Religious Experience

New York Times: Only “fringe interpretations of Islam” justify violence, “mainstream majority view is peaceful”

Terrorism in Florida: A Timeline From 2003 to 2016

We provide context for Sunday’s horrific massacre in Orlando by tracing a timeline of terrorism in Florida back more than ten years.

2003: Federal prosecutors indict University of South Florida professor Sami al-Arian as a leader of the Islamist terrorist group Palestinian Islamic Jihad. He eventually accepts a plea bargain and is deported to Turkey.

2009: CAIR Florida Director Hassan Shibly calls homosexuality “evil” and a “quick way to earn God’s wrath.”

2013: Cleric Sheikh Sekaleshfar gives a televised sermon at the Husseini Islamic Center Mosque of Sanford, FL. He says about homosexuality: “Death is the sentence. We know there’s nothing to be embarrassed about this, death is the sentence…We have to have that compassion for people, with homosexuals, it’s the same, out of compassion, let’s get rid of them now.”

February 2015: Vandals set fire to a Church in Melbourne, Florida, spray paint “Allahu Ackbar” and a swastika.

May 2015: Boca West Country Club cancels a Palm Beach Republican Party dinner because controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who is an outspoken opponent of Islam, had been invited to speak. They cited “safety concerns.”

September 2015: Police arrest 20-year old Joshua Goldberg in Jacksonville for a plot to bomb a 9/11 memorial. According to court documents Goldberg claimed to be in Australia and supporting ISIS, despite living in his mother’s basement in Florida.

April 2016: A 14-foot high billboard reading “Islam Bloody Islam, Doomed by its Doctrine!” is unveiled prompting criticism for blatant anti-Muslim bigotry and an international petition to take the sign down.

May 2016: A 40-year old Muslim man is arrested for an alleged plot to bomb a Florida synagogue on the Passover holiday. The court alleged he wanted to leave a note attributing the attack to ISIS.

Sunday June 12, 2016, 2 am: An Islamic State terrorist murders 49 people at the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando Florida.

Sunday June 12, 2016: CAIR-Florida Director Hassan Shibly offers “Overwhelming love and support and unity” to the LGBT community in the wake of the Orlando Shooting.


Orlando Terrorist Worked at Company Hired by DHS to Transport Illegal Aliens

ISIS Fighter Slaughters Parents for Refusing to Hand Over Brothers

Berlin Imam Gets 2.5 Years for Glorifying ISIS

New ISIS Video: DC, New York, Orlando to Face More Attacks

Hit ISIS So Hard They Wonder Why Allah Left Them

EDITORS NOTE: Eleven of the nineteen hijackers on 9/11/2001 lived in Florida. Florida is mention over 50 times in the 9/11 Commission Report. Terrorist and terrorism is part of the Sunshine State.

Breaking: Orlando shooter may have worked near Chick-fil-A

As law enforcement authorities begin to piece together evidence related to the Orlando shooting, a darker, more sinister image begins to emerge of the mass murderer. In a shocking testimony from his ex-wife, FBI investigators discovered that Omar Mateen had once worked near a Chick-fil-A, and may have visited the Creation Museum in Kentucky.

He was fine with the gay lifestyle,” said his former wife. “In fact, he even joined Gays for Allah and became a leader in the movement with a promising future.” But all that was destined to change. Omar’s ex-wife continued, “One day he came home smelling like chicken, and something in his eyes told me that he was a different man. It was like just standing outside of a Chick-fil-A made you intoxicated with the fumes of intolerance spewing out of their cookers, and he said he couldn’t live this lifestyle any more. He claimed a being he called “Cathy” would visit him and tell him he must repudiate homosexuality. He seemed confused because he thought Cathy was a man. It was then he disappeared for a week.”

Not knowing of his whereabouts during the time of his absence, Omar’s ex-wife said that wherever he had been, he came back more extreme than ever. “I was watching Bill Nye the Science Guy with my children when Omar returned. He stood still for a moment with clenched teeth and fists, and then he darted into the bedroom. Before we knew what was happening, he returned to the living room with an assault rifle and emptied a magazine into the television set. All the while he was shouting, ‘The Ham forbids it!’ It wasn’t until a friend told me about the Bill Nye – Ken Ham debate that I realized where he had been. I was chilled. It was then I knew I had to leave before he poisoned the children with Christian doctrine and creationism.”

FBI director, James Comey, said the latest information made everything clear. “We had nothing to go on except Omar’s Muslim background, previous investigations for associating with known jihadists, claiming links with Islamic terror organizations, and his allegiance to ISIS, so we were understandably confused about his motives. Our protocol rules out Islamic terrorism, so we were certain that Islam had nothing to do with it. But once we found out he had been exposed to Christian radicalism, we knew we had found the missing piece of the puzzle. It all made sense after that, and there was this facepalm moment when we all said, ‘Of course!'”

ACLU lawyers were quicker to pinpoint the source of Omar’s hate in radical Christianity. Numerous tweets showed not only a deep understanding and expertise in Christian doctrine, but also made an ironclad connection between Christian teachings and how they inspire mass murder. “Gosh,” said an awestruck Comey, “how did they see it so fast?”

It is, of course, a matter of historical record that Islam is the religion of peace, tolerance, science, and women’s rights. Had Omar been a Muslim, such a tragedy would never have happened. To believe otherwise is to be guilty of Islamophobia, a hateful ideology the adherents of which must be stoned to death.

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by Komissar al-Blogunov originally appeared on The Peoples Cube.

Gays and Muslims: How will liberals deal with Muslims killing gays? [Video]

The Vortex talks about Orlando, Gays, Liberals and Muslims. Message: The Catholic Church wants to save gays from Hell. Islam wants to send gays to Hell.


All the victims at the gay nightclub who were murdered over the weekend need our prayers. Fifty people, 50-plus souls were on the scene, and the very next moment, they were standing before the judgment seat of Almighty God — as we all will be one day. Life can seem so certain one moment and over the next, in a twinkling of an eye. We must always be prepared to die.

The murders bring about a very interesting point of a larger discussion. The liberal alliance has brought various factions together, with one common goal: to end Catholic morality’s influence on Western civilization.

There are indeed some strange pairings in this liberal alliance: homosexualists, the Democratic Party, the mainstream media and Islam. Whatever differences Islam and liberals have, they have been willing to overlook them to join forces against the common enemy of Christianity, specifically Catholicism.

So, for example, from ISIS and the Islamic world you hear threats against Rome — loud threats, so loud that Italian army soldiers now stand at the ready fully armed with machine guns in very plain sight around the boundaries of Vatican City. And you hear from various gay groups that the Catholic Church hates gays — that we are homophobic, that we are a threat, that we need to have our non-profit status revoked, that we need to be monitored and so forth.

One point needs to become very clear to all those who wish to paint the Church as an enemy of gays: We want you saved. Islam wants you dead. And let’s be very clear: The Catholic Church wants to save gays from Hell. Islam wants to send gays to Hell.

Just last month in the Middle East, these horrific images of a man being thrown off a building to his death were released. His “crime”: being gay in a Muslim country. Again, Catholics don’t hate gays. But Islamicists do. It wasn’t Catholics throwing that man to his death. And it wasn’t a Catholic in the gay nightclub murdering dozens of same-sex-attracted men and women.

But this whole situation does pose a very difficult conundrum for the whole liberal alliance. Gays hate the Church because the Church teaches about the immorality of homosexual acts. And Islam hates the Church because it was born from a hate of the Church and has always had as its object the overthrow of Christianity.

Up until now, the liberal mainstream media has been happy to be complicit in giving Islamic terrorism a pass because it had common cause with undermining Catholicism in the culture. The liberal alliance was happy to make common cause with Islam because they had a common enemy: the Catholic Church. So whenever an Islamic terrorist murdered a group somewhere, it could be whitewashed and follow-up stories done on how Islam doesn’t really have a widely accepted notion of jihad and violence, and how the various terror acts were “isolated,” or the individual was disturbed and so forth. But Islam could never be approached as a problem in itself. That would be shooting an ally in the back.

Well, this past weekend radical Islam shot one of its own allies in the back; more than 50 souls were dispatched into eternity as a result. So now the conundrum: Random victims were not targeted but homosexual men and women. Islam hates gays and wants them dead, and this is a fact that the liberal alliance of homosexualists, Democrats and the media have simply not said out loud.

Well, now they have to.

The liberal alliance may finally have to come out and say for the whole world to hear what should be blindingly obvious to the whole world: Islam hates gays and wants them dead.

But that admission will cost the liberal alliance. For all their common cause with wanting to undermine or even eradicate Catholicism, the Church does share some core principles with Islam regarding morality. Pope John Paul II was able to use those shared beliefs about sexual morality in the U.N. Cairo Conference back in the 1990s to fend off an attempt by Western nations to embrace abortion and contraception as human rights. By working with various Islamic nations, the Church was able to beat back the initiative.

This move by the Vatican angered many Western powers who want to push sexual immorality, and the Church came into sharp focus as a threat to their new world order. So the liberal alliance of gays, news media, politicians, Hollywood, all banded together and began their relentless pounding of the Church. To the extent that Islam could be conscripted, even indirectly, all the better.

Up until Orlando, the strange alliance between gays and gay-hating Islam was able to hold. Now, it’s over — or, at least, it should be. What remains to be seen is how this will be handled or massaged in the media. Will the Muslim killer be painted as a lone extremist who does not represent “peaceful” Islam? Will media reports devolve into story after story about the need for gun control? Will the murderous action be whitewashed as an act against “Americans” and “our way of life” instead of the full-on truth that Islam hates gays and wants them dead?

Now that Islam has broken ranks with the liberal alliance by attacking a key component of it in the homosexual ideology, what remains to be seen is which enemy will the liberal alliance choose to attack more: Islam or the Catholic Church? Since Satan is behind the liberal alliance, the homosexual ideology and Islam, it’s pretty certain the Church will be the one continuing being attacked once this has all receded from the headlines.

The liberal alliance will move on with business as usual.

RELATED ARTICLE: K-12 Gender Identity Standards Surprise Some Washington Parents

The Obscene Narrative: ACLU Staff Attorney blames ‘Christian right,’ GOP for Orlando massacre

“You know what is gross — your thoughts and prayers and Islamophobia after you created this anti-queer climate,” ACLU staff attorney Chase Strangio tweeted on Sunday morning. Does the illustrious Strangio actually believe that Omar Mateen was incited to commit mass murder in the gay nightclub in Orlando by an “anti-queer climate” created by Christian conservatives? He probably does, since, as a Leftist, he knows that non-Muslims are always and everywhere to blame for atrocities that Muslims commit.

Chase Strangio

Chase Strangio

“ACLU lawyers blame ‘Christian right,’ GOP for Orlando terrorist attack,” by Joel Gehrke, Washington Examiner, June 12, 2016:

Christian conservatives are responsible for the mass shooting at a gay bar in Orlando because they “created this anti-queer climate,” according to American Civil Liberties Union attorneys.

“You know what is gross — your thoughts and prayers and Islamophobia after you created this anti-queer climate,” ACLU staff attorney Chase Strangio tweeted on Sunday morning.

About 50 people were killed last night by Omar Mateen, a U.S. citizen born to Afghan parents suspected to have “leanings toward extreme Islamic ideologies.” The FBI is investigating the attack as a “domestic terror incident.”

But Strangio — who “spend[s his] life fighting Christian homophobia while being loved & supported by [his] Muslim family” — and his colleagues connected the shooting back to Christians and Republican politicians who oppose gay marriage. “The Christian Right has introduced 200 anti-LGBT bills in the last six months and people blaming Islam for this,” Strangio tweeted. “No.”

Another ACLU attorney who specializes in religious liberty issues scolded Republican lawmakers who tweeted out their condolences. “Remember when you co-sponsored extreme, anti-LGBT First Amendment Defense Act?” the ACLU’s Eunice Rho tweetedat Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and other Republicans,

House Speaker Paul Ryan was careful not to jump to conclusions about the attacker on Sunday morning. “We pray for those brutally attacked in Orlando,” Ryan tweeted. “While we must learn more about the attacker, the victims & families will not be forgotten.”…


Trump: Obama should resign, Hillary withdraw over refusal to say “Radical Islam”

Facebook removes SIOA page; Reddit bans users who say Orlando jihadi was Muslim

Donald J. Trump statement regarding tragic terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida

Donald Trump posted the following statement on Facebook:

Last night, our nation was attacked by a radical Islamic terrorist. It was the worst terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11, and the second of its kind in 6 months. My deepest sympathy and support goes out to the victims, the wounded, and their families.

In his remarks today, President Obama disgracefully refused to even say the words ‘Radical Islam’. For that reason alone, he should step down. If Hillary Clinton, after this attack, still cannot say the two words ‘Radical Islam’ she should get out of this race for the Presidency.

If we do not get tough and smart real fast, we are not going to have a country anymore. Because our leaders are weak, I said this was going to happen – and it is only going to get worse. I am trying to save lives and prevent the next terrorist attack. We can’t afford to be politically correct anymore.

The terrorist, Omar Mir Saddique Mateen, is the son of an immigrant from Afghanistan who openly published his support for the Afghanistani Taliban and even tried to run for President of Afghanistan. According to Pew, 99% of people in Afghanistan support oppressive Sharia Law.

We admit more than 100,000 lifetime migrants from the Middle East each year. Since 9/11, hundreds of migrants and their children have been implicated in terrorism in the United States.

Hillary Clinton wants to dramatically increase admissions from the Middle East, bringing in many hundreds of thousands during a first term – and we will have no way to screen them, pay for them, or prevent the second generation from radicalizing.

We need to protect all Americans, of all backgrounds and all beliefs, from Radical Islamic Terrorism – which has no place in an open and tolerant society. Radical Islam advocates hate for women, gays, Jews, Christians and all Americans. I am going to be a President for all Americans, and I am going to protect and defend all Americans. We are going to make America safe again and great again for everyone.

– Donald J. Trump


Horowitz: Donald Trump’s Speech Is a Game Changer

4 Reasons Why We Need Another 9/11 Commission After Orlando

Obama: ‘We’ are to blame, not Islamic terrorism, for massacre

Newt Gingrich to Gay Movement: Islamic Supremacy Is Your ‘Mortal Enemy’

Meet the Clinton insiders who attended Bilderberg this weekend

If you aren’t an Islamophobe today you are very naive

Has ISIS Infiltrated Homeland Security? Orlando Terrorist Worked for Major DHS Contractor

GAO Revelations: Our Open Door For Terrorists

EDITORS NOTE: The Counter Jihad Report published the following:

Officials say Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, an Afghan-American who held two firearms licenses and a security officer license, was employed by the security firm G4S Secure Solutions USA Inc. since Sept. 10, 2007. The Jupiter, Fla.-based company merged with the Wackenhut Corp. after 9/11 and assumed federal contracts.

“G4S supports the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection (CPB), with its operations at the U.S. ­ Mexico border and with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to transport illegal immigrants in selected urban areas,” the company says in a brochure, titled “Providing Manpower Solutions for Government Services.”

A Crisis of Confidence: Obama’s Gay Agenda and Muslims in America

In a column titled Western Civilization: Crisis of Confidence Stephen W. Browne writes:

We’re caught in an awful contradiction when we welcome into our midst members of a culture that accepts chattel slavery, the brutal subjugation of women, the murder of apostates, honor killings, murdering homosexuals, and killing those who insult their religion.

Tom Trento from The United West, reporting for Breitbart News, interviewed Florida Senator Bill Nelson (D) about Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, a Muslim who slaughtered 50 homosexuals in the Pulse, a gay bar in Orlando. The Pulse Gay Club was founded to “promote awareness of the area’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community” according to USA Today. Here is the Trento video interview:

President Obama in his comments about the shooting said:

I just finished a meeting with FBI Director Comey and my homeland security and national security advisors. The FBI is on the scene and leading the investigation, in partnership with local law enforcement. I’ve directed that the full resources of the federal government be made available for this investigation.

We are still learning all the facts. This is an open investigation. We’ve reached no definitive judgment on the precise motivations of the killer. The FBI is appropriately investigating this as an act of terrorism.

President Obama and Senator Nelson appear to be caught in a crisis of confidence.

Nelson calls Omar Mateen a “lone wolf” and says he cannot confirm “with certainty” that Islamic jihadist ideology led the shooter to perform his crime. Obama stated, “We’ve reached no definitive judgement on the precise motivations of the killer.”

“It is a fact that Muslims communities are extremely homophobic,” Sohail Ahmed, an anti-Islamism campaigner and openly gay Muslim told the Clarion Project. “According to traditionalist Islam, homosexuality is one of the worst sins one can commit. In addition, it is a mainstream view that the punishment for homosexuality is death. Given all this, it is not in the least bit surprising that this attack has occurred, so soon after an ISIS spokesman called for lone-wolf attacks during the holy month of Ramadan.”

Jamie Schram and Tina Moore from the New York Post reported:

Mateen “made a pledge of allegiance to ISIS,” California Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told CNN.

Schiff said the timing and target of the attack can’t be a coincidence.

[ … ]

Mateen was licensed to work as an armed security guard in the state of Florida, federal law enforcement sources said.

Read more.

President Obama has made it a point to further the “gay agenda” most recently via his Department of Education’s edict requiring schools to allow transgenders to use the bathroom of their choice in public schools or lose federal funding.  At the same time President Obama has embraced the Islamic community (ummah) and has repeatedly called Islam the “religion of peace.” As we reported Mateen was registered as a Democrat.

Have Obama’s social policies lead to a crisis of confidence within the Democratic Party and the United States?

President Obama and the Democratic Party have created a clash of cultures within America. This clash of cultures is the proximate cause of the slaughter in Orlando. You cannot have it both ways, as is seen by those who follow Mohammed and those who violate the Quran on homosexuality. The Democratic Party has two tribes that are at war with one another. Orlando is just one manifestation of that war. The Islamic holy war (jihad) is against any non-believer, just one of which are homosexuals, and the war for gay rights, understanding that homosexuality is a life style choice and not race based.

The Muslims who are registered as Democrats are conflicted as are the homosexuals registered as Democrats. Muslims do not tolerate homosexuality, homosexuals do not  tolerate religion in general.

Perhaps it is time for cultural clarity and time to end this crisis of confidence?


Horowitz: Donald Trump’s Speech Is a Game Changer

4 Reasons Why We Need Another 9/11 Commission After Orlando

Orlando nightclub jihadi cheered 9/11 terror attacks, taunted American students

What If the Orlando Murderer Was a Christian?

Planned Parenthood, Leader in Violence Against Humans, Defends Islamic Terrorism

Horowitz: Donald Trump’s Speech Is a Game Changer

4 Reasons Why We Need Another 9/11 Commission After Orlando

Obama: ‘We’ are to blame, not Islamic terrorism, for massacre

Newt Gingrich to Gay Movement: Islamic Supremacy Is Your ‘Mortal Enemy’

Obama’s Shameful Pivot to Gun Control After Orlando

Where Does the Hate Come From?

Obama’s Shameful Pivot to Gun Control After Orlando

Where Does the Hate Come From?

Meet the Clinton insiders who attended Bilderberg this weekend

If you aren’t an Islamophobe today you are very naive

Has ISIS Infiltrated Homeland Security? Orlando Terrorist Worked for Major DHS Contractor

EDITORS NOTE: The Counter Jihad Report published the following:

Officials say Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, an Afghan-American who held two firearms licenses and a security officer license, was employed by the security firm G4S Secure Solutions USA Inc. since Sept. 10, 2007. The Jupiter, Fla.-based company merged with the Wackenhut Corp. after 9/11 and assumed federal contracts.

“G4S supports the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection (CPB), with its operations at the U.S. ­ Mexico border and with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to transport illegal immigrants in selected urban areas,” the company says in a brochure, titled “Providing Manpower Solutions for Government Services.”

Orlando Muslim shooter: A registered Democrat who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State

fatawa Islamiyah book coverThe Fatawa Islamiyah (Islamic Verdicts) provides the Islamic ruling regarding homosexuality in Volume 6, p. 199. The Ruling on Sodomy and the Punishment Thereof states:

“What is the ruling on sodomy in Islam and what is the punishment?

“The shameful act of sodomy is one of the most repugnant of shameful acts and we seek refuge with Allah (from it). Because of it, Allah destroyed the people of Lut, peace be upon him, and punished them with a terrible punishment, turning their homes upside down and raining stones of baked clay upon them, layer upon layer, (as Allah said): “marked from your Lord and they are not ever far from the wrongdoers.”

“It has been reported from the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, that the punishment for one who does that or allows it to be done to him is that he be killed. Or, tobe burnt or to be stoned. Or, to be thrown from the highest point (mountain, tower, lofty building etc.), then to follow it with stoning.

“This is because of its corruption of morals, customs, and because of its violation of the natural human state, and because the abandonment of lawful marriage by those who practice.

“Ibn Jibreen” [Emphasis added]

More information is coming out about Omar Seddique Mateen who entered the Orlando Pulse club then slaughtered 50 homosexuals and wounded 53 others, some in critical condition.

According to records (screen shot below) from St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen was a registered Democrat who listed his race as “other.”

omar mateen democrat registration

On April 6, 2016, Tom Trento from The United West (TUW) posted a warning about a speaker at a mosque in Orlando, Florida. The Muslim speaker stated, “Death is the sentence [for gays]. We know. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about this. Death is the sentence.” TUW then posted the video below on YouTube to warn the general public:

On June 12, 2016 Patrick Poole reported:

Sources are telling the Daily Beast that suspected killer Omar Mateen had previously been investigated by the FBI in 2013 and 2014, making this yet another “known wolf” terror attack:

Omar Mateen of Port Saint Lucie, Florida, came to the attention of federal authorities twice prior to being identified as the gunman in the Orlando nightclub mass shooting, a senior law enforcement source told The Daily Beast.

Mateen 53 people and shot more than 100 in total at the Pulse gay nightclub early Sunday morning, in the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history.The senior law enforcement source reports that Mateen became a person of interest in 2013 and again in 2014. The Federal Bureau of Investigation at one point opened an investigation into Mateen but subsequently closed the case when it produced nothing that appeared to warrant further investigation.

“He’s a known quantity,” the source said. “He’s been on the radar before.”

Mateen was a U.S. citizen; his parents are from Afghanistan, CBS News reports.

In the article Florida Pulse Gay Bar Mass Shooting was in a Gun Free Zone, Dean Weingarten reports:

It is clear that Florida law prohibits people from legally carrying guns into:

florida concealed carrry law

Bars are one of a long list of places that Florida establishes as gun free zones.

Read more.

This is the most deadly attack by a follower of Mohammed in Florida and perhaps in the United States, to date. Some news outlets are calling Mateen homophobic. Others call him a devout Muslim.

We report, you decide.


Imam Speaking in Orlando Said Gays Must Be Killed Out of ‘Compassion’

Worst mass shooter in U.S. history – NYC-born ‘Islamic extremist’ Omar Mateen, 29, who shot dead 50 and injured 53 in Orlando gay club massacre was homophobe ‘who got angry when he saw two men kissing’

RELATED VIDEO: Imam Musri Mosque in Orlando Funds HAMAS. Islamic Faith Based Adviser to former Florida Governor Charlie Crist in 2009 is caught funding terrorism via George Galloway, a self-admitted Hamas fundraiser, and Imam Mahdi Bray, a public Hamas supporter.

Ramadan in Florida: Muslim slaughters 50, wounds 53 at Orlando gay nightclub

omar mateen

Suspected shooter 29-year old Omar H. Mateen from Port St. Lucie, FL.

“Police said the gunman was believed to be in his 20s was not a local man, and the FBI believe he may have ‘leanings to radical Islamic terrorism.’”

We tried to sound a warning on this, and were vilified for doing so. When AFDI ran ads highlighting the mistreatment of gays in Islamic law, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, which is its city council, issued a resolution condemning not that mistreatment, but our ads.

Gay advocates such as Theresa Sparks and Chris Stedman attacked us for daring to call attention to the institutionalized mistreatment of gays under Islamic law. Their gay advocacy doesn’t extend to standing up to Sharia oppression of gays, even though that oppression is far more virulent and violent than anything from “right-wing extremists” in the U.S. And you can’t blame them: given the Leftist/jihadist alliance, it’s clear that if they spoke out against Sharia mistreatment of gays, they would no longer be invited to the best parties, and might even be branded as “right-wing.” Their moral cowardice and duplicity, however, are obvious, and monstrous in the light of what has just happened in Orlando.

Pulse club Orlando Florida

“‘We consider this an act of terrorism’: Suspected Islamic extremist shoots dead at least 20 dead at Florida gay club after bursting in ‘wearing a suicide vest’ and taking hostages – injuring a further 42,” by Matt Hunter and Jenny Stanton, Dailymail.com, June 12, 2016:

A suspected Islamic extremist [Omar Mateen] wielding an assault rifle and a handgun has killed about 20 people after taking party-goers hostage inside a gay nightclub in Orlando.

The gunman was carrying a suspicious device, possibly a suicide vest, when he opened fire inside Pulse in the early hours of this morning.

Orlando Police Chief John Mina said authorities have not determined the exact number of people killed, but that ‘approximately 20’ have died. Another 42 people were taken to hospital.

An FBI spokesman said the mass shooting is being investigated as an act of terrorism. He explained authorities are looking into whether this was an act of domestic or international terror, and if the shooter was a lone wolf.

Police said the gunman was believed to be in his 20s was not a local man, and the FBI believe he may have ‘leanings to radical Islamic terrorism’.

The killings took place less than four miles from where The Voice singer and YouTube star Christina Grimmie, 22, was shot dead at The Plaza Live in Orlando on Friday.

Party-goers were urged to ‘get out and keep running’ as bullets started flying at around 2am local time.

Eyewitnesses described the gunman having a bomb strapped to himself when he started shooting today.

At around 6.00 local time (11am GMT) police said on Twitter: ‘Pulse Shooting: The shooter inside the club is dead.’ Officers described it as a ‘mass shooting’.

One man who said he was inside the club posted that the shooting broke out around 2 a.m. and that he heard about 40 shots being fired.

Police earlier carried out an controlled explosion at 5.15 local time (10.15am GMT today). but it is not yet clear whether that was linked with the gunman’s death.

It was thought that at least one hostage had been locked in a bathroom with gunshot wounds.

Around 100 officers were involved in the hostage situation before the gunman was killed.

During the gunfire, an officer was shot, but he was saved by his helmet.

Local TV reporter Stewart Moore said that more than 20 people had been shot with an assault rifle.

Jon Alamo said he was at the back of one of the club’s rooms when a man holding a weapon came into the front of the room.

‘I heard 20, 40, 50 shots,’ Alamo said. ‘The music stopped.’

Club-goer Rob Rick said it happened around, 2 a.m., just before closing time. ‘Everybody was drinking their last sip,’ he said.

He estimated more than 100 people were still inside when he heard shots, got on the ground and crawled toward a DJ booth.

A bouncer knocked down a partition between the club area and an area in the back where only workers are allowed. People inside were able to then escape through the back of the club.

Christopher Hansen said he was in the VIP lounge when he started hearing gunshots.

‘I was thinking, are you kidding me? So I just dropped down. I just said please, please, please, I want to make it out,’ he said. ‘And when I did, I saw people shot. I saw blood. You hope and pray you don’t get shot.’

He continued to hear shooting even after he emerged, where police were telling people to back away from the club. He saw injured people being tended to across the street.

Mina Justice was outside the club trying to contact her 30-year-old son Eddie, who texted her when the shooting happened and asked her to call police.

He told her he ran into a bathroom with other club patrons to hide. He then texted her: ‘He’s coming.’

‘The next text said: `He has us, and he’s in here with us,” she said. ‘That was the last conversation.’

Ricardo Almodovar was in the nightclub. He said: ‘Shooter opened fire at around 2.00am. People on the dance floor and bar got down on the floor and some of us who were near the bar and back exit managed to go out through the outdoor area and just ran.

‘I am safely home and hoping everyone gets home safely as well.’ Juan Rivera said on Twitter: ‘Never seen so many dead bodies on the floor, God is good that my friends and I didn’t get shot’.

Anthony Torres heard people screaming that others in the nightclub were dead.

Rosie Feba was in the club with her girlfriend and described the moment the shooting happened to the Orlando Sentinal.

She said: ‘Everyone was getting on the floor.I told her [girlfriend] I didn’t think it was real, I thought it was just part of the music, until I saw fire coming out of his gun.’

A police dispatcher described the incident as an ‘active shooting’. Officers are advising locals to stay away from the area.

He said: ‘There are injuries. I am not sure if there are any deceased at this time.’

‘Officers are going in to search the building and to get people out,’ the dispatcher said.

The police department posted on their official Twitter account: ‘Multiple injuries. Stay away from the area.’

Pulse nightclub said on its Facebook account: ‘Everyone get out of Pulse and keep running.’

Dozens of officers and medics are at the scene including Orlando Fire Department’s bomb squad and hazardous material team.

Police have not given any further updates on the hostage situation or the gunman….


ISIS Cheers Orlando #Pulse Nightclub Massacre – Warns of More Attacks on Disbelievers

Major Muslim Terrorists Makes This Declaration To All Americans: We Are Coming After You, We Will Attack Florida And Slaughter Americans There

Reading the Qur’an during Ramadan 8: Juz Wa law annana

EDITORS NOTE: The suspected shooter is 29-year old Omar Mateen, a U.S. citizen from Port St. Lucie, Florida. Mateen was born to Afghan parents. Mateen is related to Mariam Seddique and Sabrina Seddique.

The Islamic State has hailed the slaughter in the below Facebook post:


Black Anger: Who’s to Blame?

On the night of February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida, 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, a black high school student from Miami, was shot to death during an unprovoked attack on neighborhood watch coordinator George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old mixed-race Hispanic.  The incident occurred when Martin became concerned that his movements were being observed by a person or persons unknown.  When attacked, Zimmerman was awaiting the arrival of local police after having reported the presence of a suspicious-looking person passing through his neighborhood.

In the afternoon of July 17, 2014, on a sidewalk in Staten Island, New York, 43-year-old Eric Garner, a black man, was approached by police officers when he was observed selling individual cigarettes from packs without tax stamps, a violation of New York state law.  Garner complained about being “harassed,” and when an officer attempted to place handcuffs on him he slapped the officer’s hands away.  Garner, a very large man who suffered from asthma, struggled with five officers, during which time he was allegedly held in a chokehold for approximately 15 seconds.  Officers called for medical assistance but Garner expired an hour later of cardiac arrest.

Just before noon on August 9, 2014, 18-year-old Michael Brown, a 6 ft. 4 in. 292 lb. black man staged a strong-arm robbery of a convenience store in Ferguson, Missouri.  Minutes later, as he and an accomplice strolled down the middle of a local street, they were told to move to the sidewalk by a white 28-year-old Ferguson police officer, Darren Wilson.  When Brown refused and Wilson attempted to exit his police vehicle, Brown attacked him and attempted to take his firearm.  Brown ran away for a short distance, but then turned and charged the officer, during which time he was mortally wounded by several shots from the officer’s handgun.

On April 2, 2015, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a 44-year-old black man, Eric Harris, was a suspect in an investigation in which he allegedly arranged to sell a handgun to undercover officers of the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office.  As Harris attempted to evade arrest he was tackled and brought to the ground.  However, as he continued to resist arrest he was shot in the back by 73-year-old Robert C. Bates, a white Tulsa County reserve deputy, who mistakenly retrieved his Smith & Wesson revolver while attempting to reach for his Taser.

On April 8, 2015, in North Charleston, South Carolina, a white police officer, Michael Slager, stopped a Mercedes sedan with a broken tail light driven by a 50-year-old black man, Walter Scott.  Slager ordered Scott to remain in his vehicle; however, as Slager ran a radio check on Scott for outstanding warrants, Scott exited his vehicle and fled.  When he refused to stop, Officer Slager pulled his Taser and fired at Scott.  When that failed to stop him, Slager pulled his handgun and fired eight shots, mortally wounding Scott.

At 8:40 AM on April 12, 2015, in Baltimore, Maryland, 25-year-old Freddie Gray, a black man, was injured when he attempted to elude police.  As Gray was being taken to a police van he would not, or could not, walk and was physically dragged to the vehicle by two officers.  When he was taken to a hospital, doctors determined that his spinal chord was 80% severed at the neck.  Gray died on April 19, 2015, and in the week that followed, the City of Baltimore was plagued with arson and riots.

It was here, during the War of 1812, that Francis Scott Key huddled behind the ramparts of Fort McHenry and penned the immortal words of the Star Spangled Banner, which later became our national anthem.  If Key were alive today he would be saddened to know that the fires that swept across Baltimore in recent days were not the result of a British naval bombardment, but of the criminal acts of street thugs, our fellow citizens, who gave vent to their frustrations by putting the torch to the homes and businesses of their friends and neighbors.

So what is the common denominator in all of these incidents, if any?  It is that, in each instance, the black men involved were either resisting arrest or fleeing to avoid arrest.  With that level of fear and resentment of police within the black community, it causes one to wonder whether or not we have passed the point of no return in race relations where it is no longer possible to create a color-blind society.  What is undeniable is that young black men have created a stereotype for themselves… a stereotype that must be fully understood by all concerned before we can even begin to deconstruct it.  So, if black people did not set out to purposely create a subculture in the freest, most prosperous nation on Earth… a subculture typified by poverty and hopelessness… then they must have had some very determined help.  And we know who that was.

For example, in 1866, after being defeated in the war to end slavery, Democrats established a paramilitary auxiliary called the Ku Klux Klan.  The Klan’s purpose was to keep the freed slaves in line and to intimidate them into voting for Democratic candidates.  Over the next 85 years the KKK waged an unrelenting war of terror against blacks and white Republicans.  Tuskegee Institute archives indicate that, between the years 1882 and 1951, some 3,437 blacks and 1,293 whites, nearly all Republicans, were lynched by the KKK.  Is this sad chapter in U.S. history being taught in Black History classes?  If not, why not?

Along with the violence and the intimidation of the KKK, Democrats in southern legislatures enacted Jim Crow laws and the Black Codes… dictating where and for whom blacks could work, where they could live, where they could eat and sleep, which restrooms and drinking fountains they could use, and where they were allowed to sit in movie theaters and on trains and busses.  Are black children taught the truth of Jim Crow and the Black Codes in Black History classes?

Then, in 1894, after regaining control of the Congress, Democrats passed the Repeal Act of 1894, repealing much of the civil rights legislation passed by Republicans in the 28 years following the close of the Civil War.  What followed was a period of some 60 years in which black civil rights were in limbo.  Are these truths taught in Black History classes?

It was not until the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that black people could see a glimmer of hope for the rights Republicans had won for them during the previous 90 years.  So is it any wonder that, 60 years after Brown v. Board of Education, many blacks still feel the indignation of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, and the Black Codes?

In the earliest days of the civil right movement, Democrats resigned themselves to the fact that their century-old campaign to oppress blacks through violence and intimidation was at an end.  Instead, they found it politically expedient to create a welfare system through which they could simply purchase the allegiance of black people… in effect, paying blacks NOT to pursue the American Dream as every other ethnic group before them had done.  As a result, the welfare state has robbed black men of their pride and their dignity, and many have resigned themselves to lives of crime and anti-social behavior.  Where better to see the fruits of that cynical stratagem than in recent videos of arson and looting in Ferguson and Baltimore… what black activist Tavis Smiley predicts will be the “new norm” in race relations?

But none of this would have been possible without the acquiescence of the black community.  To learn how Democrats were able to implement their grand strategy we need look no further than a federal program called Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), a social welfare program passed in 1935 by a Democrat Congress and signed into law by Franklin D. Roosevelt.  It was a program in which a family was eligible for benefits only if the family had at least one dependent child, under age 18, who was “deprived of financial support from one of their parents due to the parent’s death, continued absence (emphasis added), or incapacity.”  In other words, if two able-bodied parents lived in the household the family was denied AFDC benefits.

Nothing… not drugs, not poverty, not urban decay, nor lack of educational opportunities… has contributed more to the disintegration of the black family unit in America than the restrictions of the AFDC program.  As a consequence of AFDC, marriage was discouraged, fathers were forced out of their homes, and single-parent welfare mothers found they could increase their monthly income by simply having more babies.  As a result, we now have a society in which three out of four black babies are born out of wedlock, where black father figures are absent from their children’s lives, and where black mothers, unable to control their fatherless children, find so many of their young men either behind bars, addicted to drugs, or the victims of gang violence

It’s not as if opportunity has passed black people by.  If black parents, in the 50s and 60s, had insisted that their children do their homework every night; that they be in school every day; that they always behave themselves, inside and outside the classroom; and that, once they’ve entered the workforce, they always give their employers eight hours of their best effort in exchange for eight hours pay… the time-honored formula for achieving the American Dream… African-Americans would be far down the road, socially and economically, from where they are today.

But blacks are not entirely to blame for the social and economic condition in which they find themselves.  It is true, as liberals and Democrats insist, that black people in America are “victims,” but not in the sense that liberals and Democrats would have us believe.  If black people would be honest with themselves they could readily see that every state run by Democrats is in steady economic decline, dominated by public employee unions and saddled with billions of dollars in unfunded liabilities, while every major city run by Democrats is a cesspool of crime, drug addiction, and economic stagnation.  Cities and states governed by Republicans are quite the opposite, although urban blacks continue to nestle comfortably in the pocket of Democrats.

Pride, dignity, and self respect are not easily come by and the larger population, primarily white people, are not likely to forgive and forget the outrageous behavior of young black men until they’ve proven that they deserve to be treated as equals.  It is they who have dug a deep hole for themselves and white people cannot dig them out of it.  That is something that only they can do and it’s time they got started.  But that task cannot be accomplished so long as they continue to squander their political power and influence in exchange for crumbs from the Democratic table.

U.S. Government says it can’t predict earthquakes — Florida based group says “Yes, We Can”

The U.S. government’s official position is that earthquakes cannot be predicted. It is also the U.S. government position that it can both predict and control the weather (i.e. global cooling, global warming, climate change, climate disruption). An inter-governmental oxymoron?

The U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey (USGS) website states, “There’s a 100 percent chance of an earthquake today. Though millions of persons may never experience an earthquake, they are very common occurrences on this planet. So today — somewhere — an earthquake will occur… It is estimated that about 700 shocks each year have this capability when centered in a populated area. But fortunately, most of these potentially destructive earthquakes center in unpopulated areas far from civilization… Stating that an earthquake is going to occur today is not really ‘predicting earthquakes’. To date, they cannot be predicted.” [Emphasis added]

However, an Orlando, FL based group says, “Yes, we can predict earthquakes.”

The International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center (IEVPC), announced that it has embarked on a wide ranging program to alert the global insurance industry of its capability to predict major earthquakes.

According to IEVPC Chairman/CEO Mr. John Casey, “Our initial test program success and more recent successful internal predictions demands that we continue to contact all those individuals and businesses most affected by these destructive geophysical events. Though we are not at a 100% accuracy level yet, the fact that we have a track record of predicting major earthquakes should be of serious interest to those whose lives and properties are at risk.”

The IEVPC Director of Research Dr. Dong Choi, in Canberra, Australia adds to this by saying, “The long held belief that earthquakes cannot be predicted has been dispelled by the demonstrated ability of the IEVPC to accurately predict major earthquake events in advance. Our new technology with our integrated system of multiple precursor analysis is a paradigm shift in earthquake prediction whose time has come.”

The IEVPC was formed in February 2012 after a group of some of the world’s most successful earthquake prediction experts approached Mr. Casey, a former White House space program adviser and recognized leader in climate research, and asked him to bring them together into a single firm. Since that time, the IEVPC has been attempting to spread the word of its capability through several different channels.

As Mr. Casey explains, “The use of US and foreign government channels has shown that it will take too long to change long standing beliefs about earthquake prediction. We cannot afford to leave people and businesses at risk waiting for what would probably take many years of expensive, time consuming effort to turn these large entrenched entities around to new advances in earthquake prediction. In the meantime, we are faced with the prospect of dealing with the damaging effects of current earthquake threats knowing some could be predicted in advance. If nothing else, this new initiative is needed simply from a humanitarian perspective.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Author Says Earthquakes Are Predictable « CBS Pittsburgh

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo of road damage from the August 1959 Hebgen Lake (Montana-Yellowstone) earthquake. Highway 287, near Hebgen Lake, Montana is courtesy of the USGS.

Prayer March For Persecuted Christians on May 17th in Orlando, FL


For a larger view click on the image. Chart courtesy of Pew Research Center.

A 2014 Pew Study reports, Christians are the most persecuted group in the world. In 2013, a Vatican spokesman reported 100,000 Christians are murdered each year. Churches are regularly burned in Nigeria, Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Iraq. Christian pastors have been jailed and beheaded.

This Prayer March is not political, but rather an appeal to God and humanity to stop the desecration of human life. Churches and other interested organizations are invited to participate.

Location: Lake Eola Park, at The Forum (opposite Panera Bread)
Date: Saturday, May 17, 2014
Time: 6:30-9:00 PM
Conclusion: International speakers at Trinity Lutheran Church, 123 E. Livingston St. 8:00-9:00 p.m.
Cost: Free and Public Invited
Dress: March will cover 1 mile so dress comfortably
Parking: Free parking across from Trinity Lutheran Church

The march will begin at 6:30 PM, East end of Lake Eola Park, at the Forum opposite Panera Bread, proceeding along the South end of Lake Eola, Northward on Rosalind, concluding with a prayer rally at Trinity Lutheran Church, 123 E. Livingston Street.
8:00 p.m., at Trinity Lutheran Church, we will have International speakers from Europe, Egypt, Syria, and Iran sharing their personal accounts of Christian persecution.

Signage and candles will be provided by Burning Bush Ministries who is sponsoring this event.

Contact Bruce Lieske or Alan Kornman at PrayerMarch@yahoo.com for more info.


For a larger view click on the flyer.

Candidate Bonilla challenges Grayson to debate the issues

As Florida has had a cool no hurricane summer the political storm clouds are gathering for the 2012 Congressional elections. One of the hottest seats in Florida is Congressional District 9. There are a number of national issues with a major impact on Floridians including the cost of health insurance (Obamacare), education (Common Core), employment (recession), growth (housing markets, mortgage rates), national security (Syria, Iran, Russia) and domestic social policies (2nd Amendment, gay marriage, states rights).

Republican Congressional candidate Jorge Bonilla has sent a letter to Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL District 9), stirring the political pot. Bonilla is requesting five debates, the first one on Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare).

Javier Manjarres recently reported:

Bonilla, who is one of the contributing writers here at the Shark Tank, will be facing off with none other than Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson, in Florida’ 9th Congressional District. Here is Jorge’s recent post about Kathleen Sebelius.

According to his website, Bonilla’s family story is very similar to that of many immigrants who have traveled to America to make a better life for themselves and their families, as well another Hispanic member of Congress who ran for the U.S. Senate in 2010.

Bonilla’s parents moved from the Island of Puerto Rico in the mid-Sixties, where his father picked apples as a day-laborer, while his mother worked in an aviation seatbelt factory.

The 42-year-old married father of one first answered the call of duty when he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves, before transferring over to the U.S. Navy, during the Desert Storm era.

Rep. Grayson supports full implementation Obamacare as well as the President’s domestic, social and foreign policies. Bonilla is challenging Grayson to walk the walk not just talk the talk.  The gauntlet has been thrown, will Grayson pick it up and meet the challenger?

The text of the letter requesting a minimum of five debates follows:

September 12, 2013

Congressman Alan Grayson
8419 Oak Park Rd
Orlando, Florida. 32819

Mr. Grayson,

You have been one of the most outspoken supporters of President Obama’s Affordable Healthcare Act, or Obamacare. Because this law is set to be fully implemented in 2014, I believe it is important that your constituents have an opportunity to hear from you about the healthcare law mandates they will be forced to adhere to.

Because I believe in full transparency and accountability, not to mention that the constituents of Florida’s 9th Congressional District deserve to know the truth about this disastrous law you are selling to them, I challenge you to a town hall-style debate to discuss the Obamacare law before the end of the 2013 calendar year.

There are several “Constituent Work Weeks” in the coming months in which you will be available to join me in debating the merits of the Obamacare law. In looking over the current Congressional calendar, the third week of October, and the second week of November look pretty open for you.

In addition, I am also requesting four other issue-related town hall-style debates, bringing the total number of debates requested of you to five.

Considering that you have not run from a challenge posed by any of your past congressional campaign opponents, I look forward to debating you on Obamcare and the other pressing issues that are concerning to Americans.


Jorge Bonilla

Florida’s Sin Cities: Orlando and Miami

Florida cities are taking some hits based on recent city rankings released by Movoto and the Allstate Insurance Company.

Movoto when ranking 95 in the US as “sin cities” stated, “Unlike most of the city rankings we’ve already done, we already had some criteria set out for us coming in, namely the Seven Deadly Sins themselves. However, one can’t simply find statistics on things like “prevalence of lust” and “occurrences of wrath”—well, actually you can, but you have to get creative. Luckily we’re sort of known for that around here.”

In order for Movoto to make this ranking, they translated the sins into criteria that make sense for modern city living. They ended up using:

  • Strip clubs per capita (Lust)
  • Cosmetic surgeons per capita (Pride)
  • Violent crime per year per 1,000 residents (Wrath)
  • Theft per year per 1,000 residents (Envy)
  • Percentage of disposable income given to charity each year (Greed)
  • Percentage of obese residents (Gluttony)
  • Percentage of physically inactive residents (Sloth)

Movoto looked at the 95 most populous cities in the United States. Here’s the full list of the 10 most sinful cities in America:

1. St. Louis, MO
2. Orlando, FL
3. Minneapolis, MN
4. Pittsburgh, PA
5. Milwaukee, WI
6. Cincinnati, OH
7. Miami, FL
8. Buffalo, NY
9. Detroit, MI
10. Las Vegas, NV

Allstate Insurance Company recently issued its annual  “America’s Best Drivers Report“. Allstate states, “For the past eight years, Allstate actuaries have conducted an in-depth analysis of company claims data to determine the likelihood drivers in America’s 200 largest cities will experience a vehicle collision compared to the national average. Internal property damage reported claims were analyzed over a two-year period (from January 2009 to December 2010) to ensure the findings would not be impacted by external influences such as weather or road construction.”

None of Florida’s cities were in the top ten of Allstate’s the best drivers list. However, Slate reports the following are cities with the worst drivers:

No. 5: Baltimore. Baltimoreans just can’t keep from running into each other. They were outside the top 10 in fatalities, DWI deaths, and pedestrian strikes, but their rate of collision couldn’t keep them out of the top five overall.

No. 4: Tampa, Fla. Tampa doesn’t do any single thing terribly, but it is consistently poor: 18th worst in years between accidents, fifth in traffic fatalities, tied for 11th in DWI fatalities, and 10th in pedestrian strikes. If the city had managed to get outside the bottom half in any individual category, Tampa residents might have avoided this distinction.

No. 3: Hialeah, Fla. The drivers of Hialeah get into a middling number of accidents, ranking 11th among the 39 candidates. But when they hit someone, they really mean it. The city finished third for fatalities. They also have a terrifying tendency to hit pedestrians.

No. 2: Philadelphia. Drivers in the city of brotherly love enjoy a good love tap behind the wheel. Second-places finishes in collisions and pedestrian strikes overwhelm their semi-respectable 16th-place ranking in DWI deaths.

No. 1: Miami. And it’s not even close. First in automotive fatalities, first in pedestrian strikes, first in the obscenity-laced tirades of their fellow drivers.

Welcome to the Sunshine state. Just keep out of our bars and off our roads.

The 10 Most Sinful Cities in America By Movoto