Tag Archive for: Party Leaders and Elected Officials

VIDEO: RFK, Jr. warns the DNC is planning to steal the Democrat primary election and give it to Biden

In an email containing the below video titled “This is about you” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explains what is going to happen on September 14th, 2023 in Washington, D.C., when the Democratic National Committee (DNC) will meet to confirm the party’s rules or make changes which could amount to stuffing the primary election delegate ballot box.

WATCH: This is About You

In his email JFK, Jr. wrote,

Here’s how it works: Let’s say a candidate gets 60% of the vote in a primary. In a fair election, they would get 60% of the delegates allocated.

However, in 2020 the DNC created a new kind of delegate: the PLEO (Party Leaders and Elected Officials). Only these officials are eligible. They are to be allocated according to vote totals, but since no official will dare provoke the wrath of the DNC by pledging to an insurgent candidate like myself, it means that all of them will go to President Joe Biden.

What that means is that I could win 60% or even 70% of the vote, and still the nomination would go to Joe Biden.

This scheme is a way to stack the deck in favor of party insiders. The DNC is returning to the days of choosing the nominee in backroom political deals. It is a blatant form of election rigging. 

They also have switched the first primary to South Carolina (where Biden did well in the 2020 primary) and taken it away from New Hampshire (where he lost badly). To enforce the switch, they are punishing any candidate who campaigns there by nullifying the NH vote and removing them from the ballot in Georgia, of all places.

I am taking this fight, on behalf of all voters, to the DNC. I have publicly called for real reform, where every vote counts. I have asked to meet with the DNC this week. No response yet.

You can help me show the DNC that the voters want real democracy…

Many expect that after the DNC steals their own primary election that they will then steal the 2024 presidential election as well. As George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Remember how the DNC did this to Bernie Sanders and gave the nomination to Hillary Clinton?

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.