TwitRage: Black Lives Matter demands police not drink Pepsi — Coca-Cola reponds
A Pepsi Cola ad featuring Kendall Jenner, a fashion model known for appearing in the E! reality television show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, was withdrawn after Black Lives Matter (BLM),, Organizing for Action and various supporters of the neo-Democrat party took to Twitter to denounce this anti-social justice, racist, bigoted, misogynistic advertisement.
Here is the now banned, by BLM and the Democratic National Committee, Pepsi ad:
Judy Kurtz and Mark Hensch from The Hill report:
Pepsi is reportedly pulling the plug on a sharply criticized new ad featuring Kendall Jenner ending a street protest by handing a can of soda to a police officer.
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Jenner then approaches a police officer standing guard at the protest and hands him a Pepsi. The crowd erupts in cheers as the officer smiles and takes a sip of the soft drink.
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Top Black Lives Matter activist DeRay McKesson said before Pepsi’s reversal Wednesday that the spot demeans social justice activists.“The video in so many ways is offensive to all the people who’ve stood in the street for the past two years against police brutality and fighting injustice that the state has caused,” he told TMZ.
Here are a few examples of the TwitRage:
BLM activist deray mckesson @deray tweeted, “.
@Pepsi, this ad is trash.”
Travon Free@Travon tweeted, “The Kendall Jenner Pepsi fiasco is a perfect example of what happens when there’s no black people in the room when decisions are being made.”
Matthew Rein @azreinman, “i couldn’t make it through the whole thing. poc [people of color] being used as props, a rich celebrity solving social justice issues with soda…Cringe.”
Adri @yoadri_n, “particularly a celeb from a family famous for cultural appropriation. It’s like the cherry on this shit pie”
Pepsi Cola released an apology following the TwitRage:
After reviewing our ad we realized that we did not properly portray the prototypical social justice activist (SJA).
Our staff is working on a new add that has the SJAs dressed in black hoodies, wearing masks and hurling Molotov cocktails made from Pepsi bottles at the police.
We will have Kendall at the end of our new commercial shoot a police officer using a zip-gun made from a Pepsi Cola can. The officer will slowly die drowning in his own blood while the social justice protesters cheer, to show our commitment to the latest millennial revolution! Fifty shades of red.
Pepsist! Pepsist! Pepsist!
Coca-Cola in a press release noted:
It appears that Pepsi has fallen on its own soda container. They tried to identify with those who are burning cars, attacking the police and destroying Starbucks coffee shops. The result TwitRage!
Coca-Cola will be doing a series of ads that will draw in ‘fly-over’ Americans. We are interested in those who voted for law and order, equal justice under the law and respect for one another. We will be offering a special Coca-Cola Colt Peacemaker (pictured).
Our new commercials will be branded Make Coke Great Again-Cola or MCGA-Cola. We will be featuring in our new series of commercials using law enforcement officers, Navy SEALs, U.S. Army Rangers and Green Berets protecting innocents from those who would do them harm, like those in the Pepsi ad.
Appearing on our MCGA-Cola cans will be photographs of the 37 Hollywood stars who support President Donald J. Trump.
MCGA-Cola will begin shipping next month to local stores. #MAGA with #MCGA-Cola!
Let the cola wars begin!
Ferguson, Missouri Elects White Mayor – NBC News
Pepsi pulls widely mocked Kendall Jenner ad | TheHill
Stanford Accepts Muslim Teenager Who Wrote ‘BlackLivesMatter’ 100 Times On Application
EDITORS NOTE: This political satire originally appeared in Soldier of Fortune magazine.