#NoAmnestyForPimps Campaign Launched
Why This Project, #NoAmnestyForPimps?
Amnesty International has betrayed the cause of human rights through its looming policy in favor of decriminalizing prostitution.
Decriminalizing prostitution is a gift to pimps, sex traffickers, and sex buyers that confers a right to buy and sell other human beings. Such policies would not protect the persons in prostitution, but rather guarantee that their exploitation will continue.
The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has launched this new campaign, joining the ranks of many others who are speaking out against Amnesty. No Amnesty For Pimps provides the public with ways to oppose Amnesty’s policy and works to educate on how prostitution is an inherently exploitive system that requires Abolition, not social sanction.
A special thank you to Coalition Against Trafficking In Women’s, Dr. Eleanor Gaeton, for joining us in the press conference. CATW and many other leaders are speaking up in opposition to Amnesty as well. We are happy to stand alongside them!
Collective ations highlighted in today’s press conference included:
*Joining protests at Amnesty offices around the world on October 23rd (email public@ncose.com for details)
*Add your name to the Global Declaration asking Amnesty to uphold human rights and oppose the exploitation of the sex industry here.
*Flooding Amnesty International’s USA offices with postcards. See here.
*Tweet this logo to @amnesty during the month of October
*Emailing Amnesty’s top executive through a form here.
Another New Resource Released Today – Bright Light on the Red Light: Truth About Prostitution
We are building out a website to educate on the harms and realities of prostitution, as well as on the connections between pornography and prostitution. We can’t allow people to ignore this! Check out the new webpage now. Note that we will continue to add valuable information regularly.
In conjunction with these projects, we developed a one-of-a-kind, powerful compilation of research and facts regarding prostitution and violence. You can view, download and print the electronic copy here. We hope to have hard copies to distribute soon.
Thank you for your support! We must continue to expose the seamless connection between all forms of exploitation wherever and whenever we can. You’re partnership and support is greatly appreciated.