Tag Archive for: Pray to end abortion

Once Again, Democrats Argue Women Can Only Succeed If They Kill Their Children

In the midst of a contentious election year, Democrats are desperate to convince voters that protecting women and protecting unborn children are mutually exclusive. This was the purpose of last week’s U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions (HELP) hearing, “The Assault on Women’s Freedoms: How Abortion Bans Have Created a Health Care Nightmare Across America.”

Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) kicked off the meeting by implying that protecting children somehow harms mothers. “This morning, we will be holding a hearing to take a hard look at how this decision, the Dobbs decision, has impacted women,” he lamented.

Sanders was joined by Senator Patty Muray (D-Wash.), who also commented, “We take a close accounting of the trauma Republicans are inflicting on women and families across the country, and the damage they are doing to basic reproductive health care through their horrific anti-abortion crusade.”

But, Senator Bill Cassidy (R-La.), a medical doctor, quickly pointed out what Democrats were really trying to do. “It’s an election year in which a Democratic incumbent is running behind. A decision has been made to raise abortion to a high profile to change the setting to invite a lot of folks to put us on TV. It’s partisan politics being played out in a committee hearing.”

Cassidy then presented images of a child’s development inside the womb from ten to 41 weeks. “How can we dehumanize this?” Cassidy asked, “Can anyone say that that child is not a life?”

With Cassidy’s poster at the front of the hearing room, it was impossible for Democrats to argue explicitly that an unborn child was not a human being, so they chose a different form of dehumanization.

Democrat witness Dr. Nisha Verma argued, “I’m not at all saying that pregnancies don’t have value. That value is different for different people…”

What Verma failed to see is that a person’s location cannot determine her worth — a point driven home by the presence and testimony of abortion survivor and Republican witness, Melissa Ohden.

Ohden began her testimony by reminding senators that, “Babies survived abortions before Roe v. Wade, babies survived during Roe v. Wade, and babies are still surviving abortions no matter where or how the abortion was performed. These experiences highlight the fundamental and undeniable humanity of the preborn and the needs, fears, and experiences of their mothers.”

Ohden continued by telling the story of a woman named Evelyn whose attempt at chemical abortion failed twice. After the second failure, an abortion business that offered second trimester abortions connected her with an organization willing to pay for all her travel expenses, plus the $12,000 fee of a second trimester abortion that posed risks to Evelyn’s health.

Ohden asked, “Can you imagine a child in your own life being subjected to so-called medical interventions intended to weaken, starve, burn, or dismember them limb by limb until they die? This is the reality of abortion, and we should be ashamed of it.”

Ohden explained that Evelyn was found to be 32 weeks pregnant, and the abortion business’s doctors weren’t trained to carry out abortions after 24 weeks, so Evelyn gave birth to her daughter. She made an adoption plan that both can live with.

“The nightmare, here, is not abortion bans,” Ohden said, “the nightmare is that abortion continues to be aggressively promoted so that it is seen as the only option. Like a plane ticket and $12,000 for a late-term abortion…”

Ohden then challenged the Democratic senators to consider “how different women’s and children’s lives, families, and society could be if just as much money was spent to provide financial assistance, housing, education and employment support, child care, medical and mental health care.”

“This,” she said, “would lead to a new era of women’s empowerment that ends the generational trauma of abortion.”

Abortion is not the solution to the problems women are facing. It kills a beautiful, irreplaceable human being and is a pathway to both physical and mental health challenges and heartbreak for that child’s mom. Women need tangible health care and support.

Attempting to win critical votes for November, Democrats spent the HELP hearing arguing that the best option for a woman to succeed is to kill her unborn child. Pro-lifers, on the other hand, offered real help and demonstrated a willingness to do whatever possible to care for both mothers and their children. Let’s pray that at the ballot box, Americans recognize which kind of “help” mothers and their children deserve.

This article was written with the help of Family Research Council interns Adam Opp and Josiah Sullivan.


Mary Szoch

Mary Szoch is the Director of the Center for Human Dignity at Family Research Council.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Growing up Christian in an Islamic State, and the Rationale Behind the Pro-Life Movement [Videos]

Watching a talk given by Campaign Life’s astonishingly good speaker to Action for Canada, Ruth Robert in Ottawa May 17th, there was a couple of surprises.

You can read the content break down here at RAIR

Firstly, it is that she is such a profoundly reasonable and knowledgeable person on the subject of abortion. Although deeply religious, her approach to the issue shows wisdom beyond her years. Or at least beyond what her years appear to be.

The second surprise was that she grew up Christian in an Islamic State governed by Sharia law, and she built some of that experience into her talk on the issue of abortion in Canada. She was so knowledgeable, we just had to ask a couple of questions about it, one in the Q&A of her presentation, which we present here also as a separate video, and an interview with her about that aspect of her life.

Whatever your views on abortion, and they are likely as varied as the readership itself, this is a worthwhile presentation on the issue. And as a person living in a Western land under invasion by Islamic migration, her warning to you needs to be remembered and spread.

First, the whole presentation. As usual, for those interested in the best viewing experience, please click the little gear that appears after you click the play button, and select the highest quality.

Ruth Robert talk to Action4Canada May17 2024

Below is the question during the Q&A on her statements on living in an Islamic State as a non-Muslim

Ruth Robert answers question about Islamic culture today from RAIR

And lastly, a separate interview on the topic after her presentation:

Ruth Robert on Islam and Canada

Ruth was one of the speakers at the press conference on the March for Life by Campaign Life Coalition in early May. And yes, it was raining a lot at the presser.

Ruth Robert Atlantic coordinator March for Life presser #3

Here are a couple of the videos from the march itself:

A few scenes from the actual gathering on the hill before the march through downtown by several thousand people. Possibly as many as eight or nine thousand.

I should say that overall the counter-demo was well behaved and very small. Maybe 100 people and mostly polite, at least by demonstration standards and some of the signage was clever and worthy of consideration. This is often not the case. ANTIFA sometimes shows up to counter these demonstrations and seeks attention by projecting critical theory attacks and tantrum like behaviour as much as possible. These people were probably too busy demanding the extermination of Israel to come to this event this year. So the counter-demo people who did show by and large were actually relatively decent. One woman decided to go topless for some reason, and a very tall person had silver face-paint and a fantasy costume of some kind, but the rest were OK. Personally I didn’t see a lot of insults or invective directed at the marchers. NDP Leader Jagmeet Sing was standing with them but at the back and it was hard to get video of him.

Scenes from the pro-and anti-abortion March for Life Ottawa May 9 2024

The march itself was amazing to watch as it always is. A large group of people indeed although over represented by Catholics and Catholic organizations, including a kind Catholic version of the Boy Scouts. A timely group now that the Boy Scouts themselves are anything but. Never having been to a meeting all we can know is they changed their name to avoid the word “Boy” and it would be an easy bet to make that they teach about ‘toxic masculinity.”

FULL March for Life video from May 9th 2024 Ottawa

For those who were there, they will know that the general atmosphere of the March for Life is unlike any of the Soros funded or anti-West critical theory attacks on our civilization we have gotten used to in the past decade. These are, agree with them or not, kind, loving people who want the best for all people. Their intentions are clear. And they do have a point.

RELATED VIDEO: Ruth Robert and others also spoke in front of the Committee on Law Amendments on Friday, March 6th, 2020.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with videos posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.