Tag Archive for: President Bush

VIDEO: New Documents reveal GOP Infiltrated by Islamists

Ryan Mauro unveils newly discovered documents that Grover Norquist paved the way for Anti-American pro-terrorist organizations to gain access to the President of the United States George W. Bush on September 11, 2001.

Ryan Mauro is the National Security Analyst for ClarionProject.org, which produced the hit films, “Obsession,” “The Third Jihad” and “Iranium.” Mauro is a frequent analyst on FOX News Channel and other news outlets around the world. He is also a consultant to government agencies and an adjunct professor of homeland security. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Intelligence Studies, Master’s in Political Science, and a Graduate Certificate in Middle East Studies all from American Military University and has made over 1,000 appearances on radio and TV from both the left and the right.


Robert Spencer, PJM: ‘Some Real Bad Bitches’ Or Loyal Citizens of the Islamic State?

Nigeria: Jihadists preach Islam at mosque, then murder 24

NYC jihadi Muslima spoke at Islamic Circle of North America event

Islamic State blows up Assyrian church as Christians celebrate Easter

UK prosecutor: Islamic State like the Beatles, “the boys want to be like them and the girls want to be with them”

Difference Between God And Obama

Last night the most trending hashtag on Twitter was #DifferenceBetweenGodAndObama. Our Twitterer-in-Chief, Comrade General Secretary, posted these contributions, only scratching the surface:

God didn’t have a “Previous Administration” to blame
On the seventh day God rested; Obama rested for the other six
God spake unto Moses; Obama spake unto giggling college students
God commanded not to covet thy neighbor’s property; Obama commands to covet and redistribute it, too
God doesn’t force you to sign up for his religion and tell you “If you like your commandment, you can keep it”
God told Noah to build an ark; Obama told Noah “you didn’t build that”
God unleashed ten plagues on Pharaoh; Obama just signed him up for Obamacare
God’s chosen people wandered in the desert for 40 years; Obama’s people wandered in healthcare.gov for 40 weeks
God told Mary she was blessed with a child; Obama said she was punished with a child
God banished Lucifer; Obama’s mentor dedicated a book to him

Feel free to add your Difference Between God and Obama as a comment at the end of our column.