Tag Archive for: pride guide

Scholastic Book Publisher Offers ‘Pride Guide’ to Teachers During LGBT Campaign

This obsession with sexualizing children is indicative of a sick and depraved society. It must stop.

“Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone!”

Scholastic Publishes ‘Pride’ Guide for Teachers, Vows to Distribute LGBT Books Banned by Schools

Book publisher Scholastic announced a “Read with Pride” campaign, providing educators a list of “LGBTQIA+ stories” for “kids and teens” and vowed to use company resources to fight efforts by local school districts and parents to determine what content is appropriate for students.

In its section on “why it’s essential to support LGBTQIA+ youth,” Scholastic states that almost 10 percent of teens in the United States are “lesbian, gay, bi, or trans,” that “about half (52%)” of all Americans who fall under the “LGBTQIA+” umbrella are “people of color,” and that a quarter of children and teens who fit that description …

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Scholastic releases Pride educator guide with resources for fighting anti-LGBTQ+ book bans

The book publisher Scholastic has published a Pride guide giving educators and child advocates a list of LGBTQ+-themed books for children of all ages as well as support resources for mental health and fighting right-wing book bans.

The guide comes eight months after the company was widely criticized for allowing schools to opt out of offering “diverse” books on racial and LGBTQ+ issues at its school book fairs. Though Scholastic introduced the policy to help educators adhere to state legislation and district policies banning queer content and “critical race theory” in schools, it reversed the opt-out policy after authors and educators blamed the company for complying to book banning rather than challenging such bans.

“As a teacher, librarian, educator, or caregiver, how you interact with all children and teens around queerness matters,” Scholastic’s guide states. “What literature you provide them with, and how you talk about both literature and identity, can have an immense, life-changing impact on the young people in your life…. Whether or not they are out to themselves or you, you absolutely know queer children and interact with them in your classrooms, libraries, and communities.”

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Scholastic’s 2024 ’Read with Pride’ Initiative Makes No Attempt to Mask Its Radical Agenda

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