ARIZONA TODAY: Part I, Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters and Honorable Mark Finchem — 25 July 2024
Mentioned below are the platforms by which my conversation with former Rep. Mark Finchem and current Mesa County, Colorado Recorder Tina Peters are posted.
This is Part I of a two-part conversation addressing election fraud and security compromise with ballots in the Grand Junction area of Colorado.
Clerk Peters came forward with evidence of said electoral compromise and alleged fraud only to find higher ups throughout state government to ignore her and then banish her.
Their pushback led to filing criminal charges against Tina Peters on multiple counts and hoping they can win and silence her by placing her in jail for a good number of years.
You are about to learn some disturbing facts as to how voter fraud is still very much attempting to alter the political course in America. I am asking you to distribute this show, and Part II of this show. Tina Peters trial begins this Tuesday, July 30th and can be seen live over Frank Speech.
Tune in to watch and support Tina Peters — People v Tina Peters on Frank Speech.
If you are an intercessor, please add this situation to your prayers.
WATCH: Arizona Today, 25 July 2024 – Part I, Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters and Honorable Mark Finchem
©2024. Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
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