Tag Archive for: repeal

VIDEO: We Don’t Need Another Obamacare | Senator Rand Paul on Healthcare Plan

Senator Rand Paul talks about the new Obamacare repeal and replacement bill that passed the U.S. House of Representatives.

Senator Paul believes it is better than what it was before but it is still a far cry from being a free market bill and will most likely be Obamacare cut in half.

The Every Day American in an email notes:



The American Health Care Act (AHCA) is the Republican plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.


Yes. About six weeks ago, Republicans came close to voting on the AHCA. Ultimately, the bill was pulled. So, moderate and conservative Republicans spent time working together to improve the legislation.


The updated AHCA is the same bill as before, but with three important changes.

  1. Palmer/Schweikert Amendment: creates a new federal risk-sharing program, a high-risk pool that will lower costs for people with pre-existing conditions, and lower costs for everyone else.

  2. The MacArthur Amendment: allows states to apply for waivers to three of Obamacare’s costliest mandates: essential health benefits; age rating; and community rating, but only if the state has a risk-sharing program to help individuals with pre-existing conditions afford coverage.This new flexibility will allow states to design insurance frameworks that are right for their unique populations, providing superior care and lowering costs for patients.

  3. The Upton-Long Amendment: dedicates $8 billion solely to reducing premiums and other out-of-pocket costs for patients in the individual market with pre-existing conditions who do not maintain continuous coverage and who live in states that receive a waiver to redesign their insurance market.


Not quite. Next it goes to the Senate and then to the White House, where it is signed into law. Don’t worry. We’ll keep you updated every step of the way.


No. Yesterday, Congress also voted on the McSally Bill, which ensures that Members of Congress and their staff live by the same health care rules as everyone else.


Congress has several big projects coming up this year and next, including balancing the budget, funding the military, fixing America’s infrastructure, and overhauling the tax code.

Stay tuned. It’s sure to be an exciting year.


As Senate Mulls Obamacare Repeal, Insurers in 2 States Ask Double-Digit Premium Hikes

Fact Check: It’s a Lie That the GOP Healthcare Bill Abandons People With Pre-Existing Conditions

The Growing Problem of ‘Fake Science’

Finland Moves to Repeal Gay Marriage Law

With a new pro-family government elected this year, the “gay marriage” battle is gearing up across Finland again with more energy and momentum than ever, using Finnish language versions of MassResistance materials to educate voters.

New Finnish version of MassResistance booklet (read it here), and original version (read it here).

Late last year, as we reported, the Finnish Parliament narrowly passed a “gay marriage” law. As we’ve seen in so many other places, proponents used an aggressive, undemocratic strategy that allowed no parliamentary debate, discussion, or amendments to push the bill through its final stages. Within a week, over 12,000 people had resigned from the Finnish Lutheran Church over its Bishop’s pro-gay marriage remarks.

But last April’s nationwide elections changed the political landscape. A new Parliament was elected.  The top people in government are openly pro-traditional marriage. As a result, the Finnish pro-family movement has ignited across the country to get the bill repealed. Over 70,000 people have already signed a special petition to get it before the Parliament. And to counter the “gay” propaganda, they are out educating the population and the political leaders about the consequences of “gay marriage” for society.

The Finnish pro-family movement is gathering thousands of signatures to force Parliament to re-visit the “gay marriage” law.

MassResistance materials

MassResistance materials are being used extensively. Last month Finnish activists finished creating a Finnish-language version of our booklet “What same-sex ‘marriage’ has done to Massachusetts.”  It is being distributed across the country and to the nation’s political leaders.  Our video, “What gay ‘marriage’ did to Massachusetts” is being shown on national TV translated into Finnish, Swedish, and Estonian.

MassResistance same-sex marriage VIDEO modified for Finland
Posted on Finnish TV site and broadcast on Finnish national TV. Versions in Finnish, Swedish, and Estonian.

During July, one of the coalition leaders emailed us on their progress:

We are so thankful what you have been doing to support us in this battle. Homoseksual lobby is claiming that this issue is settled, but it is not over, for we have a very good chance to defeat them.

Now your booklet is finally translated into Finnish language and is ready for the distribution. We are going to hand it out free of charge all over this country. We’ve also added a few additional pages in the beginning and at the end of this publication to apply your message specifically to our setting here.

We are now working to inform our Prime Minister, his government and the Parliament as well as all church leaders and all leaders, what is really involved in this same-sex marriage. We are mailing your booklet to all of them and after that, all over Finland so much as possible, to wake up the whole nation.  I will let you know how our leaders respond to this campaign. Your publication will support also a new nation wide effort by www.aitoavioliitto.fi association to stop the same-sex marriage legislation.

People have been very much touched by your video, which is in three TV7 Channels – In Finnish language, Swedish and Estonian. It has already stirred up large multitude and we believe that the additional impact will come over this whole nation.

They are clearly gaining momentum.

Breath of fresh air. New Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipila is not afraid to say he supports traditional marriage. But will he act on it?

Latest report from the front

Just this morning we received this updated report from the Finnish pro-family leader. (Note his comment that the Minister of Justice is not cooperating with enforcement of the “gay marriage” law. We need more of that spirit here in the US!)

Yes, set up is quite favorable for our cause.

(1) The Prime minister Juha Sipilä, the Foreign minister Timo Soini, the Minister of Justice Jari Lindström and several others are – as far as their personal opinion is concerned – for the traditional marriage standing with us.  How forcefully they are willing to persuade their parties to stand with them – that is one of the questions now!

(2) The Minister of Justice, Jari Lindström has set up his mind not to carry on – not to workout – not to confirm legislation concerning the same-sex marriage. Finnish media is quite mad with him.

(3) People defending the traditional marriage between one woman and one man – they are campaigning to defeat the same-sex marriage – foolish voting done in the parliament. Up to this date well over 70.000 have rallied behind us in this aitoavioliitto.fi campaign.

However, according to statistics there are in Finland about 3.000.000 who personally are for the traditional marriage, but most of them think – it does not matter what happens – it does not affect me. They do not understand how serious it is to legislate the same-sex marriage. Your video and booklet is wonderfully stirring up sleeping ones. My personal target is especially the men and women in high position, those who do have the authority to make the final decision concerning this matter.

(4) Our greatest obstacle is the media! Media is by and large for the homosexual lobby. Media is ‘brain washing’ multitudes with false information. The whole nation and political leaders have been programmed by the media – unfortunately!

(5) The second problem is our situation in Finland. We are part of the European Union and our previous governments have shoveled most of the money to outsiders, especially to Greece. Financial problems, unemployment and various kinds of difficulties are heavily resting upon our ministers and they do not have time to put themselves to see what we say.

However, due to this aitoavioliitto.fi campaign – our parliament has to reconsider what we say. They are bound to take it again to the legislative committee and for general voting in the parliament.

Consequently, the government ministers, the members of our parliament, the media – these are key factors to determine what happens. The final result depends on what they do.

All over Finland there is a large prayer campaign going on to stop and to defeat the homosexual movement. Homosexual lobby is rallying little children to march with them in Pride Parades waving the rainbow flags. We trust that the sensible part of our population could wake up and get upset of that ‘sexual force feeding’!

I will let you know what happens when the parliament is reconsidering our aitoavioliitto.fi demand. You could see the campaign webpage www.aitoavioliitto.fi and my personal campaign page www.suomijeesukselle.fi  Your materials, links to see them and to read them are posted in my campaign webpage www.suomijeesukselle.fi  Thank you for standing together with us and providing your materials to support us in this worldwide battle to uphold traditional & Christian family values.

The petition has until September to collect names. Given the change in government after the recent election — and the momentum across the country to reverse the “gay marriage” law forced on citizens — it’s possible that the challenge could be taken up in Parliament this fall. Or maybe sooner?

In any case, it will be a big battle!  We’ll keep you informed.

Florida Senate urges Congress to Repeal the Federal Income Tax by Rudy Treml


Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner

“The current income tax system requires individual taxpayers to prepare annual tax returns using many complicated forms, causing innocent errors that are heavily punished.” 

This is an excerpt from Senate Memorial 118, adopted by the Florida Legislature during its 2014 session and sent to Washington, D.C., urging Congress to eliminate the Internal Revenue Service.

It’s true! The position paper – also known as SM-118 – was sent to our president on behalf of the State of Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner on May 22, 2014.

In his cover letter, Detzner wrote, “This Memorial urges Congress to repeal all taxes on income and enact a national retail sales tax as specified in H.R. 25, the FairTax Act.”

SM-118 has a prose style similar to that of the U.S. Declaration of Independence authored by Thomas Jefferson and approved by the 13 American Colonies in July 1776. That declaration listed grievances against King George III, which justified the demand of the United States for freedom from the British Empire.

SM-118, also, lists grievances placed upon U.S. citizens by the federal income-tax system, to justify the demand for a national sales tax in place of an income tax, as well as the abolishment of the IRS and the repeal of the 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

The current tax system, according to SM-118, erodes jobs, retards economic growth, has reduced the standard of living for U.S. citizens, forces family farms to be sold so taxes can be paid, unnecessarily intrudes on citizens’ privacy, isn’t complied with at acceptable levels, has a disproportionate adverse impact on lower-income people, and imposes unacceptable compliance costs.

Our 160 elected representatives in the Florida Legislature have urged the United States Congress to enact H.R. 25, the FairTax Act, which was reintroduced into the 114th Congress on Jan. 6. U.S. Reps. John Mica and Ron DeSantis are co-sponsors of H.R. 25, as are seven other U.S. House members from Florida and another 55 co-sponsors from other states.

H.R. 25 eliminates all federal taxes on productivity (income) in favor of a national consumption tax. It also replaces Social Security and Medicare taxes. It eliminates all corporate taxes thereby making the USA the preferred worldwide manufacturing destination, and bringing jobs back to the USA while growing our economy.

With the passage of H.R. 25, the IRS is defunded and April 15 becomes just another spring day. Citizens control their tax obligation via their spending habits, and there is no sales tax on used items.Everyone is treated equally under a progressive national consumption tax. Those who spend the most pay the most tax. Plus, H.R. 25 authorizes the return of the federal sales tax paid by U.S. citizens for the necessities of life, in the form of a rebate.

The FairTax Act of 2015 is about 130 pages long, compared to the current 75,000-plus pages of income tax codes and regulations.

The FairTax is simple to understand, efficient to collect, hard to avoid, and visible, so taxpayers see the true cost of their government.

With its passage, no longer would politicians be able to use the tax code to reward their friends, punish their enemies, and do social engineering.


Rudy Treml is a longtime proponent of the FairTax, and an activist with the Florida FairTax Educational Association.