Tag Archive for: rigged

Daily Caller’s ‘Rigged’ Reveals Single Most Important Thing GOP Can Do To Stop Dems From Stealing Elections

“Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past.”

Machiavelli wrote these words almost 500 years ago in “The Prince,” perhaps the most shrewd piece of political gamesmanship ever written. It is with this lesson in mind that The Daily Caller now looks toward November.

The Daily Caller’s latest documentary, “Rigged,” doesn’t just shine a spotlight on all of the wild abuses perpetrated by Democrats in the 2020 election. We diagnose the mistakes of 2020 — where and how Republicans failed to counteract the Democrats’ schemes — to ensure the same dirty tricks won’t work in 2024.

“Rigged” is available exclusively for Patriots subscribers. Subscribe here to watch now, and check out our collection of other original documentaries as well.

Catch an exclusive first glimpse below.

The primary lesson from 2020 is that Republicans must be proactive. They can no longer sit idly by and trust the system will deliver on its promise of fairness and accountability. Democrats have spent years ensuring the system does not function as it should, with armies of lawyers and activists working to ensure the process is rigged to their benefit. Republicans must be equally shrewd if they are to swing the election law pendulum back to the middle.

“Rigged” shows how Republicans have closed some of the loopholes Democrats weaponized in 2020 — but there is still so much more work to be done.

“In 2020, I served as legal counsel to the Trump campaign,” explains attorney John Findlay in “Rigged,” “and one of my main responsibilities was running the president’s election day war room. I was in charge of placing lawyers in all of our battleground states … where we would do intake from those lawyers out in the field on those issues that were being reported in real time.”

Findlay details a host of abuses that surely had our Founding Fathers rolling in their graves. Rogue election officials around the country often changed procedures by fiat in the midst of the election. Bipartisan observers were kept out of the process. Rules were waived on deadline requirements, ballot curing procedures and how absentee ballots were to be counted. In the 25 critical states Findlay oversaw, there was “a lot of confusion” on the ground.

But the chaos was all part of the plan. By the time Republicans caught on, it was too late.

“If you go to challenge those ballots or inquire about those ballots, and the results show that it’s different than the race has been called, it looks like you’re overturning an election. It creates a presumption for the person that has been called to be the winner at that time, and you have to overcome that presumption,” Findlay explains.

This is the main reason Republican legal challenges never got off the ground. “Well, folks always say, court actions were filed and nothing happened with them,” explains Hans von Spakovsky, head of the Heritage Foundation’s Election Law Reform Initiative, “but that’s because all the court actions were dismissed by judges on procedural grounds.”

No one bothered “determining the credibility of the witnesses and the claims — they didn’t do that.”

No one wanted to be seen overturning an election.

Since 2020, some states have taken steps to strengthen voter identification and deadline requirements. But Democrats have already shown us what they plan to do this election. More preemptive legal action still needs to be taken to rein in rogue officials and ensure the chaos of 2020 can’t happen again in November. Procedures must be challenged before votes are cast, otherwise, it will be too late.

Watch “Rigged” now to learn about all the steps Republicans have taken — and still need to take — to ensure the 2024 election is safe and secure.

The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. To watch “Rigged” — and to help support future investigative documentaries — please consider subscribing.



Commentary and analysis writer.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Fear of Accountability

“If you’re 25 and you’re not a liberal, you have no heart. If you’re 35 and not a conservative, you have no brain.”

In a world where accountability is becoming increasingly more obsolete, it is far from surprising that people are more outraged by harsh words than they are heinous actions. More likely than not, at one point in your life or another, your parents uttered to you the age old adage, “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.” So my question to you is, when did this change? At what point did we begin to care more about the things people said to us rather than what they did to us? If I say I’d like to punch someone square in the mouth and the person next to me actually throws a punch in silence, who should be held accountable? Should I? Or should they? Now, why can’t we apply this simple logic to what is going on in our country today?

I’m not going to sit here and act like I’ve never been hurt or offended by someone’s words before, because I have—everyone has. The difference, however, is the ability to see the bigger picture. I’ll give it to you, if you are on any form of social media today, it is extremely difficult to take a step back and see the big picture. Things get so petty and so twisted as a result of the convenience and ease of the Internet; I am constantly guilty of this. Nevertheless, we have to start taking a step back and examining what really matters for the good of the country rather than winning a pointless argument on a Facebook post. What is the most important issue facing us right now? Is it national security or is it political correctness? Is it immigration or is it political correctness? Is it the economy or is it political correctness? Is it health care or political correctness? Is it ISIS or political correctness? See my point?

I, for the longest time, couldn’t figure out why people opposed Trump so strongly. Yes, I understand, he’s hurt a lot of people’s feelings. But I cannot help but believe that it goes beyond that. I think it comes down to idea of accountability. In the society we live in today, accountability is vanishing faster than a Clinton e-mail. Today, if we don’t want to do something, more likely than not, we don’t have to. People are petrified at the thought of being held accountable for anything and I believe that Donald Trump personifies accountability, which is the antithesis of who we have now and who we’ll have if Hillary wins.

In Obama’s America if you don’t want to work and contribute to society, you don’t have to—you’re not held accountable. In Obama’s America, if a county wants to take advantage of our country and pay nothing for our trade, services, our protection, they can—they’re not held accountable. In Obama’s America, if you want to go out and have sex with whoever you want and you don’t want to have a child, you don’t have to—you’re not held accountable. In Obama’s America, if an immigrant wants to come and live here illegally and take advantage of our education, our healthcare, and our social programs, they can—they’re not held accountable. If a radical Islamic terrorist, practicing a 9th or 10th century form of Islam, want to come here and declare Jihad on our soil, take the lives and sense of security of our citizens, they can—they’re not held accountable so long as they do so in the name of Allah. In Donald Trump’s America, these things will not be so. In Donald Trump’s America, we will be accountable, each and every one of us.

For those of you who are on the fence and are leaning away from Trump because the GOP establishment are distancing themselves from him, remember this: Neither John McCain, nor Paul Ryan, nor Glenn Beck, nor John Kasich got Donald Trump to where he is today. If they had been doing their jobs then not only would there have been no need for Donald Trump to run, but there would have been no way for him to have gotten this far. The establishment is comprised of politicians who are afraid of being held accountable themselves. Donald Trump has them scared to death. What scares them? Accountability. These politicians are wolves in sheep’s clothing and Donald Trump is dangerously close to exposing them for what they are and they are running scared.

We live in a country that invalidates and belittles the importance of a strong male role. Turn on a television at anytime of the day and see how every show or sitcom portrays the father as dumb and incompetent, so much so that it is pouring over into our societal expectations. A society that can no longer recognize the fact that as a leader, Donald Trump is much like a strong and stern father who expects and demands the most of his children, not because he hates them but because he loves them. The worst parents are the ones who let their children run rampant and give them whatever they want, whenever they want it. The best parents say and do the things that their children don’t necessarily like at the time, but are thankful for in the long run—they hold them accountable. A demagogue like Hillary Clinton will, without a doubt, be the nail in the coffin for this country. This November, vote for the long term, for the bigger picture. Vote for accountability, not for what has been disguised to you as cool or accepting or progressive, in order to make you feel good in the moment.