Tag Archive for: Sabrina Singh

U.S. military bases in Europe put on heightened alert, jihad attacks on personnel or installations ‘likely’

Not that any Biden regime officials mentioned “jihad,” of course, but that’s why the bases are on heightened alert. Contrary to all the rhetoric from regime top dogs, the threat isn’t coming from “right wing extremists.”

Europe Military Bases Go on Heightened Alert as Pentagon Officials Cite Olympics, Euro Cup

by Konstantin Toropin, Military.com, July 1, 2024:

U.S. military bases across Europe were put on heightened alert over the weekend due to concerns that terrorist activity or attacks on personnel or installations are “likely,” according to an Army explanation of the threat level.

However, Pentagon officials said Monday that the move to put all Europe bases on the second-highest alert status was not done out of any specific threat but rather an abundance of caution, given several major public events happening over the summer on the continent, including the Euro Cup soccer tournament and the Olympics.

“It was due to a combination of factors potentially impacting the safety and security of service members stationed in the European theater,” Sabrina Singh, Pentagon spokeswoman, told reporters Monday. “I’m not going to get into more specifics on the intelligence itself, but it’s not a single threat — it’s a combination of different factors.”

Stars and Stripes was the first outlet to report that over the weekend U.S. European Command ordered bases on the continent to force protection condition “Charlie” — the second-highest state out of five.

Army websites say that that condition is imposed when there is intelligence that suggests “some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely.”…

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