Tag Archive for: Shin Bet

Israeli PM Netanyahu’s statement after meeting with the rescued hostages and families

“This is an exciting day like no other, an exciting day for all citizens of Israel and many in the world, and an exciting day for me personally. I just met Andrei, Shlomi, Almog and Noa.” — Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel.

I said to them: “Welcome back home”. I met their families, again. My wife and I have met with them many times. I hugged them. Jacob, Noa’s father celebrated his birthday, we celebrated his birthday there — next to his daughter who returned from captivity, and he said: “I received the best gift you could expect.”

Andrey told me that he had a notebook in captivity, and every day he would write one line: “Every day is a gift.” They told me: “as if we were reborn” and that’s really what happened.

And I want to repeat and make it clear – we will return them all. Even now we are working on more options.

When this operation was brought before me for final approval on Thursday evening, I knew it was very complex, and it was very dangerous. I want to tell you that the distance between success and failure is like a hair’s breadth, I knew that.

But nevertheless, I approved it without hesitation because I trust the Shin Bet, the IDF, the Israel Police, I trust the heroes, the fighters of the IDF and the Shin Bet who charged in the face of the fire, eliminated the terrorists, freed the hostages.

When I heard “the diamond in our hands” — the abducted, the sun in our hands, my heart expanded with infinite pride and a sigh of relief. It worked.

It is a heroic operation that will be recorded in the history of operations, in the history of the heroism of the people of Israel, but it did not come without a price.

I know that there are operations that go down in our nation’s history, that bring pride and glory to generations, but also involve terrible personal pain, and this was also the case this time with the fall of one of our best sons, Commander Arnon Zamora, the late YAMAM officer.

I know what pain his family is going through, but I also know that worldly fame is associated with the name and memory of their fallen loved one. He and his fellow heroes raised the nation’s stature, they proved that the State of Israel has the strength, wisdom and desire to fight those who seek our souls, the resourcefulness, the bravery, and that the IDF can reach anywhere.

We will return all our hostages one way or another.’

The Significance of today’s hostage rescue

For 8 months, Israel has waited for this day. Just when most of us thought to ourselves that it would never come – it did. It now gives us hope for what may still happen.

The more we study the few details we have gathered from the rescue mission itself, we are shown that today’s mission was nothing less than remarkable.

Have you ever wondered how it was like to see and live during an event that made history – like Entebbe?

Well – compared to what happened today in Nuseirat – Entebbe was a cakewalk.

Here, after months of investigation, intelligence gathering, planning and training – Israel pulled off something that has no peers in hostage rescue history.

The IDF and YAMAM troops that entered a dense population with terrorists and danger at every corner were able to enter the rooms the hostages were, according to plan, being held.

The hostages were then released, and the troops had to leave the area that held tens of thousands of enemy, guarding the hostages with their very bodies, and extract them to the designated assembly area and the helicopters that awaited them.

During the last week, the 98th Commando division was operating in other areas of the city which we now know was done to make the enemy think our troops were busy elsewhere.

The troops on the ground received step-by-step “cover-fire” from Jets and drones, tanks and precise artillery.

With the little we know, it is obvious that the operation was super-complex on a level never done before.

The IDF and Shabak along with the same YAMAM national anti-terror unit have done in Judea and Samaria hundreds if not thousands of similar raids – but most were child’s play compared to today’s op.

After a very difficult month, Israelis have something to celebrate, something to be proud of. Like Entebbe – this is a mission that can change the whole direction of this war.

Thank God for our security apparatus where the different arms can work together, united as one, and, of course, our soldiers who keep amazing us, time after time in their willingness to do anything it takes to beat back our barbaric enemies.


Hero IDF Soldier Dies in Hostage Rescue

Notes on The Hostage Rescue

Netanyahu in message to security heads that led rescue mission

Hamas Hostages Held Prisoner in Gazan CIVILIAN Homes

Jubilation Sweeps Across Israel and Beyond As News of Hostage Rescue Spreads

Israeli Hostage Rescue: “One of the Most Complicated Hostage Rescue Missions in History.”

Netanyahu Not Budging on Biden’s Gaza Plans

Jew-Hating EU’s Josep Borrell: Israel’s Rescue Mission ‘Another Massacre of Gazans’

POST ON X: Seeing Your Mom for 1st Time after 8 Months as a Hamas Hostage

EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

German Intelligence: Iran, Syria, and Pakistan are Producing Weapons of Mass Destruction

This should be well known among all Western leaders and citizens alike, but it’s good to see it backed up by an intelligence report. The threat of states such as Iran and Pakistan, and Syria also to a lesser degree, is based in large part on Islamic doctrines of warfare against unbelievers. The chief threat is, of course, Iran: “The German intelligence agency for the state of Bavaria said last week in its new report that the Islamic Republic of Iran has not ceased its drive to obtain weapons of mass destruction during 2020.” Iran has never slowed down, and no deal will stop it. Its violation of the nuclear deal by its own admission is long established. The whole deal was based on lies.

Iran’s proxy Hizballah also expands Iran’s global reach. The German report specifically lists “additional threats to Bavaria’s democracy” via Hizballah, noting that Hizballah, “the Iranian regime’s chief strategic ally in the Middle East, has 30 members in Bavaria.”

Continuing to clamp down on the activities of Iran and Hizballah globally requires a prioritized follow-up from democratic countries, which isn’t happening, particularly now with a weakened United States and Canada and a predominantly globalist EU.

Going beyond Bavaria, although “the US, Canada, the Arab League, Israel, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and many other European and Latin American countries classify Hezbollah as a terrorist organization,” Hizballah is still disturbingly active in these countries. For example, while Canada focuses on “Islamophobia,” Hizballah expands its elite operations in the country, and millions of dollars are wired into the country. Similarly, Hizballah has ongoing operations in the UK, in the US, Germany, and in the Netherlands. Being outlawed is merely a start.

Iran still seeks mass destruction weapons – German intelligence report

by Benjamin Weinthal, Jerusalem Post, April 28, 2021:

The German intelligence agency for the state of Bavaria said last week in its new report that the Islamic Republic of Iran has not ceased its drive to obtain weapons of mass destruction during 2020.

“Proliferation-relevant states like Iran, North Korea, Syria and Pakistan are making efforts to expand their conventional arsenal of weapons through the production or constant modernization of weapons of mass destruction,” wrote the Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the formal name for the domestic intelligence agency.

“In order to obtain the necessary know-how and corresponding components, these states are trying to establish business contacts to companies in high-technology countries like Germany,” said the Bavarian intelligence report in its section on weapons of mass destruction.

The German agency is the rough equivalent of the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency).

The intelligence report defines proliferation as “the unauthorized spread of atomic, biological, chemical weapons of mass destruction or the products used for their manufacture as well as the corresponding weapon carrier systems, including the necessary know-how.”

With respect to the section of the report on the Islamic Republic’s espionage activities, the intelligence document stated that “Germany remains in the focus of intelligence activities. This includes information from foreign and security policy as well as business and science. An additional focus [of Iran’s intelligence services] is the observation of, and fight against, opposition groups domestically and abroad.”

The Jerusalem Post reviewed the 380-page intelligence document which contains 28 references to the Islamic Republic. The report lists additional threats to Bavaria’s democracy.

Hezbollah, the Iranian regime’s chief strategic ally in the Middle East, has 30 members in Bavaria….



Hizballah accused of turning Lebanon into ‘drug smuggling, terrorism hub’ under ‘Iran occupation’

Sane people remind Biden of 9/11 after he calls Capitol storming ‘worst attack on our democracy since Civil War’

Even Biden’s Handlers’ Recognition of Armenian Genocide Plays Into Iran’s Hands

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hamas Murderers of Israeli Yeshiva Students Killed in Shootout near Hebron


Marwan Kawasmeh and Amer Abu Eisha killers of three Israel Yeshiva students.

Marwan Kawasmeh and Amir Abu Eisha, the two alleged perpetrators  of the June 2014 kidnap/murders of  three Israeli Yeshiva Students, were killed early Tuesday morning in a shootout at an armed compound near Hebron by a special operations unit of Israeli Border Police aided by Shin Bet. Hamas, which took responsibility for the murders, praised the two slain perpetrators  as so-called ‘martyrs’ during a funeral today. See our NER interview with Dan Diker,”Exposing Hamas’ Kidnapping Strategy.

According to a report in Arutz Sheva, Israel National News, “Murderers of the Three Teens Eliminated”, the kidnapping and murder of the three Yeshiva students was preplanned. A relative of the family obtained a car with Israeli license tags and the perpetrators were dressed as orthodox Jews  to mislead  and entrap the three hitchhiking victims, Eyal Yifrah, Gilad Sha’ar, and Naftali Frenkel.   Hamas used the manhunt that ensnared hundreds of its members on the West Bank as a pretext for the launch of 50 day rocket and terror tunnel campaign and IDF Operation Protective Edge in July and August 2014.  67 IDF soldiers and 6 Israel civilians were killed, while 2,100 Palestinians were killed, nearly half of whom may have been Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad fighters.

Here are excerpts from the Arutz Sheva report. On the raid that killed the two murderers:

The operation was carried out by the Yamam, a special unit of the Border Police, and the IDF, in Hevron. An attempt was made to arrest the suspects but an exchange of fire developed in which they were killed.

The operation was made possible by the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), which located the murderers’ hideout. In the last few days, several Hamas suspects were arrested and questioned on the assumption that they were assisting the fugitives.

“We have been pursuing these two since the abduction,” said Judea and Samaria Division Commander Brig. Gen. Tamir Yadai. “Last night the investigation ripened as regards their location and we have been surrounding the place where they were hiding since 1:00 a.m. We killed them and there are arrests of several other collaborators.”

“We began arresting suspects and at the same time we applied [IDF] ‘pressure cooker’ protocol on the house. It is a big house and they hid out in a secret arms store on the basement floor. The floor is not visible from the outside. At one stage they went outside and opened fire. One was shot and the other fell inside, into a hole.”

“There was use of weapons, like hand grenades and the deployment of explosives that were prepared ahead of time,” he added. “We know that they have been staying in this location quite a lot in the last few days. We know for certain that they were not here the whole time. They had weapons like M-16s, a Kalashnikov and handguns, too.”

3 isreali students murdered

Naftali Frenkel, Gilad Sha’ar,  Eyal Yifrah Two Israelis and an Israel American kidnapped and murdered by slain Hamas operatives.

The accomplices and planning for the kidnapping:

Kawasmeh’s close relative Hussam was arrested in Jerusalem in August for planning the attack, which was carried out physically by Marwan, along with Amer Abu-Eisha.

The abduction and murder reportedly was planned by a third Kawasmeh, Mahmoud, along with Hussam, under the support of Hamas’s military branch, the Al-Qassam Brigades, through their branches both in Gaza and abroad.

The Brigades transferred funds via Mahmoud to purchase a car with an Israeli license plate, weapons and hideouts which were arranged in advance, according to security sources. They added that the three Israeli teens were buried on land purchased by the Kawasmeh family long before the attack. Hussam admitted in investigation to having shaven his beard off and obtained a forged passport in an attempt to flee the country to Jordan.


The source claimed the kidnappers used a silenced weapon, indicating their attempt to actually use the gun, and dressed up as religious Jews to lure the victims into their car.

The Jerusalem Post reported Israeli PM Netanyahu saying that Israel “had fulfilled its pledge”:

“I said from the very first that Hamas was responsible for the kidnapping and murder, and as the evidence that we brought mounted, Hamas admitted that it was also behind that attack.”

Netanyahu, who thanked the security services for their efforts, said he spoke to the families of the murdered teens in the morning, and said that nothing could balm their pain or bring the boys back. “But I said there was justice, and that we carried out the mission that we pledged before them and the entire nation that we would carry out”.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

IDF Raids Seek an American and Two Israelis Allegedly Abducted by Hamas

Saturday night, the IDF and Shin Bet arrested more than 80 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad activists in Hebron in the disputed territories. This is in connection with the abduction of three youths, one American and two Israelis. The IDF has committed a paratroop brigade to the operation sealing off the area of the abduction. The IDF and Israel’s General Security Service (Shin Bet) launched a massive manhunt last Thursday for the alleged Hamas abductors of 16 year old American Naftali Frenkel and two Israelis, Gilad Shaar, 16 and Eyal Yifrach, 19. They were allegedly abducted while hitchhiking home from religious school in the Gush Etzion bloc between Bethlehem and Hebron.  According to a Washington Post report, one of the abductees got off a cell call saying, “we’ve been kidnapped”.

Hamas is believed to be behind their abduction.  At a Sunday Cabinet meeting, Israeli PM Netanyahu said:

Those who perpetrated the abduction of our youths were members of Hamas; the same Hamas that Abu Mazen (Abbas) made a unity government with. This has severe repercussions.

The WaPo report cited Israeli American Naftali Bennett, economics minister in the Netanyahu ruling coalition, saying: “We will respond with an iron fist to terror.”  Thousands of Israeli prayed for the safe return of the three youths at the Kotel, Western Wall, of the Temple in Jerusalem. The National Council of Young Israel in New York issued a call for a Prayer Service for the safe return outside the Israeli Consulate in Manhattan on Monday, June 16th. The announcement used the Twitter hashtag, #BringBackOurBoys.

Hamas issued a statement praising the abduction.   According to an updated report by The Daily Mail, Senior Hamas spokesperson, Sami Abu Zuhri in Gaza called the accusation by PM Netanyahu “silly”. Really?   While cooperating with the Palestinian security service, Israel also relies on their own resources in the West Bank to identify the abductors and the possible location of the three teens. This despite PA senior official Hanan Ashrawi cited  by The Daily Mail saying , “this is something we have no information on”.  However, what can you expect from the Palestinian unity government with Hamas.  Its Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah acknowledges that it has no control over Gaza.

Secretary of State Kerry issued a statement today saying:

The United States strongly condemns the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers and calls for their immediate release. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families. We hope for their quick and safe return home. We continue to offer our full support for Israel in its search for the missing teens, and we have encouraged full cooperation between the Israeli and Palestinian security services. We understand that cooperation is ongoing.

We are still seeking details on the parties responsible for this despicable terrorist act, although many indications point to Hamas’ involvement. As we gather this information, we reiterate our position that Hamas is a terrorist organization known for its attacks on innocent civilians and which has used kidnapping in the past.

Three Israelis? Frankel is a US citizen. The Daily Mail noted Frankel’s mother’s   public message to her son that reflected the concerns of many Israelis and Americans:

Mommy and Daddy and your brothers love you until the end of the world and you should know that the people of Israel are doing all they can to bring you back home.

Israelis and Americans are more than concerned about the fate of three abductees given prior occurrences, including former IDF Sgt. Gilad Shalit snatched during a cross border raid in 2006 and released in an exchange for more than 1,027 Palestinian prisoners in 2011.

Then there is the case of 13 year old Israeli American Koby Mandell and Israeli Yosef Ishran abducted and murdered while on a hike in the disputed territories near the Israeli settlement of Tekoa in May 2001. Mandell’s family had made Aliyah to Israel in the mid-1990’s. The US Congress passed the Koby Mandell Act in 2004 that authorized the Justice Department to arrest foreigners, including Palestinians, who had murdered Americans overseas.  The Koby Mandell Foundation was established in his memory to provide bereavement counseling to the parents and widows of terrorist victims.

In 2012, 52 members of Congress signed a letter sponsored by the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) urging the Department of Justice’s Office for Justice of Victims of Overseas Terrorism (OJVOT), which was formed in 2005, to implement The Koby Mandell Act.  Sarah Stern of EMET said that the letter was to “ensure that the investigation and prosecution of terrorist attacks against American citizens overseas remain a high priority within the Department of Justice.”  Z Street, of which this writer is a board member, was one of several sponsors of the EMET letter to prod Attorney General Holder to recognize the responsibilities of OJVOT.

Sherri Mandell in a Jerusalem Post oped during the EMET 2012 campaign cited the dismal OJVOT track record since the law’s enactment in 2004:

The OJVOT is supposed to investigate, apprehend, indict, extradite and punish terrorists. At least 54 American citizens have been killed, and 83 wounded here in Israel. Neither the OJVOT nor the Department of Justice has done anything to enforce American law in these cases. The only terrorist prosecuted under the law was the killer of a Christian missionary in Indonesia. I’m happy that the killers were prosecuted, but still one wonders. Why is there no communication, investigation, prosecution, or indictment here in Israel? The OJVOT is supposed to protect us. Instead it neglects us.

We sincerely hope the massive IDF-Shin Bet dragnet can free American Naftali Frenkel, Israelis Gilad Shaar, Eyal Yifrach and capture their abductors. In view of the abject failure of the US government to pursue justice for the families of the US victims in Israel and the disputed territories, we trust the Israeli government can bring these perpetrators to justice.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The New English Review.

Israel Foils Al Qaeda Plot Against US Embassy

Time and time again, Israel has proven to be America’s closest, most reliable ally in the Middle East.

Last week we saw the latest example of Israel’s dedication to America as an ally when Israel’s Shin Bet security service announced that it had arrested Al Qaeda terrorists who were part of a cell plotting to launch an attack on the US embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel.

tel aviv bombers

The al-Qaeda terror suspects. Photo: Shin Bet.

Shin Bet indicated that the three terrorists, two from Jerusalem and one from the West Bank, were recruited by an Al Qaeda terrorist operative based in the Gaza Strip who worked directly for Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.

The suicide bomb attack on the US embassy was to be part of an audacious plan to conduct simultaneous attacks on three targets in Israel, the other two targets being an Israeli transit bus and a neighborhood in East Jerusalem.

While there have been fears of an Al Qaeda presence in Israel for some time now, this plot is the first indication of actual, active Al Qaeda terrorists inside Israel.

What is particularly upsetting about the aftermath of the takedown of this Al Qaeda cell has been the muted U.S. reaction.

First, in Washington, Obama State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said U.S. investigators and intelligence officials were not yet able to corroborate the Israeli information and declined to comment on specifics of the case. Harf even told reporters, “I don’t have reason to believe it’s not true. I just don’t have independent verification.”

Meanwhile, senior U.S. officials elsewhere, speaking to reporters anonymously, were confirming the plot, while the Obama State Department was essentially giving no comment.

One wonders just exactly what the State Department meant when it said it did not have “independent verification.”

Who would the State Department be looking to for that “independent verification”?

Eventually, the Obama State Department did “acknowledge” the plot and Israel’s arrest of the terrorists, claiming that they had been in touch with the Israelis on the matter for some time.

What has been completely absent from any statement on the matter from the U.S. has been any expression of gratitude toward Israel for breaking up a plot by our sworn enemy, Al Qaeda, to bomb our embassy.

That silence comes just days after President Obama told the New Yorker, that the current Al Qaeda was the “jayvee” team, once again dismissing the threat from jihadist terrorism.

The only strong statement acknowledging Israel’s key role in heading off this Al Qaeda attack came from Illinois Representative Peter Roskam who released the following statement:

“The plot to attack our embassy in Israel reminds us why we must remain vigilant against the continued and evolving threat from Al Qaeda. With the tragic deaths of American personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi still fresh on our minds, the Israeli intelligence community’s work to stop this attack in its tracks once again demonstrates the mutual importance of our close security cooperation with Israel.”

It certainly appears that the Obama administration is actively ignoring this entire event. And no wonder; after all, it’s a bad situation for Obama in three ways:

  1. It indicates that the “on the run,” “jayvee” Al Qaeda that Obama keeps dismissing is still out there plotting against U.S. targets;
  2. Israel, the country Obama seems to dislike and throw under the bus more than any other U.S. ally, came to the rescue;
  3. Israel seems to have done a better job of looking out for the security of our diplomatic personnel and facilities than we have ourselves. It’s too bad that Israel’s security services weren’t in charge of security in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, instead of Hillary Clinton, Obama’s then-secretary of state!

All of this serves as a painful reminder that the U.S. and its allies continue to be the target of the jihadists and that we must remain ever-vigilant.

Most importantly, we must work to maintain close, friendly relations with our allies, such as Israel, who have stood by us for decades.