Tag Archive for: Socialismo

Socialism Never Works

Will the 2024 election be a referendum on socialism? Socialism, in the name of “neighborliness,” acts as if money grows on trees. It does not.

Socialism is forced redistribution of wealth by the government. In confiscatory taxes, the government takes from the productive to give to the poor. It may sound good to the naïve, but in reality, it hurts the poor more than anyone because its policies cause inflation. The only ones who really benefit from socialism are the administrators.

The dirty little secret about socialism is that it fails every time. Long before we became a country, the Pilgrims were forced to practice a form of socialism.

We explain the details of the Pilgrims’ experiment in socialism in our Providence Forum documentary, “The Pilgrims.”

One of the stipulations of the London Adventurers, a group of investors who had lent money to the Pilgrims for the voyage of the Mayflower, was that everyone in the colony was to divide all the proceeds of the colony equally…no matter how much work he or she did. The problem with this imposition is that those who worked hard were paid just the same as those who chose not to work at all. This incentivizing of laziness undercut productivity immensely.

One guest the program was Dennis Prager, the founder of PragerU. He told our viewers: “The Pilgrims did experiment with socialism or communalism, and they realized it didn’t work. They embodied this. It didn’t take long to realize that doesn’t work. It is against human nature. The moment you tell people that the community will take care of you, they work less. It undermines character.”

Leo Martin, the founder of the Jenney Museum/Learning Center in Plymouth, added, “in 1623, Governor Bradford changed the deal. We’re going to stop a communal existence; we’re going to go to land ownership. Every family will own their own land, grow their own food, and feed themselves, and we’ll trade with each other what we have left over.  Free trade, that worked, they never had a starving day after that, they tripled their production….Shows you what an incentive will do; works every time.”

About this episode, law professor John Eidsmoe writes: “The Pilgrims did not abandon their ideal of a Christian colony; they embraced it. They abandoned an imposed system contrary to the laws of God and the nature of man, embracing instead a system consistent with biblical principles and human nature.”

The 20th century saw one failed experiment in socialism after another, including the Soviet Union.

Ronald Reagan used to collect jokes that Russians would tell each other in the Soviet Union, to ameliorate the misery of living under Communism. Such as the one about the man trying to buy a car, somewhat of a rarity for the common people in those days.

The man fulfilled his obligations, including paying all the money for the car up front. The bureaucrat told him that he had successfully completed his paperwork–and he would get his car in ten years. The man asked, “In the morning or the afternoon?” The bureaucrat was taken aback and replied, “Comrade, it’s ten years from now. What do you care whether it’s the morning or the afternoon?” The man said, “Well, I’ve got the plumber coming in the morning.”

Here in modern America, the federal government is bankrupting our children and grandchildren.

For example, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities notes the federal government spent $6.1 trillion in 2023, and we received $4.4 trillion in revenue. The rest was borrowed. And it’s been like this for a few years now. This is an unsustainable path.

Sometimes it’s hard to grasp how big a trillion is, compared to a million or a billion.

If I owed you $100 and said I’d pay you in a million seconds, you’d be repaid in 12 days.

If I owed you $100 and said I’d pay you in a billion seconds, you’d be repaid in 32 years.

If I owed you $100 and said I’d pay you in a trillion seconds, you’d be repaid in 32,000 years.

And we have deficit spending year after year of more than a trillion dollars.

Thomas Jefferson warned us so long ago: “I place…public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. If we run into such debts, we must be taxed in our meat and drink, in our necessities and in our comforts, in our labor and in our amusements.”

Finally, our third president added, “If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people, under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy.”

We the people get decide on which path we choose in the 2024 election.

©2024. Jerry Newcombe, D. Min. All rights reserved.

CHAPTER 3: Birdman and the Reality Revolution—Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite themselves. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses psychological, informational, asymmetric warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. The primary target of the globalist predators is America’s children. 

The ability to distinguish between fact and fantasy is an essential survival skill. If a man believes he can fly and jumps off a twenty-story ledge, he falls to his death because gravity is a fact, an objective truth. Birdman’s fantasy, a subjective reality, cannot compete with the objective reality of gravity.

Let’s break down the process of thinking and doing. Thinking is a private matter and human beings are free to think their thoughts at any time in any place. Birdman is free to think he can fly, without consequence to himself or others. It is the moment he steps off the ledge that his subjective reality collides with objective reality.

Adults and children are evaluated differently in society. The fantasies of children are an accepted part of the growth process. In a sane society, adults who are out of touch with reality are deemed insane. In our example, Birdman would be considered insane.

Civil society and the laws that govern it are based on the acceptance of objective reality by its citizens. What would happen if there was a movement that deliberately rejected the teaching of objective reality and taught subjective reality instead? What would be the purpose of driving a society insane?

Remember, the ability to distinguish between fact and fantasy is a survival skill, because thought precedes action. Birdman thought he could fly and jumped to his death. Critical thinking is the objective analysis of facts in order to form a judgment, and is the foundation of rational thought.

Feelings, on the other hand, are the foundation of beliefs. Birdman’s feeling that he is a bird that can fly cannot compete with the fact that he is a human being who cannot. Critical thinking, based on facts, is necessary in an adult society.

An insistence upon objective reality is what made America great, powerful, and undefeatable in World War II. At the end of the war, America’s enemies did not go quietly into the night. They reconstituted themselves to fight another day, in another way.

America’s enemies simply put down their guns, picked up their books, and concentrated on the future. They studied the human mind and decided to exploit the existence of the unconscious to defeat America psychologically. The strategic goal was to infantilize Americans. Children’s psychological growth would be paralyzed with educational indoctrination that interrupts their developing critical-thinking skills. Adults would be pressured out of the adult world of objective reality and regressed back into the childish world of feelings.

Vladimir Lenin infamously said, “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

The leftists have taken a page out of Lenin’s communist playbook and indoctrinated two generations of Americans toward collectivism using public/private education, along with mainstream media including television programming and movies. The radical leftist/Marxist War on America is a sinister effort to shatter objective reality and destroy critical-thinking skills. When critical thinking is destroyed and a society is reduced to childish emotional thinking, that society is easily exploited.

In order to stop the radical leftists/Marxists, we need a Reality Revolution. This Revolution would restore objective reality by dismantling the infrastructure of subjective reality that has been established since the end of World War II.

In objective reality, the striving to become an adult, with all its attendant responsibilities, is rewarded with the freedom of adulthood. Children are not free in any society—they are dependent upon their parents/caretakers or the government. The choice between the collectivism offered by socialism/communism, and the individualism offered by the constitutional republic envisioned by our Founding Fathers, is the choice between childhood dependence and adult independence. It is the difference between servitude and freedom.

What young people in America need to understand is that the promise of socialism is never the reality of socialism. Cradle-to-grave government care exacts an exorbitant price. When you accept the powerless position of childhood for the rest of your life, the government happily appropriates your freedom and liberty. In socialism/communism you become a permanent ward of the state.

Americans who proudly wear Che Guevara T-shirts display their ignorance. Real people living in actual communist countries risk their lives escaping TO the real freedom of America. No one is trying to escape FROM Miami to Havana. The romanticized version of socialism/communism propagandizing American students is subjective reality.

These young people need to consider the reality of collectivism, but they must be in objective reality in order to do so. Otherwise, like Birdman, they will think they can fly. The death of Birdman is the metaphorical death of freedom.

©2024. Linda Goudsmit. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Socialist Road to Hell