Tag Archive for: terror

Islam is the Face of Evil

“ISIS is not Islamic”, said  Barack Obama as he gave yet another vapid speech to say what he will or will not do next about the threat of Islam. What he said is both idiotic and a lie. ISIS calls itself the Islamic State.

Obama used the word “war” only once, but ISIS is all about war—an Islamic holy war that has been waged since 632 AD.

The one person neither named, nor blamed is the so-called prophet, Mohammad, yet everything being done by the jihadists today is being done in his name.

In his memoir, “Dreams from my Father”, Obama, in the preface to its second edition, wrote: “Nor do I pretend to understand the stark nihilism that drove the terrorists that day (9/11) and that drives their brethren still. My powers of empathy, my ability to reach into another’s heart, cannot penetrate the blank stares of those who would murder innocents with abstract, serene satisfaction.” And therein is the problem that he, as President, and we as citizens must address.

Political correctness is so dominant in the Obama White House that no one in the U.S. government dares say anything that might be deemed critical of a so-called “religion” that sanctions beheadings, amputations, stoning, kidnapping hostages, ransoms, polygamy, and slavery. To anyone deemed an infidel or unbeliever or a Muslim who questions anything about Islam, death is the only option other than dhimmitude, a second-class citizenship.

The pure evil of Islam was seen most recently in the two videos of American hostages being beheaded by the Islamic State, but despite decades of attacks on U.S. embassies, the taking of U.S. hostages in Beirut and Tehran, attacks in Bali, Madrid and London, and the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and on the Pentagon, Americans have been slow to realize the intensity and size of the threat that the Middle Eastern and North African nations represent along with wherever else a large Muslim population exists.

As the U.S. and threatened Middle Eastern nations hurtle toward a military confrontation with the Islamic State, the name it has given to territory it has seized from northern Syria and into Iraq, a new book, Fault Lines: The Layman’s Guide to Understanding America’s Role in the Ever-Changing Middle East, ($00.00, Elevate, Boise, Idaho, softcover) provides one of the best, short histories on U.S. involvement and why, at this point, its influence has reached a low point.

Liebich writes of the way the U.S. policy regarding the Middle East changed over the years, particularly in the wake of World War II and the Cold War that followed as the Soviet Union challenged us for the implementation of communism worldwide. Dependent on the flow of oil from the Middle East, much of our strategic interest in the region was based on exercising our influence, often bringing about the removal of leaders whom we regarded as a threat to that necessity. After 9/11 that went into overdrive.

Liebich notes that our concept of nation-building proved costly, not just in the lives of our troops, but which included $50 billion in Iraq “and it didn’t work. Before you can build a nation you have to have a nation and only the citizens of that nation can decide what kind of a country they want to have.” The problem the U.S. encountered was that “In the Middle East, people related much more to the Ummah (the Muslim community) and to their own tribes.”

The problem that George H.W. Bush and his son, George W. Bush, encountered was that “The Middle East is a part of the world where many odd alliances appear. One is never sure who is allied with whom and whatever one thinks may all change tomorrow.”

Liebich takes note of the “Arab Awakening” that followed the U.S. invasion of Iraq that deposed Saddam Hussein. It began “with so much promise” followed by “its subsequent descent into chaos, has drastically changed the geopolitical landscape in the Middle East and North Africa.”

Liebich says “My definition of a vital national interest is one that deals with an existential threat to the United States, and one for which the U.S. is willing to spill its blood and to spend its treasure in order to accomplish its objectives. By this definition, the U.S. has no vital national interest in events in the Middle East.” Written prior to the emergence of the Islamic State, a new existential threat is facing the U.S.

Liebich says our strategic interests in the Middle East for many years included access to stable supplies of oil at reasonable prices; support for the state of Israel; preventing adversaries or potential adversaries from coming to power or achieving influence in the region; improving life for the people of the region; and preventing terrorist attacks on U.S. territories and citizens.

“The region has become the epicenter for terrorist groups, some of which have ambitions for a global reach.” That alone will require a renewed military involvement by the U.S. as we are the only nation with the capacity to alter the facts on the ground.

It comes at a time when the U.S. is close to having developed its oil reserves to a point where the oil of the Middle East will not determine our policies, but it is that oil which other nations such as those of Europe depend upon. China and India need it as well so its protection by and for the West as well as the developing Asian nations affects our decisions. Even Russia whose economy is dependent on oil and natural gas has cast its support for Syria along with Iran.

Everything, though, depends on understanding the true nature and intent of Islam.

Liebich ends his book with a quote from Winston Churchill who said, “We can always count on the Americans to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all other possibilities.”

Right now, the right thing is the destruction of the Islamic State.

© Alan Caruba, 2014

RELATED ARTICLE: Sorry Mr. President, ISIS Is 100 Percent Islamic

President Obama’s lack of a strategy to deal with ISIS is ‘grossly negligent’

Amerli Hassan

After his family escaped the ISIS-besieged town of Amerli in northern Iraq, 2-year-old Hassan was wounded in a suicide bombing. His family reportedly died in the blast. (Photo: Courtesy Ali al-Bayati)

President Obama publicly announced with respect to the Islamic State “We don’t have a strategy yet.” This is mind chilling.

The U.S. Commander in Chief just announced to the leaders of the Islamic State they have nothing to fear from the U.S. at this time because we have no strategy to deal with them. To say the least this is a green light for these terrorists to proceed with their murderous rampage.

It is hard to account for Obama’s statement which is a gift to the Islamic State. However there are a number of possibilities:

  1. Obama is pushing off a decision until Congress convenes thereby endangering U.S. security for domestic political reasons and because he is indecisive. This may be a replay of his failure to act against the Assad regime when Obama’s red line was breached and his failure to arm the rebels when it could have made a difference and prevented the emergence of the Islamic State.
  2. In disregard of warnings from high ranking Administration members Obama doesn’t believe the Islamic State is a substantial threat and seeks containment instead of its destruction, but won’t admit it publicly.
  3. To avoid or postpone taking action at this time Obama is lying to the American public when he says that the U.S. has no strategy to deal with or destroy the Islamic State.

In any event President Obama’s public statements gives aid and comfort to the enemy and further distances the U.S. from its allies in the region. If in fact after numerous recommendations from our military and intelligence services the White House has failed to create a strategy against this terrorist organization President Obama and his advisers have been ‘grossly negligent’.


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Found: The Islamic State’s Terror Laptop of Doom – Buried in a Dell computer captured in Syria are lessons for making bubonic plague bombs and missives on using weapons of mass destruction. – Foreign Policy Magazine
What Leading From Behind Looks Like
Obama: “We don’t have a strategy yet” on the Islamic State
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EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is an official White House Photo by Pete Souza.

One Year After an Attack on the Grid, It’s Still Dangerously Vulnerable – and So are We

On the first anniversary of a nearly devastating attack on the Metcalf Substation outside San Jose, California, the Secure the Grid Coalition convened a symposium on whether the electric grid has been made appreciably more resilient against this and other sorts of assaults, whether by enemies of this country or solar storms.  Seven senior legislators and national security experts warned that, incredibly, the answer is “No.”



The participants included: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich; Rep. Pete Sessions, the chairman of the powerful House Rules Committee; and Rep. Trent Franks, the co-chairman of the House EMP Caucus. Each provided videotaped statements, as did Thomas Popik, the chairman of the Foundation for Resilient Societies.

Appearing as well and in person at the Reserve Officers Association venue were: Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, a former staff member of the Congressional EMP Threat Commission; Michael Del Rosso, former Chairman, IEEE Critical Infrastructure Committee; and Major General Robert Newman, the former Adjutant General of Virginia.  The program was moderated by Frank Gaffney, the president of the Center for Security Policy.

Speaker Gingrich observed: “This is a very important topic. I believe it may be the most important topic in national security because an electromagnetic pulse event or a very, very large solar event are the only things I can think of that could literally cripple the society so decisively, barring a spasm nuclear war with hundreds of warheads.”

Highlights of the program included:

  • The wake-up call represented by the narrowly averted disaster at Metcalf. Had the perpetrators of that attack – who have not been apprehended and must be assumed to be still at large – succeeded, they would likely have destroyed seventeen, and perhaps all twenty-one, of the facility’s absolutely vital, and effectively irreplaceable, extremely high-voltage transformers.  The result would have been disruption of power to Silicon Valley and parts of the San Francisco Bay area for a protracted period.
  • The fact that enemies of this country have as part of their cyberwarfare doctrine the use of attacks involving: direct physical assault, radio frequency weapons, cyber attacks and high-altitude electromagnetic pulses to destroy our grid.
  • The certitude that, even if none of such threats eventuate, the grid will – if left unprotected – be devastated by a naturally occurring “Carrington event.” These are powerful solar flare-induced geomagnetic disturbances that occur roughly every 150 years.  The last one occurred in 1859, one hundred and fifty-five years ago.
  • The reality that eleven different studies have been performed or commissioned by the U.S. government over the past decade to examine threats to the electric grid. Each one – whether addressing man-caused or naturally induced dangers – arrives at the same conclusion: the protracted disruption of the grid that would result from such events would pose an existential threat to the nation.  (A compilation of the executive summaries of these studies was recently published by the Center for Security Policy under the title, Guilty Knowledge: What the U.S. Government Knows about the Vulnerability of the Electric Grid, but Refuses to Fix, was disseminated at the symposium.
  • The historical experience of the U.S. military with hardening its critical nuclear forces and command-and-control assets.  As a result of this fifty-year long practice, the technology for grid protection is known, proven and in-hand.
  • The reasons why electric utilities and what amounts to their trade association – which, incredibly, also happens to be their regulator at the federal level – the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, seem so indifferent to the evidence that their assets and infrastructure face potentially ruinous assaults. Evidently, they are more concerned about the immediate bottom line and regulatory restrictions than even their own long-term fortunes, to say nothing of the country’s.
  • The peculiar outcome of a hearing convened last week by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee to examine the question: “Keeping the Lights On:  Are We Doing Enough to Assure the Reliability and Security of the Electric Grid?”  It seems that – despite the readily available evidence to the contrary (well summarized by the Coalition’s symposium yesterday) – Senators were under the illusion that the answer is that we are doing enough, and that the only real problem is that information to the contrary has appeared in places like the Wall Street Journal.

Symposium moderator Frank Gaffney observed: “The U.S. government knows about the grid’s vulnerability.  So do the utilities.  And so do our enemies.  In fact, the only folks being kept in the dark about this problem and the disaster that it invites are the American people.  And, if something is not done swiftly to secure the grid, they may be kept in the dark permanently.”

For more information about the work of the Coalition and to sign a petition calling for our most indispensable critical infrastructure to be hardened, visit:  www.SecureTheGrid.com.


The Center for Security Policy is a non-profit, non-partisan national security organization that specializes in identifying policies, actions, and resource needs that are vital to American security and then ensures that such issues are the subject of both focused, principled examination and effective action by recognized policy experts, appropriate officials, opinion leaders, and the general public. For more information visit www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org

A Jihadist Internet Site Explored

The vast majority of Americans do not realize how deep Islamic based terrorists and their supporters have penetrated America. The Mujahadeen are not just in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Saudi Arabia. They are in locations such as Raleigh, NC, Tampa, FL, and have set up operations on many of our U.S. military and government installations.

I am travelling to the great state of North Carolina to conduct a presentation for a group of outstanding Americans affiliated with the Rowan County Oath Keepers. During my travels I always conduct first-hand research at mosques and Islamic Centers along my route. I have been to NC mosques numerous times and they rate at the highest levels for the high probability for violence.

I do not encourage readers to go to mosques for research if you have not had the proper training on what to look for and your training has not been provided first-hand by Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood members. If you can’t recognize the materials used by Al Qaeda or know the backgrounds of Islamic terrorists and supporters, you will be wasting your time.

The mosques are sanitized by professionals (Islamic leaders). The average non Muslim will not see signs of terrorism or the other hate material most mosques have. Islamic leaders encourage naive Americans (non Muslim) to visit mosques and learn about Islam. In actuality the only thing you will be taught at the mosque about Islam is exactly what they want you to hear. You will get an earful about how peaceful Islam is, Islam denounces terrorism, and Islam mandates Muslim women and girls be protected. Nothing but false propaganda.

It has taken me almost three decades of intensive study of Islam, reading thousands of their own writings, visiting numerous Islamic based countries, studying the Arabic language, and most importantly I have been trained by former Al Qaeda (trust but verify) to know what to look for at mosques for signs of loyalties to Islamic based terrorist groups.

Most people do not have 12 plus hours a day to focus on Islamic based issues. The best evidence is always first-hand evidence. I do not get my news about Jihad activities by wasting my time reading the Drudge Report, any U.S. newspaper, or any U.S. television network. Many people have condemned Al Jazeera television. I am pleased they are on the air in America. Although they sanitize their reporting, they leave clues to their real purpose, and this is an advantage to folks who want to expose ‘Pure Islam’. It is easier to monitor your enemies if they are conducting activities near you.

I do spend my time going to Jihad sites controlled by Al Qaeda. These people do not fear America or any American. They do not sanitize anything. If they conduct a Jihad operation in Afghanistan they immediately write about the attack and the majority of the time they produce a video. How many times has Fox News shown video clips of Islamic based terrorists conducting a ‘Suicide Murder’ attack of our brave men and women? I don’t mean an O’Reilly version that does not show how brutal and grotesque our young men and women are slaughtered.

Americans are being lied to and important information withheld by U.S. media organizations and our government (left and right). If the media would show Muslims actually beheading an innocent person, or watching them pray to Allah before they strap on their explosives and then blow themselves up and killing innocent people the American people would become very enraged. This is what our government does not want you to see because you would then be seeing Islam in it’s purest form.

Millions of Americans would be demanding the protection of our country from Islam and demanding any and all government leaders who are shouldering with Islamic groups to leave their positions. There would likely be a violent revolution in America. I hope this never happens because I don’t want my children to live in fear, but in reality many already are. I have seen enough of the atrocities of war and never want to see the aftereffects of Americans who were murdered by Mujahadeen in the name of Islam, but every American should have to watch what a beheading or bombing attack actually looks like. The attitude toward Islam would change even the most hard core liberal.

I encourage Americans to spend a few hours a week educating themselves on ‘Pure Islam’. There is a Jihad site that will provide you with details about how violent and dangerous Islam actually is. When I conduct research in U.S. mosques I always ask mosque members and their leaders for recommended sites about Islam. I have often been referred to the Islamic Jihad Site.

Here is just one of their articles:

Press release of the spokesman of Islamic Emirate regarding the today’s high-profile attacks

Created On Tuesday, 27 March 2012 03:06. Written By Super User.

Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi, Taliban Leader. Photo courtesy of UK Times.

That even though the real enemy of Islam and our country (America), besides continuing its ill-fated occupation, recently set fire to the sacred book of all the Muslims, the holy Quran however it still did not satisfy their barbaric desires. Then it carried out a pre-planned atrocity in Panjwaee district’s Zangawat area (Kandahar) where it brutally martyred seventeen innocent civilians including several children, women and old men and in the process unveiled its actual savage colors to the entire world.

Therefore the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as the real representatives of its Muslim nation, solemnly pledged that it shall take revenge from the perpetrators of the ten year occupation as well as of these clear and unforgivable crimes and in doing so shall demonstrate to its people that it is in fact the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate who are the true protectors of their honor, sanctities and freedom. So in order to implement its promise, it carried out the following successful operations today (Monday – 03/05/1433 | 26/03/2012) which caused the enemy severe human and material losses:

Today at around 02:00 pm in Uruzgan province’s Chora district, a martyrdom attack was carried out by Abdur Rafi’ on the invaders who had just finished having lunch at the home of a government official. According to received information, 18 American invaders were killed including a high ranking commander while several others were wounded.

Similarly, an attack was carried out by a Mujahid who had infiltrated the Afghan army against foreign troops at the gate of Lashkargah PRT at 02:00 pm from which 2 invaders were killed and several others wounded whereas the Mujahid also embraced martyrdom.

Meanwhile at around midnight, a US Chinook helicopter was shot down with rocket fire between Marmoz and Sheikh Ali Karez areas of Nawzad district as a result all 30 invaders onboard were killed.

Since all of the said attacks were revenge operations against the enemy, we therefore call on our whole nation to stand next to their Mujahideen brothers, pray for their success and to not withhold lending any type of assistance in the way of avenging our innocent martyrs. On the other hand, we call on all the security apparatus of the Kabul administration, as part of their Afghan honor and pride if nothing else, to detest from aiding the occupiers or to target the foreign troops from close range or at least to not become an obstacle for the Mujahideen in reaching their intended target (American forces) in order to cool the hearts of its oppressed nation and take revenge from them for violating our sanctities and for the heartrending Zangawat incident.

We once again pledge that we shall not let the foreign invaders rest in peace in any part of the country and shall spill their blood until they are forced to disgracefully leave and until they repay a hefty price for the killing and persecution of our nation.

Spokesman of Islamic Emirate
Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi