We’re Saved!? UN declares: ‘Whether you like it or not, fossil fuel phase-out inevitable’ – Morano: UN ‘is literally psychotic…We have to say HELL NO to idea of Net Zero!’
By Marc Morano
Morano: “The UN Secretary-General said whether you like it or not, fossil fuels are going away. Well, gee, if that’s the case, then these UN COP meetings are going away. You had the British Foreign Secretary, King Charles, and Richie Rich — Richie Sunak, their Prime Minister, fly there in three separate private jets to this summit. In many ways, this is just absolute virtue signaling, Laura.
Morano: “Since March of 2020, the whole world has changed. They are lusting after what they saw in COVID. And the most significant thing of this COP 28 happened about a week before COP 28 And that’s when a couple of hundred medical journals urged the World Health Organization to declare climate change a public health threat. The idea here is to bring this under public health authority. So if you could declare a COVID emergency or you can declare any kind of public health pandemic you can now call climate change as part of that and that’s what they’re looking for — to bypass democracy.”
Morano: “It’s easier to transition your gender, than it is the transition energy, especially the way the United Nations is going about it — centrally planned, command and control. They’re not backing off of this at any level. But the danger comes from the corporate government collusion that was there.” Over 200 health journals call on the UN & WHO to recognize ‘climate change’ as ‘a global health emergency’
‘COMMAND AND CONTROL’: Nations at COP28 agree to transition from fossil fuels – Climate Depot executive editor Marc Morano calls the United Nations’ climate push ‘absolute virtue-signaling’ on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’
Rough Transcript:
Laura Ingraham: Joining me now is Marc Morano, executive editor at Climate Depot. We just got back from Cop Out 28 in Dubai mark at the UN Secretary General also applauded the move saying that the era of fossil fuels must end and it must add this is my favorite part with justice and my favorite word equity. Yeah, okay, Marc, what is this really all about? How much is it going to cost us?
Marc Morano: Well, today, you need to hug your children because the UN and 190-plus nations have announced the end of fossil fuels. Now keep in mind that 100 years ago in the world — 80% of our energy came from fossil fuels, and today, 80% of our energy comes from fossil fuels. But hey, it’s going away.
You know what the UN Secretary-General — the former president of Socialist International — which the media doesn’t seem to mention that very much. But the UN Secretary-General said whether you like it or not, fossil fuels are going away.
Well, gee, if that’s the case, then these COP meetings are going away. You had the British Foreign Secretary, King Charles and Richie Rich, Richie Sunak, their Prime Minister, fly three separate private jets to this summit. In many ways, this is just absolute virtue signaling, Laura.
But here’s the thing since March of 2020, the whole world has changed. They are lusting after what they saw in COVID. And the most significant thing of this COP 28 happened about a week before COP 28 And that’s when the couple 100 medical journals urged the World Health Organization to declare climate change a public health threat. The idea here is to bring this under public health authority. So if you could declare a COVID emergency or you can declare any kind of public health pandemic you can now call climate change as part of that and that’s what they’re looking for — to bypass democracy and that’s the whole setup. And that’s why this is really window dressing for the real power happening behind the scenes.
Laura Ingraham: Well, and that’s when they want to get rid of cash, they can track all of your all your purchases, electric cars, they can stop you from moving out of your allowed territory and so forth. But I know that China got a big free pass as usual and also India, because they’re, I mean, they’ve already said we’re not phasing out of I mean, they’re not going to phase out of anything. It’s vital to their economies and their people. They know what fossil fuels as it is to ours.
Marc Morano: The Indian environmental minister was on record as saying, we’re not going to limit our development because they are 20 to 30% of our population is in poverty. China, on the other hand, they’re going to be exempt, and they are pushing hard – Laurie they had an entire pavilion, the the most elaborate setup with a picture of Xi Jinping over the COP 28 sign.
And they literally were pushing for as much transition to solar and wind from fossil fuels. China was pushing the West to be more reliant on — drumroll please — China, which is what they’re doing,
And I would argue it’s easier to transition your gender, than it is the transition energy, especially the way the United Nations is going about it — centrally planned, command and control. They’re not backing off of this at any level. But the danger comes from the corporate government collusion that was there, and they also had children’s events there. They had sustainable fashion events. They have it all covered at these conferences.
Laura Ingraham: Marc, great to see you.
Over 200 health journals call on the UN & WHO to recognize ‘climate change’ as ‘a global health emergency’
Watch: ‘Stop Net Zero, Save Red Meat!’ Climate skeptics crash COP 28 & engage in traffic blockade at the UN climate summit in Dubai
Watch: Morano on Fox News w/ Ingraham on COVID/Climate merging: ‘The most significant event of COP 28 happened before COP 28, when 200 medical journals urged the WHO to declare climate change a public health threat’
‘The Ingraham Angle.’ – Fox News Channel – Broadcast December 13, 2023Over 200 health journals call on the UN & WHO to recognize ‘climate change’ as ‘a global health emergency’Watch: Morano gives analysis and sums up UN climate summit with Alex Newman on TNT’s Unleashed with Marc Morano – 12 December 2023
COP28: Hype and Reality – ‘COP28 was futile climate theatrics’ – Full of ‘phony climate promises’ – ‘We must abandon Net Zero before it’s too late’
You have NO CHOICE! UN Sec. Gen. António Guterres (the former president of Socialist International) declares: ‘Whether you like it or not, fossil fuel phase out is inevitable’
UN Celebrates! COP28 Agreement Signals ‘Beginning of the End’ of the Fossil Fuel Era – UN brags it is ‘ratcheting up climate action’CNN: ‘It’s time to limit how often we can travel abroad – ‘Carbon Passports’ may be the answer’ – ‘Drastic changes to our travel habits are inevitable’ – Suggests restrictions will be ‘forced’ upon publicWatch: ‘Stop Net Zero, Save Red Meat!’ Climate skeptics crash COP 28 & engage in traffic blockade at the UN climate summit in DubaiWatch: I participated in a traffic blockade at the UN climate summit in Dubai – Climate skeptics turn the table on climate activists! CFACT’s 1 minute climate protest video here at the COP28 conferencesWatch: Morano on Fox on COP 28: Believing we can abolish fossil fuels & a UN climate pact is going to save us ‘is literally psychotic’ – ‘Net Zero is a Soviet-style central planning technique that has to be roundly defeated’
The Bottom Line – Fox Business – Broadcast December 12, 2023
Morano on UN COP28 Climate Summit & Net Zero Goals of Fossil Fuel Phase-Out:
Morano: “Let’s say it out loud. Net Zero is a Soviet-style central planning technique that has to be roundly defeated. We need Republican leadership. We need the House Speaker. We need Mitch McConnell. We need them to do a Sense of the Senate, a declaration of Congress to declare Net Zero an anti-human agenda.
It’s one of the greatest farces that ever come from the United Nations — the idea that the UN is going to act as though they’re they can control the dial of the earth and control the temperature by crushing human energy and development. …
And just to go back to the whole big picture, 100 years ago, 80% of our energy came from fossil fuels. Today, 80% of our energy comes from fossil fuels both globally and in the US. The idea that we can get rid of fossil fuels in the next few decades and that the UN is going to save us or the idea that the Inflation Reduction Act is going to save us — is literally psychotic. It has no science or common sense behind it.”
NYT: ‘Saudi Arabia Is Trying to Block a Global Deal to End Fossil Fuels, Negotiators Say’
‘Tears flowed’ at COP 28 climate summit as UN agreed to ‘historic’ decision to TAKE AWAY YOUR FOSSIL FUELS to save planet!!
Flashback 2020: Crying over ‘climate change’ – Tears, sobbing, & ‘climate grief’ is an actual thing for activists – Special Report
Via Climate Nexus: https://newsletter.climatenexus.org/saudis-had-unregistered-oil-employees-at-cop-tesla-recalls-cars-more
COP28: Was COP28 a success or flop? Depends who you ask (TIME), The world has a new floor for climate ambition (The Atlantic), Climate talks end on a first-ever call for the world to move away from fossil fuels (NPR), What to make of the deal struck at COP28 (Economist), Heard at UN climate talks: Quotes that tell the story (AP), Climate summit makes ‘historic progress’ — but the world still can’t quit oil (E&E News), How an oil executive led the world to an agreement to ditch fossil fuels (Grist), COP28 deal just about keeps net zero on the road (Reuters), COP28 kicks carbon trading down the road as EU blocks deal (Reuters), COP28 agreeable to Saudis as it lets nations chart own course – source (Reuters), The world just made it clear the fossil fuel era is ending — with some wiggle room (Washington Post $), Analysis: At COP28, Sultan al-Jaber got what the UAE wanted. Others leave it wanting much more (AP), In the end, an oil man won a climate summit deal on moving away from oil (New York Times $), Oil companies are fine with call to move away from fossil fuels (New York Times $), COP28 ends with legacy potential after breakthrough fossil fuel pact (Axios)
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Over 200 health journals call on the UN & WHO to recognize ‘climate change’ as ‘a global health emergency’
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Eliminate fossil fuels for the kids’ future! Climate activist: ‘COP28, the clock’s ticking’ – ‘Phase out fossil fuels? Yes, please’
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Gore declares: Agreement to phase out fossil fuels would be ‘one of the most significant events in the history of humanity’
‘Climate lockdowns are here & now’ – Marc Morano Joins Rose Unplugged From COP28 Climate Conference in Dubai
Watch: Morano on TV from Dubai COP 28 UN climate summit on Destroying The World’s Energy Supply
Not again!? ‘This may be our last chance’: Cop28 talks ‘enter final phase’ — But every climate summit is hailed as the ‘last chance!’
UN climate summit serving burgers, BBQ as it calls for US to stop eating meat – Offerings include ‘juicy beef,’ ‘slabs of succulent meat,’ smoked wagyu burgers & Philly cheesesteaks
©2023. Marc Morano. All rights reserved.