Tag Archive for: trans killers

4 things you were supposed to forget about ‘Trans Day of Remembrance’

For a third year in a row, the Biden Administration has laid it on thick in marking November 20 as ‘Transgender Day of Remembrance’ (TDoR).

“Today, on Transgender Day of Remembrance, we grieve the 26 transgender Americans who were killed this year,” Biden’s Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced in a video that quickly went viral last week.

In a press statement on the same day, Secretary of State Antony Blinken described the event as “a day to commemorate the transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming persons who are targeted and killed for living authentically and courageously”.

“Trans individuals are a part of every country, every culture, and every faith tradition,” Blinken claimed, adding, “we will continue to speak loudly and clearly to end transphobic violence and homicide”.

In his own statement, President Biden declared, “We must never be silent in the face of hate,” while mourning “the loss of transgender Americans taken too soon this year”.

In recent times, Mercator has taken considerable interest in TDoR, in particular noting the exaggerated claims regularly made about a supposed transgender murder epidemic.

While what follows provides further critique of such tall trans tales, the words of Mercator editor Michael Cook bear repeating, who in another piece on the same topic has affirmed:

“All trans murders are tragedies. All of the victims are someone’s son or daughter. They all had friends who loved them. They all had inalienable rights and deserved to be treated with respect.”

Well said.

Even so, the Biden admin’s rhetorical sleights of hand must be named for what they are. Alleging that all of the transgender-identifying people being mourned by the White House were targeted due to their sexual identity — due to ‘transphobia’ — requires more than mere words: it demands proof.

Moreover, to commemorate a day for so fractionally small a cohort of Americans is to let the ideological cat out of the bag. Only for causes that come in rainbow colours would the deaths of 0.000008% of Americans warrant so much pomp and circumstance from the Biden Woke House.

As one popular X account quipped, “When is the Victims Of Falling Vending Machines Day Of Remembrance?”

So, to mark TDoR this year, consider four things the woke establishment hoped you’d forget this Transgender Day of Remembrance.

One. ‘Transgender Day of Remembrance’ is one of approximately 150 LGBT-themed days of the year that are now marked for commemoration. Conservative commentator Robby Starbuck provided a comprehensive list, noting these days now represent about 41 percent of the year.

Pray tell, what is the point of another “day of remembrance” when there are barely any days left on which one could possibly forget the ubiquitous rainbow cult?

Two. Every death is tragic. But unless I am missing something, it appears to be remarkably safe to be a transgender American.

According to the CDC, the overall homicide rate in the United States is 7.8 people per 100,000 population. By comparison, 26 transgender persons killed out of a population of 1.6 million transgender-identifying Americans yields a homicide rate of only 1.6 homicides per 100,000.

Thus, it appears to be five times safer to be transgender in the United States today.

Put another way, for the transgender homicide rate to come anywhere near the overall US homicide rate, we would have expected not 26 transgender homicides this year but 126. Where are the 100 missing transgender homicides? If they exist, we can be certain the Biden White House would have told us all about them. Shy of that, we can only conclude they did not happen — and therefore that transgender Americans are a uniquely safe identity group.

Three. Secretary Blinken claimed that transgender people are being killed for “living authentically and courageously”. However, 1 of the 26 people referenced by Karine Jean-Pierre — DéVonnie J’Rae Johnson — was actually killed after confronting a security guard with a fire extinguisher and then a screwdriver, according to LGBT online rag The AdvocateAuthentic and courageous?

Indeed, a closer look at the news stories about the violent deaths of transgender-identifying Americans reveals an alarming picture.

In 2022, Ray Muscat of Michigan was shot by his partner who was also transgender. Not long after, Kitty Monroe of Memphis was also killed during a domestic dispute with his partner. In November of the same year, Maddie Hofmann of Pennsylvania was shot and killed after aiming a gun at a police officer. The following month, Caelee Love-Light of Dallas was shot and killed by a disabled person whom he had first stabbed.

During 2023, at least three of the violent transgender deaths that made the news involved similar altercations — whether an argument over a payment for a sex acta dispute over suspected HIV infection by a sexual partner, or a during a fight that broke out at a party.

To underscore the point made earlier, each of these deaths are tragic. But they hardly count as evidence of transgender people being targeted and killed for being transgender, or for “living authentically and courageously”.

Four. The fake news media is ever eager to highlight a person’s transgender identity if they fall victim to a crime, but wilfully neglect to mention it when they perpetrate one.

Examples of this include the mass shootings carried out by a non-binary shooter in Colorado Springs, a transgender shooter in Denver, another transgender shooter in Maryland, and a cross-dressing shooter in Philadelphia.

And who can forget the Nashville transgender shooter, whose woke manifesto was buried by the authorities for months and only saw the light of day after a whistleblower leaked it to the media?

The point is not that most violent transgender deaths are somehow deserved, or that the majority of mass shootings are carried out by transgender individuals. It is not even necessarily the case that transgender ideology or transgender lifestyles are inherently more prone to violence — though others are welcome to mount that argument.

The point is this: there is no transgender murder epidemic, and transgender people who commit violence do not deserve special protection from criticism because of their transgenderism.

If anything, Transgender Day of Remembrance reveals that kowtowing to a particular ideology does more to befuddle and obfuscate than actually shed light on the serious scourge of violence and homicide in America.

How about just the plain old truth instead?



Ben Terang is a freelance journalist writing from Milwaukee.

EDITORS NOTE: This MERCATOR column is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.