With takeover of Syria, Muslim Brotherhood front man Erdogan takes big step toward rebuilding Turkey’s Ottoman caliphate
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed the 7th Religious Council in Ankara last week, delivering a speech on the state of Islamic civilization while highlighting the event’s focus on integrating artificial intelligence and digitization into religious practices.
According to the RAIR Foundation, Erdogan condemned Western civilization as wrought by blood, tears and genocide, a bitter irony given the Islamic Caliphate’s own legacy of conquest, subjugation, and brutality etched into history. The Ottoman Empire, based in what is today called Turkey, butchered more than 3 million Armenian and Greek Christians and carried out a genocide against the native Armenian people.
President Erdogan, a leader of the global Muslim Brotherhood movement, has openly fantasized about restoring the old Ottoman Empire and rebuilding its war-making caliphate.
Erdogan’s Sunni jihadist thugs, brought to power with the help of the American CIA and British MI6, are poised to carry out another genocide today inside Syria.
Turkey is backing a group of jihadists led by HTS, former ISIS and al-Qaida members, who are in the process right now of destroying the lives of Christians and Shia Alawite Muslims in Syria.
But Erdoğan criticized the foundations of Western hegemony, including its obsession with the so-called progress being made in the digital age:
WATCH: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan calls for the ‘end of Western Civilization’
While I agree that artificial intelligence and the rush to digitize the world is being pushed by the forces of evil in the world, this is like the pot calling the kettle black.
It should also be pointed out that modern-day Turkey is a member of NATO, which makes Turkey part of the “Western” military alliance. This makes other NATO member states, including the U.S., U.K., Canada, France, Italy, Germany, etc., at least partially complicit in whatever atrocities take place against Christians in Syria.
If Mr. Erdogan had approached this topic honestly, he would find that the powers that be in the Islamic world are entirely on board with the digitization of all things, including all banking and financial transactions, all information, and all things, both living and non-living. Islamic leaders are among the most enthusiastic backers of what’s known as fintech (financial technology and replacement of cash with digital).
When the antichrist arises, he will be embraced by the leaders of all religions, including Islam, Judaism and the false Christian church.
Only the Lord Jesus Christ will ultimately put an end to this drive to create a fully digitized one-world beast system. But we as followers of Christ must resist it at every level as it approaches like a freight train of evil. We also must be careful not to get caught up in earthly narratives churned out by governments and their partners at Fox News, CNN, NBC, the NY Times, Washington Post and the rest of the corporate mockingbird media. What looks like a victory in Syria, and what was declared to be a victory by Joe Biden over the weekend, was likely just another step toward the grand deception that will culminate in that man of sin appearing on the scene with a plan that will initially bring peace and security for all but will quickly devolve into war and suffering.
Daniel 8:25 says: “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.”
Another verse that came to mind as I followed the news about the sudden “victory” in Syria that Biden and so many on the right were celebrating was this from 1 Thessalonians 5:3.
“For when they say, ‘Peace and safety!’ then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.“
©2024 Leo Hohmann. All rights reserved.
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