Tag Archive for: UN HRC

The United Nations is the COMINTERN: Three kinds of attacks on the West by the UN [Video]

The problem with being too far ahead of the curve is that you sound crazy. The fact is, the UN has been nothing but a communist plot against the world for a long time now. To be frank, I think someone needs to rewrite the whole Chicken Little story from a much more sympathetic angle. Except that by the time people realized he was right, its too late to fix it by easy means, isn’t it?

From a few days ago On UNDRIP:

I need to go through some of the material above in greater detail to be sure this is the case. But at one point the claim is made that this will allow any Amer-Indian band to lay claim to any land that they claim to have ever used. This is eerily similar to the Islamic central dogma that any land ever conquered by Islam and ruled under sharia law, is permanently Islamic territory, and it is justified to take it from any non-Muslim who may live there not under Islamic rule.

The following is from several years ago: Pay special attention to this one. It points out the Secretary General of the UN is a life long leader of communist organizations. In this speech he explains how he intends to end freedom of speech.

2018: The following two videos are about how the UN intends to both end the nation state as a system of organizing humanity though the cultural, historical and regional interests of the people in them, but also how the UN has passed a “compact” which if not made into laws in the member states, has clearly been obeyed through other forms of pressure to only report on mass migration as a good thing, if reported at all.

Here, rebellious members of the EU, a more local branch office of the COMINTERN discuss the 2018 UN migration compact and its meaning and implications:

Only one reporter bothered to report on the compact in an honest way that we could find:

This is very important. So here in this one post, you see the UN attack on: Free Speech, property ownership and the nation state through mass migration, even if they use the now familiar language of victimhood to sell these attacks.

RELATED ARTICLE: Son of Hamas: How the UN sabotaged the Oslo Peace Process


EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with videos posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.