Yet Another Hijab Hate Crime Hoax, This Time in Maryland
My latest in PJ Media:
As every good Leftist knows and very much wants you to admit, America is a racist, hate-filled country in which people of color, Muslims, and other victim classes are routinely subjected to discrimination, harassment, and even violence. The only problem with our culture of “systemic racism,” which Critical Race Theory advocates claim to be working hard to transform for the good, is that it’s not even close to being backed up by reality. Again and again, the hate crimes that are invoked as evidence of the “white supremacist” violence that the government and media tell us so much about turn out to be fake. Just before Christmas, yet another hate crime was unmasked as a hoax; the Critical Race Theory crowd would be embarrassed by all this fakery, if they were capable of embarrassment.
This latest hoax started on Nov. 16 on The Commons at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), where, according to UMBC Police Chief Paul Dillon, “a student reported to a Commons staff member that an unknown male attempted to remove her hijab. UMBC Police are investigating, and the Division of Student Affairs is reaching out to students most directly impacted as well as shared governance leaders in our community.”
Dillon asked the UMBC community to come forward if they had any information about this crime, and reminded the racist, redneck yahoos roaming around Baltimore that “UMBC students, faculty, staff members or visitors who choose to violate relevant policies and laws are solely responsible for their actions.” This apparently needed to be said in order to try to quell any riots that might break out over the “hate crime.” Dillon assured UMBC that justice would be done, regardless of the perception of “systemic racism” that had been reinforced by the hate crime itself: “University authorities will make every effort to sanction individuals who violate those policies and laws.”
The intrepid guardian of justice also felt it necessary to make sure everyone understood that UMBC was against hate crimes: “Such incidents are inconsistent with UMBC values, including our community’s respect for diversity and inclusion.” In fact, UMBC was institutionally against such crimes: “Students in need of support can contact i3b – Initiatives for Identity, Inclusion & Belonging.” This campus office, also located in The Commons, declares proudly that “UMBC is one of the most diverse campuses in the nation, and we value the richness that such diversity brings to campus life. The Initiatives for Identity, Inclusion & Belonging creates opportunities for students to build their awareness and knowledge of diverse people, cultures, and belief systems. Through facilitated discussions, informal gatherings, educational engagements, presentations, and campus-wide events, individual students, student organizations, and classes learn the skills to create inclusive, just and mutually respectful communities at UMBC and beyond.”
There is more. Read the rest here.
RELATED VIDEO: This Week in Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer
The Sutliffian Report: Why do Muslimas make FAKE claims of Islamophobia about their Hijabs?
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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.