Law Professor Files Emergency Petition in New Jersey Demanding ‘Canadian’ Cruz Be Disqualified
BETHESDA, Md. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Washington D.C. Law Professor Victor Williams has filed an Emergency Petition with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie demanding that the Canadian-born Ted Cruz be disqualified from the ballot.
Click here for the full details of the Emergency Petition filing.
Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Canada and held his resulting Canadian citizenship until May 2014. Scholars across the nation agree that Edward Rafael Cruz is not a “natural born [American] Citizen” as required by Article II of the U.S. Constitution.
Victor Williams charges that Ted Cruz falsely certified his constitutional eligibility for office to gain ballot access in states across the nation. Williams demands that Cruz be disqualified from New Jersey’s June 7 ballot and from several other late-primary ballots. (California, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, Oregon, South Dakota, and Washington).
Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno Rubber-Stamps a Specially Selected Hearing Judge’s Pro-Cruz Decision
On April 11, at an Administrative Law Office hearing just outside Trenton, Williams personally argued that the Canadian-born Cruz was not a “natural born Citizen” and thus not eligible for the presidency.
It was no surprise to Williams when hearing judge Jeff Masin ruled in Cruz’s favor finding that it was sufficient that Cruz’s mother was an American citizen.
The retired Jeff Masin had been specially chosen (“recalled”) by Chris Christie’s Office of Administrative Law to preside over the hearing. Masin’s long-held views on the issue were well known to all.
It was thus predictable that the specially chosen hearing judge would rule in Ted Cruz’s favor.
It was also not surprising that the hearing judge was able to produce a detailed, 27-page ruling in a one-day period. Clearly, Mr. Masin had come prepared.
While Mr. Masin’s decision was no surprise, it was shocking that Chris Christie’s Lt. Governor Kim Guadagnorubber-stamped the pro-Cruz decision without genuine independent review of the decision and a fulsome investigation of the “special” appointment of Mr. Mason.
Williams demands that Christie and the New Jersey Attorney General conduct a review of the decision and launch an investigation of the appointment shenanigans.
Williams as Late-Entrant GOP Candidate Asserts “Competitor Candidate Standing” to Disqualify Cruz; The “Republican Lawrence Lessig” Puts His Law School Theory to Practice
Williams states that he is “giving Governor Chris Christie an opportunity to clean up the mess that his Lt. Governor and Office of Administrative Law have made.”
If Chris Christie fails to take immediate action to reverse the erroneous decision, Williams’s Emergency Petition notes that the next step in the election law is the Election Law’s statutory route to the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court.
Williams is registered/declared as a “write-in” candidate for the GOP presidential nomination in multiple states, and thus he has unique “competitor candidate” legal standing to take action. His litigation strategy is as disruptive as election year 2016.
Williams’ website — — details the law professor and presidential candidate’s litigation strategy and unique policy positions.
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