South Carolina: Man converts to Islam, plants bombs disguised as teddy bears for children to find
Yet another convert to Islam gets the idea that his new, peaceful religion requires him to commit treason and mass murder. Authorities the world over maintain a steadfast indifference regarding this ongoing phenomenon.
“‘YOU’RE NO LONGER SAFE’ ISIS maniac, 27, disguised ‘lethal’ shrapnel bombs as teddy bears and dumped them in US streets where kids could find them,” by Christy Cooney, The Sun, June 18, 2019:
An ISIS supporter disguised potentially lethal bombs as household items and left them in the street for members of the public to find.
Wesley Dallas Ayers, 27, planted three real bombs, including one disguised as a teddy bear, and three fake ones around South Carolina.
The FBI has now released images of the disturbing packages planted by Ayers, who was given a 30-year prison sentence in February.
One man received minor burns to his leg after a wicker basket he had noticed glowing while driving with his daughter exploded.
Police later discovered a note written in Arabic and referencing Osama bin Laden.
In the following weeks, two more genuine bombs were found by members of the public but rendered safe by law enforcement.
The teddy-shaped bomb was found left in the road, its eyes also glowing to make it visible.
FBI Special Agent Christopher Derrickson said: “This was deliberately placed where a child or passerby could have found it.
“Fortunately, someone saw it and knew to call us.”
Three hoax objects were also found in different locations with notes declaring that the community was no longer safe.
One object designed to resemble a bomb was left in a black box containing a letter pledging allegiance to the Islamic State….
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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.