PROMOTING DOMESTIC TERRORISM: The Antifa Bomber hated Elon Musk? Why?
Merriam-Webster Anarchy:
1 a : absence of government
b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority
// the city’s descent into anarchy
c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
Quote from Willem Van Spronsen’s Manifesto:
i am antifa, i stand with comrades around the world who act from the love of life in every
permutation. comrades who understand that freedom means real freedom fro all and a
life worth living.keep the faith!
all power to the people!
bella ciao
Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) posted this tweet after Willem Van Spronsen, 69, a member of Antifa was shot and killed by Washington State police after throwing firebombs at cars and at a federal detention facility on July 13, 2019.
CNN recently aired a documentary about the antifa militia whose member was killed in an ICE firebombing attack yesterday. You can see Mr van Sprossen at the 4 second time stamp in this trailer. …
It was Democratic Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who tweeted on June 18, 2019,
This administration has established concentration camps on the southern border of the United States for immigrants, where they are being brutalized with dehumanizing conditions and dying. [Emphasis added]
Before being shot to death von Spronsen sent his Manifesto to friends (see full text below). Von Spronsen uses the words “concentration camps”multiple times in his Manifesto. Many of the news agencies picked up on this but they missed something more important.
The real reason for von Spronsen’s attack – violent class warfare leading to an anarchist uprising against our government.
Von Spronsen hated successful people among them Tesla CEO Elon Musk. In his Manifesto Spronsen wrote:
fascism serves the needs of the state serves the needs of business and at your
expense. who benefits? jeff bezos, warren buffett, elon musk, tim cook, bill gates, betsy
de vos, george soros, donald trump, and need i go on? let me say it again: rich guys,
(who think your’re not really all that good,) really did government, (every government
everywhere, including “communist” governments,) because they make the rules that
make rich guys richer.
don’t overthink it. [Emphasis added]
Von Spronsen was not only a member of Antifa but promoted a hate for the successful like Elon Musk. Why? Because the Democratic Party has made class warfare a part of their public policy. Tax the rich to give free stuff to those who can’t or don’t work for it.
Von Spronsen warned in his Manifesto, “beware the centrist.” This has become the mantra of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has abandoned any semblance of being centrist and has gone toward calling for anarchy and attacks on their political opponents. Anyone who supports the President of the United States Donald J. Trump is fair game. Watch this June 2019 video of Rep. Maxine Waters:
Violence begets violence. There are members of Congress who hate America, embrace Americas enemies and support those who would do America harm. This verbal hatred has turned into the firebombing of a federal facility.
Satyros Phil Brucato on his blog wrote:
Unlike the right-wing “patriots” who have turned our nation into Mass Shooter Central this past decade-and-then-some, Will van Spronsen did not unload bombs and bullets at innocent crowds. He staged a militarized attack against a militarized target that has violated national and international laws as well as the rules of decency and the social contract. He has done what our police should be doing, and the fact that cops and this administration continue to protect and justify these outrages is a greater crime than anything van Spronsen committed there.
This kind of rhetoric leads to more violence against “militarized” targets. This leads to anarchy.
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Antifa bomber’s Manifesto
there’s wrong and there’s right.
it’s time to take action against the forces of evil.
evil says one life is worth less than another.
evil says the flow of commerce is our purpose here.
evil says concentration camps for folks deemed lesser are necessary.
the handmaid of evil says the concentration camps should be more humane.
beware the centrist.
i have a father’s broken heart
i have a broken down body
and i have an unshakeable abhorrence of injustice
this is my clear opportunity to try to make a difference, i’d be an ingrate to be waiting for
a more obvious invitation.
i follow three teachers:
don pritts, my spiritual guide, “love without action is just a word.”
john brown, my moral guide, “what is needed is action!”
emma goldman, my political guide, ‘if i can’t dance, i don’t want to be in your revolution”
i’m a head in the clouds dreamer, i believe in love and redemption.
i believe we’re going to win
i’m joyfully revolutionary. (we all should have been reading emma goldmamn in school
instead of the jingo drivil we were fed. but i digress.) (we should all be looking at the
photos of the YPJ heroes should we falter and think our dreams are impossible, but i
double digress. fight me.)
in these days of facist hooligans preying on vulnerable people on our streets, in the
name of the state or supported and defended by the state,
in these days of high profitable detention/ concentration camps and a battle over the
in these days of hopelessness, empty pursuit and endless yearning,
we are living in visible fascism ascendant. (i say visible, because those paying attention
watched it survive and thrive under the protection of the state for decades. [see howard
zinn, “a people’s history of the united states.) now it unabashedly follows its agenda with
open and full cooperation from the government. from governments around the world.
fascism serves the needs of the state serves the needs of business and at your
expense. who benefits? jeff bezos, warren buffett, elon musk, tim cook, bill gates, betsy
de vos, george soros, donald trump, and need i go on? let me say it again: rich guys,
(who think your’re not really all that good,) really did government, (every government
everywhere, including “communist” governments,) because they make the rules that
make rich guys richer.
don’t overthink it.
(are you patriots in teh back paying attention?)
to my comrades:
i regret that i will miss the rest of the revolution.
thank you for the honor of having been in your midst.
giving me space to be useful, to feel that i was fulfilling my ideals, has been the spiritual
pinnical of my life.
doing what i can to help defend my precious and wondrous people is an experience too
rich to describe.
my trans comrades have transformed me, solidifying my conviction that we will be
guided to a dreamed of future by those most marginalized among us today. i have
dreamed it so clearly that i have no regret for not seeing how it turns out. than you for
bringing me so far along.
i am antifa, i stand with comrades around the world who act from the love of life in every
permutation. comrades who understand that freedom means real freedom fro all and a
life worth living.
keep the faith!
all power to the people!
bella ciao
audio manifesto:
don’t let your silly government agencies spend money “investigating” this one. i was
radicalized in civics class at 13 when we were taught about the electorial college. it was
at that point that i decided that the status quo might be a house of cards. further reading
confirmed in the positive. i highly recommend reading!
i am not affiliated with any organization, i have disaffiated from any organization who
disagree with my choice of tactics.
the semi automatic weapon i used was a cheap, home built unregistered “ghost” ar15,
had six magazines. i strongly encourage comrades and incoming comrades to arm
themselves. we are not responsible for defending people from the predatory state.
ignore the law in arming yourself if you have the luxury, i did.
when i was a boy, in post war holland, later france, my head was filled with stories of the
rise of fascism in the 30’s. i promisted myself that i would not be one of those who
stands by as neighbors are torn from their homes and imprisoned for somehow being
perceived as lesser.
you don’t have to burn the motherfucker down, but are you just going to stand by?
this is the test of our fundamental belief in real freedom and our responsibility to each
this is a call to patriots, too, to stand against this travesty against everything that you
hold sacred. i know you. i know your hearts, you see dishonor in these
camps. it’s time for you, too, to stand up to the money pulling the strings of every
goddamn puppet pretending to represent us.
i’m a man who loves you all and this spinning ball so much that i’m going to fulfill my
childhood promise to myself be noble.
here it is, in these corporate for profit concentration camps.
here it is, in brown and non conforming folks afraid to show their faces for fear of the
police/migra/ proud boys/the boss/beckies…
here it is, a planet almost used up by the market’s greed.
i.m a black and white thinker.
detention camps are an abomination.
i’m not standing by.
i really shouldn’t have to say any more that this.
i set aside my broken heart and i heal the only way i know how-by being useful.
i efficiently compartmentalize my pain…
and i joyfully go about this work.
(to those burdened with the wreckage from my actions, i hope that you will make the
best use of that burden.)
EDITORS NOTE: The ICE Bomber’s manifesto: I am Antifa was posted by Jack Posobiec on Twitter: @JackPosobiec